Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 289 Golden Body Killing Fist

Chapter 289 Golden Body Killing Fist

After hearing Jue Wushen's words, the disciple next to him stepped forward, waved his hand, and shouted: "Bring everyone up."

Gui Cha Luo, who was in the audience, followed the order and grabbed a few people from the crowd kneeling on the ground and brought them to the audience.

One of them is Qiankun Bujing, the shopkeeper of Zhonghua Pavilion, and the others behind him are also masters who live in seclusion in the pavilion.

Wu Ming and Po Jun left that day and never returned. Not long after, they were attacked by Wu Shen Jue Palace and were all captured.

Everyone in the Chinese Pavilion knelt down side by side, with a knife on everyone's neck.

A joking smile appeared on Jue Wushen's face: "Your lives are in Wuming's hands. If he comes, I will spare your death. If he doesn't come, then you will only regret that you were blind and followed the wrong person.

From now on, every half an hour, I will kill someone, do it! "

He gave the order, and Gui Chaluo, who was beside Qian Kun Bu Jing, immediately raised the katana in his hand and slashed at the back of his neck.

At the moment of life and death, the peerless sword came through the air like thunder. Gui Chaluo couldn't react in time and was pierced through the heart by the sword and fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, a strong wind suddenly rose in the field, causing sand and rocks to fly.

bang bang bang...

In less than the blink of an eye, all the Gui Cha Luo behind the people in Zhonghua Pavilion fell to the ground and died.

The sound of the wind dissipated.

A handsome figure appeared, with long hair and a long sword on his back. It was Nie Feng.

Bu Jingyun followed closely, and with a claw in the air with his right hand, he sucked out the peerless sword from Gui Chaluo's body.

Jue Wushen frowned slightly, and then he felt a vast and unparalleled sword intent, full of awe-inspiring righteousness, sweeping in from outside the temple.

"Wu Ming!" Jue Wushen couldn't help being ecstatic and stood up suddenly.

Before he finished speaking, he saw Wuming rushing towards him, with his hands behind his back, floating in the field.

Wuming's expression was solemn, and his sharp sword-like gaze was directed at the high platform: "Jue Wushen, your wolfish ambition, it's time to end today."

"Haha!" Jue Wushen laughed wildly: "Just you and these two brats? Do you think it was still sixteen years ago?"

"It's too early for you to be proud!" A sudden roar came from the kneeling crowd, and the Central Plains martial arts masters immediately burst into action.

Suddenly, the Gui Cha Luo who was responsible for guarding them was caught off guard, and they were all knocked to the ground.

Originally, they were all poisoned by the incense and lost all their martial arts. Fortunately, Guihu, one of the three unknown servants, relied on his elusiveness and lightness skills to be as good as Nie Feng's. He stole the antidote and secretly gave it to them.

Wuming and others had already arrived for a long time, but seeing the large number of people in Wushenjue Palace, they showed up in no hurry and planned to wait for Yan Bugui to come back before taking action together.

However, the situation was pressing, so they had no choice but to take action first.

"A bunch of trash." Jue Wushen didn't care about everyone at all, and only had Wuming in his eyes: "Today I am going to break your martial arts myth, Wuming, suffer death!"

Jue Wushen shouted loudly, suddenly jumped up from the throne, and punched out from the air.


The force of the fist broke through the air, and the strong wind condensed into substance, crashing into Wuming like a giant pillar.

Wuming took half a step back, pointed his right hands together to form a sword, and raised his hand to strike.

With a bang, the sword energy and fists dispersed with great force, and the remaining energy rebounded. Wuming hurriedly pulled back.

"You have such little ability, but you still dare to speak so loudly!" Jue Wushen followed closely and punched directly in the face.

Wuming remained silent, not wanting to fight him head-on. He used the invisible way of the supreme swordsmanship he had created while living in seclusion in Zhonghua Pavilion. He used quick body movements to avoid the punches and surrounded Jue Wushen to fight with him.

As the nameless sword pointed down, sword energy continued to point at the large points all over Juewu Shen's body.

Dang Dang Dang...

The sound of gold and iron clashing continued, and the nameless sword energy seemed to hit the copper wall. But even the copper and iron walls may not be able to block the nameless sword energy, which is absolutely godless but not damaged at all.

"How about my immortal golden body? Today I will smash your heavenly sword into scraps of copper and iron." Jue Wushen, who had been holding back the sullenness in his heart for sixteen years, finally let it out, with an extremely arrogant attitude.

When he originally intended to invade China, he and the five thousand ghost chaluo were blocked by a single man without a single sword, and could not move forward for a day and a night.

Wuming's swordsmanship was so powerful that he knew he was no match for him, so he had no choice but to withdraw his troops. After returning to Japan, in order to deal with Wuming's peak swordsmanship, Jue Wushen sent people to sneak into China and stole the golden bell cover from Shaolin. After painstaking improvement, he finally created the "Immortal Golden Body".

Seeing that Wuming did not dare to fight with him head-on, Jue Wushen's offensive became more fierce, vowing to remove this stumbling block that hindered his unification of the world.

The invisible way avoids the real and attacks the weak, using cleverness to defeat the powerful. Jue Wushen ignored the sword attack, used clumsiness to overcome cleverness, and punched out like a dragon, attacking Wuming's chest one after another with the power of breaking open monuments and cracking stones.

Vigorous and murderous, Wuming gradually showed signs of weakness and retreated continuously.

In the blink of an eye, the two of them had passed a hundred moves.

Suddenly there was a "clang" sound, Wuming was unable to dodge, and faced off against Jue Wushen's heavy punch. The sword energy collapsed and dissipated, and the person was shaken and fell back ten feet away.

"Ahem~" Qi and blood surged in Wuming's chest, and he quickly used his energy to suppress it.

the other side.

Nie Feng, Bu Jingyun, Er Meng, Gui Hu and others unite the martial arts heroes of the Central Plains to fight against Gui Chaluo who is not present.

The two of them, Feng Yun, were facing the enemy while concentrating on guarding Po Jun, but they never saw the other side show up.

In fact, after the battle of Jianzong, everyone in Wushen Juegong, including Jue Wushen's two sons, was wiped out. Only Po Jun himself was still alive. How could he have the courage to see Jue Wushen again.

"Go and help." The heads of the eight sects, headed by Ancestor Ruyi, saw that Wuming was invincible and hurriedly pulled away and rushed towards Juewushen.

The eight people launched a siege, each using their own unique skills to seize Juewu Shen's hands and feet, chest and back, throat, head, vagina and other key points.

However, their poison has just been released and their skills have not yet recovered. How can they be opponents in the face of Jue Wushen's fierce punches.

"No matter how much waste there is, it's still waste!" Jue Wushen raised his arms, and Wu Chou's internal energy exploded, instantly knocking all the eight masters away.

"Let me come." Wuming rushed towards him, strong sword energy overflowing from his body, dazzling golden light bloomed all over his body, and his sword pointed straight into Jue Wushen's chest.

The intense sword light made it difficult for Jue Wushen and the eight masters to see, and they were even more horrified in their hearts.

Such an earth-shattering sword intent is simply terrifying to hear. It is the supreme skill of the Sword Sect - Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect.

After Yan Bugui left that day, Wuming realized that he could not put all the burden of China's safety on a young man. However, his power could not be restored, so he put his hope in Wanjian Guizong.

He originally wanted to find a way to quickly restore his martial arts, but after careful study, he discovered that in order to practice Ten Thousand Swords and Return to the Clan, he had to abolish his martial arts skills first.

After weighing the situation, Wuming thought that since he could not recover his skills in a short period of time, he would simply take a step back, completely destroy his original skills, and return to the sect by cultivating Ten Thousand Swords.

It's a pity that time is too short, and Wuming's skill at the moment is not much better than that of the eight masters.

The sword energy hit his face, Jue Wushen didn't dare to be careless, and with full power, he launched the first move of his three-style killing fist, 'Killing Heart'.

But before he punched out, he felt his whole body being stabbed by thousands of swords.

Different from Wuming's previous sword energy, even if he was protected by the immortal golden body at this moment, it would be difficult to withstand the pain caused by the sword energy penetrating his body, as if he was suffering from Ling Chi.

"Uh-huh~" Jue Wushen was shocked and angry, and hurriedly waved his fists to block the sword energy.

After all, Juewu Shen couldn't stop Wanjian Guizong's majestic sword energy, which was as vast as the sea, and flew out in response, crashing the main hall of Yue Wang Temple.

Wuming's feet went weak and he almost fell to his knees, gasping for air: "Everyone, get out of here!"

Suddenly, there was a burst of rocks flying, and Juewu Shen burst out from the ruins.

"Wu Ming, it's not over yet." Blood flowed from the corner of Jue Wu Shen's mouth, and a cruel and fierce light appeared in his eyes.

Seeing this, Wuming couldn't help but feel his heart sink. The move of Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect just now had consumed almost all of his energy, and it was difficult for him to use a second move.

Jue Wushen showed a ferocious smile and walked slowly towards Wuming.

"Senior!" Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun were about to step forward to rescue them when they suddenly heard the sound of horse hooves coming from the outer door.

With a loud neighing sound, everyone saw a black horse leaping over the temple gate in the air and landing in the field like flying.

Looking at the people on the horse, Nie Feng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief: "Brother Yan, you are finally here."

Yan Bugui said with a smile: "Aren't the real masters the ones who appear last?"

(End of this chapter)

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