Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 193 Meeting Jiumozhi on the Road

Chapter 193 Meeting Jiumozhi on the Road

"Tsk~" Yan Bugui curled his lips and shook his head: "With your indecisive temperament, you still want to take revenge?

In my opinion, it is more realistic for you to hope that Qiao Feng will have a sudden illness or simply wait for him to die of old age. "

Hearing this, You Tanzhi was immediately blushing with embarrassment, angry and anxious but unable to argue. He had no choice but to say nothing, gritted his teeth and stood up in pain, preparing to leave.

Yan Bugui said calmly: "You are seriously injured. Even if you use my healing elixir, it will take at least three to five days to recover.

If you leave now, depending on your ability, you will either die on the way, or you will be captured by the Liao soldiers again, and you will still die. "

"It's the same on the left and the right. Since it's hard to avenge a big enemy, I might as well die as soon as possible." You Tanzhi got angry and thought to himself that although I am not very capable, I am still a man. How can I stay here and let you ridicule me.

"It's easy for you to die. My efforts to save you just now were in vain, and my elixir was wasted in vain."

"What do you want?"

"My medicine is worth thousands of gold. If you want to leave, no problem, just pay the price."

Seven days passed in a flash.

"Okay, I promise you! Hey~ why do I feel so sleepy suddenly?"

"The medicine you took is starting to take effect." As soon as Yan Bugui finished speaking, You Tanzhi fell asleep.

Yan Bugui couldn't stand it any longer: "Boy, your martial arts skills are too bad! The two heroes of the You clan are both well-known masters in the world. How did they teach you to be so virtuous?"

"Waiter, bring me a pot of hot tea." Yan Bugui casually took off the wine gourd from his waist, looked at You Tanzhi lying on the table like a dead dog, and said angrily: "Idiot, why don't you take advantage of this opportunity to hurry up?" Movement restores strength.”

The two sat down at the only empty table left.

The Zangfeng box, which weighed more than a hundred kilograms, was carried on his back, making him feel like a mountain was weighing on him, making it difficult for him to walk.

You Tanzhi wiped the sweat from his forehead and said seriously: "It's because of my mediocre nature and dull qualifications. It has nothing to do with my father and my uncle."

Yan Bugui rides a horse, and he walks.

"Oh~ What a silly boy." Yan Bugui picked him up and jumped on the horse, letting Heifeng turn around and return to the road.

You Tanzhi's injuries have recovered, and he carried the Hidden Blade Box as agreed.

This speed was too slow, and Heifeng snorted impatiently.

"You are quite self-aware." Yan Bugui put down his legs, stood up and sat up straight. He saw a tea shed at the fork not far ahead: "Just keep taking two more steps to the front and you can rest."

You Tanzhi immediately perked up, quickly quickened his pace, and walked into the tea shed in one go.

"...I have no money." You Tanzhi couldn't help but look embarrassed. The only gold leaf he had was given to him by Yan Bugui before.

"Then I can only use you to pay off the debt. I happen to be short of a follower. From now on, you will be responsible for carrying my sword and when you pay off the money, I will give you your freedom."

'He is Qiao Feng's friend. If I succumb to him, how can I be worthy of my father and uncle? But my father also said that a man should repay the kindness he received from others with a spring of water. He saved my life twice and repaid the kindness again. How could he not repay it? '

You TanZhi was already thin, and coupled with the fact that he had been living outside during this period, had not enough to eat, and had just recovered from a serious injury, his physical strength was seriously lacking.

It was late autumn, and the two of them were in the north, and the weather was getting colder day by day. However, You Tanzhi only walked less than twenty miles before he was out of breath and sweating profusely.

You Tanzhi was stunned for a moment, then fell into silence, and the battle between heaven and man began in his heart.

Thinking of this, You Tanzhi changed his mind and decided to repay his kindness first and then think about other things.

You TanZhi raised his head slightly and said blankly: "Yun Gong? I can't do it."

"Ahem!" Yan Bugui choked to death without a sip of wine: "Didn't your father teach you internal skills?"

"Taught me. But I made no progress after studying for three years, so my father gave up because he was disheartened." You Tanzhi's voice became lower and lower as he spoke, and his head lowered again.

"Sit down." Yan Bugui knocked on the table with a wine gourd: "I will teach you four sentences now. You must remember them firmly."

You Tanzhi straightened his back for no apparent reason, with a look of surprise on his face.

Yan Bugui said in a deep voice: "Listen carefully, the first sentence is that if you think deeply, you will forget the love."

You Tanzhi quickly repeated it.

Yan Bugui continued: "The following is that if the body is weak, the luck will be good, if the heart is dead, the spirit will be alive, and if the yin is strong, the yang will disappear. Come on, you can recite it for me in full." Although You Tanzhi is not good at writing or martial arts, this is The short twenty words were not enough to stump him. He quickly memorized it and became curious.

"What do these sentences mean?"

Yan Bugui was about to speak when someone outside the tea shed suddenly interrupted: "This is a very brilliant internal skill. The little benefactor has deep blessings and will have a bright future if he meets the guidance of an expert."

"Ah!" You Tanzhi exclaimed, looking at Yan Bugui in disbelief.

Yan Bugui followed the sound and saw a forty-year-old monk wearing a yellow monk's robe slowly walking out from the tea shed.

This man's feet were silent and his breathing seemed to be non-existent. It was obvious that he had profound internal energy and extraordinary martial arts.

There are only a handful of monks with such superb cultivation in the world. Yan Bugui smiled and said, "Is the master the master of the Tubo Kingdom, the Great Wheel Ming King Jiumozhi?"

"It's the young monk." Jiumozhi clasped his hands together, looked at Yan Bugui carefully, and asked: "The young master has a majestic appearance and extraordinary equipment. Could it be that he is Mr. Murong Murong of Gusu, who is known as 'Nan Murong'?"

"Master has admitted the wrong person." Yan Bugui said, reported his name, and said with a smile: "Yan just came out of the world, I guess master has never heard of it."

Jiumozhi was surprised and said: "It turns out to be Mr. Yan who killed the four evil men at the bank of Xiaojing Lake. I have heard about Mr. Yan for a long time, and I have a chance to meet him today. I am honored to meet you! I am honored to meet you!"

"It's just a trivial matter, not worth mentioning." Yan Bugui didn't expect that anyone actually knew about this. It seems that it was Duan Zhengchun's handiwork, hoping to make him famous in the world.

"Young Master is too modest."

"Speaking of which, Yan has admired the master's reputation for a long time. Master Suwen's 'Flame Knife' skill is superb, comparable to the Duan family's Six Meridians Divine Sword in Dali. Yan has an unmerciful request and hopes that the master will agree to it."

Hearing these words, Jiumozhi couldn't help but feel a sudden change in his heart. He felt that these words seemed a bit familiar.

"Young master, it's okay to say so."

Yan Bugui said solemnly: "Yan has a close friend who loves to study swordsmanship all over the world. However, heroes are short-lived. Not long ago, his friend unfortunately went crazy while practicing martial arts and died young."

When he said this, Jiumozhi's face turned dark.

Yan Bugui seemed not to notice, and said to himself: "When my friend was still alive, he always spoke highly of the Tantric 'Flame Sword' when he talked about swordsmanship in the world. It is often said that this skill is the best in the world of swordsmanship, but it is rarely seen in his life. one sight.

Yan really couldn't bear his friend's death with regrets, so he begged the master to lend him the manual of the 'Flame Knife' so that Yan could be burned in front of his friend's grave to comfort his spirit in heaven. "

"That's enough!" Jiumozhi's face was as dark as water: "Why do you want to play with the young monk?"

Yan Bugui said in confusion: "Yan has such a sincere heart, why did Master say this?"

Jiumozhi snorted coldly: "You know it well."

"Understood." Yan Bugui took out the "Nine Yin Divine Art" that he planned to exchange with Yaoyue last time from the hidden front box, and threw one page at Jiumozhi: "Yan will naturally not let the master suffer.

If Master is willing, Yan should offer all the Nine Yin Magical Skills that he has studied diligently throughout his life to show his sincerity. "

Jiumozhi saw that he could throw a piece of thin paper as straight and smooth as a stone. This exquisite technique of lifting something light and heavy was enough to prove that his skill was indeed extraordinary.

In this case, this "Nine Yin Divine Art" is worth watching.

After Jiumozhi took a rough look at it, his eyes suddenly narrowed and he was ecstatic.

More than a month ago, he went to Dali Tianlong Temple to obtain the "Six Meridians Divine Sword" but failed, so he kidnapped Duan Yu, the prince of Zhennan who was familiar with the "Six Meridians Divine Sword", to the south of the Yangtze River, hoping to exchange for entering the Murong family and returning Shi Shui. Pavilion' is an opportunity to read martial arts secrets.

Unexpectedly, the two maids of Murong's family rescued Duan Yu through scheming tricks.

But misfortune depends on blessing!

Jiumozhi happened to meet Li Qingluo, followed her to Mantuo Villa, and found the "Langhuan Blessed Land" with a richer collection of books than the "Huansishui Pavilion", and was lucky enough to find seven books of "Little Wuxiang Gong" in it. Tips.

Jiumozhi has outstanding natural talent. After practicing according to the law, his internal strength has improved greatly.

The only flaw is that there are eight secret books in total, and he lacks the content of the four meridians of Chongmai, Daimai, Yinwei, and Yangwei in the seventh one.

"Little Wuxiang Gong" is a Taoist magical skill, and the "Nine Yin Magical Skills" in front of you also belongs to Taoism.

If we could get a full picture, we might be able to use this to complete the missing skills of the four extraordinary meridians.

Jiumozhi squeezed the tissue paper in his hand tightly, and his thoughts were racing. In the end, he couldn't resist the temptation of magical skills. He nodded and said, "Please give me some advice, Master."

(End of this chapter)

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