Chapter 219 Gathering in Shaolin
Yan Bugui casually sealed Quan Guanqing's acupuncture points, making him unable to move.

Quan Guanqing's heart tightened, and he could no longer hide the look of panic on his face: "In broad daylight, with the world clear, do you still want to torture me to extract a confession?"

"Gang leader, you can't do it." Chen Guyan hurriedly stepped forward to stop him. Such an approach would be like subduing him, and he really couldn't convince the disciples in the gang.

"Don't worry." Yan Bugui secretly gathered his strength and said with a smile: "I just asked him a few words, and I promise not to move a finger of his."

Quan Guanqing's tense heartstrings eased slightly. But at the moment when he was relaxing, he suddenly noticed that Yan Bugui's eyes were dimly lit up with a strange light.

"Quan Guanqing, who killed Ma Dayuan, the late former deputy leader of our gang?" Yan Bugui's voice followed closely.

Quan Guanqing couldn't help but said: "Kang Min and Bai Shijing conspired to kill him."

As soon as this statement came out, there was an uproar in the audience.

In order to save the face of the Beggar Gang, only a few elders in the gang knew the truth. The gang members still think that Ma Dayuan was killed by Xiao Feng or Murong Fu.

Yan Bugui asked: "Why did you frame Xiao Feng?"

Quan Guanqing's skull shattered, followed by a shock all over his body. His eyes bulged, his orifices were bleeding, and he died on the spot.

Lu Zhangyi spoke sternly: "Quan Guanqing was ambitious, despicable and shameless. He will never be able to redeem himself even if he dies. He died so happily, which is already an advantage for him."

"Good kill! Good kill..."

Looking at Quan Guanqing's smile, you can tell that he and Kang Min are also having an affair.

"This is unreasonable!" Lu Zhang was furious, raised his hand and struck Quan Guanqing's Tianling Gai with his palm.

Therefore, although Lu Zhang knew that something was wrong with Quan Guanqing's situation, he still chose to kill him to protect the reputation of the Beggar Gang.

Quan Guanqingyin smiled sadly and said, "It's just that Xiao Feng is a Khitan, and I want to be the gang leader."

If he is allowed to continue talking, there are countless people present today, and the news will inevitably be leaked. By then, the Beggar Clan will really lose its face.

"Declaration in advance." Yan Bugui said extremely seriously: "I will never accept a succession ceremony that is despised by thousands of people. If you don't agree, then ask someone else."

Wu Changfeng laughed loudly: "Look at how handsome our gang leader is. If you ask me, Old Wu, to spit on him, I really can't open my mouth."

"Gang leader? Just you?" Yan Bugui sneered, "Then how did you collude with Kang Min?"

The gang members in the audience were filled with indignation and shouted in unison.

Lu Zhang then pulled out a bamboo stick as green as emerald from under his robe, placed it in his hands, knelt on one knee, and held it in front of Yan Bugui.

Lu Zhang and Elder Song also agreed, finally allowing Yan Bugui to escape the disaster.

Yan Bugui glanced at Lu Zhang meaningfully: "Elder Lu really hates evil, but it's a pity that I haven't finished asking this question yet."


"Hehe~" Quan Guanqing's smile suddenly became a little more lewd.

He took the dog-beating stick and raised it high, and said in a loud voice: "Yan is not talented, so I will temporarily take over the position of gang leader. If anyone is dissatisfied, you can come to the stage to teach me."

"Please help the master to pick up the dog-beating stick."

Chen Guyan said: "Rules are set by people, and naturally they can be changed by people. If the gang leader doesn't want to, then forget it."

All the elders looked at each other in confusion, saying that the ancestral rituals cannot be abolished, and they all felt very embarrassed.

A middle-aged beggar with seven bags hanging on his body stood up and said, "Needless to say, the master's martial arts and character. It's just that Elder Lu said that you are proficient in our gang's unique skills of subduing the dragon palm and beating the dog stick. My subordinates have not yet mastered it." I can see it with my own eyes, would you be lucky enough to see it?"

Yan Bugui nodded and said, "It's easy to say. This brother can come on stage to verify it in person."

After a while.

Several people who had the same idea came to the stage to compete with Yan Bugui. They fully appreciated the subtleties of the Dragon Subduing Palm and the Dog Beating Stick, and were finally convinced.

Yan Bugui put his hands on his back and said: "From now on, we will order the helmsmen of our gang to be divided into different places. If there are disciples with good qualifications and character, they can be sent to the chief helmsman in Luoyang. Yan will select the best to teach the gang's unique skills."

"The gang leader is wise! The gang leader is wise!" The audience cheered again.

Lu Zhang was surprised and said: "Gang leader, what do you want to do?"

Yan Bugui said: "Of course it is to cultivate talents and prepare for taking over as gang leader. This is my main purpose of becoming the gang leader."

Hearing that there was a chance to become the heir to the gang leader, the gang members below became even more excited.

Not a few days.

Among the beggar clan's six divisions of benevolence, righteousness, great propriety, great wisdom, great faith, and great courage, some people were sent to the general helm of Luoyang one after another. Yan Bugui chose from thousands of choices and chose a young man named Qian.

He was an abandoned baby who was taken in by the Dayi Branch since he was a child. The captain named him Qian Dayi.

First of all, he does have extraordinary qualifications and good conduct. Secondly, Yan Bugui vaguely remembered that Hong Qigong once said that a certain leader of the Beggar Clan before him was named Qian.

Two months passed like this.

In a large house somewhere in Luoyang City, Qian Dayi was practicing in the courtyard. The bamboo stick in his hand had many changes, and he fought back and forth with You Tanzhi's long sword, clearly using the dog-beating stick method.

The Dragon Subduing Palm requires a deep foundation of internal strength. Qian Dayi is still unable to do it for the time being, and practicing hard will only hurt himself.

You Tanzhi possesses the magical skills taught by Yan Bugui, and with the ice silkworms at his side, his internal skills are increasing day by day under the stimulation of the cold air.

Although the dog-beating stick technique is exquisite, Qian Dayi is still a beginner, and he can't handle You Tanzhi's ever-changing sword moves.

Yan Bugui sat on the Grand Master's chair at the entrance of the hall, and from time to time he would mention something to the two of them, making them unable to tell the winner.

"Brother, drink tea." Ah Zi brought a cup of hot tea and placed it on the small table next to Yan Bugui.

Over the past few months, Azi didn't know if she was affected by Yan Bugui, but she became much more well-behaved than when they first met.

Yan Bugui picked up the teacup and said, "Thank you."

"Brother, I don't understand." Ah Zi said curiously: "The Beggar Gang is the largest gang in the martial arts world and plays an important role in the world. Your position as the leader of the gang is guarded by your own disciples and is not passed on to your own disciples. Why would you want to pass it on to a stranger? ?”

"Tanzhi's temperament is too soft and inappropriate." Yan Bugui didn't care that he was right next to him and said bluntly: "If you let him be the leader of the gang, he might be fooled one day.

On the contrary, this Qian guy looks a bit like your brother-in-law, both in appearance and behavior. "

Suddenly, there were footsteps outside.

Chen Guyan came in a hurry, bowed his hands and said, "To the leader of the gang, after months of visits by the brothers, we have found some families whose children were stolen by Ye Erniang.

In fact, most people hope to seek justice for their dead children, and now they are on the way. "

Yan Bugui looked at the big tree with withered leaves in the corner of the courtyard, stood up and said: "The Shaolin Heroes Conference is coming soon. Send the order, we will set off tomorrow to Shaoshi Mountain for the meeting."

"I obey my orders." Chen Guyan turned around and left.

a few days later.

Thousands of people from the Beggar Clan arrived at Shaoshi Mountain in a mighty manner.

But I saw a crowd of people outside the mountain gate, and heroes from all walks of life had already arrived.

The mountain forest monks set up a large formation of Arhats on the outside to guard the mountain gate to prevent chaos.

"Amitabha." Master Xuanji recited the Buddha's name loudly, and came out from the crowd: "I have heard the name of the hero of the Yan Gang for a long time, and today I saw that he is really extraordinary."

The news that a new leader of the Beggar Clan has succeeded has spread throughout the world.

Yan Bugui also became famous in the martial arts world for killing the four villains and Ding Chunqiu, but he rarely appeared in front of people, and very few people knew him.

The heroes in the world were already extremely curious about him. After hearing Master Xuanji's words, they immediately turned to look at Yan Bugui.

In an instant, hundreds of pairs of eyes all fell on Yan Bugui.

I saw him with a jade-like face, sword-like eyebrows and starry eyes, wearing black clothes and a white robe, sitting proudly on the back of an unusually handsome black horse. The magnificence of his grace was as eye-catching as a pearl in the dark night, attracting everyone's admiration.

Yan Bugui stood up and dismounted, cupped his hands and said, "Master Xuanji has given me the award. Isn't Young Master Murong here yet? He is the protagonist today."

Xuanji shook his head and said, "Master Murong has not shown his face yet."

"That's right." Yan Bugui said with a smile: "The protagonist usually appears last."

"Gusu Murong, come and pay homage to the mountain!" A clear voice suddenly sounded from the bottom of the mountain.

There were many people in front of the mountain gate, but this voice instantly overwhelmed everyone's movements.

With such a strong inner strength, all the heroes present were shocked by it and secretly thought: 'There is a widespread rumor in the world that 'Murong from Bei Qiao Feng Nan' is indeed well-deserved! '

Master Xuanji and the junior disciple behind him could not help but look worried.

Murong Fu's martial arts skills are so high, I'm afraid what happened today will be difficult to correct if he is not careful.

Yan Bugui looked back and saw Murong Fu's mouth raised slightly, walking like a dragon or a tiger. Wang Yuyan was accompanying her, and four ministers were walking behind her, looking high-spirited and high-spirited.

(End of this chapter)

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