Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 24 Is the Huashan Sect a serious sect?

Chapter 24 Is the Huashan Sect a serious sect?

Wang Zhaoxing pulled a thief's horse out of the inn, and said to everyone: "Young Master Yan, Shopkeeper Gu, and all brothers, please remember your great kindness and virtue, and you will be rewarded generously in the future.

At the moment, Wang had urgent matters and had to take the first step, so he took his leave. "

Gu Pingan asked: "Is your injury okay?"

"Thank you for your concern. Thanks to Young Master Yan's elixir, the wound is almost healed. Take care and see you soon." Wang Zhaoxing got on his horse and galloped away with his whip raised.

Afterwards, the Ping An Escort also found another carriage from the inn, picked up the four boxes of jewelry and set off for Jinan Mansion.

Niu Kaishan still carried the Hidden Blade Box on his back and exclaimed: "After so many years of working as a bodyguard, this is the first time that I have encountered more and more things as a bodyguard."

Zhu Xiaofu said: "It's not all the result of Young Master Yan."

"Not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning." Yan Bugui lay on the jewelry box of the carriage, throwing a spiced peanut found in the inn kitchen into his mouth from time to time.

Gu Ping'an looked at his legs dangling on his legs and said, "I said you are really leisurely."

"I came down the mountain just to enjoy it." Yan Bugui said nonchalantly: "After more than ten years of hard training on Huashan Mountain, it's time for me to relax. This is called a combination of work and rest, and a degree of relaxation."

The escort team walked out for almost an hour.

When passing a fork, a pair of young men and women holding swords came from the side.

The man was pale and was being supported by the woman, covering his chest with his hands and walking very slowly.

The woman's beautiful eyebrows were frowning, and she looked at the man worriedly from time to time. Her face was so beautiful that Yan Bugui couldn't help but look at her a few more times.

Gu Pingan has already walked up to the two of them: "I am Gu Pingan, the manager of the Pingan Escort Bureau. Where are you going? Do you need help?"

Niu Kaishan curled his lips helplessly: "The shopkeeper has started again."

Zhu Xiaofu shrugged: "It's not the first day you met her."

"I think it's good. Kindness is always the most beautiful quality of a person." Yan Bugui said leisurely: "Otherwise, how would I dare to entrust you with such an important thing so easily."

"Little girl Cheng Jingjing." The woman glanced at the man beside her: "This is my senior brother Liu Zhendong. We were originally going to Jinan Prefecture to visit relatives. Unexpectedly, we met bandits on the road. My senior brother was injured by them while protecting me."

"What a coincidence? You also met bandits when you were visiting relatives in Jinan Prefecture." Gu Pingan said in surprise: "Do you know Wang Zhaoxing?"

"Sanlang!" Cheng Jingjing exclaimed, "Have you seen Sanlang?"

Liu Zhendong also coughed excitedly and asked, "Where are they?"

"As expected, you know each other." Gu Ping'an said: "He has already taken one step ahead and rushed to Jinan Mansion."

Cheng Jingjing said happily: "Wang Zhaoxing is also my senior brother. Thanks to him risking his life to lure away the bandits, my senior brother and I were able to escape smoothly."

Liu Zhendong breathed a sigh of relief and said happily: "It's great, we thought he was dead."

"You have to thank him for this." Gu Pingan turned to look at Yan Bugui: "That is the young hero Yan Bugui of the Huashan Sect. He saved Wang Zhaoxing."

"But that Taiyue Rongxiu?" Cheng Jingjing's face was full of disbelief: "Your escort agency is so powerful, it can actually hire such an expert to take charge!"

"Girl, you misunderstood." Gu Ping'an laughed and said, "I don't have such a big face, we just met by chance on the way.

We also want to go to Jinan Mansion, and we happen to be on the way, and my senior brother is injured, so why not come with us so that he can take care of us on the way. "

"Thank you very much." Cheng Jingjing took out a piece of silver and said, "Then please ask the shopkeeper to send us a human escort this time."

Gu Ping'an waved his hand: "It's not far from Jinan Mansion. It doesn't require so much money. Besides, I can't find it."

"But I don't have any money left."

"Forget it, let's talk about it when we get to Jinan Mansion."

Gu Pingan arranged Liu Zhendong in Yan Bugui's car.

"Young Master Yan, I have admired you for a long time."

"You're welcome. It sounds like your brother is suffering from internal injuries?"

Liu Zhendong smiled bitterly and said: "I'm ashamed, I was attacked by a bandit and hit him with a hammer."

Yan Bugui asked: "The person who attacked you was a big black man with two hammers, right?"

"Exactly. Young hero has also seen him?"

"What a coincidence, he was just killed by me this morning."

"Then thank you so much, young hero, for avenging me."

"It won't be too late to thank you later." Yan Bugui suddenly pressed his back mind point with his left hand, delivering zhenqi to treat his internal injuries.

Liu Zhendong's body trembled, and he felt a warm current pouring into his body. His stuffy chest and sluggish inner breath suddenly became smoother.

What a powerful inner strength! At this moment, the sound of rapid horse hooves suddenly came from the distance.

"Be careful." Gu Ping'an stepped forward, and everyone in the escort team was instantly on guard.

"Huh?" Cheng Jingjing looked at the visitor in surprise: "It seems to be Saburo!"

The horse galloped over, and the man on top was indeed Wang Zhaoxing.

"Junior sister? Senior brother? Are you okay?"

Cheng Jingjing said: "I'm fine. Senior Brother's internal injuries are a bit serious. Fortunately, I met Shopkeeper Gu on the way."

Gu Ping'an asked in confusion: "Wang Zhaoxing, why are you back again?"

Wang Zhaoxing turned over and dismounted, and said with a solemn expression: "I will come back to inform you that there are a large number of bandits guarding the pass ahead and it will be impossible to pass."

"What should we do?" Cheng Jingjing couldn't help but become anxious.

The three of them, brothers and sisters, are all reservists of Jinyiwei. They shoulder heavy responsibilities this time. If they cannot pass the test, they will not be able to send the vital organization defense map to Jinan Mansion.

Only with this map can the authorities send troops to Crouching Tiger Mountain to suppress the bandits.

At the same time, they can also pass Jin Yiwei's promotion assessment.

Niu Kaishan said: "If it doesn't work, we will force our way through."

"No." Wang Zhaoxing said solemnly: "They have archers. Have you forgotten the injury on my shoulder? It's too dangerous."

Niu Kaishan couldn't help but get anxious: "There are wolves in front of us and tigers in the back. What do you think we should do except forcefully break in?"

"I'm thinking about it." Wang Zhaoxing frowned in thought.

"So I said before that we should eradicate the root cause and directly destroy their old nest." Yan Bugui jumped out of the car, and the color on Liu Zhendong's face had returned.

Wang Zhaoxing said: "Isn't the enemy's lair more dangerous? With the few manpower we have, I'm afraid it's not enough to fill their teeth."

"I didn't say I would take you there." Yan Bugui reached out to take back the Hidden Edge Box on Niu Kaishan: "You find a place to hide first, and wait until I deal with them before setting off."

"Are you kidding?" Cheng Jingjing's pretty face tightened and she said solemnly: "No matter how good your martial arts skills are, you can't kill all the bandits in the mountain by yourself.

Did you know that Crouching Tiger Mountain faces cliffs on three sides, which is easy to defend but difficult to attack, and is very dangerous. There is a road to the north to go up the mountain, but it is full of obstacles.

The government has sent troops to suppress bandits several times, but it was because of these agencies that they have been able to get away with it until now. "

"Oh, really?" Yan Bugui said with a bad smile, "But why do you know so well about the bandits' lair?"

"I..." Cheng Jingjing's tone paused. This girl will not tell you that I am a Jin Yiwei. She said angrily: "Isn't it okay to listen to what others say?"

"Young junior sister is right." Wang Zhaoxing advised: "In my opinion, we should think of a solution ahead, right?"

Yan Bugui said: "There are many levels ahead. You also said they have archers. Even if they can pass the first level, they may not be able to pass the second level. I don't care, but what about you?"

Wang Zhaoxing said: "How about you go first and go to Jinan Mansion to ask for reinforcements from the Governor."

Yan Bugui shook his head and said: "It's not that I'm arrogant, nor that I look down on you. You will only be in more danger if I leave."

Yan Baihu, the head of Crouching Tiger Village, has practiced invulnerable body protection skills. Once he leaves, few of the people present will survive.

Gu Ping'an said sternly: "Miss Cheng and the others are right. Even if your martial arts are superb, you can't beat four hands with just one fist. No matter what, we can't let you go into danger alone."

Yan Bugui sighed: "Then how about I change my approach.

What is bright cannot come to what is dark.

I can sneak into Crouching Tiger Village first, seduce the Shanghai fans with their food and wine, and wait until they are all fascinated before I take action. How about that? "

After he finished speaking, he suddenly found that everyone was looking at him with extremely strange eyes.

"Even if I'm good-looking, you don't have to look at me like that, right? I'm talking about business."

Cheng Jingjing bit her lips and said hesitantly: "Well... your Huashan sect is a serious sect, right?"

"Nonsense, of course." Yan Bugui rolled his eyes at her: "Do we still have to deal with moral principles when dealing with a group of bandits?"

Gu Pingan asked: "This plan sounds good, but the question is where are you going to find the drug?"

"Look here." Yan Bugui pressed the word 'Feng' on the Feng hidden box. After opening the drawer, he took out a handful of oil paper bags from it like a treasure: "Are these enough?"

Everyone was silent again, staring at him dumbfounded.

Wang Zhaoxing's mouth twitched: "You actually carry Mongolian sweat medicine with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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