Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 201: Killing Chunqiu with a Palm

Chapter 201: Killing Chunqiu with a Palm
Seeing Ding Chunqiu's defeat in the battle, the disciples of the Xingxiu Sect stopped beating gongs, drums and singing praises.

In panic, Ding Chunqiu pressed the goose feather fan against his chest, and used his strong inner strength to extinguish the flames on his clothes and beard.

But in the blink of an eye, his long beard was almost burned away. But this way, it made him look much younger.

"Well done!" Azi clapped her hands happily.

Suddenly, four or five disciples of the Xingxiu Sect came out of the crowd and rushed towards Ah Zi in the pavilion. He planned to encircle Wei and rescue Zhao, so that Yan Bugui would be distracted and help Ding Chunqiu fight the enemy.

AhZi was shocked and evaded being surrounded by them. But the space in the pavilion was small, and there were stone tables and benches blocking the way. There was no way to escape quickly while rushing left and right.

Just when one of them was about to catch Ah Zi, a sharp shout came from outside the pavilion.

"Despicable!" You Tanzhi drew his sword angrily and stabbed him in the back of the heart.

The man heard the sound of a sharp blade cutting through the wind behind him and dodged without thinking.

You Tanzhi took the opportunity to rush into the pavilion and protect Azi.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" You Tanzhi didn't think much of it. He only came to save people because A'Zi was his master's sister.

"You brat, do you want to imitate other heroes to save beauties?" The man was in his forties, with two golden rings on his ears, a lion's nose and a wide mouth, and a very ferocious appearance. He was the original second senior brother of the Xingxiu Sect, and now His elder brother Mo Yunzi.

This 'Thirteen Styles of Thousand Changes of Clouds and Mist' is not only dazzling, but also incredibly fast. After all, if it were slow, the word 'change' would be out of the question.

"It's too late!" A sinister smile appeared on Mo Yunzi's lips, and he used all his strength to send the poisonous Qi along the long sword into You Tanzhi's hand. Unexpectedly, the poison technique that used to kill him once he touched it actually failed on this yellow-haired boy.

The sight of the four members of the Xingxiu faction was blocked, and You Tanzhi stabbed out two consecutive swords decisively, killing the two people on the right.

"Okay!" Mo Yunzi's face was gloomy, and he suddenly struck You Tanzhi with his palm without any warning. The wind surged from the palm, emitting a stench like dead fish and rotten shrimps.

At the critical moment, a white figure suddenly appeared in front of You Tanzhi, who seemed to be Lian Xing.

Ah Zi exclaimed: "His inner strength is poisonous, let go quickly."

Mo Yunzi suddenly circled his right arm and used the trick of catching the sword with his bare hands, and clasped his left hand with his chest to clamp the edge of You Tanzhi's sword.

You Tanzhi took a deep breath, shook the hand holding the sword slightly, and a dazzling sword light flashed in the pavilion.

Ah Zi hurriedly warned: "Be careful, this is a 'heart refining bullet', it can burn the heart and corrode the bones."

You TanZhi's hard work of flashing the long sword continuously for more than a year showed its results at this time, and he shot down all the 'Heart Refining Bullets'.

You Tanzhi had never seen such a weird attack before, and he didn't know how to deal with it for a moment. In panic, he lost control of his sword moves and was stuck in the pavilion. Immediately, green light flashed in front of his eyes, and the heat wave was overwhelming. He saw another line of fire flying out of Mo Yunzi's left sleeve.

"They are in the same group, so killing him is the same." Mo Yunzi gave the order, and the four people around him took action.


Just when You Tanzhi was about to deal with the other two people, he found that they had been shot down by Ah Zi with a jade phosphorus needle, but soon after, disciples from the Xingxiu Sect surrounded the pavilion, blocking the surrounding area with water.

He couldn't cope with one thing, let alone two. In the blink of an eye, he was overwhelmed and surrounded by dangers.

You TanZhi straightened his sword and stabbed straight at him. If the opponent didn't stop, he would definitely be pierced through the heart with the sword.

"Hmph! Let's see where you can run." Mo Yunzi waved his robe sleeves with both hands and shot more than a dozen blue sparks at the two of them.

You TanZhi's luck collapsed and he broke free of the sword from the opponent's hand, and the tip of the sword suddenly went up to his throat.

Mo Yunzi slapped the sword horizontally with his left hand, and then a blue line of fire shot out from the sleeve of his right hand, like a living snake that pounced on the enemy's neck.

Looking at Mo Yunzi, the two fire lines in his sleeves were all extinguished, and he was lying straight on the ground. Frost had condensed all over his body, and he was already dead.

No one saw clearly how Lian Xing came in, and no one saw clearly how Chu Mo Yunzi died.

When the disciples of the Xingxiu Sect saw their elder brother dead, they were so frightened that they fled in all directions.

"Ouch, my mother!"

"You must be good, it's important for the Xingxiu faction to escape!"

"The Xingxiu Sect can bend and stretch, and come back next time to show off in the Central Plains!"

You Tanzhi breathed a sigh of relief and bowed to Lian Xing: "Thank you, uncle, for saving me."

Lian Xing smiled lightly.

Azi looked at her from the side, her eyes rolling around. This was the first time she had seen such a beautiful woman.

At the same time that Mo Yunzi and others took action, Ding Chunqiu was shocked to feel a strong wind pressing down on his head.

Looking up to the sky, he saw Yan Bugui leaping up without knowing when, his body hanging upside down, and taking his Tianling Cap with a palm in the air.

The exact word "flying dragon in the sky" is used!
Before the move came, the strength of the palm was already like the weight of a mountain, causing his body to sink, his long hair to fly around, and his scalp to feel tight. Ding Chunqiu didn't want to take a hard hit, so he kicked hard with his right foot and flew out from the side with a "swish".

The palm force failed and hit the place where he had previously stood, causing dust and sand to fly everywhere.

Yan Bugui turned back and somersaulted, and the moment he landed on the ground, Ding Chunqiu came over to him, and his right palm had already covered many large holes in his chest.

He did not dodge or dodge, and struck out, "Don't use the hidden dragon." His left palm was like a knife and it cut across his right wrist. He bent his right hand's two index fingers and struck directly at his heart.

Ding Chunqiu suddenly smiled sinisterly, his left hand grabbed Yan Bugui's right hand like lightning, and his right hand also grabbed his left wrist.

The faces of everyone watching the battle changed drastically when they saw this.

The old Shaolin monk said anxiously: "Be careful with the great method of transforming energy!"

"Be careful, is it useful?" Ding Chunqiu laughed loudly and used all his strength to force the poison accumulated in his palm into Yan Bugui's meridians.

Everyone on the ground looked ashen, and no one in the martial arts world could resist this old monster Ding's power transformation method.

The savior finally came and was gone!

"Yes, does the power-transforming method work?" Yan Bugui said calmly.

Ding Chunqiu was startled when he heard this, and immediately felt that the poison he had sent out rolled back like a tide pouring into a river.

What followed was a burst of domineering Qi like thunder and fire, which rushed into his meridians.

He hurriedly used his strength to resist, but he couldn't resist it. In the blink of an eye, his face turned red and showed signs of turning purple.

Yan Bugui easily broke away his hands and slapped the enemy's chest with "Shuanglong Fetching Water".

Facing a life-threatening palm, Ding Chunqiu did not dare to be careless. He suppressed the burst of zhenqi in his body and spent his entire life to meet it with his palm.


The four palms connected, Ding Chunqiu's feet touched the ground, and he was knocked several feet away. Blood spurted from his mouth, and he slammed into the pillar of the pavilion.

Seeing that Yan Bugui had gained the upper hand and showed no mercy, he came to kill him again. He caught several Xingxiu sect disciples who had fled because of Mo Yunzi's death and threw them towards Yan Bugui.

Ah Zi shouted: "Brother, be careful of the rotting corpse poison!"

As soon as she started speaking, she saw Yan Bugui swaying around the poisonous corpses of the disciples and coming to Ding Chunqiu.

The strange and swift movements were as if they were ghosts and ghosts, which made everyone dumbfounded and even made their hair stand on end even on a sunny day.

Ding Chunqiu wanted to arrest another person, but there was already no one around him. There was a crystal-clear jade palm on his chest, and immediately he felt like his heart was pierced by a knife, and the pain was excruciating.

Yan Bugui withdrew his palm and put his hands behind his back: "This palm is called Dragon Fighting in the Wild."

"Uh~" Ding Chunqiu's mouth was filled with blood, eyes widened with unwillingness, and he threw his head back to the bottom.

Seeing this, the disciples of the Xingxiu Sect immediately changed the subject and began to criticize and curse Ding Chunqiu.

"Old monster Xingxiu, shameless..."

Just as he was saying this, the disciples of the Xingxiu Sect suddenly smiled slyly, and then fell to the ground one after another, lifeless.

You Tanzhi said in astonishment: "W-what's going on?"

Yan Bugui said: "It's all about reaping the consequences."

"I know." Ah Zi suddenly realized: "It must be that the Three Smiles that Old Monster Ding used to plot against you just now were scattered on them, right?"

"Yes." Yan Bugui frowned slightly: "Why did you come here if you didn't follow your parents?"

"They're boring." Azi said with a look of disgust on her face: "Every day I hear my mother and father's lovers fighting over each other and being jealous, it makes my head spin."

Yan Bugui's mouth twitched slightly. It was really hard to refute this reason. He said helplessly: "Then how did you meet Ding Chunqiu?"

Ah Zi curled her lips and said, "I wanted to play with you, but I found you from Dali to Song Dynasty, and from Song Dynasty to Liao Dynasty, but I couldn't find you.

Until a few days ago, I heard that Mr. Chongbian invited many smart people to play chess. The smartest person that day was definitely my eldest brother. So I came here to look for you, but instead of looking for you, I met my master first. "

"Are you going to run around again? You're lucky this time." Seeing that she didn't seem to be hypocritical, Yan Bugui couldn't say any more harsh words.

Azi smiled and said: "We have met big brother. If I follow you, I will naturally not run around."

Yan Bugui looked at the Beggar Clan and the Shaolin people: "You are the most familiar with the Xingxiu Sect. Go and help them detoxify them."

"Little sister, I obey." Ah Zi immediately turned around and walked towards Ding Chunqiu's body.

(End of this chapter)

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