Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 272 The Heavenly Sword Blocks the Road

Chapter 272 The Heavenly Sword Blocks the Road
The sun is high in the sky.

Yan Bugui left Dashi Temple with satisfaction.

Master Zhenyan saw that he had some understanding of the statue mudra of Luohan Hall, and since he killed Xi Ying so that Dashi Temple would not lose its incense, he taught him all the nine-character Zhenyan mudra.

Now Yan Bugui possesses the supreme mental skills of Taoism and Buddhism, and his martial arts has reached a new level.

A secluded forest valley.

Yan Bugui came to the door again: "Miss Qingxuan, something has happened here. Yan is here to say goodbye."

Shi Qingxuan said with great interest: "Brother Yan has done something earth-shattering after we haven't seen him for just one day, which really makes Qingxuan admire him."

Yan Bugui shrugged: "It just happened to be the right time."

Shi Qingxuan asked curiously: "How did you know that Mr. Yue and Xi Ying had a grudge?"

"I heard it from hearsay." Yan Bugui said casually: "I am not familiar with the place here and can't find Xi Ying's hiding place, so I can only give it a try, but I didn't expect that he actually took the bait."

"Both each other, Brother Yan has killed so many masters of the Demon Sect in succession, and now he is the public enemy of both black and white. The world is far away, I hope you will take care of yourself."

"We will leave later." Yan Bugui said: "First go to Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling and bring them the news about Sister Su. The news about Baling has been spread, so as not to worry them.

Shi Qingxuan shook his head dumbly: "Brother Yan, when are you going to set off? Where do you want to go?"

Yan Bugui said with a smile: "I'm finally lucky, I learned a new skill."

In addition, Susu mother and son will ask you to take more care of them. Also, be careful of Shi Zhixuan. "

"You're welcome." Yan Bugui said: "To be honest, I had a motive for killing Xi Ying. He won't be able to come back until he kills the monk of Dashi Temple, and then there will be no one to answer my questions."

"Brother Yan is really crazy about martial arts." Shi Qingxuan took out two books from his sleeves and handed them to Yan Bugui: "These are the Forty-nine Road Swords that Mr. Yue was most proud of during his lifetime, and the ones he obtained from a monk from Tianzhu The "Dafa of Changing the Sun" in exchange for it.

Shi Qingxuan is practicing it for him.

"Ha! I'm barefoot, am I still afraid of them wearing shoes? Farewell."

I just bought a horse for transportation.

The water route he took when he arrived was now about to leave, so Yan Bugui decided to take the land route instead.

Shi Qingxuan said: "The feud with Xi Ying was actually a great regret in Mr. Yue's life. He still grudged it until his death, and could hardly close his eyes. Now that Brother Yan is helping Mr. Yue to avenge his hatred, Qingxuan is extremely grateful on behalf of Mr. Yue."

Yan Bugui cupped his hands and turned around. Not far away, I suddenly heard the familiar sound of a flute coming from behind.

You avenged Mr. Yue, and this is Qingxuan's thank you gift for him. But don’t blame others if you don’t understand. "

"In this way, Yan will be disrespectful." Yan Bugui was secretly happy in his heart. He was just thinking about how to talk about this matter, but he didn't expect that Shi Qingxuan actually took the initiative to send the secret book.

Just as Shi Qingxuan said, he now has enemies everywhere. If he encounters an ambush, it will be much easier to attack or escape on land.

"The reason is not important, what is important is the result." Shi Qingxuan said with a smile: "Brother Yan once said that there is profit in Dashi Temple, so can I congratulate Brother Yan now?"

Yan Bugui laughed and said, "Young lady, you are too worried. Yan always treats others with sincerity."

Mr. Yue was injured by Song Que, the heavenly sword, in the past. He suffered serious internal injuries and his martial arts skills were half disabled. He originally hoped to be reborn through the "Sun Changing Technique", but unfortunately he never understood its secrets until his death.

Shi Qingxuan frowned slightly: "Why do I suddenly feel like I've fallen into your trap?"

With that said, she bowed.

Yan Bugui lay on the horse as a habit and casually looked through Yue Shan's remains.

Ba Dao's swordsmanship specializes in deviating and is extremely ruthless. With his increasingly amazing memory, he quickly memorized the swordsmanship in his mind.

Although he uses a sword, he is not limited by weapons.

In comparison, "The Sun Changing Technique" is more profound and profound, and it also follows the martial arts path of five qi, three meridians, and seven rounds. It emphasizes stimulating one's own potential, attracting the creation of heaven and earth, and finally achieves the effect of "breaking and then establishing, defeating and then succeeding, changing the tendons and washing the marrow".

It was precisely because of this that Yue Shan was attracted to exchange his lifelong skills for the "Sun Changing Technique" in order to heal his internal injuries and restore his martial arts.

However, he did not know the Buddhist mudra, and his internal strength was deeply ingrained and difficult to change. Therefore, although he was broken and defeated during his lifetime, he could never understand the mystery behind it.

After learning the mantra mudra, Yan Bugui has been able to communicate with his own Qi, chakras and chakras and use them freely. He had already understood most of "The Great Method of Changing the Sun" after reading it only once.

Obviously, this martial art has miraculous effects in healing injuries. According to Yan Bugui's estimation, even if it is not as good as the Immortality Art, it will not be much different.

Two days later.

The "Sun Changing Technique" and "The Secret of Immortality" are combined into one, but Yan Bugui is neither broken nor defeated, so he can't really feel its specific effect yet.

On this day, just as he was about to leave Bashu territory, Yan Bugui, who was still lying leisurely on his horse, suddenly felt a chill in his heart, and a sudden chill spread all over his body, like a glow on his back.

There is murderous intent!
Yan Bugui sat up suddenly and looked back at the top of the tree beside the road ahead.

He saw a person holding his hands behind his back and stepping on twigs. His whole body swayed gently with the swaying branches, as if he was about to fly up in the wind and fly away in the sky at any moment.

The person who came was as straight as a javelin and wore a blue robe that hung down to the floor. He was as majestic as a mountain. His black hair was tied into a bun with a red scarf on the top of his head. His slightly white temples showed that he was no longer young.

The delicate facial features on his handsome face are as sharp as jade, with no flaws at all.

Embedded under the thick yet clear eyebrows are a pair of eyes that are as bright as gems and full of energy. The broad forehead shows wisdom beyond ordinary people, and there is a melancholy expression in the silence that can impress anyone, but it also makes people feel that the emotion is so deep and elusive.

It was the first time that Yan Bugui saw someone who could match his own appearance.

Suddenly, a name emerged in his mind involuntarily.

Yan Bugui said loudly: "Song Que, the Heavenly Sword?"

"Exactly." Song Que didn't show any signs, and the branch he was standing on suddenly drooped down, as if he was being held up and gently placed on the ground.

Apart from anything else, this ability to control the true energy is already extraordinary.

The moment he landed, Song Que's murderous intent became even more fierce, sweeping out like an overwhelming force.

"The person who came here is not a good person. Do you and I have a grudge?" Yan Bugui was stunned. I thought that the previous murderous intent was Song Que's test, but now it seemed that the other party really wanted to kill him.

Song Que said solemnly: "That's right. From the moment you killed Fan Qinghui, this feud was forged." There was a look of memory on his face.

Yan Bugui suddenly realized: "I had forgotten that you had an affair with Fan Qinghui." He teased, "I didn't expect that the majestic Heavenly Sword Song Que could not withstand the temptation of Cihang Jingzhai."

Song Que met Fan Qinghui by chance when he was young, fell in love at first sight, and then the two fell in love.

However, due to different political opinions, they eventually parted ways.

Song Que didn't marry an ugly girl until he was middle-aged, just to concentrate on the art of swordsmanship and not be immersed in the pleasures of the boudoir.

"It's useless to talk. The weapons in our hands are true. Draw your sword." Song Que grabbed the woods beside the road with his right hand.

Accompanied by a clear clang, a dark, four-foot-long knife with an ancient shape flew out of the forest and fell directly into Song Que's hand.

The sword energy mixed with murderous intent soared into the sky.

Times have changed, and decades have passed. Song Que never dared to think of Fan Qinghui on his own initiative, because the feeling of missing her was too painful.

But he didn't expect that when he heard the news about Fan Qinghui again, it was the news of his death.

Yan Bugui dismounted, flipped his hand and opened the Hidden Edge Box, and took out the Houde Sword that had not been used for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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