Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 30 South and West of Jiangling City

Chapter 30 South and West of Jiangling City
  "Brother Xian, what do you mean by this?" Liu Zhengfeng was astonished.

Yan Bugui said: "Senior Brother Liu, your family has a great business and is very wealthy. You are not disturbed by worldly things. Naturally, you have the capital and leisure to pursue elegance. But what about Senior Brother Mo?"

"This..." Liu Zhengfeng was stunned: "In terms of family background, the head brother is indeed not very good."

"So." Yan Bugui said: "After all, there are only a few people as rich as you, Senior Brother Liu. The poor people have to work hard all day long for their livelihood, so it is normal to have some market atmosphere.

Songs come from the heart, and a person's state of mind depends on the environment in which he grows up. "

"Excellent!" Liu Zhengfeng said thoughtfully: "What the wise brother said is very reasonable, and the foolish brother has learned a lesson."

Yan Bugui waved his hands repeatedly: "Brother and senior brother, just listen to what the younger brother and his family say, don't take it to heart."

Liu Zhengfeng sighed with emotion: "I wasted decades of being in the same sect with the head senior brother, I'm really ashamed!"

He said regretfully: "It's a pity that senior brother is not here, otherwise he would definitely take you as a close friend."

"Hey~ It's normal to have different artistic concepts. I think Huashan is the same...forget it, let's not talk about it. I have a small question that I would like to ask my senior brother for advice."

"My dear brother, feel free to speak out."

"Is it easy to learn how to play this?" Yan Bugui pointed to the various flutes in the room with interest.

Liu Zhengfeng said happily: "Brother Xian, are you interested?"

"I think learning it can help me cultivate my character, and it can also be a pastime after practicing swordsmanship in the future. If senior brother doesn't think that my younger brother is stupid, please give me some advice." Yan Bugui thought that after he learned it, he could fight with others again. Play a song first to get a head start.

Liu Zhengfeng laughed happily and said: "Don't worry, dear brother, I will give you everything I have, just in time to keep you at home for a little longer."

Yan Bugui stayed here for more than three months, spending the winter directly in Liu's house.

During this period, he also visited Mr. Mo Da in Hengshan.

But between the erhu and the Xiao, Yan Bugui still chose the Xiao.

As we all know, in the martial arts world, the erhu is relatively more powerful because of Someday Jian Wuming, but there is really no room for the huqin in Yan Bugui's sword box.

In the remaining days, Yan Bugui still lived in the Liu Mansion, practicing swordplay in the morning like he did in Huashan, and occasionally giving guidance to Liu Clan disciples such as Xiang Danian and Mi Weiyi.

In the afternoon, he studied music theory with Liu Zhengfeng, and with the help of interior space, he really got a feel for it.

Yan Bugui felt that his plug-in might be a learning machine produced by Bu Gao in the future.

No matter what you study, or what you don’t know how to scan, you are guaranteed to have the correct answer immediately!

At night, Yan Bugui began to practice the "Hunyuan Diamond Body".

This skill was first easy and then difficult. He had opened up many meridians throughout his body and his skill was profound. He could easily master the first two levels.

From the outside, the skin becomes much tougher than before.

Yan Bugui secretly tested it. Under an attack with the same force, the pain in his body was reduced by half.

From within, the Qi energy that can spontaneously protect the body is gradually taking shape. It is actually a unique skill for walking in the world and protecting the body and life.

It's spring again.

Under Liu Zhengfeng's careful guidance, Yan Bugui has been able to play many pieces of music skillfully.

That afternoon, Xiang Danian suddenly delivered a letter of greeting to Liu Zhengfeng.

"Master, this is sent by Jiangling Wanjia."

"I know, you go and practice." Liu Zhengfeng opened the greeting card with a look of understanding on his face.

Yan Bugui asked curiously: "Which Wan family?"

Liu Zhengfeng said: "Wanyunshou Wan Zhenshan, the invitation said that he will celebrate his fiftieth birthday on the sixteenth day of next month, and invited me to come over for a drink."

Yan Bugui was surprised in his heart, and asked with a calm expression on his face: "You are in Hunan, and he is in Hubei. Even though we are so far apart, we have not forgotten to invite you. It seems that you have a good friendship?"

"We've met a few times, it's just a casual acquaintance."

"How is this man's martial arts?"

"It's pretty decent in Jingzhou."

"That's not good. Why did he have the nerve to send you a post?"

"Wan Zhenshan is indeed not worth mentioning, but his master, the Iron-Skeleton Mo E Mei Niansheng, the hero of the Two Lakes, is an amazing figure in the martial arts world. He once had a friendship with my master."

"I understand, but from what I heard from my senior brother, I no longer have any interest in this birthday party."

"I guess he didn't expect me to go. It was just a courtesy to send a greeting note."

"In this case, how about you let me join in the fun for you?"

"Haha! It seems that my dear brother is tired of staying here. Forget it, I would like to trouble my dear brother to go there for me. I am so lucky to have Taiyue Rongxiu come here. His surname is Wan."

"Senior brother, it's great. It's the end of the month now. It's better to choose a day than to hit the sun. I will leave tomorrow."

"I didn't see it, you are still impatient."

"I haven't fully appreciated the scenery of the two lakes yet. I've been walking and stopping all the way. It should be just right when we get to Gangneung."

The next day, at the gate of Liu Mansion.

Liu Zhengfeng ordered Mi Weiyi to bring a good horse.

"Brother Xian, this is for you." Liu Zhengfeng took a brocade box from Xiang Danian and handed it to Yan Bugui.

He opened it and looked inside and found a purple bamboo flute about two feet long.

"Thank you, senior brother, for the gift." Yan Bugui remembered that this was one of Liu Zhengfeng's most proud collections, and it was of excellent quality.

"A sword is given to a hero." Liu Zhengfeng was quite reluctant to give up, and then warned: "Wan Zhenshan's reputation in the world is average. If there is something you can't stand, junior brother, please be patient, lest people say that our Five Mountains Sword Sect is bullying the weak."

"I understand, senior brother, take care, see you later." Yan Bugui rode out of Hengshan City.

half a month later.

On the fifteenth day, Yan Bugui led the horse off the passenger ship to Jiangling, and then went straight to the south of the city.

Arriving in a field, he reined in the reins and stopped a woodcutter who was chopping wood and asked, "Uncle, do you know where there is a temple nearby?"

"Temple?" The woodcutter thought for a while and said, "There is a Tianning Temple a few miles west of here, but it has long been abandoned. If this young man wants to burn incense and worship Buddha, he should go to the city to have a look."

"Thank you, uncle." Yan Bugui casually took out a piece of silver and threw it to the woodcutter, and urged the horse to leave without waiting for him to say anything.

The woodcutter stared at the silver in his hand. He was stunned for a long time before he finally came to his senses. He said excitedly: "I met a good man, a great man!"


The dilapidated plaque of Tianning Temple appeared in front of Yan Bugui's eyes. He did not dismount and rode directly into the main hall from the temple gate.

There is a big-bellied Buddha that is more than three feet tall in the hall.

If nothing else happens, this will be a Buddha statue made of pure gold.

Yan Bugui got off his horse, picked up a green brick from the ground, and knocked it on an inconspicuous place on the base of the Buddha statue a few times. The soil peeled off, and a golden light came out from inside.


Yan Bugui snapped his fingers, feeling a little excited and a little proud for some reason. Then he went behind the Buddha statue and pried open the secret door sealed with mud.

  The amiable precious light emanates from the Buddha's belly, and the huge Buddha's body is filled with gold, silver and jewels.

Including this pure gold Buddha statue, Yan Bugui could no longer imagine how valuable these things were.

The treasure house in Crouching Tiger Village is nothing compared to this place.

Opening the Zangfeng box, Yan Bugui took out the clip and treasure box he had prepared in advance, took out a large pearl from the Buddha's belly and put it in.

He didn't forget that these treasures, including the Buddha statues, were covered in poison. If you want to successfully take away the treasures, you'd better find a way to detoxify them first, otherwise whoever touches them will die.

Considering the uncertainty of water washing, the huge amount of work required for repeated cleaning due to its high toxicity, and problems such as water source pollution, Yan Bugui felt that it would be safer to have an antidote.

You still have to let the Ping An Escort Bureau do the job of transporting treasures, and others, Yan Bu, can't believe it.

If we don't get an antidote, it will be hard to explain if we accidentally poison some unlucky escort.

Although the Huashan faction has enough manpower, its goal is too obvious.

Even if people want to know about it, they have to send the treasure to where it should go, otherwise Huashan may never have peace.

After restoring the secret door to its original state, Yan Bugui left Tianning Temple and began to think about detoxification.

For those with the highest medical skills in the world today, the first choice is undoubtedly the "famous murderer" Heiichi.

But there are too many gangster figures around this person.

There are even people in the demon sect like Patriarch Huang He and Night Owl Ji Wushi. These guys are very thieves, and there is no guarantee that they won't catch any clues.

If someone were to label him as having friends with the Demon Cult again, it would be even worse.

"It's not safe to say flat finger, who else can I turn to? Hey~" Yan Bugui suddenly thought of a person with good medical skills. He once taught several imperial doctor apprentices, and now he is studying alchemy and medicine in the deep mountains and forests at the border.

After leaving Tianning Temple, he went straight to Jiangling City and randomly found an inn to stay.

the next day.

On the [-]th, the Wan family mansion had high walls and red doors, decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations. It looked no less impressive than Liu Zhengfeng's mansion.

The mansion was full of people, mixed with the music played by drummers to welcome the guests, and it was very lively.

The sun was high in the sky, and Yan Bugui entered the gate of Wanjia leisurely.

Since Tiegu Mohe and Mei Niansheng are equals to Liu Zhengfeng's master, then according to the seniority in the world, Yan and Wan Zhenshan are also equals.

The status of the Huashan sect in the martial arts world is even higher than that of Wan.

Yan Bugui is now a famous martial arts master. As a master, he naturally comes last. He deeply agrees with this statement.

If you go early, you will be suspected of lowering your status.

"Damn! It stinks." When he reached the door of the hall, Yan Bugui suddenly smelled a stench like a toilet and hurriedly covered his nose.

He looked inside and saw, my dear, there was a robe stained with feces lying on the brand new red carpet in the corner of the hall.

Who has a bad stomach?
  "You soiled my master's new clothes, please pay for it!"

There was a young man in his twenties with thick eyebrows and big eyes in the hall, who was tightly wrapped around the arms of a strong man with a beard.

In terms of martial arts, the boy was far from his opponent, but he had some brute force.

The strong man tried, but it was difficult to break free for a while. Suddenly, his right arm elbowed him in the abdomen, and he immediately broke away, then turned around and punched him in the chest.

The boy hurriedly jumped back and shouted: "I won't fight with you.

My master's new robe cost three taels of silver to sew. We sold big cows and rhubarb to sew three sets of clothes. This is the first time I have worn it today..."

Hearing these simple words, Yan Bugui suddenly realized that this young man must be Di Yun.

If we were to make a list of the worst in the world, this person would definitely be on the list, and he would also be the favorite to win the championship.

(End of this chapter)

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