Chapter 303 One move is missing

"The five mountains are united into one!" Yan Bugui used his quick movement technique and rushed towards Nangong Hen.

After learning the Holy Spirit Sword Technique and Wanjian Guizong, Yan Bugui's swordsmanship has been greatly improved, and the swordsmanship of the Five Mountains has been completely integrated into one.

The sharp sword light was as fast as lightning, arriving in the blink of an eye, and the uncertain sword tip enveloped Nangong Hen's vitals.

"Hmph! It's flashy." As Nangong Hen spoke, the Yin and Yang Qi poured into the Sky Blade, turning his palm movements into sword moves. Ignoring the overturned sword shadow in front of him, the 'Yin Yang Blade' slashed out diagonally.

Boom boom boom...

The sword energy burst out of the ground, causing rocks to fly and smoke to fly everywhere, but Yan Bugui dissipated like a wisp of smoke in front of him.

Nangong Hen immediately felt the wind coming from behind, and immediately followed the knife, sweeping backwards.

Swords clashed and sparks flew.

Nangong said bitterly: "Your unity of the Five Sacred Mountains is nothing more than this."

Nangong Hen struck out like lightning, slicing Yan Bugui's right wrist with the knife in his left hand, and then slashed his throat with the knife.

Nangong Hen parried with the sword, and he couldn't help but be startled by the familiar internal strength. Immediately, he saw a green light burst out from Yan Bugui's left hand, followed closely by the awe-inspiring sword energy, which made him retreat almost instinctively.

Nangong Hen swept back with his left hand, and his flesh palm was as strong as gold and iron under the condensation of his true energy. He hit the spine of Bo Qing's sword with a bang, and the powerful internal energy poured into Yan Bugui's right hand through the sword, causing his jaw to be shocked and the sword's power to move uncontrollably. The stagnation.

Yan Bugui leaned back to dodge an iron bridge, and then lay down. Zhenli Tou supported his body with his feet as the axis, drew a semicircle from Nangong Hen's side, and moved to the opposite side of him.

Yan Bugui turned around wrongly and missed the blade by a hair's breadth. Then he raised the sword and hit Nangong Hen's right arm. If he couldn't avoid it, his right arm would be broken off at the root.

There was an endless stream of Wuyuehe's back moves, and in the blink of an eye the two of them had fought hundreds of moves.

A piece of black cloth slowly fell between the two of them like a butterfly.

Yan Bugui took advantage of the situation and kicked his left waist with his right leg. Nangong Hen raised his knee to block it, and used his free left hand to attack his abdomen with "Yin and Yang Yi Qi".

The sword light suddenly dispersed and returned to one, then turned around and stabbed straight into the chest as Nangong Hen turned around.

"It's just a prelude." Yan Bugui swayed, took small steps, and launched a sudden attack around Nangong Hen. The continuous sword movements are full of wonders and cleverness, hard yet soft, sometimes light and sometimes heavy, sometimes urgent and sometimes slow, and are extremely versatile.

Yan Bugui was distracted again, using different Holy Spirit sword techniques with both hands. The Boqing sword and the sword light echoed each other to make up for the flaws.

If you defend for a long time, you will lose. As Yan Bugui suddenly changed his move to the "Breaking Sword Style", he flashed to the left side of Nangong Hen. The Boqing Sword passed through the light of the sky blade like a needle and thread, and stabbed under his ribs.

Nangong Hen flipped the blade and slashed the enemy's head horizontally again, but was blocked by the ruthless sword with a "clang" sound.

Yan Bugui's palms met, and he took half a step back. At the same time, he secretly used the "Na Zi Jue" to guide the force, and transferred the power of his palms to the Bo Qing Sword, and the "Yin Yang Yi Zhan" came out.


"Ha!" Nangong Hen laughed loudly, and when he saw the light of the sword flying, he was already in front of Yan Bugui, and the sky blade swept out like a violent wind and rain.

The robe on Nangong Hen's abdomen was missing a corner. He stared at Yan Bugui and saw a three-foot sword glowing unsteadily on the fingertips of his left hand.

"Lifting weight as if it were light, lifting light as if it was heavy, finally it is interesting." Nangong couldn't help but dodge, the sky blade flew in his hand, surrounding his body, circling in the air, the swift and tight sword movement was like a steel shield, guarding the Bo Qing sword. Watertight.

Although Nangong Hen's sword was fierce, it was difficult to break through for a while.

"Cut!" Seeing that he was unable to defeat the enemy, Nangong Hen immediately launched the Spiritual Slash again. Thousands of sword lights suddenly gathered together and slashed down diagonally.

Yan Bugui blocked the attack with his left hand sword, but the sword's light could not reach its edge and collapsed. The Boqing Sword followed him and turned around to attack. With a "clang" sound, the long sword shook violently and he let go immediately. "You are defeated." Nangong Hen continued his offensive, advancing straight into the palace with his left palm.

"Not necessarily." Yan Bugui blocked the block with his right fist and used the force to fly into the air. At the same time, he activated the nine-turn star-absorbing star to grab it from the air. The moment he took the Boqing Sword, he used his true energy again and flew ten feet into the air. The sword energy was breathable. Out of the body.

In an instant, the sky was filled with green light.

Yan Bugui's move was none other than the 'Meteor from the Sky'. His whole body turned into a giant sword and struck Nangong Hen head-on with thunderous force.

"One Qi turns into three thousand!" Nangong Hen knew that the coming force was extraordinary, so he immediately thrust the sky blade into the ground and hugged it with his palms.

With a long shout, a glass-like true energy shield was opened, and the great thousand spiritual energy released three thousand water blooms, encompassing all things. The moment the 'meteor from outside the sky' came into contact, the sword energy of Wuyou was instantly dissolved into nothingness.

With a bang, the air shield also exploded.

Yan Bugui flipped out in the air and landed ten feet away. Although the move was broken, the sword intent on his body did not decrease but increased.

Nangong Hen said in surprise: "Oh~ it seems you have a trick up your sleeve!"

"Ten thousand swords return to the sect." Yan Bugui threw Bo Qing into the air, and the boundless sword intent enveloped the surrounding areas, immediately causing the weeds everywhere and the weapons dropped by the demon soldiers to float into the air, turning into sword wings and spread out behind Yan Bugui. Open, like a phoenix spreading its wings.

With a wave of his sword finger, a rain of swords filled the sky and shot straight towards Nangong Hen.

"Absorb, transform, transport, and send out." Nangong hated the energy throughout his body, and the energy in his palm rotated rapidly like a whirlpool, absorbing all the oncoming sword energy, and shouted loudly: "One energy - transform into nine hundred!"

Weeds fell, and the weapons of the demon soldiers fell to the ground one after another. Only the purest sword energy was left, which was converted by Nangong Hen and blessed with his own power, and burst out with the sound of shouting.

Yan Bugui had expected it, so he jumped into the air to avoid the reflected Wan Jian Guizong, and his figure suddenly turned into ten, and rolled up ten tornadoes and rushed towards Nangong Hen.

The howling wind swept across the world, and it turned out to be the 'Invincible in all directions'!
Yan Bugui relied on his unparalleled light skills and used ten powerful martial arts to attack Nangong Hen. He used swords, guns, swords, halberds and sticks, fists, palms, legs and claws to attack ten key points on his front and back at the same time.

Nangong Hen's heart was trembling. He didn't expect that he could have such a clever trick, and he could use his energy to turn nine hundred and then use it again.

The extreme moves connected with each other, and suddenly the light was brilliant.

With a loud boom, the three women watching the battle felt the ground shake, and dust flew up in front of their eyes, completely engulfing the two fighting men.

Lianxing and Yiwuxin both felt their hearts tense and looked worried.

Immediately, the smoke dispersed, and two embarrassed figures appeared.

The hair crown on Nangong Hen's head was shattered, and his long black and white hair was blowing in the wind. There was a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth, but his figure was as stable as a mountain: "Hahaha... Exciting! Exciting!"

"Ahem." Yan Bugui fell down and sat a few feet away, with disheveled hair and vomiting blood: "You win."

Lian Xing flew to his side and asked anxiously: "How are you? Are you seriously injured?"

"It's okay." Yan Bugui shook his head and said, "A little internal injury doesn't matter, just adjust your breath and it'll be fine." After saying that, he crossed his legs and used Long Qi to treat the shocked internal organs.

In the end, he still lost at the foundation.

The power of nine hundred in one breath was also beyond his expectation, and it easily penetrated his indestructible Vajra body and body-protecting Qi. Perhaps only those who have reached the twelfth level of the Hunyuan Vajra body can block it.

Yi Wuxin also hurried to Nangong Hen's side, supported him and said with concern: "Mr. Black and White, you are injured, I will help you heal your injuries."

"No need." Nangong Hen broke away from her arm: "Hei Bai Langjun knows how to heal his injuries."

(End of this chapter)

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