Chapter 218 Rhythm Master
The next day.

Yan Bugui prepares to leave Leigu Mountain and head to Luoyang, the chief helmsman of the Beggar Clan. The Heroes Conference is coming soon, and some things should be put on the agenda.

Duan Yu said: "Brother Yan, I won't go with you. Master has recently passed away, so I want to stay and fulfill my duty as a disciple."

"As it should be, let's meet again at Shaoshi Mountain." Yan Bugui nodded and turned to Child Elder: "Senior sister, what about you?"

Child Elder said calmly: "My old friend has passed away, and there is no point in staying here. I plan to return to Lingjiu Palace."

"Don't go." Yan Bugui advised: "It's rare to come out, why don't you go for a walk with us? Why are you in such a hurry to go back?"

"This world has nothing to do with me anymore." Child Elder had already stood in front of Wu Yazi's grave all night. He looked lonely, his spirits were waning, and there was a faint air of twilight on his still youthful face.

After hearing this, Yan Bugui immediately stopped trying to persuade him.

At the foot of Leigu Mountain.

Everyone watched as Child Elder's desolate figure walked away.

"Oh~ If I had known, I would have spared Ye Erniang's life first." Yan Bugui said: "But it doesn't matter, there are others who can testify."

"What?" Everyone was extremely shocked and their eyes widened in disbelief.

Yan Bugui said casually: "Isn't it the most common relationship between men and women? Ye Erniang was also young, and she was not born a bad person. Although it has been a long time, some people may have forgotten that they have lost their children.

The three elders were overjoyed.

But I just can't stand it, he must pay the price. "

Chen Guyan was astonished and said, "But hasn't Erniang Ye been eliminated by the young master?"

Chen Guyan nodded: "In that case, our Beggar Gang must take care of this matter. Shaolin happens to be holding a hero conference, which saves a lot of trouble."

Chen Guyan asked: "Does the gang leader have any evidence? After all, the other party is a Shaolin monk. I'm afraid it will be difficult to convince the public based on your one-sided words."

"Actually, the position of leader of this gang is secondary. Yan came here for two major things. One is to be entrusted by Xiao Feng to find successors for the two secret skills of the Beggar Clan, so as to avoid the loss of the Dragon Subduing Palm and the Dog Beating Stick.

"Who?" Wu Changfeng shouted sharply: "Which wolf-hearted beast is so vicious?"

Before entering the city, the three elders of the Beggar Clan, Song, Chen and Wu, led the disciples of the Beggar Clan to welcome him out.

Elder Song asked: "Has the young master decided to take over as the leader of this gang?"

A virtuous monk who does all kinds of evil.

Then Yan Bugui and Lian Xing rushed to Luoyang with You Tanzhi and Azi.

"But, but how could these two people who have nothing to do with each other..." Chen Guyan really couldn't connect these two people together.

Secondly, I want to seek justice for the children who were killed by Ye Erniang for more than 20 years. "

Wu Changfeng was as enthusiastic as he was. He cupped his fists and said, "Mr. Yan, we haven't seen each other for a few months, but we have been looking forward to seeing you."

Yan Bugui returned the greeting with his hands raised: "I'm going to visit you all."

"You will never guess this man." Yan Bugui sneered, "He is the former Shaolin abbot Xuanci."

Everyone was furious.

"The root cause is not with Ye Erniang." Yan Bugui said solemnly: "There are people who can stop Ye Erniang from doing evil with just one word, but for more than twenty years they have turned a blind eye and watched Ye Erniang kill innocent people."

If this happens, it will greatly damage Shaolin's prestige in the world, and it will be of great benefit to the Beggar Gang without any harm.

Elder Song said: "This is a serious matter. Please ask the gang leader to return to the main helm to discuss this matter. Brothers from various branches of the gang have been waiting for you for a long time."

"Huh~?" Yan Bugui was startled.

Chen Guyan said: "Actually, as soon as you stepped into Henan, the disciples in the gang discovered you, and then they immediately sent a letter to the chief helmsman."

Yan Bugui raised his eyebrows: "What if I don't want to be the gang leader?"

Elder Song smiled and said, "Why wait until now if I really want to reject you?"

Under the leadership of the three elders, Yan Bugui and others came to the chief helm of the Beggar Clan.

Although it is a gathering place for beggars, it is the largest gang in the martial arts world after all, and the environment is much cleaner than expected.

In the huge woods, a high platform was erected.

Hundreds of beggars holding bamboo sticks and dressed in rags were divided into two rows and sat on the ground under the stage.

Lian Xing inevitably became the focus of everyone's attention again, causing a lot of cries.

There was an old man with gray beard and hair on the stage, who was looking at Yan Bugui who was coming towards him. Wu Changfeng introduced: "Gang leader, this is the elder of our gang."

Yan Bugui thought for a while, but was not very impressed by this character.

The old man who passed on the merits jumped down from the high platform, bowed his hands and saluted: "I have heard about the honor of the young master for a long time, and I am lucky enough to see you today."

"It's our first time meeting you. Nice to meet you." Yan Bugui looked around: "I heard that the Beggar Clan has two elders who teach martial arts and enforce laws. Isn't the elder of the law enforcement here today?"

The four elders, Lu, Song, Chen, and Wu, looked at each other with unnatural expressions on their faces.

Law enforcement elder Bai Shijing secretly had an affair with Kang Min, the widow of deputy gang leader Ma Dayuan. After the incident was exposed last year, he was executed under gang rules.

Chen Guyan coughed dryly and said, "The law enforcement elder was seriously ill and unfortunately passed away last year."

Family scandals should not be made public.

If the new gang leader knew about the Beggar Clan's scandals and regretted it, that would be very bad.

"That's such a pity." Yan Bugui smiled secretly. Bai Shijing's death was probably because of Xiao Feng.

Now that the truth is out, if they had forced themselves hard and sincerely admitted their mistakes that day, they might have been able to invite Xiao Feng back.

But this group of people are unwilling to admit that they have wronged a good person and want to save face. The Beggar Society has plummeted, and the contribution of these people is indispensable.

Everyone came to the stage with Yan Bugui in their arms.

The elder Chuan Gong faced the Beggar Clan disciples in the audience and said loudly: "This is Mr. Yan Bugui Yan.

Everyone must have heard of his name. He first killed the four evil people, and then the old monster Xingxiu.

Mr. Yan eliminates harm for the people. He is truly chivalrous and courageous. He is a role model for our generation.

He was entrusted by Qiao Feng, the former leader of the gang, to bring back our gang-suppressing skills: the Dog Beating Stick Technique and the Twenty-Eight Dragon Subduing Palms.

For this gang, it is a great achievement. "

Upon hearing this, many disciples in the audience immediately cheered in unison.

Lu Zhang raised his hand and pressed it, suppressing everyone's voices, and continued: "In view of this, I and the three elders have unanimously decided to recommend Young Master Yan to take over as the new leader of this gang. What do you think?"

"Wait!" Among the crowd near the high platform, a middle-aged beggar with an elegant appearance suddenly stood up.

Lu Zhang frowned and said, "Quan Guanqing, what do you think?"

Hearing the name, Yan Bugui immediately became interested and looked at the person carefully.

Quan Guanqing said solemnly: "Qiao Feng is a Khitan, this is an iron-clad fact.

This person knows Qiao Feng. Who can guarantee that he is not a Khitan spy?
Maybe this is Qiao Feng's conspiracy. He was not satisfied with slaughtering countless martial arts masters from the Central Plains in Juxian Village that day. Today, he will use this person to regain control of the Beggar Gang in order to disintegrate the Song Dynasty's anti-Liao power.

In the future, the Khitan cavalry will be able to travel south unimpeded. "

"You fart!" Wu Changfeng has always admired Qiao Feng as a person and couldn't help but cursed: "Qiao Feng is a man of great integrity and a good man, how could he do such a despicable and shameless thing!"

Quan Guanqing sneered and said: "Knowing people, knowing their faces, but not their hearts. Besides, if they are not of my race, their minds must be different."

"Quan Guanqing, right?" Yan Bugui said with his hands behind his back: "I heard that you were expelled from the Beggar Clan by Xiao Feng that day in Xingzi Lin. Why are you still here today gesticulating on the affairs of the Beggar Clan?"

Lu Zhang quickly explained: "I asked him to temporarily take over the position of the helmsman of Dazhi Branch."

"Isn't that too hasty?" Yan Bugui said solemnly: "I belong to the same sect as Prince Duan Yu, Prince of Zhennan.

I once heard him say that that day in the apricot forest, Quan Guanqing and the adulteress Kang Min tried their best to testify that Xiao Feng was the murderer of Deputy Gang Leader Ma.

Now it turns out that Kang Min deliberately framed Xiao Feng, and Quan Guanqing, as her accomplice, is probably not a good person either. "

"You are such a slanderer!" Quan Guanqing was shocked and angry.

"Yes or no, let's verify it and find out." Yan Bugui grabbed Quan Guanqing with his right hand.

He happened to be within ten feet of the audience. He was immediately pulled up to the high platform by a strong suction force.

"What do you want to do?" Quan Guanqing's expression turned pale and he swallowed unconsciously.

He found that the man in front of him was different from Qiao Feng and seemed a little unreasonable.

A gentleman can deceive others.

However, Yan Bugui's attitude of taking action as soon as he said it was clearly not a gentleman.

(End of this chapter)

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