Chapter 25
  "What?" Yan Bugui said with an unhappy face: "I found this under the bed of the wife of the black shop owner."

Gu Ping'an asked in confusion: "What are you doing with this thing?"

"I'm curious." Yan Bugui spread his hands and said, "If you don't study it carefully, what will you do if you are tricked by someone in the future?"

"But why does your plan sound so skillful? A repeat offender! You are definitely a repeat offender!" Cheng Jingjing felt that after she returned this time, it was very necessary to carefully investigate this young martial arts master.

"I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense." Yan Bugui rolled his eyes at them: "I just stayed in a black shop, I'm learning now and selling it now.

I told you that I’m not bragging. Brother, I don’t have any other abilities, but I just learn things very quickly. "

"Bah!" Cheng Jingjing spat at him: "Don't be ashamed, whose brother are you? You haven't learned how to take advantage of girls at such a young age."

Yan Bugui sighed, feeling melancholy: "In this world, no one believes the truth."

"There is another question." Liu Zhendong asked: "Young hero, how are you going to get up? The only way is through traps. You will be discovered by the guards as soon as you get close."

"Then go to a place with no traps." Yan Bugui said: "Just now, Miss Cheng said that Crouching Mountain is faced with cliffs on three sides and is very dangerous, but it may not be as dangerous as our Huashan Mountain.

I thought my Qinggong was pretty good, so it shouldn't be difficult to climb up. "

Wang Zhaoxing, brother and sister, and Gu Ping'an looked at each other.

"In that case." Wang Zhaoxing said, "Then we will go with you."

"No, why did this come back again?" Yan Bugui said speechlessly: "What is the difference between this and breaking through the barrier? Besides, did you go up to the cliff of Crouching Tiger Ridge?"

Cheng Jingjing smiled and said: "You have such a thorough plan, what do we have to be afraid of?"

"As for the cliff." Gu Pingan said: "We can use ropes. As long as you go up, we can go up."

Yan Bugui said: "It's a beautiful idea, where can you find such a long rope?"

Gu Ping'an pointed behind him: "There are plenty in the escort car. If not, you can go back to the inn to find them."

Yan Bugui didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "I told you, Shopkeeper Gu, to stop joining in the fun. Aren't you afraid of losing your bodyguard?"

Gu Ping'an said: "I think if this wave of bandits is not dealt with, my business trip may not reach Jinan Prefecture."

Wang Zhaoxing said categorically: "You have saved my life. No matter what, I will not let you take risks alone."

"And me." Liu Zhendong said: "Thanks to Young Master Yan, my internal injuries can heal so quickly."

"Okay, I can't defeat you." Yan Bugui said: "But there can only be four of you at most. It's inconvenient if there are more."

If I don't agree now, if they follow me secretly, it might be even more troublesome.

"Then what should we do?" Niu Kaishan was unhappy: "I, Daniel, am not an ungrateful person."

Gu Ping'an ordered: "Daniu, Xiaofu, you two take everyone to find a place to hide, and wait until we come back."

"Shopkeeper, where are you going to hide with the escort car?" Zhu Xiaofu looked confused: "These red goods are not light. What is the difference between the wheel marks made by the car and the road signs?"

"Why don't we throw the escort car away first." Yan Bugui thought: "The bandits will definitely not let it go when they see it. They will just take it back after we finish it. Maybe there will be more."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they all understood, especially the people from the Ping An Escort Agency.

Good guy, Young Master Yan is planning to take advantage of the evil again!
  The people from the escort agency simply left the escort car where it was and followed Yan Bugui and others to Crouching Tiger Ridge.

When they returned to Hutchison's old store to look for ropes, they found a mess of horse hoof prints at the door, and the bodies of Zhao Heita and his men were also missing.

"It seems that this place has been discovered." Wang Zhaoxing looked at the map and was afraid of a head-on collision with the enemy. He secretly guided everyone to take a small path around the back mountain of Crouching Tiger Ridge.

Steep cliffs rise into the sky, and there are rugged rocks everywhere on them. Unfortunately, there is no place to set foot.

Wang Zhaoxing breathed a sigh of relief: "It should be safe enough here. They would never think that we would come around behind them."

"I'll go up first, you guys wait a moment."

Yan Bugui held the rope on his shoulders, jumped three feet, and kicked the stone wall with his feet continuously. His whole body seemed to be lifted up by the wind, and his figure quickly shrank in everyone's sight.

The sword box weighing a hundred kilograms seemed like nothing on him!

Gu Ping'an was speechless and said: "This... is what he calls Qing Gong, okay?"

Wang Zhaoxing shook his head: "Don't compare with him, you will only seek trouble."

Cheng Jingjing sighed: "At first I thought it was a rumor, but now I finally believe that he has defeated the leader of the Demon Cult."

"Yes." Liu Zhendong thought of his internal injuries that were almost healed with Yan Bugui's help, and said with envy: "With his outstanding light skills and powerful internal skills, you can imagine how powerful his swordsmanship will be."

"Did we underestimate him too much?" Gu Ping'an suddenly felt that maybe Yan Bugui could really wipe out Crouching Tiger Village on his own.

As he spoke, the rope hung from the sky.

Relying on this piece of rope, which was almost ten feet long, they climbed from the highest point of the sun to the west mountain of the sunset, and finally saw the back of Crouching Tiger Village.

With the cliff below, there are no guards at all.

Yan Bugui breathed a long sigh of relief. Even though he had deep internal strength, he was sweating on his forehead. The other four were already panting from exhaustion. "Come on, come on, let's divide the medicine." Yan Bugui took out the Mongolian sweat medicine from the Zangfeng box and handed it to them: "You guys have a rest first, I will go inside to explore."

After saying that, he flew over and climbed into the fence of the cottage.

Gu Ping'an exclaimed: "This posture is too sophisticated. I suddenly feel curious about what the Huashan Sect teaches."

Cheng Jingjing smiled: "Look, I'd say he is a habitual offender."

The four of them exercised their energy and breath, and soon regained their strength.

Yan Bugui also took the opportunity to find out the distribution of the cottage, and when he came back, he took them into Crouching Tiger Village under the cover of twilight.

Hiding in the corner, Gu Ping'an looked towards the White Tiger Hall in the middle of the village. There was no one outside the huge hall except for the patrolling bandits.

"Strange, why do you feel there are so few people here?"

Wang Zhaoxing said: "If the second master is dead, it will naturally be necessary for the first master to take action in person. He probably led people down the mountain to arrest us."

"They deserved to die in our hands today." Yan Bugui raised the corner of his mouth slightly and continued to lead them to the warehouse with great interest.

Let's face it, this is much more interesting than an escape room.

The warehouse is not far from Baihutang, and all the wine from the cottage is stored here.

There are two guards at the door, and the window is right next to the door. You can't avoid them if you want to get in.

"The warehouse is next to the lobby. What a mess in this cottage." Cheng Jingjing was worried that attacking the guards would alert the patrolling bandits.

Liu Zhendong whispered: "The close distance is probably to make it easier for these gangs of wine and rice bags to get to the bar. What can a group of bandits be so particular about?"

"Don't worry, leave it to me." Yan Bugui started his divine wind movement. The four of them felt their eyes blur, and then they saw him appear at the door of the warehouse.

When the two guards reacted, they had already sealed their acupuncture points and were unable to move in place.

Yan Bugui immediately opened the door and entered the warehouse, followed by four people.

Wine jars of various sizes were piled up in the warehouse.

No one would come to this place until dinner was served. They all breathed a sigh of relief and immediately took out the sweat medicine they had prepared earlier.

"Finally I got a chance." Yan Bugui carefully removed the mud seal from the wine jar, poured the Mongolian sweat medicine into it with excitement on his face, and then shook it evenly.

I have always seen this kind of plot on TV in my last life, and now I finally have the opportunity to try it myself.

The five of them worked together and drugged every wine jar they could get their hands on.

Gu Ping'an asked: "Does the medicine only go into the wine?"

Wang Zhaoxing said: "It's enough to have wine. These people may not eat, but they will definitely drink."

Cheng Jingjing nodded: "That makes sense, what's next?"

"Find a place to stay and wait for the boss to come back." Yan Bugui looked at Wang Zhaoxing and Liu Zhendong: "But to be on the safe side, I have to force the two brothers to stand guard for the two at the door."

If someone comes, whether these two are tapped or missing, they will attract the attention of the bandits.

Wang Zhaoxing curled his lips: "Why us? Why don't you go?"

"I'm thinking about it." Yan Bugui pointed to his face: "But have you ever seen such a handsome bandit? I will definitely be discovered immediately where I go, so I can only wrong you two. .”

"..." Wang Zhaoxing was speechless, not knowing how to refute for a moment.

Liu Zhendong patted him on the shoulder: "Forget it, Sanlang, Young Master Yan is right."

Gu Pingan and Cheng Jingjing pursed their lips and chuckled, then left the warehouse first.

Wang Zhaoxing and Liu Zhendong looked at each other helplessly, then went to the door and grabbed the two guards in, quickly changed their clothes and started to stand guard.

"Thank you for your hard work." Yan Bugui carried the two guards and left when no one was around.

It was getting dark, and lanterns were lit in the village.

Suddenly there was a loud noise at the gate.

Yan Bugui and the two girls were lying on the roof, and they saw Yan Baihu walking into the Baihu Hall with a long-handled tiger-head machete and a gloomy expression.

Dozens of bandits followed behind, pushing three carriages.

Looking at the two carts of Japanese melons and the familiar jewelry box, Gu Ping'an gritted his teeth and said, "My escort cart really made you right."

Inside the White Tiger Hall.

"Trash! A bunch of trash! I can't even find a few of them. Quickly notify the brothers at various checkpoints along the way and keep an eye on me. Any brothers who dare to kill my Yan Baihu, I will definitely make them regret being born in their mother's womb."

A small leader among the bandits stood up: "Brother, don't worry, in Crouching Tiger Ridge, even if they are all monkeys, they can't escape our eyes."

(End of this chapter)

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