Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 290 Fighting for supremacy in boxing

Chapter 290 Fighting for supremacy in boxing
"Another one is here to die!" Jue Wushen grinned ferociously. He shot the horse first with a punch from the air, punching Black Wind.

The fist force came through the air.

Yan Bugui gently lifted the reins, and Heifeng suddenly stood up. Hearing a bang, he unexpectedly crushed the power of his fist with his front leg and right hoof.

"What!" Jue Wushen, who was waiting to see Black Wind turn into meat paste, was shocked.

Wu Ming and the eight masters who were watching were also shocked.

Although this horse looks unusually powerful, it is still a beast, but it can actually take a punch from Jue Wushen! Could it be that he has become a spirit?
Black Wind neighed, and after landing his hooves, he snorted at Jue Wushen, looking very proud.

Fifty percent of this blow was due to Blood Bodhi, and the other fifty percent was due to Yan Bugui's secret help using the art of uniting man and horse.

"Seeking death!" Jue Wushen didn't expect that he, the overlord of Japan, would be despised by a beast today. He couldn't help but become angry and punched Heifeng fiercely.

During the movement, the fist wind roared, and the 'Killing Heart' punch hit Heifeng's chest directly.

"Little..." Before the nameless word "heart" could be spoken, Yan Bugui flew out and kicked down in the air.

Fighting with fists and feet, Jue Wushen felt an astonishing force coming towards him. He couldn't help but swayed slightly, and his heart was in turmoil again.

'hateful! This person looks younger than Feng and Yun, but his skill is even stronger than Wuming! "

Yan Bugui used the force of his fist to somersault backwards and landed seven feet away from Jue Wu Shen. He kicked off his right foot and shot an arrow towards him. At the same time, he used the "Shan Hai Fist" he had just learned. through".

Jue Wu Shen was surprised, unable to dodge and didn't even bother to dodge. The 'Murderous Intention' came out again, and he punched forward boldly, facing off against Yan Bugui's 'Long Lin Po Ri'.

The fists collided, and powerful energy surged out like a rippling wave, immediately forcing Wuming and the eight masters several feet away.

Seeing that Yan Bugui's skills had indeed greatly improved, Wuming secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then he sat cross-legged and meditated, taking the opportunity to regain his skills.

The eight masters looked at each other and turned around to help Feng Yun and others deal with Gui Cha Luo.

Jue Wushen suppressed the shock in his heart and punched Yan Bugui's right temple with his left fist.

Yan Bugui raised his right arm to block, and used his left fist to hit his face, but was intercepted by Jue Wushen's right arm. He immediately used the strong leg technique of "Rage to Shatter Mountains and Rivers" to kick him in the lower abdomen.

Jue Wushen relied on his golden body to receive this attack forcefully, his left hand grabbed his ankle like lightning, and his right fist concentrated on breaking his calf.

But Yan Bugui was faster than him. He dodged his left hand at the last moment and followed up with the "Dou Zhuan Xing Shi Shi" move. His figure soared into the air, both feet came out, and a violent storm enveloped his whole body.

Bang bang bang! Snapped! Bang bang...

Jue Wushen's fists were like the wind, and he used every move as he saw it, and he blocked the opponent with force. However, his boxing technique was not known for its speed, so he was overwhelmed with blows, and was struck one after another on the head, face, chest, and abdomen.

Fortunately, he had a golden body to protect him, so he was only in pain but not injured, but this made him feel even more irritable and his anger became even more intense.

"Get out of here!" shouted angrily, Juewu Shen took the trouble to ignore the shadow of his legs in the sky, and launched his second killing fist style 'Killing God', which was originally specially created for Wuming, with the power to destroy mountains and split seas.

The fierce punch energy that spilled out instantly disrupted Yan Bugui's offensive.

Yan Bugui has reduced complexity to simplicity, and countless leg shadows have returned to one, and the powerful leg technique has been transformed into 'Rage on Mountains and Rivers' to challenge the 'God of Death'.

With a thunderbolt strike, the two men shook violently and retreated at the same time.

Yan Bugui was in mid-air and retreated several feet away. He suddenly turned around out of thin air with his unparalleled lightness skills and turned back with the incomparable dexterity of a flying swallow.


A strong wind blew against his face. As soon as Juewu Shen stood firm, Yan Bugui's heavy legs followed him closely. He kicked him hard in the face with a "pop" sound, causing his whole body to fly like a kite with its string cut off. go out.

But after falling to the ground, he immediately stood up with another 'carp beat'.

Yan Bugui landed gracefully, Jue Wushen took the opportunity to bully him and came closer, using the third form of his killing fist, 'Killing Jue', which contained all of his skills, and rushed towards his heart. Yan Bugui drew a circle on his right arm, turning the hardness into softness. He used the Xuanwu Divine Palm's 'Unlocking the Universe' to remove the strength of his Wuzhou fist, then changed the palm into a claw, and used the Oracle Bone Dragon Claw's 'Dragon Deep Lock'. ' Wrapping his arms and grabbing his wrists, he tightly clasped Jue Wushen's right arm.

Jue Wushen rushed to use his strength, but it was difficult to disintegrate the powerful claw strength.

Yan Bugui turned his body and body slightly, turned his left hand, and his index finger reached out like lightning, and hit the "Jiquan point" under his arm with the "travestone cracking gold" of the round gold finger.

This is where the weakness of the Immortal Golden Body lies!
"Ah -" Jue Wushen screamed, resisting the severe pain in his internal organs, and the power in his body suddenly increased sharply. At the same time as Yunjin broke away from his right arm, he rushed out with his left fist 'Killing Heart'.

Yan Bugui was hit by his punch, but did not make any sound.

Jue Wushen felt that the punch had no force at all. When he looked closely, Yan Bugui's figure in front of him faded, and he was just an afterimage!
Looking around, I saw that his true body was already far away.

"Have you known the weakness of my immortal golden body for a long time?" Jue Wushen's face was as dark as water, and his heart was shocked, angry, and a little unbelievable.

This strike was so precise that it didn't look like a coincidence.

"That's right." Yan Bugui hooked him and said proudly: "I also know that once your golden body is broken, your skill will greatly increase. Come on, let me see the true power of the killing fist."

"You are seeking death, and I will help you." Jue Wushen's voice fell and rushed out suddenly.

The afterimage flashed, and in the blink of an eye it was three feet in front of Yan Bugui. The speed of his movement is as fast as wind and thunder, which is completely different from just now.

Jue Wushen's "Immortal Golden Body" requires a large amount of infuriating energy to operate, so the power of his killing punch is insufficient.

His true strength was now, but when he saw his fists clashing, thousands of fist shadows appeared overwhelmingly to press down on Yan Bugui.

"What I'm waiting for is your hand." Yan Bugui didn't dodge or dodge. As soon as he thought about it, the spiral true energy spread all over his body. The "Fist Over the World" from the Shanhaiquan Sutra came out in response to the situation and fought with him as fast as possible.

bang bang bang...

The fists clashed with unprecedented intensity, and the sound of collision resounded continuously.

However, Jue Wushen became more and more depressed the more he was beaten. He originally thought that he could suppress Yan Bugui with his internal power without using his golden body. Unexpectedly, the other party's internal energy also became extremely weird.

Not only is it extremely penetrating, it is also as cold as ice in one hand and as hot as fire in the other, making it unpredictable.

Juewu Shen has been in Japan for half his life, and he thinks he is extremely talented, but he has never heard of such weird martial arts.

If it weren't for his profound skill, the meridians in his hands would have been unable to bear it at this moment.

"Come!" Yan Bugui suddenly recited the mantra, and Jue Wushen's heart suddenly shook. The movement of his true energy was stagnated, and flaws in his fists suddenly appeared.

Yan Bugui hit Jue Wushen right in the chest with a "direct attack on Huanglong".

Jue Wushen grunted, with a fierce look on his face, and punched back like lightning, hitting Yan Bugui for the first time, but there was a "clang" sound in his ears, and the place where his fist landed was like a copper wall, extremely hard.

Immediately afterwards, a powerful inner energy burst out from Yan Bugui's body. Jue Wushen was caught off guard. He was so shocked that he took three steps back.

"Pfft..." Jue Wushen was injured repeatedly and couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood. Then he stared at Yan Bugui and exclaimed: "You have practiced the Golden Bell Shield!"

"Just take it as such." Yan Bugui took advantage of the momentum to pursue him, using his right hand to move the 'Shi Potian Jing Hunyuan Palm' and swooped out.

Absolutely no god didn't think too much, and greeted his slap in the face with a "murderous intention".

When his fists and palms met, Jue Wushen felt a hot spiral energy penetrate into his body, and the completely different internal energy suddenly burst out from the spiral energy, instantly shattering the muscles, bones and meridians of his right arm, " A puff of blood mist spurted out.

"Ah——" Jue Wushen couldn't help but let out a shrill scream.

(End of this chapter)

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