Chapter 202 Beggars Invite
There are nine monks in Shaolin, headed by Master Xuannan, the first of Luohan Hall, and his junior brother Master Xantong, and the rest are junior disciples in the temple.

One of them has a strange appearance. He is twenty-three or four years old. He has thick eyebrows, big eyes, upturned nostrils, flaring ears, and thick lips. He is unforgettable at first sight.

With this venerable appearance, Yan Bugui knew he was Xu Zhu without having to guess.

As for the Beggar Clan, the four elders Song, Xi, Chen and Wu, except Elder Xi who died at the hands of Xiao Feng at the Juxianzhuang Heroes Conference, the other three are all here.

Yan Bugui was a little curious. This place did not seem to be the headquarters of the Beggar Clan. Why were the senior staff so neatly organized?
Four others.

A man in black with a beard, thin body and tough look.

The second man was wearing a khaki robe. He was also thin and angular, but tall. His eyebrows were drooping, and his face was sickly and violent.

The third man was wearing a maroon robe. He was tall and tall, with big ears and a thick gray beard under his chin. He looked like a wealthy businessman.

The last person was wearing an iron-blue scholar's robe. He was about fifty years old and had his eyes narrowed, as if his eyesight had been damaged by too much reading.

After they reported their family status, they were surprised to find that they were the four ministers of Gusu Murong. The one in red robe was the boss Deng Baichuan, the scholar in green robe was the second oldest Gong Yeqian, the one in yellow robe was the third youngest Bao, and the fourth oldest in black was Feng Bowei.

Ah Zi sneered and said: "A bunch of blind guys deserve this! Who asked you to drive my brother-in-law away? You must regret it now."

"Master, why did you give it to me?" You Tanzhi was puzzled.

Yan Bugui nodded: "Ding Chunqiu's method of transforming energy uses extremely poisonous substances to damage the meridians. As long as the poison he inflicted is removed, your skills will be restored to your old values."

"Young Master, please stay." Elder Song of the Beggar Clan stopped him and said, "I still have something I don't know about. I want to ask you for advice? May I ask where you learned the Twenty-Eight Dragon Subduing Palms from my Beggar Clan?"

"Let me take a look." Yan Bugui took the pulse of everyone in turn: "It's not a big problem. Does any of you have the Four Treasures of the Study to lend to Yan?"

After Yan Bugui finished speaking, he came to the Shaolin, Beggar Clan, and Gusu Murong families: "Everyone, everything is settled. Yan will leave first."

"Young monk, I have it here." Xu Zhu took off his baggage, took out the pen, ink, paper and inkstone and put it on the stone table of the pavilion, and carefully helped lay out the paper and grind the ink.

Azi searched Ding Chunqiu for a while and successfully found the antidote for Shaolin disciples and Beggar Clan disciples.

The poisoned elders of each family were taken care of by the remaining disciples and then walked slowly.

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard the words, even the eminent Shaolin monks were not immune to the vulgarity.

"Brother, the two old monks, the three beggars and the four guys from the Murong family have all been infected by my master's power-transforming method. There is no cure. I can only rely on you."

If the skills that have been cultivated for decades are wasted, no matter how advanced the meditation skills are, it will still feel distressed.

You Tanzhi was stunned: "..."

Deng Baichuan asked in surprise: "Is it possible that I have been hit by the power transformation method and there is still a way to restore my power?"

Yan Bugui patted the dust on his hands: "I feel dirty."

"Thank you for your hard work, little master." Yan Bugui immediately wrote down a prescription for detoxification.

Wu Changfeng sighed: "It is indeed Gang Leader Qiao!"

There is a town not far ahead of the road. Xu Zhu and several Beggar Clan disciples went ahead to purchase medicinal materials.

Elder Song couldn't help but blush. Since Qiao Feng left, the Beggar Gang has gone from bad to worse, and its reputation as the largest gang in the world has gradually faded away.

Yan Bugui asked: "In the whole world, except for the one you kicked out, who knows this skill?"

Yan Bugui came to Ding Chunqiu's body, swung his sword with his right hand, and cut off his head, then wrapped it in his banner and placed it on You Tanzhi's horse.

Chen Guyan thought carefully and thought: "Master Qiao is extremely talented. There must be another purpose behind this move. Can you please make it clear to me?"

Yan Bugui didn't hide anything, and said bluntly: "It's for today. He was worried that you would be bullied, and he was also worried that something unexpected would happen in the future, causing the Beggar Clan's hundreds of years of secret knowledge to be lost, so he left a backup with me, just in case. one."

"Qiao Bang... Qiao Daxia is so kind and righteous!" The three elders looked at each other with bitter expressions, and their intestines turned green with regret.

Yan Bugui asked: "Yan also has something unknown. Why are the three elders gathered here?"

Wu Changfeng said: "We received news that the Xingxiu Sect was inquiring about the Beggar Clan. We were afraid that the disciples in the branch would not be able to cope with it, so we decided to meet here to discuss the plan to fight against the enemy. Alas~ I didn't expect that the old devil would be caught. The way."

Yan Bugui wondered: "Why does Old Monster Ding want to embarrass the Beggar Clan?" Chen Guyan shook his head and said, "We don't know either."

Yan Bugui suddenly saw Ah Zi sticking out her tongue and asked, "A Zi, do you have anything to say?"

"A little bit." Azi pinched the belly of her little finger and said, "Last year, not long after you left, I met my senior brother Zhaixingzi, who came to me to ask for the sacred wood king tripod. Fortunately, my sister and brother-in-law were there at the time and saved me.

Maybe it was at that time that some of my brothers and sisters recognized my brother-in-law's martial arts. They were located in the Western Region and were not well informed. They didn't know that my brother-in-law had left the Beggar Clan, so they approached the Beggar Clan. "

"No wonder it's such a coincidence." Yan Bugui asked: "But, didn't you say that the sacred wooden king tripod is here with me?"

Azi shrugged: "Do you think that with my brother-in-law's temper, he would tell me?"

"That's right." Yan Bugui thought about it carefully and found that what she said was correct.

Xiao Feng had a deep sense of loyalty, so naturally he would not let his friends get involved, so he took the matter of the Divine Tree King Cauldron into his own hands.

I just didn't expect that Ding Chunqiu's lack of information would almost implicate the Beggar Gang.

Chen Guyan suddenly asked: "So, the young master also knows how to beat the dog with a stick?"

Yan Bugui said: "That's right. What advice does the elder have?"

"Don't take advice seriously." Chen Guyan knelt down on one knee, supporting his weak body: "Historically, only the gang leader can learn the dog-beating stick technique. On the other hand, the person who learns the dog-beating stick technique is the gang leader.

Elder Song, Elder Wu, what do you think? "

The two of them looked at each other, and immediately their faces showed surprise.

"Elder Chen's words make sense."

"Master Yan killed the four villains and the old monster Xingxiu, and eliminated five major scourges in the martial arts world. If he becomes the leader of the gang, I, Wu Changfeng, will be the first to support him."

"Wait a minute!" Yan Bugui said with astonishment on his face: "Aren't the three of you a little hasty?"

Chen Guyan said solemnly: "Master Qiao has always been very clear-eyed and has a sharp gaze. I believe that the person he likes will definitely not be wrong."

Yan Bugui wanted to refuse, but suddenly remembered something that might require a huge amount of manpower from the Beggar Clan, so he said: "This matter is of great importance, let me think about it before discussing it."

The three elders looked happy, knowing that he didn't say anything to death, and there was a lot to be done about this matter.

All three of them were thinking: 'I am afraid that this person's martial arts skills are not inferior to Qiao Feng's. If he can serve as the leader of the gang, the gang will surely regain its prestige. '

That day, Qiao Feng left the apricot forest, and soon after, people from Xixia Yipin Hall came and captured the Beggar Clan disciples from top to bottom. Every time they thought about this, the three of them felt extremely aggrieved.

When Qiao Feng was in power, the Beggar Clan had never been so useless.

"Young Master." A monk from the Hui generation in Shaolin suddenly came over and handed a big red post in front of Yan Bugui.

Xuan Dao said: "Young master's martial arts skills are extremely rare. Please accept this heroic post."

Yan Bugui took the post and read: [Abbot Xuan Ji of Shaolin Temple, he folds his hands and sincerely invites heroes from all over the world to come to Shaolin Temple in Songshan to celebrate and make good friends, and to respect Gusu Murong's "return to others in the same way" The body's noble demeanor. 】

"Okay, Yan will definitely visit on time." Yan Bugui almost forgot that there are two "cheats" in this world who specialize in killing people and setting fires and then let their sons take the blame.

Xiao Yuanshan could barely make it out for revenge.

But after Murong Bo faked his death, he would use his "double-turning-star-shifting" technique to kill people whenever he had nothing to do.

Is this because he is afraid that his son will have nothing to do?

Yan Bugui is puzzled.

Xuannan couldn't help but bowed and thanked him, and nodded slightly in greeting: "That's very good. Shaolin is looking forward to your visit."

Yan Buguixin said, "Don't regret it when I really go."

(End of this chapter)

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