Chapter 271 Purple Qi Tianluo
"Aren't you going to take action yet?" Yan Bugui held the sword across his chest, and gently stroked the blade of the sword with the sword fingers of his left hand.

"Hmph! You're a junior, I'll give you a move." Xi Ying's eyes looked at Yan Bugui's whole body, and he really couldn't find any opening to make a move. Taking action rashly at this time would only expose his own flaws.

"Then don't say that I can't win with force." After Yan Bugui finished speaking, he dispersed the magic field, raised his long sword high and slashed down with force, and struck out forcefully with the 'Breaking Qi Style'.

With a "chi" sound, Xi Ying's protective aura collapsed and disintegrated, making him shake.

Immediately afterwards, countless Yan Bugui flashed in front of his eyes, charging towards him to kill him. The cold light of the long sword exploded in front of his eyes, shining like stars.

"Illusion Demon Body Technique!" Xi Ying had no time to be surprised and retreated as fast as lightning.

Something more terrifying than the enemy's ability to use magic magic is happening. Where Yan Bugui's long sword is pointing, it is surprisingly the important acupuncture point where his true energy is running at this moment.

His own reality has been seen through. Not only does the other party know magic magic, but he also knows the seal of immortality.

Yan Bugui must have used the heavenly magic field just now to detect the movement routes in his body when he came into contact with his true energy.

This is Shi Zhixuan's unique skill. As a member of the Demon Sect, how can Xi Ying not know this?

He used all his strength to attack this attack, and the three armies were able to overcome the difficulty and become invincible. The Purple Qi Tianluo had already reached its peak, dyeing his exposed skin a rich purple color.

The legs are longer than the hands, and the force is stronger. If you are kicked, you will lose half your life even if you don't die.

Xi Ying's palms crossed each other, using his power to shatter the sword energy. Following the strange steps of his feet, he avoided the oncoming Bo Qing Sword by a hair's breadth and came to the left side of Yan Bugui. He raised his right hand into a sword and slashed his neck diagonally.

With a flash of sword light, Yan Bugui turned around and took advantage of the momentum to pursue him. He straightened his sword and took it straight to his heart.

Xi Ying took a deep breath and used his kung fu to suppress the churning Qi and blood in his body. His hands instantly created thousands of palm shadows like butterflies piercing flowers. Each palm shot out five gossamer Qi energy, which wrapped around him like tentacles. Thin love sword.

Unexpectedly, when he was halfway through the move, he was shocked to find that the energy in his gossamer energy had changed.

Yan Bugui's sword paused, as if it was piercing into a swamp full of mud. The Boqing sword was wrapped in layers of air nets, becoming heavier and heavier.

Just as he was about to succeed, Xi Ying was forced to change his attack, and slashed down Yan Bugui's left foot with his sword.

"Poof~" Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Xi Ying stood firm and spurted out a mouthful of blood. The purple energy on his face immediately dissipated like an ebbing tide, and his internal organs had been injured by the true power of the spiral.

Yan Bugui followed closely like a shadow, and suddenly he saw purple light in Xi Ying's eyes, and his five fingers intertwined.

At the tips of his ten fingers, a piece of invisible energy as thin as a gossamer was spit out at the same time, and it quickly intertwined into a network, overwhelming Xiang Yan Bugui.

At the same time, he also noticed that another part of Yousi Qi Jin turned behind him and attacked various key points behind him such as the Body Pillar, Lingtai, Zhiyang, and Mingmen.

This gossamer energy is the essence of the 'Zi Qi Tian Luo'. Just like a spider web, if any prey hits the web, the more it struggles, the tighter it becomes, which is extremely weird and evil.

The strands of vitality were like rivers and streams, all flowing out from the front and back of Yan Bugui's body quickly like hundreds of rivers converging into the sea.

Qi and energy collided, and Zhiyang Zhigang suddenly spiraled the true energy through his palm. Xi Ying felt as if he was electrocuted. He let out a muffled grunt as his hand bounced away, and his feet couldn't help but step back.

Xi Ying rubbed his body and leaned closer, and thrust his right palm straight into Yan Bugui's chest. His palm turned purple again, filled with zhenqi, and was as straight as a sharp blade, trying to disembowel Yan Bugui.

The sword energy remained strong and continued to shoot at Xi Ying. Yan Bugui followed closely behind, pointing the sword at his throat.

However, Yan Bugui seemed to have expected it. Without looking back, he flew up with his left foot and kicked his lower abdomen with the leg of the God of Heaven.

The fierce wind was the first to attack. Xi Ying clasped his fingers together and pulled out a gossamer net again. He concentrated the sword energy on his chest, and with the help of this powerful impact, he quickly retreated back. , dodged the throat-sealing sword.

The body of Boqing's sword trembled slightly, and a blue sword energy visible to the naked eye shot out, instantly tearing Xi Ying's hairspring.

Xi Ying immediately thought that this was another method of Immortal Seal, his expression changed with horror, he put his right foot on the ground and retreated as fast as he could fly.

The struggle between life and death forced him to unleash his potential, allowing him to display unprecedented speed of movement. He was already several feet away, but he left an afterimage in front of the enemy.

But he is fast, Yan Bugui is faster than him!
"Give it back!"

When the sound came, the person arrived, and the Boqing sword pierced through the air like lightning, and in Yan Bugui's hand, it drew a sword that was as unpredictable and unstoppable as an antelope's horns, and hit Xi Ying's chest with a bang. Yintang point'.

With extremely precise control, Yan Bugui used the sharp tip of his sword to only hit acupuncture points without damaging the body. The energy of the hairspring borrowed from Xi Ying was like a fish on the verge of death after a long drought returning to the water, spreading out to all the veins around his body with joy.

"Pfft—" Xi Ying's eyes bulged, his body suddenly stiffened, blood spurted out again, and he collapsed to the ground like mud.

He was attacked by Yan Bugui with Yousi Qi Jin, and his martial arts skills were completely useless.

Yan Bugui said: "Your martial arts is far inferior to Shi Zhixuan."

As soon as these words came out, Xi Yinghaoxuan was so angry that he vomited blood. He couldn't help but glare at him: "The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. If you have the guts, kill me. Stop talking nonsense here."

"What's the hurry?" Yan Bugui threw it away casually, and the Boqing sword was inserted back into the sheath without any bias, and it vibrated open with a force of cleverness, causing the Hidden Edge Box to close automatically.

The sonorous clang sound brought everyone watching the battle back to their senses, with a look of disbelief on their faces.

Yan Bugui clasped his hands behind his back: "Everyone, please disperse after watching the excitement."

Feng Zhen and the other two looked at each other with complicated expressions.

If it were someone else who had defeated Xi Ying, the giant villain of the Demon Sect, they would have made friends no matter what.

But the person in front of him is both good and evil, Yan Bugui is Bai Dao's public enemy. As members of the Baidao martial arts world, they wanted to take action but knew they were no match for Yan Bugui. Their only option was to leave immediately without saying anything.

The night is getting darker.

Without the illumination of the torch, silence returned to the front of the Arhat Hall.

Yan Bugui leaned over and picked up Xi Ying, sitting opposite him.

Xi Ying's heart tightened: "What do you want to do?"

Yan Bugui concentrated on his luck: "I'll lend you the Purple Qi Tianluo to read."

"Don't even think about it!" Xi Ying was shocked and angry.

"The matter has come to this, you have no choice." After Yan Bugui said this, he used the soul-moving technique on him.

Xi Ying's martial arts skills were completely useless and he had no resistance at all. He quickly revealed the secrets of "Purple Qi Tianluo".

Yan Bugui was very interested in the unique gossamer energy of this martial art.

The next day.

The news of Xi Ying's defeat had spread, and by noon, all the monks from Dashi Temple had returned.

"Thank you, sir." The host and all the monks in the temple looked at Yan Bugui with gratitude.


After eating the delicious vegetarian food served with great hospitality, Yan Bugui came to Luohan Hall again and found a stooped old monk in gray robe outside the hall, who was concentrating on cleaning the ground which was not dirty.

As we all know, the monks who sweep the floor are all extraordinary.

Yan Bugui immediately stepped forward: "Master, you're polite."

"Donors don't need to be polite." The old monk stood up and turned around, his back as straight as a mountain, and he no longer looked a bit old.

Yan Bugui looked at him and saw that the old monk had a white beard and eyebrows, a solemn face exuding a peaceful air, and a nose that was at least an inch longer than ordinary people. He was strange and unique, as if he had the appearance of an expert.

Yan Bugui further confirmed his identity: "May I ask if he is the mantra master?"

The old monk nodded: "It's Lao Monk."

(End of this chapter)

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