Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 190 Dog Beating Stick Technique

Chapter 190 Dog Beating Stick Technique

"Tsk~ It's such a disadvantage to fight with you! No matter whether you are a dragon or a demon, you have to surrender." Yan Bugui suddenly stamped his right foot on the ground, his shoulders shrank and relaxed, and all his strength poured into his right arm.

Qiao Feng felt that the internal force in his palm increased sharply, and he was immediately forced to take a step back: "Haha! What a good palm technique, what a good internal force!"

Since he became an artist, this is the first time he has been at a disadvantage in a palm power competition.

The strength of the opponent's palm was so strong that it seemed that it was not under his Dragon Subduing Palm.

In fact, when it comes to strength, the magical power of Iron Palm is always inferior to that of Dragon Subduing Palm.

But now Yan Bugui has to pass on the magical skill of wedding clothes, and relying on that domineering energy, it just makes up for the lack of strength of the magical skill of Iron Palm.

Yan Bugui took advantage of the situation to attack, and the Lieyang Zhenqi was activated, and his palms made a series of attacks, seizing his face and chest.

The hot wind from his palm hit his face like a heat wave. Xiao Feng moved left and right to block it. After neutralizing the iron palm's attack, his right hand curled into a claw and suddenly grabbed Yan Bugui's throat.

Unexpectedly, not even halfway through his move, Yan Bugui also changed his palm into a claw. His left hand grabbed the vein gate of his right wrist with lightning speed, and his right claw grabbed his neck.

Finally, Xiao Feng reacted in time and turned sideways to avoid this 'Nine Yin Divine Claw'. However, this also aroused the blood in his chest, and he was determined to compete with him in claw skills.

Duan Zhengchun and others were not far away from each other, but they were all forced back by this strong wind.

Xiao Feng's right palm has been pushed out horizontally, and the majestic palm rolled up the bamboo leaves on the ground, roaring towards him like an angry dragon. Judging from the posture of the palm, it is clear that it is "seeing a dragon in the field"!

"Ha!" Yan Bugui's blood rushed to his head, and he did not dodge or evade. He quickly drew a circle with his right palm and pushed it out.

The palms of both hands met, and the Qi collided, making a thunderous explosion.

Xiao Feng's claws were used to grab the temples on both sides of Yan Bugui's head.


Figures flashed.



The two huge palm forces struck each other head-on, causing sand and rocks to fly within a few feet, and leaves flying in all directions.

Yan Bugui saw his moves, the Nine Yin Divine Claws and the Dragon Claws were facing each other tit for tat. One was cunning and ruthless, the other was majestic and clumsy. More than forty moves passed in the blink of an eye, and no one could do anything to the other.

Yan Bugui pulled away and retreated quickly, flying three feet away behind him, and then heard a roar of wind.

In the blink of an eye, Yan Bugui was five feet in front of him, this time using 'Shock Baili'.

Xiao Feng felt an attack of palm energy that was stronger than before, like a flash flood, unstoppable. His tiger body shook, and Teng Teng took two steps back.

Yan Bugui raised his left hand to block, his right hand was outward, and then with five fingers like hooks, he reached down to grab Xiao Feng's Tianling Gai.

Seeing that Xiao Feng was about to be hit, he suddenly leaned back, flew up with his right foot and kicked Yan Bugui in the chest.

Xiao Feng was wondering when another overwhelming and violent palm wind came in front of him.

He didn't have time to think any more, and he slapped him back "out of the blue".

"This is this?" Xiao Feng was shocked and his eyes widened.

The speed of the two men's attacks was extremely fast, leaving behind many afterimages, which dazzled Duan Zhengchun and others next to them, making it difficult to tell the truth from the truth.

The sound of breaking wind surged up, and the thirty-six-style dragon claw hands were deployed continuously, like wind and lightning, grabbing Yan Bugui's key points all over his body.

"Brother Yan, where did you learn the Twenty-Eight Dragon Subduing Palms?"

"Let's talk after the fight is over." Yan Bugui won the upper hand and stepped forward, striking his chest with his left palm first. His right palm penetrated from under his left palm like lightning and went straight to his lower abdomen.

A'Zhu suddenly exclaimed "Ah" with a nervous look on his face.

"A good move can make you jump over the abyss." Xiao Feng took a deep breath, moved his limbs and bones, and responded with the move "Don't use Hidden Dragon". The left hand hooked his right palm, and the right palm sliced ​​his left wrist diagonally. Then he bent his four fingers and hit the Yutang point on his chest directly with half a fist and half a palm.

Yan Bugui interlaced his palms and drew a big circle in front of him. After fending off Xiao Feng's attack, he used the opportunity to change the move of "Double Dragons Fetching Water" with both palms at the same time and pushed forward towards the chest.

Xiao Feng raised his elbows slightly, punched directly with his right fist and pushed sideways with his left palm, hitting out quickly and slowly.

This move of "walking on frost and ice" has the advantage of combining positive and negative, hard and soft.

The two palms exchanged hands again. Yan Bugui's strength remained unchanged, but this time he was unable to knock Xiao Feng back.

The internal strength of the opponent's attack was actually stronger than before.

Yan Bugui thought secretly: "Is this the legendary saying that when strong comes, one becomes stronger?" ! '

Surprised, the intensity of his attacks increased instead of decreasing.

The two of them refused to give in to each other's hands and refused to retreat even an inch.

As time went by, Yan Bugui had used all the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

As expected, Xiao Feng became more energetic the more he fought, and the more he fought, the harder and harder he became. And let Yan Bugui see the ten palms behind it.

But Yan Bugui didn't feel that he was good at it. Although there were many changes in the moves, the power was not as good as the previous eighteen moves.

After the twenty-eighth palm was struck, the two of them suddenly struck the first palm with amazing tacit understanding at the same time. Dang~

The palms of the two people filled with true energy were like steel, and the collision made a metallic sound.

Whether it is the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms or the Twenty-Eight Palms, they all have a common characteristic, that is, they consume extreme real power.

And in terms of deep foundation, after all, Yan Bugui is better.

The exchange ended with Xiao Feng being knocked back by him again.

"Huh——" Xiao Feng let out a long breath and his face turned slightly red, which was a sign that his true energy had reached its peak.

If Yan does not return, his energy will be calm and peaceful. Although the Little Immortality Secret incorporates the Wedding Clothes Divine Art and the Mingyu Divine Art, it does not change the essence of the Taoist internal energy. The Qi pulse is still as long as the river and the sea, and there are inexhaustible resources. momentum.

"Okay!" Duan Zhengchun came back to his senses from the exquisite palm skills of the two people: "The beggars' unique skills have been famous for hundreds of years, and they are truly well-deserved!"

"Brother Yan, are you also a member of the Beggar Clan?" Xiao Feng was puzzled and thought in his mind: 'Could it be that because I am a Khitan, Master Wang Jiantong secretly cultivated another successor, just in case? What if I rebel? '

Yan Bugui shook his head: "My Dragon Subduing Palm was taught by an old beggar I met by chance."

"Old beggar?" Xiao Feng thought: "Is he some senior member of the Beggar Clan? What does he look like?"

Yan Bugui said: "The Chinese character face has only nine fingers, and it has a great appetite. I got this palm skill with delicious food."

Xiao Feng racked his brains and couldn't think of such a person in the Beggar Clan, but he soon stopped worrying about it.

"Brother Yan's Dragon Subduing Palm looks more refined than mine."

"That expert only taught me eighteen palms, and didn't mention the next ten palms at all."

"It's better not to mention it. When I practice on a daily basis, I often feel that the last ten palms seem to be superfluous. The essence of them is already contained in the previous eighteen palms.

Just because the Twenty-eight Dragon Subduing Palms were passed down by my mentor Wang Jiantong and have been inherited by the Beggar Clan for more than a hundred years, I cannot reduce them on my own.

Now judging from Brother Yan's palm technique, my idea is indeed correct. "

"Alas~" Xiao Feng sighed: "This is really troublesome. I wanted to teach you the Dragon Subduing Palm, but I didn't expect you could do it too."

"Hey~" Yan Buguihun said nonchalantly: "Whether it's the Yi Jin Jing or the Shen and Foot Jing, it's all the hard work of Sister A'Zhu.

You are husband and wife, and you already have a copy of this book. I'm just borrowing flowers to offer to Buddha, brother Xiao, don't take it to heart. "

"The kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring of water." Xiao Feng obviously has not given up the idea of ​​repaying him.

In his mind, he silently listed what he had learned throughout his life.

Dragon Subduing Palm is eliminated first.

Dragon claw hand? Brother Yan's claw skills are not bad either.

Demonic palm? It seems that it is not as good as the palm technique used by Brother Yan before. Moreover, this is Shaolin martial arts, and it may cause trouble for Brother Yan.

Dragon capturer? Brother Yan seemed to have used similar martial arts when he dealt with Duan Yanqing before.

After much thought, Xiao Feng made a decision that went against his ancestors.

He turned around and walked into the bamboo forest, broke off a square bamboo that was about the thickness of a thumb and about four feet long and came back.

"Brother Yan, I have a stick technique here, keep an eye on it."

As he started to move, Yan Bugui could tell at a glance that he was using the dog-beating stick technique.

Yan Bugui had already seen this method when he and Hong Qigong were discussing swordsmanship in Mount Huashan.

He even memorized the moves almost, but he just didn't know the mental formula.

The practice of the thirty-six-way dog-beating stick method was quickly completed.

Yan Bugui asked: "If I remember correctly, the Dog Beating Stick Technique has always been only taught to the leader of the Beggar Clan. You just taught it to me. Is it okay?"

Xiao Feng said: "Because of my identity as a Khitan, I resigned from the position of leader of the Beggar Clan.

I left in such a hurry that day that I didn't have time to find successors for these two magical skills.

Brother Yan learned the special skills of the Beggar Clan by chance, and Xiao Feng met you today. This dog-beating stick technique is passed on to you, which is exactly in line with God's will. "

"Do you want me to be the leader of the Beggar Gang?"

"It's okay if you're happy. With Brother Yan's martial arts and character, it's really a blessing for the Beggar Clan to be able to take on such a big responsibility.

If you find it troublesome, then please find a suitable opportunity and candidate to pass these two martial arts back to Xiao.

In case the Beggar Clan doesn't have any special skills at their disposal, they will be easily deceived. "

(End of this chapter)

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