Chapter 288 Top Ten Martial Arts
This feeling is very familiar, just like when I absorbed the essence of the Evil Emperor's relics, it was inexplicably fulfilling.

Yan Bugui never expected that he would inadvertently obtain Qilin's true essence, because this was absolutely impossible to happen.

Dragon, phoenix, black turtle, and fire unicorn, the first three can only take out their true essence after being hunted and killed.

At present, Huo Qilin is alive and well, and Yan Bugui can't even think of this aspect even if he thinks about it. Regarding the strange things inside his body, he finally attributed them to the wonders of the "Secret of Immortality".

Apart from the creator Guang Chengzi, only he, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling have practiced this martial arts for thousands of years. No one knows what the mystery is.

Shaking his head, Yan Bugui put aside the messy thoughts in his mind.

Seeing that he woke up, Huo Qilin nodded to him to express his gratitude.

Yan Bugui conveniently touched the fire unicorn's head, which was the same as a dragon's head, and found that there was no longer any hostility or defensiveness in its eyes.

Heifeng clung to the edge of the stone wall, wanting to come over but was afraid of the Fire Qilin's momentum, so he could only look at Yan Bugui and hesitate.

"Coward!" Yan Bugui laughed dumbly. He walked over and comforted Hei Feng for a few words and then scolded with a smile: "Go away, don't delay me from doing business."

Thinking that Heifeng had eaten two, Yan Bugui picked five or six of them and ate them all in one go.

The remaining blood bodhisattva is still hanging on the vines, shining brightly.

Yan Bugui suddenly opened his eyes from his trance, and his eyes were filled with light, like a bolt of lightning flashing through the hole, and then returned to normal again.

But there are countless forks in Lingyun Grottoes in all directions. Looking for a mural here is no different from fishing for sand in a haystack. Besides, Wu Shen was about to enter the prison, so he didn't have much time to waste time here.

Astonishingly, he saw that the energy in his Dantian was like an abyss, and a deep and huge whirlpool was slowly turning. It was indeed more powerful and majestic than before.

If you don't find the "Invincible in Ten Directions" move when you arrive at Lingyun Cave, it will be like entering the Treasure Mountain but returning empty-handed.

"Okay, I was stupid for asking." Yan Bugui slapped his forehead. Being able to understand people's words does not mean that everyone knows Huo Qilin.

After saying that, he came to the vine where the Blood Bodhi grew.

He concentrated on feeling his own power, but he didn't expect that the situation inside his body was clearly reflected in his consciousness.

"This is the last one..." Yan Bugui successfully convinced himself and put the Blood Bodhi into his mouth. Unexpectedly, he only felt a slight warmth this time, and there was no strong reaction like before.

It stands to reason that one should not be too greedy, but the feeling of increasing one's skill was so tempting that Yan Bugui couldn't hold back and picked another one.

After a stick of incense.

In an instant, a scalding torrent exploded in his body, rushing into the meridians around his body. But compared to the energy of Heshi Bi, this is just a drop in the bucket.

"This is troublesome." Yan Bugui couldn't help but feel a little dizzy.

The transformed meridians withstood the energy impact without any pressure, and then as the longevity formula began to operate, the heat flow was transformed into true energy, which was continuously injected into the true energy vortex of the Dantian.

Yan Bugui hurriedly sat down cross-legged, doing exercises and regulating his breathing.

"Hey!!!" Yan Bugui thought hard, and suddenly an idea flashed, and he reached out and wrote two words on the ground.

In shock, he suddenly realized that this thing might only be effective the first time he took it. The more he took it, the worse the effect would be.

"Is this the so-called inner vision?" Yan Bugui thought thoughtfully and stood up with satisfaction.

"Alas~" Yan Bugui sighed and turned to look at Huo Qilin: "Huo Qilin, do you know where the mural left by Wu Wudi is?"

Huo Qilin looked at him blankly.


"Huo Lin, have you seen these two words?"

Fire Qilin tilted his head as if thinking, then nodded, then turned around and ran out of the cave.

Yan Bugui was delighted with the show and immediately used his unparalleled light skills to catch up. When Black Wind saw him leaving, he immediately neighed and chased after him.

Huo Qilin led a man and a horse through Lingyun Cave, and after a while, he stopped in a more empty cave.

On the stone wall in front, a picture of a brave man standing on a unicorn, raising his fist to smash it, immediately caught Yan Bugui's eyes.

He approached the painting and took a closer look, and saw the word "Xuanwu" engraved on the lower left side of the mural.

The mural is outlined by criss-crossing pits and looks very rough.

Yan Bugui had determined that the 'Invincible in Ten Directions' was hidden in the mural, but for a while he didn't know where to start. This thing is not text, and the interior cannot be analyzed. While observing attentively, Yan Bugui unconsciously reached out to touch the carvings on the mural.

Suddenly, his expression was shaken, and a sword shadow appeared out of thin air in his mind, and he finally found the meaning in the painting from the carvings.

Yan Bugui had the deepest knowledge in swordsmanship, so he was the first to feel the four sword moves - Tianming Sword Way.

He has met many masters over the years, witnessed various stunts, and has dabbled in fists, feet, and weapons.

After the sword technique, palm techniques, finger techniques, boxing techniques, leg techniques, claw techniques, spear techniques, stick techniques, and even knife techniques all emerged one by one.

He had never been exposed to the weapon halberd method, and he didn't understand it until the end, which took the longest time.

I don’t know how much time passed.

Yan Bugui breathed a sigh of relief. He already knew all the top ten martial arts in his mind. All that was left was to become more diligent and proficient.

Fast forward five days.

Yan Bugui made great gains and decided to leave the country.

After walking out of the cave where the Blood Bodhi grew, he put his finger to his lips and whistled.

After a while, accompanied by the sound of hooves that shook the earth and mountains, Fire Qilin and Black Wind rushed over one after another.

Fire Qilin calmed down its momentum after becoming familiar with Yan Bugui, and Heifeng gradually no longer feared it.

When Yan Bugui was practicing, he followed the fire unicorn and ran around in Lingyun Cave happily, having a great time.

At the entrance of Lingyun Cave.

Yan Bugui asked: "Huo Lin, it's time for us to leave. Do you want to go out together?"

Fire Qilin shook his head. The last time he was injured by Po Jun left a shadow on it. The outside world is too dangerous, and it doesn’t want to go out for the time being.

"Then take care of yourself." Yan Bugui flew onto his horse.

Heifeng raised his head and rubbed against the fire unicorn, let out a reluctant neigh and then left.

The wind whistled past his ears, and Yan Bugui found that the black wind was moving faster, and was flying several miles away in the blink of an eye.

Suddenly there was a thundering roar from behind that resounded through the sky.

Yan Bugui looked back and faintly saw a fiery red figure standing on the top of Lingyun Cave.

Huo Qilin was saying goodbye to them.

When they arrived at a nearby town, Yan Bugui heard a piece of news before he could ask.

A few days ago, Jue Wushen, the master of Wushen Jue Palace in Japan, suddenly appeared in China, and with lightning speed, he captured the heads of the eight major sects in the Central Plains, as well as various famous masters.

He even made it all the way to the Imperial City with his unparalleled martial arts skills, planning to take over China.

Jue Wushen's movements were faster than expected. Yan Bugui immediately changed his route and headed straight for the capital.

Wuming and others must have also received the news, there is no point in going to the nunnery to waste time.

Outside the capital, there is the Yuewang Temple.

Jue Wushen sat on the throne on the high platform, his burly body almost taller than the disciple standing next to him.

The audience was full of martial arts masters from the Central Plains.

Jue Wushen held his head with his right hand and looked at the people below in boredom.

Even when he was sitting on the Tianxiahui, almost all the tyrants who dominated the martial arts world were not as majestic as him.

However, Jue Wushen is not happy. These are just mortals in front of him. What he really wanted to see was Wuming, who was hailed as a martial arts legend by the people of the Central Plains, kneeling in front of him. This would be satisfying enough.

The purpose of setting up such a battle now is to lure Wuming out.

Jue Wushen said to himself: "Wu Ming, Wu Ming, for sixteen years, I have been thinking about this day and night. You must not let me down."

(End of this chapter)

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