Chapter 23
  The people in the store who were cleaning tables, sweeping floors, doing accounting, and arranging flowerpots all suddenly dropped what they were doing, and more than a dozen people rushed out from the back hall and surrounded them.

The smiling faces that were still humble and submissive just now, now become ferocious and ferocious, like a pack of hungry wolves that have found their prey.

Gu Ping'an and the guards of the escort agency were on guard for a long time and immediately drew their weapons and stood ready.

"That's right." The chopstick barrel in Yan Bugui's hand shook, and the chopsticks inside shot out like a crossbow arrow.

Puff puff……

In a blink of an eye, more than ten chopsticks were inserted into the foreheads of those guys.

They all fell to the ground dead before they even had time to scream.

"What the hell!" The female boss changed her face in shock, and at the same time, she took out a bunch of embroidery needles with her right hand and shot it towards Yan Bugui.

Just as she was about to take the opportunity to escape, she suddenly saw the other party raise the hand holding the chopstick holder and shake it quickly in the air a few times, and actually collected all the flying needles like rolling dice.

"Not good!" The female boss was frightened. She thought she had met a fat sheep who could make a lot of money, but she never expected that the other party turned out to be a man-eating tiger.

"Give it back to you." Yan Bugui spat out with his right hand, and the silver needle collected in the chopstick holder was immediately reflected back.

His skill is much higher than the opponent's, so the speed of the silver needle is naturally faster than the original one.

chi chi chi...

Silver light burst out in front of the female boss's eyes, and before she could react, her own silver needles were driven into critical points all over her body, killing her instantly.

She stared straight at Yan Bugui, her body slowly fell to the ground on her back, and she refused to close her eyes.

"Is this the end?" Looking at the lobby with corpses strewn all over the place, Gu Ping'an had an inexplicable dreamlike feeling.


The waiter who had sent Niu Kaishan and the others to the guest room suddenly screamed and flew out from the second floor. His head hit the ground in the lobby with a "thud". As blood flowed out, he twitched a few times and died.

It was obviously Niu Kaishan and Zhu Xiaofu who did it.

Gu Ping'an sheathed his sword and sighed: "Huashan's stunts shocked the martial arts world, and they are truly well-deserved!"

"It's embarrassing." Yan Bugui put down his chopsticks and patted the non-existent dust on his hands: "Please help the shopkeeper clean up the corpses of these thieves."

"I'm going to cook." Gu Ping'an pointed to the workers beside him: "Just leave it to them to handle it."

In the woods outside the inn.

A thin, dark man with sinister features and stern-like eyes, and several other strong men with the same swan-headed eyes, carefully withdrew their gaze from the door of the old Hutchison store.

"Boss, how about it? When should we do it?"

"What the hell! Are you going to die?" The thin black man gave him a hard slap on the head and cursed: "That kid inside is not a good boy. Go back and inform the second master."

It's getting dark.

Yan Bugui searched everywhere in the inn and found the stolen money of these thieves, including four large boxes of gold, silver and jewelry.

When I opened the box, the room was filled with jewels, which was brighter than a lighted lamp.

"Oh my god, so much money!" Niu Kaishan swallowed: "How many people did those guys kill?"

Zhu Xiaofu asked: "Young Master Yan, what do you plan to do with the money?"

Yan Bugui said, "Let's wait until Shopkeeper Gu finishes his work."

After a while.

Gu Pingan used the chicken, duck and fish from the inn kitchen to make several tables of delicious dishes, which made all the fellow cooks smile from ear to ear.

"Hey, hey, hey." Gu Ping'an said dissatisfied: "Can you be a little ambitious? People will think that I treat you like I usually treat you."

"That's not true." Niu Kaishan said with a smile, holding the rice bowl: "At most, they only add two taels of meat to a pot for us.

There are so many people in our escort agency, but every time the meat is gone before we can taste it. "

Gu Ping'an put his hands on his hips and said confidently: "You don't know how expensive firewood and rice are when you are not a family member. Don't you know how difficult it is for us to earn this money?"

"I know, I know." Niu Kaishan didn't want to listen to her nagging and hurriedly changed the subject: "Shopkeeper, Young Master Yan asked you to discuss these stolen goods."

Gu Ping'an said: "The thief was solved by the young hero, and the stolen goods should naturally be handled by the young hero."

Yan Bugui asked: "Does the shopkeeper accept escorts now?"

Gu Ping'an was surprised and said: "You want to escort?"

"Yes." Yan Bugui said: "After your escort office has finished sending this escort, I will trouble the shopkeeper to send two of the boxes to the anti-Japanese troops along the coast, and then send my box to Huashan."

"Young hero has a heart for the world and is kind and righteous. The Ping An Escort Agency has always only accepted business of less than one hundred taels, but we took it this time." Gu Ping An looked admiringly and asked: "What about another box?"

Yan Bugui said: "This box is considered as payment to your escort agency."


The chopsticks in Niu Kaishan's hand suddenly dropped, and he and everyone in the escort looked at Yan Bugui with fiery eyes.

Zhu Xiaofu picked his ears: "Did I hear correctly?"

Gu Pingan shook his head repeatedly: "This is too much, I can't accept it."

"The left and right are some ill-gotten gains." Yan Bugui said urgently: "It's just in time to add more meat when cooking in the future, so that Brother Daniu and the others won't complain again."

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of everyone in the escort agency changed again.

In the past, they only admired Yan Bugui's powerful martial arts, but now, they wish to regard Yan Bugui as their own brother.

"No." Gu Ping'an said: "It's the amount of money that should be paid for the escort. One cent less won't do, and one cent more won't do." "Goodbye, shopkeeper, farewell." Niu Kaishan and others were like deflated rubber balls. They were all disappointed and lost all their enthusiasm.

Yan Bugui spread his hands: "Then let the shopkeeper handle it by himself. I don't want it anyway."

"You..." Gu Ping'an couldn't help but feel angry: "Why are you acting like a child for such a big matter?"

Yan Bugui blinked: "You seem to have forgotten that I am only eighteen years old and not yet an adult."

Gu Ping'an rolled his eyes at him: "Forget it, I'm too lazy to pay attention to you."

into the night.

Everyone who had eaten and drank enough and was tired from traveling with the escort went to bed early.

The rabbit went out of control, and in a blink of an eye it was early morning the next day.

Wang Zhaoxing finally woke up and was stunned for a long time before he recalled what had happened before.


Wang Zhaoxing felt nervous and hurriedly reached into his arms. He couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the organization map of Crouching Tiger Village was still there.

Then he checked the injury on his shoulder and found that most of the wound had healed, and even the pain became minimal.

"What a powerful golden medicine!"

The door was suddenly pushed open.

Yan Bugui walked in with hot porridge and flatbread: "Brother Wang, you just happened to wake up, hurry up and have breakfast, and let's continue on the road when we're done."

"Young Master Yan, where are we?"

"Go to a dark shop on Jinanfu Road."

"Black shop?"

"It was just a former black shop, and I have already killed the thief."

"Then let's set off quickly."

"You eat your food first."

"We'll eat on the way." Wang Zhaoxing changed his clothes and shoes, picked up a large cake and hurried out of the room.

Gu Pingan smiled and said: "Yo! You are finally awake."

Wang Zhaoxing looked at her blankly: "Who are you?"

When Yan Bugui was about to introduce him, he turned around and looked outside the inn: "Footsteps! Someone is coming, and there are quite a few of them. The shopkeeper told everyone to be on guard."

The three of them hurried downstairs and led the escort from the escort agency to the door of the inn.

"Surround them."

A ferocious man wearing iron armor, holding drums and hammers, and with a full beard rushed over with forty or fifty people.

This man's name is Zhao Heita, the second in charge of Crouching Tiger Village.

His face was as black as iron, and he stared at Wang Zhaoxing with sinister eyes: "I finally caught you, kill me."

Zhao Heita waved his right hand, and the bandits behind him swarmed forward with shouts of killing.

"Young hero, your sword box." Niu Kaishan came to Yan Bugui and took off the sword box from his body.

"You can't kill a chicken with a bull's knife. These rubbish are not worthy. You catch the thief, and I'll catch the king." Yan Bugui flew up diagonally, turned around in the air and kicked Zhao Heita with his leopard tail kick.

"Looking for death." Zhao Heita did not dodge or evade, and raised the heavy hammer in his right hand to meet him.

With a bang, the heavy hammer was released and flew out spinning.

Zhao Heita's tiger's mouth exploded, and he staggered back uncontrollably. Half of his body was already sore and numb, and before he could be shocked, he saw Yan Bugui coming to bully him again.

He hurriedly threw the heavy hammer with his left hand to intercept, but he saw Yan Bugui suddenly swaying in front of him, and the sword finger of his right hand hit his chest like lightning.

  The strong finger power of the Iron Finger Technique penetrated his body, and Zhao Heta suddenly felt his heart aching, and a majestic blood mist spurted out from behind him.

"Second master is dead!"

As soon as Zhao Heita fell, the remaining bandits were instantly disheartened. In an instant, they were killed by everyone in the escort led by Gu Ping'an and Wang Zhaoxing.

Niu Kaishan wiped off the blood on the bandit's body and said, "Shopkeeper, it seems like someone is interested in our escort."

Gu Ping'an nodded: "Daniu Xiaofu, hitch the horse and cart, and we'll set off immediately."

"Isn't this too passive?" Yan Bugui pointed at Zhao Heita and said, "I heard someone call him the second master just now. There must be a big master waiting for us. I'm afraid the road ahead will be even harder."

"What do you think?" Gu Pingan asked.

Yan Bugui raised his brows and said excitedly: "How about we go all the way to Huanglong and clear out their den of thieves together?"

"This..." Gu Pingan hesitated: "Isn't it a bit too risky?"

"I think so too." Wang Zhaoxing glanced at the guards of the escort agency and said, "Although the young hero has unparalleled martial arts skills, the opponent has a large number of people, and..."

"Okay, I was negligent." Only then did Yan Bugui realize that the bandit's lair was undoubtedly the Longtan Tiger's Den, and people from the Ping An Escort might not be able to escape unscathed.

Gu Ping'an cast a grateful look at Wang Zhaoxing. She really couldn't afford to take the risk, and then said apologetically to Yan Bugui: "Thank you for your understanding, young hero."

Yan Bugui shook his head: "I took it for granted."

(End of this chapter)

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