Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 26 Where is the long-haired white tiger?

Chapter 26 Where is the long-haired white tiger?

into the night.

The crescent moon in the sky is like a hook.

The lights in Crouching Tiger Village are brightly lit, illuminating every corner of the village, as if candles are free of charge.

Uh~ They are bandits, they really don't seem to want money.

Smoke billows from the kitchen.

Chickens, ducks, fish, meat, pigs, cattle and sheep were delivered to the Baihu Hall one by one, and the drinks were also moved out of the warehouse one by one.

To avoid being discovered, Wang Zhaoxing and Liu Zhendong took the initiative to open the door without waiting for the bandit who was holding the wine to approach, and then stood calmly behind the door to cover their faces.

It is almost winter now, and the cold wind blows from time to time.

The two of them suddenly felt lucky to be standing guard here in the warehouse, at least it wouldn't be too cold.

The three of them, Yan Bugui, were different. They were hiding on the roof and basking in the moon.

The bandits in Baihutang like to drink spicy food, so they can only drink the northwest wind on it.

Gu Pingan and Cheng Jingjing were so cold that they stuck together.

"Eat, eat as much as you can, you'll be ready to go on the road after you're full." Yan Bugui was not afraid of the cold thanks to his profound skills, but in his heart, he was already itching with hatred for the bandits who were eating so much below him.

  Suddenly there was a sound like a wine bowl falling on the table.

Wang Zhaoxing and Liu Zhendong cautiously approached the entrance of Baihu Hall, and saw Yan Baihu and a group of bandits staggering on the dining table.

He immediately waved towards the roof next to him.

"Shopkeeper Gu, Miss Cheng, I'll leave the stunned ones to you. I'll deal with the patrols and those on guard duty." Yan Bugui jumped up and quickly rushed from the roof to the gate of the cottage.

The patrolling bandit came towards him. He grabbed a handful of spiced peanuts left over from the day, mixed with spiral energy, and suddenly shot them out.

Puff puff……

Caught off guard, each patrolman in a group of ten had a blood hole on their forehead and fell to the ground with a bang.

Yan Bugui kept walking and went straight to the castle tower. The peanuts in his hand shot out in all directions like fairies scattering flowers, and their momentum was as fierce as iron and stone.

chi chi chi...

Accompanied by the rapid sound of breaking wind, the bandits responsible for guarding fell down in pieces.

Yan Bugui patted the peanut skin on his hand: "Done!"

"Ah——" A woman's scream suddenly came from the village.

"Little Junior Sister!" "Miss Cheng!"

Liu Zhendong's roar and Gu Ping'an's exclamation sounded one after another.

Yan Bugui's expression changed, and he hurriedly escaped and rushed back to the White Tiger Hall.

As soon as he arrived at the door, he saw Liu Zhendong and Gu Pingan flying upside down from inside. He hurriedly reached out to support their backs.

Blood was bleeding from the corners of their mouths, and there was a soybean-sized gap on Liu Zhendong's saber.

Cheng Jingjing fell in the hall, with blood on the corner of her mouth, and passed out.

"I am the White Tiger Star who came down to earth. He wants to plot against me and seek death!"

On the long table in the middle, Yan Baihu had a ferocious smile on his face, and the tiger-headed machete in his hand flew up and down, lightly resisting Wang Zhaoxing's spear that was desperately stabbing him.

"What's going on?" Yan Bugui was shocked: "Why did this guy wake up?"

"I don't know, he doesn't seem to be afraid of being drugged." Gu Ping'an said: "When we were dealing with those bandits just now, he suddenly got violent and attacked Miss Cheng who was closest to him from behind."

  Wang Zhaoxing turned over and jumped off the long table. Using his right foot as an axis, he suddenly turned around and stabbed Yan Baihu's left arm under the armpit. Unexpectedly, there was a sound of gold and iron clashing.

"Be careful." Yan Bugui hurriedly warned.

But Yan Baihu had already grabbed Wang Zhaoxing's spear, and at the same time stabbed him in the abdomen with the tiger-headed machete.

Yan Bugui flicked his finger and shot out the peanut again. He knew in his heart that Yan Baihu's body was invulnerable. This blow would go straight to his throat and he would be saved if he attacked.

As the strong wind hit his ears, Yan Baihu drew his sword and swept across it. The peanuts flew away with a "clang" sound, and the blade trembled violently.

Wang Zhaoxing took the opportunity to let go of the spear and retreated to Cheng Jingjing's side.

"Ahem~Ahem, another one is here to die." Yan Baihu stared at Yan Bugui, his eyes full of murderous intent, but he was secretly vigilant in his heart. The force of the blow just now was truly rare in his life.

"That's right, I'll send you to death." Yan Bugui stepped forward, kicked the long table upright with his right foot, and pressed it on Yan Baihu's head. He then took off the hidden blade box and patted it lightly, revealing the thick German heavy sword.

Liu Zhendong reminded: "Be careful with his magical body protection skills."


The long table was split in half by Yan Baihu's knife in the air. Just as he was about to continue his attack on Yan Bugui, he suddenly stopped and looked at the "Houde" in his hand, and his expression suddenly changed.

"Are you the Golden Blade Swordsman?!"

As soon as Yan Baihu's words came out, Wang Zhaoxing, Liu Zhendong and Gu Ping'an were shocked.

The Japanese pirates who were rumored to be killed along the coast still had their heads rolling and were still unable to escape. The peerless swordsman whose identity was a mystery was always right in front of them. But after thinking about it carefully, they felt it was very reasonable.

The same young master, the same superb swordsmanship, the same extraordinary handsomeness, how could there be two such unparalleled geniuses in this world at the same time.

"You can also call me Taiyue Rongxiu." Yan Bugui flicked his sword, turned around and used "Wild Horse Gallop", and struck the sword straight for his throat.

"Huashan sent Yan Buji!" Yan Baihu's eyes widened. This title was more terrifying than the Golden Blade Swordsman.

There is absolutely no comparison between the Japanese pirates and the leader of the Demon Cult.

The vigilance in his heart suddenly increased to the extreme, and all the skills in his body were unreserved as he slashed diagonally with the tiger head knife.

  When the swords collided, the tiger-head sword was bounced away by a strong force, and Yan Baihu also involuntarily fell backwards.

Yan Bugui stepped forward, raised his sword and slashed down on his head: "You dare to call yourself a white tiger with so much hair. This sword strike will not live up to your name."

Yan Baihu couldn't dodge, so he immediately blocked the attack with his sword and turned sideways to avoid it. With a "cang" sound, the tiger-headed sword broke into two pieces, and the Houde sword struck hard on his left shoulder.

The huge force that hit him was like a mountain pressing down on him. Yan Baihu's face instantly turned red. His legs gave out and he fell to the ground. Two "ka-ka" sounds shook the floor under his knees to pieces.

Yan Bugui's leopard-tailed foot followed closely and hit Yan Baihu's chest like a heavy hammer. He flew backwards and hit the throne of the village leader behind him with a bang.

"Huh?" Yan Bugui suddenly noticed that there was no blood on the Houde sword.

With his skill, this sword is a sharp weapon whether it is pointed or not, but now it can't cut into Yan Baihu's body.

This guy's magical body protection skills are obviously not simple.

Yan Bugui's interest suddenly aroused, and he flew out and held out a "Feng Lai Ceremony" to Yan Baihu's throat.

Yan Baihu ate a leopard-tailed kick, which caused severe tremors in his body and caused qi and blood to surge.

"Roar——" Seeing that there was no way to hide, he shouted angrily and clamped the Houde epee with both hands with all his strength.

However, Yan Bugui just flipped his hand and easily bypassed his "empty-handed catch" move.

Houde pressed forward against the back of Yan Baihu's hand and stabbed him through the throat with a "plop" sound.


Blood continued to pour out of Yan Baihu's mouth, and his hands fell limply. His eyes stared at Yan Bugui, his eyes filled with strong shock and unwillingness.

Why can he use such a heavy sword so dexterously?
  Why does this righteous master of martial arts not go to trouble with the Demon Sect, but has to deal with a bandit like himself?

Yan Baihu's eyes dimmed and he died.

Yan Bugui pulled out the Houde Sword without looking, came to Cheng Jingjing and said, "Pick her up, and I'll give her luck to heal her injuries."

Wang Zhaoxing hurriedly helped her sit cross-legged.

Yan Bugui came and sat down behind her, pressed her back with both palms at the same time, and channeled the infuriating energy of the Little Immortality Secret.

"Hmm~" Cheng Jingjing groaned, her eyelids trembling, and the severe pain in her body made her frown even in a coma.

She received Yan Baihu's palm unpreparedly, her internal organs were severely injured, and many meridians in her body were damaged.

Fortunately, Yan Bugui has profound skills and has practiced the authentic Xuanmen internal skills, which is quite effective in healing injuries.

If someone else had been present, Cheng Jingjing would have lost her martial arts skills even if she didn't die.

But despite this, it took Yan Bugui more than an hour to suppress the injuries to her internal organs, and use the spiral power to open up her meridians that were blocked due to the injury.

Liu Zhendong stayed by the side the whole time. When he saw him finishing his work, he hurriedly asked: "Young Master Yan, how is my junior sister?"

Wang Zhaoxing said nothing, but his worried eyes clearly meant the same thing.

Yan Bugui looked at the door and said, "Brother Wang, go get the Baiyun Bear Gallbladder Pills from my sword box."

He breathed a sigh of relief, stood up and warned: "Go back and find a doctor to take good care of her. She will be fine in ten and a half months at most."

Liu Zhendong frowned and said gratefully: "Young Master Yan, let me thank you first on behalf of my junior sister."

"Just don't blame me." Yan Bugui waved his hand and said, "If I hadn't acted on my own will, I wouldn't have caused Miss Cheng to suffer this disaster."

"This is what we are willing to come with, and it has nothing to do with the young hero." Wang Zhaoxing took the Baiyun Bear Gallbladder Pills and asked: "How many pills should you take?"

"One is enough." Yan Bugui looked at the sky outside: "It's getting late, let's just rest here for the night and wait for Miss Cheng to wake up before going down the mountain."

"Let me take care of Miss Cheng. It's inconvenient for you three grown men." Gu Ping'an said, "Can any of you please help me report to the brothers in the escort agency that they are safe, so as not to worry them."

"I'll go." Wang Zhaoxing picked up a lantern from the door, went to the place where they came up on the back mountain of Crouching Tiger Village, and threw it down the cliff.

This was a signal they had discussed in advance.

Yan Bugui went straight to Yan Baihu's bedroom. He was very interested in the body-protecting magic that even the Houde Sword couldn't cut.

As the head of the family, Yan Baihu's room was naturally the best in the village, so it was easy to find it.

After rummaging through boxes and cabinets for most of the night, Yan Bugui found a blood-stained secret book in the mezzanine of his bed leg.

"Hey~ good guy, it turns out to be you!"

There were three big characters written on the cover, and surprisingly it was "The Golden Bell"!
  (End of this chapter)

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