Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 304 Ordinary Girl Yi Wuxin

Chapter 304 Ordinary Girl Yi Wuxin
"This girl is so kind, so forget it if you don't appreciate it. What's so bad about it?" Looking at Yi Wuxin being pushed away, Yao Yue felt a little unhappy.

Nangong Hen snorted coldly: "The black and white man acts without the need for others to comment."

"A stinky man who doesn't know how to appreciate others." Yao Yue looked at Yi Wuxin and said, "Little girl, men are not good at all. I advise you to stay away from them."

"Sister Yao Yue, Mr. Black and White has this temper. Don't take it to heart. He is actually a very nice person." Yi Wuxin was afraid that the two of them would fight, so she turned to Nangong Hen and said, "Mr. Black and White, please heal your wounds quickly. , to prevent the injury from getting worse.”

"Hmph! Mr. Black and White has never been as knowledgeable as the female class." After Nangong Hen finished speaking, he also sat cross-legged and practiced Qigong to heal his injuries.

In the wilderness forest, two men meditated and three women gathered together.

Yi Wuxin asked curiously: "Two sisters, where are you from?"

Lian Xing looked at Yan Bugui and said, "You'd better ask him about this. It's not convenient for us to say it clearly. It's just a very far away place anyway."

"I think so." Yi Wuxin nodded: "Otherwise, I should have heard of a top master like Brother Yan."

Yaoyue asked: "Little girl, are there many masters like the two of them in the world?"

"Yes." Yan Bugui said: "In terms of martial arts, I may not be as good as Black and White Langjun, but when it comes to my ability to heal injuries and illnesses, I am still somewhat confident."

My elder brother Liang Huangwuji is also very powerful in magic and martial arts. "

"Brother Yan is humble." Yi Wuxin said, "There are not many people in the world who can fight against Mr. Black and White."

"That's it." Yi Wuxin suddenly realized, but her tone was a little disappointed when she spoke: "Alas!"

Yan Bugui said without hesitation: "We come from outside the Nine Realms."

"Hmm..." Yi Wuxin muttered: "Let me think about it, there seems to be quite a few. I know several of them. My father, the Mirror Hidden Man, and my uncle, Shi Yanwen, are both ranked first in the world.

Yi Wuxin said in astonishment: "What high priest?"

Lian Xing said with great interest: "Little sister, you actually know so many masters. It seems that your identity is not trivial!"

"Beyond the Nine Realms?" Yi Wuxin didn't react for a while.

Yan Bugui turned his eyes to Nangong Hen, with a look of admiration on his face: "The number one man in the Central Plains is indeed worthy of his fame."

"No." Yi Wuxin said in shock, "I'm just an ordinary person."

There is also Lord Wenhuang, who is both the best poisoner in the world and the best swordsman in the world Qiu Shui Duckweed and Ren Piaomiao.

"That's it." Yan Bugui picked up a branch beside him, drew a big circle on the ground, and drew nine small circles inside: "This circle is the world you live in. And We are from another world.”

Lian Xing noticed her change in mood and asked, "Why are you sighing?"

As he spoke, he drew another circle outside the big circle.

Yi Wuxin continued: "By the way, there is also Mr. Black and White's nemesis, the Man in the Net. His martial arts is also very powerful. The most peculiar thing is that he can transform into Dafa and cannot be killed."

"Uh..." Yan Bugui touched his nose: "It's nothing, I just said it smoothly."

"Oh." Yi Wuxin saw that he didn't say anything and didn't ask any more questions, but said slightly surprised: "Brother Yan, did your injury recover so quickly?"

Yi Wuxin couldn't help but ask again: "Where is Brother Yan from?"

"Ha!" Yan Bugui said with a smile: "The daughter of the chief criminal of all evils and a female tyrant, the niece of the great Confucian hero of Yunzhou, the cousin of the Mo family's Junzi and the best shot in the world, the junior sister of the evil god general of the Shura Empire, the future great master of Miao Jiang. Priest, this little girl is too modest for an ordinary person."

Yao Yue was startled: "Spell..."

"No, it's nothing." Yi Wuxin shook her head. She originally thought that Yan Bugui was a hidden master who had to break out of the world due to the invasion of the demonic world. Having such a master in the world would give her more help.

Unexpectedly, Yan Bugui's identity was so bizarre, and since the other party was not from the Nine Realms, there was no need or obligation to take risks in order to fight against the demonic world.

Yi Wuxin doesn’t even want to force others into trouble.

None of the three people expected her complicated thoughts, and they didn't continue to ask questions.

Yan Bugui said: "Yi Wuxin, Yan has a favor to ask me."

Yi Wuxin suddenly came back to her senses: "Brother Yan, it's okay." "I need the route map to Fenghai."

"This is easy to handle. Are you going to find Senior Forging Shenfeng to make weapons?"

Yan Bugui pointed at the Sword of Defeat in the Hidden Edge Box: "Yes, this sword still needs to be perfected. Lianxing, help me get some paper and pen."

Lianxing nodded, opened the drawer of the sword box, took out the four treasures of the study and handed them to Yi Wuxin.

Yi Wuxin quickly drew the map: "Speaking of which, Senior Forging Shenfeng's temper is a bit weird, and I also know another very powerful swordsmith. If Senior Forging Shenfeng is not willing to help, I can introduce him to you. "

"Thank you." Yan Buguixin said that Cang Sheng's temper was not much better.

The most important thing is that in his impression, the works of Fei Ziliu were twice defeated by the works of Forging God Front. The Soldier Mo Kuang who had not finished the work for two thousand years was finally succeeded by Fei Cangsheng combined with the forging skills of the Blacksmithing family.

So in his heart, Yan Buhui still prefers the techniques of the Blacksmith family.

In the blink of an eye, a stick of incense passed by, and Nangong Hen also woke up from his trance.

Yi Wuxin asked with concern: "Mr. Black and White, how are you recovering?"

Nangong Hen stood up slowly, took out the Yin Yang fan and gently flapped it: "It's just a minor injury, what can I do."

"It's fine." Yi Wuxin sighed helplessly, feeling tired because this person was really difficult to communicate with.

Nangong Hen looked at Yan Bugui and said leisurely: "Your abilities are not bad, and you are an opponent recognized by Black and White Master, but it is a pity that your foundation is insufficient. Continue to improve, the peak of martial arts, Black and White Master is waiting for you to meet again."

"Don't worry, I won't keep you waiting too long." Yan Bugui stood up and stood opposite him, speaking very confidently.

After this battle, he felt that his skill had improved slightly.

"Hahaha... Mr. Black and White appreciates your confidence." Mr. Black and White laughed loudly, then turned and left.

"Wait for me." Yi Wuxin hurriedly followed, turned around and said: "Two sisters, brother Yan, we will meet again if we are destined."

The two entered the ghost carriage and quickly disappeared on the road ahead under the watch of three people.

Yao Yue frowned slightly and said in confusion: "What's so good about this weirdo? Why is this girl so nervous about him?"

Yan Bugui smiled and said: "There is a big reason for this."

Yaoyue said: "How do you know?"

"It's a long story since a child has no mother." Yan Bugui said, "Anyway, you only need to know that there is only one person in the world who can make Mr. Black and White have such patience, and that is Yi Wuxin."

Yao Yue said dissatisfied: "Mysterious and mysterious. I hate people who only half-talk."

Yan Bugui said indifferently: "You have time to care about others, why not care about yourself first."

"What's wrong with me?"

"You should have seen the dangers of this world, and the martial arts you were proud of in the past cannot even defeat an ordinary demon general."

"Hmph! It's just taking advantage of the environment. If I were born in this world, what would Mr. Black and White be?"

"Have ambition." Yan Bugui knew that there was nothing wrong with what she said. He turned around and walked to the Hidden Front Box, took out a Blood Bodhi from it and handed it to Yao Yue: "Eat it."

Yaoyue said coldly: "I don't need your sympathy."

"I don't have that leisure time." Yan Bugui said: "I just don't want you to cause trouble to me. We have to stay here for a while. What if your martial arts skills are not good enough to hold me back.

I'm afraid that if something happens to you, it will delay Lianxing and I's happy event. "

"Bah!" Yao Yue spat angrily, "I won't die even if you die."

"Then don't be verbose." Yan Bugui grabbed her wrist and forced the Blood Bodhi into her hands: "Eat quickly, I will protect you."

Yaoyue hesitated for a moment, but in the end she couldn't resist the temptation of improving her skills and took the blood bodhi.

(End of this chapter)

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