Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 217 The inner demons and confusion

Chapter 217 The inner demons and confusion
Everyone, except Tong Lao, had seen Wang Yuyan before, and they were all surprised by her.

Yan Bugui knew that this girl was Li Qiushui's granddaughter, Princess Li Qinglu of Yinchuan in Xixia, also known as the legendary 'Meng Gu'.

What surprised him was not Li Qinglu's appearance, but that Li Qiushui's genes were really strong. After marrying and having children with different men, three generations of grandparents have the same face.

The similarity is not 99% but 88%!
Duan Yu looked at Li Qinglu intently and couldn't help but walk towards her.

"Brother, please calm down." Ah Zi hurriedly grabbed Duan Yu and said, "This is the Xixia Palace, where did Miss Wang come from?"

Duan Yu's mind cleared and he stopped.

Li Qinglu was confused by what everyone said and frowned: "Who are you?"

Yan Bugui asked, "Have you ever heard of Xiaoyao Sect, girl?"

Li Qinglu suddenly realized: "Are you the same sect of the Imperial Grandmother?"

She was favored by Li Qiushui and was lucky enough to move in here. When she saw the martial arts charts on the surrounding walls, she once asked Li Qiu Shui about their origins, and thus learned some things about the Xiaoyao Sect.

"Since you know, it's easy to tell." Yan Bugui looked at the child beside him: "This is your imperial grandmother's senior sister, and I am your imperial grandmother's junior brother." He pointed at Duan Yu: "As for this , is the leader of the Xiaoyao Sect today."

Li Qinglu looked at the Qibao Ring with a look of reminiscence on her face: "I seem to have heard the Queen's grandmother talk about it before."

On the other hand, if they are okay after practicing, they are either people with excellent martial arts skills, or they are indeed fellow disciples of Xiaoyao Sect. Her resistance to the former was in vain, and there was no need to resist the latter.

Li Qinglu asked: "Do you have any evidence?"

AhZi couldn't see it, so she directly raised Duan Yu's left arm, showed the Qibao ring on his thumb, and then whispered in his ear: "Brother, I advise you to be careful. Look, she looks like Miss Wang looks so similar, maybe it’s my father’s fault again.”

"I wonder if you recognize this thing?" Yan Bugui winked at Duan Yu, but he was still immersed in Li Qinglu's appearance, making a girl who had not left the palace blush.

the other side.

Child Elder snorted coldly. Li Qinglu looked very much like Li Qiushui when he was young, which made her very uncomfortable to look at.

This princess is not as harmless as she seems.

"Master, uncle, ha! You can open the acupuncture points, but you can't leave." Yan Bugui couldn't help but laugh, and immediately glanced at Child Elder, seeing her nodding, he used his magical power to open Xiaolei's acupuncture points in the air.

"Actually, it doesn't matter." Yan Bugui said: "I am here for the martial arts of our sect recorded in the palace. I have no ill intentions, so don't worry, girl."

"Alas~" Ah Zi curled her lips in disappointment, turned her eyes and approached Li Qingli, and got close to her: "Sister, I have a sister who looks very similar to you..."

"Then you can do what you want." Li Qinglu glanced at the maid Xiaolei beside her and said to Yan Bugui: "I don't know martial arts, so I would like to ask my great uncle to use your noble hands to unblock Xiaolei's acupuncture points."

The stone walls surrounding the study are carved with hundreds of martial arts graphics like the Grottoes of Lingjiu Palace.

Just as he said just now, the martial arts on the wall are so profound that people with insufficient foundation, let alone practicing, will become obsessed and confused if they look at them for a few more times.

"Be honest, Ah Zi, your internal strength is still weak. Don't peek, lest you go crazy." Yan Bugui told the two of them and glanced at Li Qinglu from the corner of his eye.

If they don't have enough internal skills and practice forcefully, Li Qinglu will be able to catch them without any effort.

Yan Bugui, Tong Lao, and Duan Yu stood side by side in front of the stone wall.

Now that she knew who Wu Yazi cared about, and her body had returned to normal, her hatred for Li Qiushui had subsided a lot. If it had been with this appearance in the past, Li Qinglu would have died at the hands of Child Elder the moment she appeared.

"Thank you, uncle." Li Qinglu bowed and took Xiaolei to sit down at the desk.

"Hiss——" Duan Yu suddenly became excited, as if he was doused with cold water in the dead of winter and had a piece of ice stuffed in his arms.

The martial arts diagrams on it have different images, some are meditating, some are jumping, and the postures are all kinds of strange.

Most of these human figures are surrounded by circles, and most of the circles are marked with some heavenly stems, earthly branches and numbers.

The 'White Rainbow Palm Power' that Yan Bugui is most interested in is among them. The essence of Li Qiushui's martial arts is all gathered here.

Child Elder suddenly turned around and said, "Sister Lianxing, come and see us too."

Lian Xing shook his head: "This is the martial arts of your noble sect. How can I, an outsider, overstep it?"

Child Elder smiled and said: "You are not an outsider, you don't have to be polite."

"Since Senior Sister has spoken, let's come together." Yan Bugui advised: "The martial arts of Xiaoyao Sect is not inferior to that of Yihua Palace. If you have more skills, I will feel relieved when I go back to find your sister in the future."

Lian Xing hesitated for a moment, nodded slightly and said, "Then I'd rather be respectful than obey." The whole night passed in a flash.

Yan Bugui has recorded all the martial arts on the stone wall in the interior scene.

"Sister, we can go."

Child Elder looked at the Hidden Edge Box on You TanZhi: "Wait a moment, let me borrow your Boqing Sword."

Unexpectedly, Yan Bugui opened the box, took out the sword, and handed it to Child Elder.

"The martial arts of the Xiaoyao Sect cannot just be left outside like this." Child Elder took a deep breath and used her strength to draw her sword and strike at the stone wall.

The ruthless sword is extremely sharp, breaking stone into gold is like tearing paper and silk.

The sword blade passed by, and rocks flew into the study room. Within a moment, all the maps on the stone wall were completely destroyed.

Li Qinglu wanted to stop it but was unable to do so. Unfortunately, this place was so deep and hidden that the huge noise could not be transmitted.

When the rubble and smoke cleared, she and Xiaolei were the only ones left in the study.

Xiaolei said anxiously: "Princess, I will immediately notify the imperial army to arrest the person."

"Forget it." Li Qinglu said with a solemn face: "The fact that those four people were able to sneak into the palace without anyone noticing and practice the martial arts on the wall shows that they are very skilled in martial arts. If they messed with such a powerful master for nothing, maybe they would Endangering my father.

It seemed like they did not have any malicious intent. Since they were the same sect of the Imperial Grandmother, it would not be too late to wait until the Imperial Grandmother came back to deal with them. "

"The slaves obey."

at the same time.

Yan Bugui and others had already passed through Orchid Stream and left Qingfeng Pavilion. They escaped from the numerous guards and quietly left the palace.

"Brother, I've made it clear for you." Ah Zi came to Duan Yu and said, "That princess is the biological daughter of the Xixia Emperor, who is also the biological granddaughter of Li Qiushui."

Duan Yu said in surprise: "No wonder they look so similar. It turns out she and Miss Wang are cousins."

Azi chuckled: "So unless our father has the courage to steal the Xixia Emperor's concubine, the possibility that she is your sister is very slim. You can go after her with confidence this time."

Duan Yu sighed helplessly: "Who do you think I am? I was just a little too surprised before."

Yan Bugui patted him on the shoulder: "Azi is right, if you like her, go for it. Prince Zhennan and Princess Xixia are just right for each other."

"However." He suddenly changed the topic: "The premise is that you really like her, and not use her as a substitute because she has the same face as your fairy sister. This is too unkind."

"Of course I understand this." Duan Yu smiled bitterly.

Ever since he knew the identity of the fairy sister, his original obsession with the jade statue had weakened a lot. Even when I think of Wang Yuyan, I feel less uncomfortable.

Thinking of what Yan Bugui said, he couldn't help but secretly reflect on whether he was so obsessed with Wang Yuyan before, did he regard her as a substitute for the jade statue?

With this question in mind, Duan Yu followed the others to Henan.

On this day, after traveling thousands of miles, they finally arrived at Leigu Mountain.

Everyone was shocked when they looked at the graves of Wu Yazi and Li Qiushui.

Child Elder asked Su Xinghe expressionlessly: "How did they die?"

Su Xinghe bowed and said, "Report to Master, this and that, this and that."

"Where is Mr. Murong?" Yan Bugui never expected that the biggest beneficiary of his intervention would be Murong Fu.

Li Qiu Shui was seriously injured and probably still had 50% to 60% of his skill left. Coupled with the more than 20 years of Beiming Qi in Wu Yazi, Murong Mansion has at least gained more than a dozen years of skill.

Su Xinghe said: "Mr. Murong took Miss Wang back to Suzhou. He said he wanted to prepare for the Heroes Conference held in Shaolin."

"Tsk!" Yan Bugui was speechless.

With Murong Mansion's current skills, there will be great things to see when the time comes.

(End of this chapter)

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