Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 204: Passing Kung Fu without a Cliff

Chapter 204: Passing Kung Fu without a Cliff
Jiumozhi is gone.

His words shocked everyone in the Deaf-mute Valley.

Except for the people from Su Xinghe's group and Duan Yu, the other people present from the Shaolin and Murong families had all seen or heard about Yan Bugui's defeat of Ding Chunqiu yesterday.

Knowing that the Twenty-eight Dragon Subduing Palms he learned were taught by Xiao Feng, he was not too surprised by this matter.

But now, Jiumozhi said that he would also "turn the tide" of the Murong family in Gusu.

"North Qiao Feng, South Murong" and their names.

Now, the two famous stunts actually appeared on the third person at the same time.

In an instant, everyone's eyes were focused on Yan Bugui.

Murong Fu stood up and left the chessboard, came to Yan Bugui, clasped his fists and said, "My lord, Gusu Murong Fu, dare I ask you if what the monk said is true or false?"

"Of course it's false." Yan Bugui said: "Although Yan does know some martial arts skills, it has nothing to do with Murong's turbulent times."

"If you have no objection, Master, Yan will stay with you for now." Yan Bugui didn't have much prejudice against Murong Fu.

Yan Bugui casually brushed it from under his forearm, and his palm immediately turned around uncontrollably, hitting his shoulder with a "bang" sound.

Su Xinghe had already taken down the chess pieces played by Murong Fu and Jiumozhi, and asked, "I also have a question."

"It's not like the stars have changed." Murong Fu shook his head with a complicated expression, and his heart was full of mixed emotions.

This title of "repaying others with their own way" is no longer unique to Gusu Murong.

Murong Fu said apologetically: "This matter is of great importance. I can only offend you."

"Be careful." Murong Fu struck out with his palm and struck it straight to his chest.

"No, no." Bao Tongtong said: "As we all know, this Kung Fu of 'repaying others with their own way' is Gusu Murong's unique skill. It is the only one of its kind and there is no other.

Just an ideal young man with bad luck.

What Mr. Yan said was not only difficult to convince the public, but also seemed to be bragging. "

Although this ideal is somewhat unrealistic, after all, the Yan Kingdom has been destroyed for five or six hundred years.

Yan Bugui came to the chessboard and sat down at Bai Zi's position.

Fortunately, he did not use much real power because he wanted to test it, otherwise the shoulder would have been uncomfortable for at least a few days.

The opponent's moves are exquisite, and they can bounce back together with the internal force, and they are not under the influence of the "turn of fortune".

"It doesn't matter." Yan Bugui waved his hand nonchalantly.

Yan Bugui said: "If you don't believe it, you can come and try it."


"Little Wuxiang Gong?"

Deng Baichuan asked: "Master, how are you?"

Yan Bugui pointed at Wang Yuyan: "As far as I know, Jiumozhi stole it from Miss Wang's house."

"Please." Murong Fu stepped aside.

"Huh?" Su Xinghe had been paying attention to the chess game before and didn't care about Wang Yuyan. Now when he took a closer look, he found that this girl looked almost exactly like Li Qiushui.

"Girl, who are you, Li Qiushui?"

Wang Yuyan was startled: "It's my grandma."

"It turns out she is the daughter of junior junior sister, no wonder." Su Xinghe suddenly realized.

Wang Yuyan said blankly: "Little junior sister? Senior, are you talking about my mother?"

Su Xinghe said: "Your mother Li Qingluo is my master's only daughter."

"Ah!" Wang Yuyan exclaimed, "It turns out that senior is also a disciple of the Xingxiu Sect."

"Fart!" Su Xinghe was furious.

Wang Yuyan asked in confusion: "Then why do you call my grandpa Ding Chunqiu master?"

"Hmph." Su Xinghe became even more angry, but said nothing.

Family scandals should not be made public.

Li Qiushui and Ding Chunqiu colluded and became an adulterer. If he explained it clearly, it would be equivalent to telling everyone that his master was cuckolded by his disciple.

Su Xinghe turned his gaze back to the chessboard: "Master Yan, please make your move."

Wu Yazi spent three years creating this Zhenlong chess game, and no one has been able to solve it for more than thirty years.

Since Yan Bugui got to know the Four Friends of the South of the Yangtze River, he learned chess skills from Hei Baizi and was considered proficient in it.

But it is still not enough to solve "Zhenlong" with real skills.

They can only copy Xu Zhu's chess strategy and discard some of the white stones to gain hope from the dead game.

After a while.

Su Xinghe couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw White's victory.

"Okay! Okay! Okay! Young master has solved the chess game played by the master with his wonderful skills. I am very happy and congratulated. I am very grateful." Su Xinghe pointed to the wooden house next to him: "Young master, please come in!"

Yan Bugui stood up, turned around and shouted: "Tanzhi, bring Ding Chunqiu's head."



Wang Yuyan and Su Xinghe's expressions changed at the same time.

One was surprised, the other was delighted.

You Tanzhi carried the head wrapped in the banner of the Xingxiu Sect and handed it to Yan Bugui.

There were faint traces of blood on it.

Su Xinghe was so excited that his body trembled, and his voice also trembled: "This, this, this, are you serious?"

Yan Bugui wondered: "What's the matter? Didn't they tell you?"

"Amitabha." Xuannan stepped forward: "Mr. Su is focused on the chess game, and we don't know the relationship between him and Ding Chunqiu. Therefore, we haven't had the chance to tell him that Ding Chunqiu was killed by the young master yesterday."

"God's will, it is God's will!" Su Xinghe was ecstatic: "Master, please come in quickly."

He decided to speak because he had the intention of fighting to the death with Ding Chunqiu, but he did not expect to encounter such a big surprise.

Yan Bugui picked up the package of human heads and went straight to the wooden house.

There was no door to the wooden house. The wooden wall was shattered by his palm with a "thud" sound as he stepped in.

It was empty, just four walls.

"Finally, someone has come in." A deep, old voice suddenly came from behind the wall opposite the entrance.

Yan Bugui immediately used his palm to split the wall again, but there was still an empty room behind.

There was only a handsome man with a face like a jade, a three-foot black beard, Lingxu sitting in the air.

Seeing Yan Bugui's extraordinary appearance, Wu Yazi couldn't help but laugh loudly.

"Hahaha... Yes, yes, I have waited thirty years in vain for a piece of fine material and jade."

"It's a pity that I can't worship you as my teacher." Yan Bugui pointed his right hand into a sword, activated the sword energy and drew his name on the ground.

Wu Yazi's eyes narrowed: "Could this be the Six Meridians Divine Sword of the Duan clan in Dali?"

"That's it."

"Condensing Qi into a sword, you have such pure skills, it would be a pity if you just dissipate." Wu Yazi was surprised, but at the same time there was a look of embarrassment on his face.

Yan Bugui's internal strength cultivation is probably no longer inferior to his.

"You took great pains to set up the Zhenlong chess game just because you wanted to find someone to clean up the family for you."

Wu Yazi smiled bitterly and said, "It seems that Xinghe has already told you.

But with your martial arts, it's not difficult to deal with that traitor Ding Chunqiu. "

"So, I have brought his head to you." Yan Bugui opened the package in his hand, and a strong smell of blood immediately spread out.

A strong wind suddenly rose in the house, and Wu Yazi's beard and hair were flying, and there was no wind. It was obviously caused by the excitement of the mind and the leakage of internal energy.

"Well done! This evil disciple deceived his master and destroyed his ancestors. His crimes are heinous. He deserves this retribution. Well done!"

"It's not because of your incompetence in your emotions that you got into this trouble." Yan Bugui had no sympathy for Wu Yazi at all.

This guy was half-hearted and first fell in love with the Tianshan Child Elder. However, because the Child Elder was plotted against by Li Qiu Shui, she became obsessed with practicing martial arts and her body became like a girl's. He immediately fell in love with Li Qiu Shui.

After marrying Li Qiushui and having a child, he fell in love with his sister-in-law again within a few years.

An old scumbag, even if he dies, it won't be a waste.

"Ashamed, ashamed." Wu Yazi's old face flushed, and he secretly blamed Su Xinghe for being ignorant and saying everything to others.

But then I thought about it and realized something was wrong. Yan Bugui couldn't predict the future. Even if he killed Ding Chunqiu, there was no need to bring his head specially.

"Young master seems to know my Xiaoyao sect very well?"

"There is no other way. No sect in the world has such complicated emotional entanglements as the Gui sect."

"Oh, let's not mention the past. With your qualifications and appearance, it is most suitable to be the heir of my Xiaoyao Sect.

I originally wanted to give you all my inner strength, but your foundation is already established, but now it seems you can no longer do it. "

"That's not necessarily the case. You can give it a try."

"Young man, my internal strength is completely opposite to that of other sects. If you don't eliminate your own internal strength, once it comes into contact with my true energy, even if your martial arts reach the sky, your body will explode and die."

"I have practiced martial arts to this point, so naturally I have some abilities that others don't have." Yan Bugui said and came to Wu Yazi.

Wu Yazi thought that what he said made sense. After pondering for a moment, he suddenly turned somersault in the air and landed in front of Yan Bugui. He grabbed his wrist with both hands and used Beiming's magical power to channel his internal energy.

Yan Bugui immediately activated the 'Hunyuan Diamond Body', continuously absorbing Beiming's true energy to attack the ninth level.

(End of this chapter)

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