Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 189 Divine Wood King Cauldron

Chapter 189 Divine Wood King Cauldron

"The Kingdom of Magadha wishes to break the practice of Samadhi and complete the Divine Foot Sutra!" Yan Bugui secretly exclaimed. He originally thought that this book was just a simple "Yi Jin Jing", but he did not expect that there would be unexpected gains.

He had also heard of the title of "The Divine Foot Sutra", but he was really not very interested in this kind of thing that appeared later, so he didn't know much about it.

"How amazing!" Ah Zi tilted her head: "But this name is too difficult to pronounce."

Yan Bugui said: "This is a secret yoga technique originating from the Kingdom of Magadha in India. Foreign things are naturally different from those in China."

A'Zhu asked doubtfully: "So, I stole the wrong book?"

"No." Yan Bugui said: "The content before wetting is undoubtedly the Yi Jin Jing. The book explains that the Shen Zu Jing is written with invisible ink made from a special medicinal herb in Tianzhu, and it only becomes visible when exposed to water.

After the water dries up, the pictures and text will disappear again. It seems that the predecessors mistakenly thought it was a blank book and recorded the Yi Jin Jing on it. "

"That's it." A'Zhu nodded suddenly, and then became curious: "This book is the most precious treasure of Shaolin. Those monks must treasure it very much, and they must not be willing to let it get wet, so they must not know the existence of the Divine Foot Sutra. .

But looking at the crisp and clean look on the young master's face just now, it seems that he already knew that there was another mystery in the book? "

Yan Bugui secretly thought that this girl was quite smart, but since he dared to do this, of course he was prepared.

"It's just that I'm a little earlier than you. I know an eminent monk from Tianzhu who is proficient in medicine and pharmacology, and I'm quite familiar with things in Tianzhu. As soon as I started reading the book, I noticed something was wrong with the paper texture of the book. Give this a try.”

"No reward for no merit, how can this be done?" Xiao Feng quickly handed back the secret book.

"Mr. Duan..." Ruan Xingzhu quietly pulled down Duan Zhengchun's sleeve, and his eyes fell on Ah Zi.

"Brother Xiao, Mr. Yan is right." A'Zhu advised: "What's more, if you use Shaolin martial arts to seek revenge on the Shaolin monks, you can just embarrass them."

"Why?" Ah Zi and everyone else were puzzled.

Yan Bugui sighed softly: "Even if my current martial arts skills are invincible, it may not be impossible. But it is not easy to practice the Yi Jin Jing, and it is even as difficult as climbing to the sky."

Yan Bugui was thoughtful and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, you don't have to be polite, but it doesn't matter."

Xiao Feng said: "It means that when people are practicing, they should not have the slightest thought of practicing martial arts in their hearts."

After saying this, Duan Zhengchun cupped his hands as a courtesy and bowed them to the ground.

Yan Bugui held back his hand and said, "The leader is the abbot of Shaolin. There are so many masters in Shaolin, just like a dragon in a tiger's den. If you want to take revenge, the higher your martial arts skills are, the higher your chance of success will be."

Ah Zi said in confusion: "What does this mean?"

"Then Xiao will be disrespectful." Xiao Feng took back the secret book and secretly thought about how to repay Yan Bugui for his generous gift.

Xiao Feng said in shock: "Brother Yan, what do you mean?"

Duan Zhengchun looked ashamed: "My little girl Azi has been separated from us since she was a child, and even fell into the Xingxiu sect with a naughty temper. In the final analysis, this is all due to our negligence as parents.

"How is this possible!" A'Zhu exclaimed, "With peerless martial arts in hand, if you want to practice, you have to give up the idea of ​​practicing first. This is completely contradictory."

Yan Bugui said: "The Yi Jin Jing is not easy to practice, but the Shen Zu Jing is not bad at all. Brother Xiao, you might as well study it. It will be good for your internal strength."

"Congratulations, brother! Congratulations, brother." Ah Zi praised: "Once you master these two magical skills, your martial arts will be invincible."

Duan Zhengchun understood instantly and coughed lightly: "Brother Yan, Duan has a merciless request."

"Otherwise, why do you think Shaolin Temple is not in a hurry to find it back after losing such an important thing." After Yan Bugui finished speaking, he threw the secret book of Yi Jin Jing to Xiao Feng.

In the future, Ah Xing and I will definitely discipline her strictly, so we asked our brothers to show their kindness and detoxify Ah Zi. Duan is very grateful. "

Yan Bugui casually patted the secret book: "If you want to practice the Yi Jin Jing, you need to be able to break through the 'self-image and human-image' and reach the state where the mind has no dwelling before you can get started."

When Ah Zi heard this, she immediately beamed with joy.

"It's easy to talk about. Now that her parents are here, I don't need to do anything to teach her." Yan Bugui opened the hidden box and took out a pill from the medicine bottle inside.

"Thank you, brother." Azi looked at the antidote with burning eyes. She couldn't wait to reach out to take it, but was dodged. Yan Bugui said: "If you want the antidote, can you exchange it for the divine wood king tripod?"

Ah Zi was shocked: "How did you know that I have the Divine Wood King Cauldron on me?"

Yan Bugui pointed to his nose: "This thing of mine is not a decoration. The subtle scent of grass and trees on your body can be hidden from others, but it cannot be hidden from me."

Duan Zhengchun wondered: "Brother Yan, what is this sacred wooden king tripod?"

Yan Bugui explained: "The thing that specifically attracts poisons is the treasure that Old Monster Ding uses to practice Hua Gong."

He reminded: "Old Monster Ding values ​​the sacred tree Wangding more than his life, and now that it has been stolen by Ah Zi, he will never let it go.

If this thing continues to stay on Ah Zi, you will be in danger. "

Duan Zhengchun's expression changed slightly. Ding Chunqiu's 'Gong Transformation Technique' was notorious, and his ability to use poison was even more superb. If he is entangled by this old monster, the consequences will indeed be more serious than being chased by the four evil men.

But then, he hesitated.

"Brother Yan, if the sacred wooden king tripod is in your hands, wouldn't you be the one in danger?"

"That's right, that's right." Ah Zi said righteously, "I will never let my eldest brother risk his life for me."

"You are overthinking." Yan Bugui said with a faint smile: "In front of me, the poison of Old Monster Ding is no different from yours. You can figure it out for yourself, whether you want the Divine Wood King Cauldron or the antidote."

Azi's face was full of confusion and she remained silent.

Ruan Xingzhu saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart, but he couldn't speak out to persuade or urge him, otherwise he would inevitably be suspected of being anxious to make Yan Bugui the scapegoat.

"I'll leave it to you." Ah Zi bit her lower lip, took out a silk bag from her arms, and stuffed it into Yan Bugui's hand.

"Be good." Yan Bugui handed the antidote to Azi at the same time.

Opening the silk bag, you can see a small dark yellow wooden tripod inside, as well as several pieces of spices in different colors of yellow, black, purple and red.

Azi looked at the pills in her hand that were the same as last time, and said suspiciously: "Isn't this antidote temporary again?"

"Don't worry." Yan Bugui put the sacred wooden king tripod into the Hidden Front Box: "Although I can't stand the disciples of the Xingxiu Sect, I won't embarrass the children of the Duan family in Dali. You should be lucky that you have a pair of good parents."

Ah Zi snorted softly and moved closer to Ah Zhu: "If you were so good, why did you give me and my sister away in the first place?"

"You kid..." Duan Zhengchun and Ruan Xingzhu were speechless for a moment. After all, they were irresponsible and felt embarrassed and guilty because of Ah Zi's choking.

"Brother Yan, just now you said you wanted to have a discussion. While the wine is in full swing, how about we come and play with each other?" Xiao Feng has already thought of a way to repay Yan Bugui, and also to ease the dilemma of his future father-in-law and mother-in-law. .

"Come." Yan Bugui stood up immediately and went out.

The open space outside the bamboo house.

The two stood facing each other, and Yan Bugui showed the starting position of the iron palm magic skill with great interest: "I have heard for a long time that Brother Xiao's palm skills are unparalleled, and today Yan is here to learn about it."

"Be careful." Xiao Feng took a big step forward, swung his left hand outwards, and lightly slapped Yan Bugui with his right palm.

"Huh?" Yan Bugui found that this palm force seemed to be absent, and it enveloped his entire upper body with a feminine force like the Kong Ming Fist. He immediately met it with his right palm, using hardness to overcome softness. .

The powerful palm force was as sharp as a knife, and it cut through Xiao Feng's palm in one fell swoop, like tearing paper.

With a "pop" sound, the two palms touched each other, while simultaneously increasing their internal strength to test each other's foundation.

Yan Bugui asked: "Isn't this the Dragon Subduing Palm?"

Xiao Feng nodded: "This is the Shaolin Demon Subduing Palm."

(End of this chapter)

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