Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 203 In the Valley of Deafness

Chapter 203 In the Valley of Deafness
The next day.

At noon.

Leigu Mountain, the Valley of Deafness and Dumbness.

There are pine forests all over the valley. The mountain wind blows, the branches and leaves sway, and the sound of the pine trees is like the waves.

There are three wooden houses standing in the forest clearing.

There is a big tree standing in front of the house, and there are more than 20 people standing under the tree.

Under the tree there is a large bluestone with a chessboard carved on it.

Jiumozhi was playing chess with a man in his mid-twenties, wearing a light yellow robe and with a handsome face.

The black and white chess pieces on the chessboard shone brightly, and the two of them had each played more than a hundred pieces.

Behind the man stood four men and one woman.

The four men were clearly the four ministers of the Murong family in Gusu.

"Yan Bugui and his friend Lianxing came to pay a visit to Mr. Congbian."

The four people standing side by side behind him all looked helpless when they looked at him.

Deng Baichuan approached the young man in yellow robe and said, "Master, this is Mr. Yan who saved us yesterday."

The voice was not very loud, but it overwhelmed the sound of pine waves in the forest.

Behind the old man, seven men and one woman stood respectfully.

For Jiumozhi, who was making moves like flying, there was even more appreciation in his eyes.

But I saw two elegant figures, one black and one white, flying out from above the pine forest with superb lightness skills, and slowly falling to the ground like leaves blown by the wind.

The four ministers of Gusu Murong had different expressions.

Even the two people who were playing chess stopped.

At the same time, there was also a gaze staring at her dreamily.

Suddenly, a clear voice came from far away from the direction up the mountain.

The other side of the board.

The woman is eighteen or nineteen years old, with long hair like clouds, bright eyebrows and bright eyes, skin like ice and snow, graceful figure, very cool and beautiful.

These four people were holding fishing rods, copper sticks, axes, and judge pens respectively. They were the four guards of the Duan family in Dali.

But he is also an extraordinary handsome young man, standing next to the chessboard, his face full of sadness.

A thin old man looked at the two people on the chess game and nodded secretly.

Everyone was shocked by this profound internal force, and all turned their heads to look.

"Master Yan!" The four guards of the Duan family in Dali all looked happy.

Shaolin monks such as Xuan Nan and Xuan Tong also stood quietly and watched the chess game.

His eyes were fixed on the man playing chess for an instant.

"I thought he wasn't coming," Feng Po X said excitedly.

Bao Tongtong said: "Fourth brother, if you want to fight with him, aren't you asking for trouble?"

Feng Bo evil was eager to try: "Such peerless masters can only be encountered but cannot be sought. It doesn't matter whether you win or lose. The key is to have fun."

Gong Yeqian said seriously: "Fourth brother, Mr. Yan is our savior, please don't lose your etiquette.

If you offend him, it might delay the young master's important events. "

Jiumozhi, who was opposite them, couldn't help but look a little ugly.

The thin old man looked at Yan Bugui carefully and marveled secretly in his heart.

Duan Yu and Murong Fu were already rare people who were elegant and handsome. Yan Bugui actually outperformed the two of them!

"Young Master is here. I am sorry to hear you come from afar, but I hope you will forgive me."

"Mr. Su, you're welcome. Yan came here uninvited. Please forgive me for being rude."

Su Xinghe said: "I originally planned to invite the young master to come to the meeting, but the young master was hard to find and couldn't be found for a long time, so I had no choice but to give up.

If the young master can come today, I would like to welcome him very much. "

"Sir, Yan is not worthy of your kindness." Yan Bugui glanced at the entire audience, almost all of whom were acquaintances. For the remaining people he had never met before, he could guess their identity without even thinking.

Murong Fu playing chess with Jiumozhi.

Next to Gong Yeqian is Wang Yuyan, a living dictionary of martial arts.

Behind Su Xinghe are the eight friends of Hangu, including Xue Muhua, the "enemy of the king of hell".

This was the first time they saw Yan Bugui.

Looking at the two people coming together, everyone was amazed.

'What a pair of talented men and beautiful women! '

Murong Fu couldn't help but look at Lian Xing twice: "I thought my cousin was already a rare and beautiful woman in the world." I didn’t expect that there are such incredible beauties in the world who look like immortals! '

"Amitabha, Donor Yan, I'm so polite." The Shaolin monks clasped their hands together with Xuan Nan and said hello.

Deng Baichuan and the other four also nodded to Yan Bugui.

"My younger brother Duan Yu, I have met Mr. Yan." Duan Yu came to Yan Bugui and saluted happily.

The four guards also saluted and greeted him.

"You guys don't have to be polite." Yan Bugui asked, "Is Prince Duan okay?"

"Thank you, young master. I am thinking that my father is well." Duan Yu said, "I often hear eldest brother Xiao Feng talking about young master, and I have been looking up to him for a long time. When I saw him today, he is indeed very charming."

"Excuse me." Yan Bugui asked, "Master Duan, does he know where brother Xiao and sister A'zhu are now?"

Duan Yu said: "Big brother is investigating the person who falsely reported the news to Abbot Xuanci."

A year ago, Xiao Feng followed Yan Bugui's method and successfully deceived the identity of the leading brother from Kang Min. As expected, he was Abbot Xuanci of Shaolin.

After confirming the news, Xiao Feng immediately went to Shaolin.

Xuanci did not hide anything anymore, and after explaining the reason, he was willing to die under Xiao Feng's hands.

Xiao Feng spared his life because he was also deceived.

Xuanci felt that he had made a big mistake and caused Xiao Feng to end up like this. Feeling deeply guilty, he resigned from the post of Shaolin Master and thought about his mistakes.

But regarding the person who gave him false information, no matter how Xiao Feng pressed him, he remained silent.

Xiao Feng was unwilling to force a confession, so he had to take A'Zhu to investigate on his own.

"It's a pity that there are too few clues, and I can't help him." Yan Bugui deliberately concealed the matter in the first place, in order to keep Xiao Feng in the Central Plains and avoid him being caught in a dilemma between Liao and Song Dynasty in the future.

At this time, two more people ran out of the pine forest. One man and one woman, they are You Tanzhi and Azi.

The two of them stopped behind him, panting.

Yan Bugui and Lian Xing's Qinggong were so fast that they tried their best to catch up.

The four guards bowed and saluted: "See you, Princess."

"Brother, you are here too!" Ah Zi looked at Duan Yu in surprise.

Duan Yu breathed a sigh of relief: "Azi, I finally found you. You left the palace privately, dad has been worried about you."

"It's not all his fault." Ah Zi said with disdain: "He has the ability to provoke women, but he has no ability to deal with them. It's annoying to have them quarrel every day."

Duan Yu also felt helpless about this: "Then you should tell me at least so that my father and Aunt Ruan will not worry."

"I know." Azi said impatiently: "With my eldest brother and my brother-in-law here, who dares to bully me?"

"Haha!" Jiumozhi's laughter suddenly sounded: "It seems that this chess game is just for teasing people, and it is impossible to solve it.

The young monk is self-aware and does not want to waste his efforts on this useless thing. "

He mocked: "Mr. Murong, you can't even get rid of my entanglement in the corner. Do you still want to compete in the Central Plains?"

Murong Fu was startled when he heard this, his mind was filled with confusion.

'I, Murong, have exhausted my destiny, and all my efforts have been in vain. I have worked hard all my life, but it finally turned into an erotic dream! Time is also destiny, what can I say? '

Murong Fu suddenly shouted, drew his sword and cut into his neck.

"Cousin, no!" Wang Yuyan exclaimed, her face changing color.

Finally, Deng Baichuan reacted quickly and struck out in time to knock the sword out of Murong Fu's hand.

Yan Bugui exclaimed: "You even tricked the son of an old friend. Master, you really have many good deeds."

"Young master, you are well." Jiumozhi put his hands together and saluted, and said with a smile: "Since you are here, you must be proficient in chess." He pointed at the chessboard and said: "Everyone can see Master Murong's chess moves. What the poor monk just said just now , but isn’t half of the sentence wrong?”

Yan Bugui raised his lips slightly: "It's good that the master has a clear conscience. By the way, I haven't seen you for a year. I wonder if the master has mastered the small phaseless skill?"

"Little phaseless skill?" Su Xinghe's expression suddenly changed.

This internal skill is Li Qiushui's unique skill.

'Could this Tubo monk be sent by Li Qiushui to murder the master? ’ Thinking of this, Su Xinghe’s eyes flashed fiercely, and he became extremely vigilant in his heart.

When the Eight Friends of Hangu saw their master's attitude, they immediately stepped forward, their eyes locked on Jiumozhi, and they were ready.

Jiumozhi didn't know why Su Xinghe was so nervous about the things in Mantuo Villa.

But now that many masters were waiting around him, he decisively decided to go first.

"I don't need to bother you, young master. I can't solve the chess game, so I'll take my leave." Jiumozhi suddenly turned around, his whole body turned into a wisp of smoke, and he rushed into the pine forest in reverse direction.

As soon as he finished speaking, he disappeared.

Yan Bugui had no deep grudge against Jiumozhi and had no intention of embarrassing him, so he let him go.

Unexpectedly, Jiumozhi's voice suddenly sounded again.

"The young monk will ask Mr. Yan for advice on the twenty-eight palms of subduing the dragon and the unique skills of fighting and star shifting some other time."

(End of this chapter)

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