Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 29 Visiting the Liu Mansion

Chapter 29 Visiting the Liu Mansion
  "Old guy, you really have a few tricks up your sleeve, no wonder you dare to be so crazy." Yan Bugui pulled out the Houde sword and shook his slightly sore left hand.

Gongsun Wulong's skill of nearly a dozen years is really not easy to deal with.

Upon seeing this, Liu Zhengfeng hurried over and asked with concern: "Junior Brother Yan, are you injured?"

"It's okay, I'll be fine later." Yan Bugui shook his head, then inserted the Houde Sword on the ground, leaned over Gongsun Wulong's body and started groping for it.

Liu Zhengfeng asked curiously: "Junior brother, what are you looking for?"

"Let's see if there's anything good. I've wasted so much energy, so I should be compensated. Oh, there's it." Yan Bugui touched a book and hid it in his lower back, and immediately tore it up. He opened his clothes and took out the book.

"Turtle shell magical skill?" Although Yan Bugui had known it for a long time, he still couldn't help but twitching his lips after seeing it: "This name is really hard to describe."

"Young hero, please don't underestimate it because of this." Bai Sanniang said: "This martial art specializes in defense of acupuncture points. Gongsun Wulong has only practiced it to the seventh level and I have no way to start.

If you can practice to the ninth level, you can overcome any acupuncture technique in the world. "

"Thank you, senior, for your advice." Yan Bugui nodded: "Then I have to study it carefully. The secret book belongs to me. Do you have any objections?"

"It should be." Liu Zhengfeng said: "If Junior Brother Yan hadn't come to the rescue today, we would probably have died."

He laughed: "We haven't seen each other for two years, and my junior brother's martial arts are even better than before.

Just now I saw that the weapons you used were very different from before. Is the Golden Blade Swordsman who has been rumored in the world recently a wise brother? "

Yan Bugui nodded: "Actually, I only found out recently that I had such a nickname. I happened to pass by there and I just picked it up casually."

Liu Zhengfeng patted him on the shoulder and praised him sincerely: "My dear brother, you did a great thing for the people of the Ming Dynasty. You are a model of righteousness for me."

"Finally, all the hard work was not in vain." Yan Bugui asked curiously: "Speaking of which, how come Senior Brother Liu has time to come to Guanzhong?"

"It's a long story." Liu Zhengfeng said: "Senior brother, the leader, has a niece here. A few days ago, the Hengshan Sect suddenly received a letter asking for help from Manager Tong Fei Ge.

It happened that the head brother was not on the mountain at that time, so the disciples in the sect sent the letter to Liu's house.

The whereabouts of the head brother have always been erratic. The situation was urgent and I had no time to find him, so I had to rush over in person. "

"I see." Yan Bugui didn't expect that Mo Xiaobei could be related to Mr. Mo Da.

It’s so weird!
  "Alas~" Liu Zhengfeng looked ashamed: "I have long heard that Gongsun Wulong is the number one master of the underworld, and his martial arts is not inferior to that of the leader of the Demon Cult. Today I saw that he is indeed well-deserved."

Yan Buguixin said it might have been two years ago, but now it's probably enough.

"Sunflower Collection" is extraordinary. If you don't make any progress after practicing it, wouldn't you be sorry for the pain and determination of the sword in your palace?

Yan Bugui asked: "This old guy suddenly appeared in the world, maybe he did a lot of good things, right?"

"Indeed." Liu Zhengfeng said: "Master Zhiqing of Wutai Mountain has been brutally murdered by him, and Taoist Master Chongxu of Wudang was also injured by him.

I heard that he also killed a high-ranking official in the capital. "

Good guy!
  This old guy’s hands are really hard!
  Yan Bugui secretly thought that half of his ability to defeat him so quickly this time was due to the surprise of Shi Potian's Hunyuan Palm.

If he had been prepared, he would have had no choice but to use the "Dugu Nine Swords" if he wanted a quick victory.

"Thank you for your hard work, two uncles." Tong Xiangyu helped Bai Zhantang over: "Now that the danger has been resolved, let's go inside and sit and chat."

"The Five Mountains Sword Sect is of the same spirit, so you're welcome." Yan Bugui waved his hand and said with a smile, "The shopkeeper's accent made me suddenly feel homesick."

Tong Xiangyu suddenly said: "This bad old man scared me so much that I almost forgot that we are still fellow villagers. This is really fate."

Yan Bugui put the Houde Sword back into the Hidden Edge Box and looked at Bai Zhantang, Lu Xiucai and Guo Furong: "I think these guys are all seriously injured, so I'd better send them to rest first. I can help if they have internal injuries."

Bai Sanniang felt sorry for her son and hurriedly said gratefully: "Then there is Lao Shaoxia."

Afterwards, Yan Bugui and Liu Zhengfeng each performed exercises on the three people to heal their injuries.

Tong Xiangyu asked Li Dazui to prepare dinner for the two elders.

After having enough wine and food, everyone took a rest.

Yan Bugui took out the secret book of "Turtle Shell Magic" in the guest room, read it carefully and then evolved it in the interior space.

With a flash of light, the handwriting of the secret book turned into a golden ball of light and merged with the "Little Secret of Immortality", eventually becoming part of the "Hunyuan Diamond Body".

To put it bluntly, this is an acupuncture technique. The effect is the same as the one passed down by Gongsun Zhi, the master of Jueqing Valley, but the mystery behind it is completely different.

Apart from anything else, at least you don’t have to be a vegetarian, and you don’t have to worry about being exposed to meat and fish and your energy will be ruined.

In addition, at the end of the secret book, there is another Kung Fu called "Sound Transmission into the Secret". It doesn't seem to be very difficult, but it requires extremely high internal strength as a foundation to master.

Yan Bugui was in no hurry to practice these two skills, so he put them on hold for the time being.

Lying on the bed in the inn, he felt like he was dreaming.

He had already come out of Tongfu Inn, and he didn't know if there would be a bigger surprise waiting for him later.

"Hey~" Yan Bugui sat up suddenly and murmured to himself: "If Gongsun Wulong is indeed a real person, wouldn't that old Huahua man who loves to eat meat buns also be..."

After speaking, he shook his head again. Rather than believe that he is some extraordinary person with bad morals, Yan Bugui would rather believe that he is Mo Xiaobao who came back from the disaster and disguised himself as Rong.

In this way, it is not surprising that the old man can draw Hengshan swordsmanship.

As for the origin of the secret book "Sunflower Acupuncture Hand", Bai Zhantang abducted Tong Xiangyu, and it is normal for Mo Xiaobao, as his ex-husband, to be a bit weird.

The next day, early in the morning.

While eating breakfast, Liu Zhengfeng asked: "Junior Brother Yan, do you have any plans next?"

"No." Yan Bugui shook his head and said, "I came here for a leisurely trip, and I haven't decided where to go next."

"Then why don't you go to Hengyang Panheng with your brother for a few days?"

"What a good idea. It just so happens that you can pay a visit to Senior Brother Mo, so that little brother won't be polite to you."

"My dear brother is willing to come to my humble home. I wish you the best for my brother."

After dinner.

The two rejected Tong Xiangyu's repeated attempts to stay, and rode side by side to Hengshan City.

The Liu Mansion is a big family in the city and can be said to be the richest.

Yan Bugui followed Liu Zhengfeng to a magnificent mansion. Before he could get off his horse, two teenage boys came out to greet him.

"Master, you came back so quickly."

"Master, is this trip going well?"

"It's all settled." Liu Zhengfeng got off his horse and introduced: "Brother Xian, these are my two useless disciples Xiang Danian and Mi Weiyi."

He turned his eyes to the two of them and said, "Why don't you two come and pay homage to Master Yan in Huashan?"

Mi Weiyi, who had thick eyebrows and big eyes, looked at each other in surprise, and bowed hurriedly to salute.

"Junior has met my uncle."×2
  "No need to be polite." Yan Bugui helped the two of them up, and was quite impressed by their names.

When Liu Zhengfeng was washing his hands in Jinpen, these two men remained loyal to him despite the intimidation of the Songshan Sect, and eventually died tragically under the sword of the Songshan Sect. They were both good men with excellent character.

After the two stood up, they took the initiative to take the reins of the horse.

After entering the Liu Mansion, Yan Bugui met Liu Zhengfeng's family members one by one.

Mrs. Liu is pregnant with her eldest son Liu Xing and her eldest daughter Liu Jing. The Liu Qin who will be frightened by the Songshan sect and call her father in the future should be the one in Mrs. Liu's belly.

These two children are younger than Liu Zhengfeng's two disciples.

Yan Bugui said with a smile: "Senior Brother Liu is so lucky to have both children."

"Brother Xian, this is a joke." Liu Zhengfeng said: "If they can have one or two percent of your ability, brother Xian, I will be satisfied."

"The days ahead are long. With Senior Brother Liu as your personal guidance, you won't be afraid that they won't succeed."

Yan Bugui couldn't help but secretly curse, since you are worried about the future of your children, then don't commit suicide. If you ignore your family just to play music, where will they get a future?
  Liu Xing, who was eight or nine years old, blinked his big black and white eyes, looked at Yan Bugui with curiosity, and asked: "Uncle Yan, dad often praises you for your martial arts skills. Who is better, you or dad?"

Yan Bugui touched his nose and said, "Well, I won't know until I compete with your father another day."

"Junior brother, there is no need to be humble." Liu Zhengfeng said with a smile: "My brother's martial arts skills are not as good as yours, even if you are flattering me.

Xing'er, your Master Yan just defeated Gongsun Wulong a few days ago. Apart from your Master Zuo of Songshan Mountain, the leader of our Wuyue Sword Sect, now your Master Yan has the highest martial arts. "

After exchanging pleasantries for a while.

Liu Zhengfeng ordered his servants to prepare wine and food, and then enthusiastically took Yan Bugui to admire his collection.

There was a room full of flutes, including jade, bamboo, and even iron.

Liu Zhengfeng smiled quite contentedly and said: "Brother, I have not achieved much in my life. In terms of martial arts, I am far inferior to Wan Yi, my colleagues from the Five Mountains Sword Sect. I only have some experience in music theory."

Yan Bugui exclaimed: "I remember that Senior Brother Mo also has the reputation of 'the sword is hidden in the piano, and the sword makes the sound of the piano'.

It seems that Nanyue Hengshan is indeed a land of outstanding people, not only martial arts masters, but also musicians. "

Liu Zhengfeng sighed and said helplessly: "Even so, the head brother and I have never been able to talk together on this matter.

The huqin he played was always miserable and made people cry. It always had a certain smell of wells, which was a bit too tacky.

Good poems and good words should be happy but not obscene, sad but not sad. Isn't that true of good music?
  So when I heard his Huqin, I couldn’t help but want to stay away from him. Because of this, some people in the world now say that I have a bad relationship with my senior brother, alas~"

Yan Bugui rubbed his chin and said, "Although I don't understand music theory, I also know that music comes from the heart.

With all due respect, Senior Brother Liu, you are somewhat standing and talking without pain in your back. "

(End of this chapter)

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