Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 192 Hesitation will lead to bad luck

Chapter 192 Hesitation will lead to bad luck

After the young man finished speaking, he kowtowed.

Yan Bugui flicked his right hand lightly, bringing up a gentle force and directly lifted the young man up from the ground.

"Don't worry, first tell me who you are? Why do you want to become a disciple?"

The young man was shocked by Yan Bugui's powerful skills, and his face showed hatred when he heard this: "My junior is called You Tanzhi, he has a blood feud, but his martial arts is low.

I hope that the seniors will take pity on me and teach me martial arts, so that the juniors can have the opportunity to kill their enemies with their own hands. "

"Your surname is You. From your accent, you are from Henan. You are a descendant of the two heroes of the You family in Juxian Village." Yan Bugui was secretly surprised that it was this boy.

You TanZhi was overjoyed: "Senior, do you know my father and my uncle?"

After the battle at Juxian Village that day, his family was destroyed. He vaguely remembered that while watching the battle, someone said that Qiao Feng was a Khitan.

In order to take revenge, he came all the way north in a daze. After arriving at the border not long ago, he happened to encounter the Liao army coming to attack the grass valley. He was not good at martial arts and was captured on the spot.

When he was thinking about how to escape, he happened to meet Yan Bugui.

You TanZhi gritted his teeth and said, "It's a pity that our seniors were not present at the Juxian Village Heroes Conference that day. Otherwise, with my martial arts skills, I would have killed that evil thief Qiao Feng and eliminated a great harm to the martial arts community in the Central Plains."

He knew that he was no match for Yan Bugui, so he closed his eyes and waited for death.

Yan Bugui flew onto his horse, threw a golden leaf to You Tanzhi, and reminded him: "You should hurry back to the Central Plains, it is too dangerous here, lest you become a prisoner of the Liao people again one day."

Yan Bugui shook his head: "I've heard of it, but I've never seen Jing."

Yan Bugui crossed his arms: "I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you, but I won't kill him even if I'm here."

"Why should I kill you?"

"But what if he didn't do these things? Do you have evidence?"

"He is a Khitan dog thief. If you kill him, you will kill him. What's wrong with him?"

"...Forget it." Yan Bugui knew that Song and Liao were now at the same level, and the people on both sides had been hating each other for a long time. It was no wonder that You Tanzhi had this idea.

"If it weren't for that evil thief Qiao Feng, how could my father and uncle commit suicide in humiliation?"

Yan Bugui smiled and said, "Because we are friends."

"Qiao Feng deceived his master and destroyed his ancestors. He killed his father and his mother. This is a heinous crime that cannot be tolerated by heaven. Everyone can punish him."

"I'm just asking you, what should you do if you accuse a good person by mistake?"

"You are going to kill people and yet you don't allow others to resist? That's so unreasonable!"

You TanZhi was stunned: "Why?"

"What!" You Tanzhi was horrified, and then his face turned ashen: "God has no eyes, let me fall into a trap, you kill me."

Yan Bugui said calmly: "I have no interest in bullying children."

"You said you wanted to take revenge on Qiao Feng. But I heard that your father and uncle Ling seemed to have committed suicide, right?"

"This matter is testified by the eminent Shaolin monks. How can it be false?"

"You won't kill me?" You Tanzhi couldn't help but be surprised.

"Aren't you a friend of that evil thief Qiao Feng?"

Before You Tanzhi could react, the black wind carried him away.

The Liao Kingdom had a bicameral system.

The North Courtyard is from the Khitan people, and the South Courtyard is from the Han people.

The sixteen states of Yanyun were all under the jurisdiction of Nanyuan.

Yan Bugui came to Nanjing City, dressed as a Han Chinese, without causing any disturbance.

Looking for someone on the street to find out the location of Minzhong Temple, Yan Bugui rushed over.

It was noon and the temple door was wide open.

There is a monk who knows the guest at the door.

When he saw Yan Bugui approaching, he immediately clasped his hands together and said, "Amitabha, this young monk is polite. May I ask what you do to the donor?"

"Find someone." Yan Bugui asked, "Little master, is there a Shaolin monk at Guibao Temple who can place orders?"

The monk Zhike thought for a while, shook his head and said, "No monks from other temples have visited our temple recently."

"Thank you." Yan Bugui turned around and left, but did not go far. Instead, he went around to the backyard of the temple and used his unparalleled lightness skills to sneak into the temple.

He was a little uneasy about Zhike Monk's words.

However, he searched around the temple and found no trace of the Shaolin monk.

Yan Bugui remembered that the ice silkworms were brought out from Kunlun Mountain by a Shaolin monk.

In this current situation, it seems that the other party is still in Kunlun Mountain and has not returned.

"Oh, hard work!" Yan Bugui sighed, left the temple, and rode back to Nanjing.

I came all the way and was covered in dust. Yan Bugui found the best inn in the city to rest. The next morning.

As soon as the city gate opened, Yan Bugui rode out on horseback, aiming directly at Kunlun Mountain.

The black wind was blowing wildly, and when they were about to leave the border of Liao Kingdom, smoke and dust suddenly billowed from the opposite side, and the sound of horse hooves shook the ground.

Yan Bugui looked closely and found another group of dozens of Liao cavalry. The other party seemed to have noticed him and rushed towards him.

The shouts of the Liao soldiers came one after another, like a group of monkeys running around in the mountains, quickly blocking his way.

The presence of the familiar greedy black wind in his eyes is really eye-catching.

"Another Song pig."

"We can't let anyone run away this time."

"His horse is good. If you take it back and present it to the king, you will definitely be promoted to a noble rank."

The commander of the Liao army smiled ferociously and said: "You pretty boy, why don't you get off your horse and surrender, or you will suffer more physical pain."

What responded to him was a melodious sword chant.

The Boqing Sword was unsheathed again, and instead of stopping, Yan Bugui accelerated.

"Fire arrows!" the commander of the Liao army gave the order, and the sound of strings trembling behind him suddenly sounded everywhere, and a dense rain of arrows was shot out.


Yan Bugui's long sword swung, and the "Broken Arrow Style" came out vigorously. The tip of the sword trembled, and stars burst out all over the sky, like thousands of pear trees blooming, and he shot down the arrow almost at the same time.

The Liao army was not surprised. He had already galloped over, and his whole body was like a sharp blade that pierced through the Liao army.

The blade leaves no trace wherever it passes!

Screams, wails, weapons breaking, horses neighing, all mixed together.

In a matter of moments, the Liao army was littered with corpses and rivers of blood.

"Drive!" Yan walked away without looking back.

Not long after, relying on Heifeng's amazing foot strength, he had returned to the Song Kingdom.

On the way, I suddenly saw an unrided horse running out of the path beside the avenue.

"Uu~" Yan Bugui reined in the reins, then changed direction and took a small path.

The saddle on the horse just now was exactly the same as that of the Liao army.

After entering the path and walking for twenty or thirty miles, Yan Bugui saw a man lying on the ground with an arrow in his back, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

And looking at the man's clothes, it was surprising that he was You Tanzhi.

"This unlucky boy." Yan Bugui dismounted without waiting for Black Wind to stop, came to You Tanzhi and took his pulse, and found that he was still alive.

"I bet those Liao people were talking about you just now." Yan Bugui took out the Baiyun Bear Gallbladder Pills and Tianxiang Intermittent Glue from the Hidden Front Box, then sealed several acupuncture points on You Tanzhi's back around the arrow site, and followed up with a palm strike Pressing it on his chest, "Geshan Jin" came out lightly.


The arrow inserted into his back suddenly shot out with a stream of blood, and with a "grab" sound, it pierced the tree trunk behind him.

"Uh~" You Tanzhi was suddenly awakened by the severe pain, and his eyes widened as wide as those of an ox.

Yan Bugui poured out a Baiyun Bear Gall Pill and said, "You are lucky. If the arrow misses another three inches, your life will be gone."

You Tanzhi looked at him confused: "Did you save me?"

"That's not it." Yan Bugui put the pill into his hand: "This is a healing medicine. It's up to you whether you take it or not."

"Thank you." You Tanzhi swallowed the medicine in one gulp.

Yan Bugui said in surprise: "So happy?"

"Since you took the trouble to save me, you won't harm me. Besides, what do I have for a master like you to worry about?" You Tanzhi's expression was a little complicated. It would be great if this person was not Qiao Feng's friend.

Yan Bugui helped him apply Tianxiang Intermittent Glue and said with a smile: "I thought you would rather die than surrender."

"I can't die like this without avenging my revenge."

Yan Bugui teased: "Then I would like to congratulate you on your long life."

You Tanzhi was stunned: "What do you mean?"

"I'm praising you." Yan Bugui said in confusion, "Didn't I ask you to go back to the Central Plains? Why did you meet the Liao soldiers again?"

"I, I haven't decided yet." You Tanzhi looked at the gold leaf in his hand after Yan Bugui left yesterday, hesitant in his heart.

He wanted to stay but was afraid of meeting Liao soldiers again, so he was unwilling to go back.

After struggling for a long time, before he could make a decision, he met the Liao soldiers again this morning.

Fortunately, You Tanzhi discovered it in time and barely escaped by riding the horses left behind by the Liao soldiers who were clearing grass in the valley yesterday.

After hearing what he said, Yan Bugui couldn't help but be speechless.

This kid actually managed to escape death twice in a row, three times including being hit by an arrow.

This luck is almost going to be his, Yan's!

(End of this chapter)

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