Chapter 39
  It's almost midnight.

Ling Shuanghua was restless in the boudoir.

When she thought about being reunited with Ding Dian soon, her heart was full of expectation and worry, and she could not calm down, for fear that something would go wrong during this period.

What if Mr. Yan is discovered?
  As time went by, Ling Shuanghua became more and more uneasy.

She suddenly knelt down by the window, clasped her hands, and begged with an extremely pious expression: "Please God bless me, as long as Brother Dian and Mr. Yan can return safely, the little girl is willing to shorten her life by ten years, no, twenty years."

"Hey~ Now does this credit belong to me or to God?"

Ling Shuanghua suddenly heard a chuckle coming from outside the window, and she was overjoyed when she recognized Yan Bugui's voice, and hurriedly got up and looked outside.

Two figures climbed through the window with dexterity.

"Brother Dian!" After many years, Ding Dian has been on death row for a long time, tortured and covered in filth, but Ling Shuanghua still recognized the person in front of him at a glance.

"Shuanghua." Ding Dian felt as if he had been struck by lightning. He stood still, staring at Ling Shuanghua with uncontrollable affection in his eyes, and hot tears flowed out.

The two looked at each other as if they had stared at each other for eternity, and then hugged each other tightly as if no one else was watching.

"Thank God, you are really here, Brother Dian. I have been thinking about you every day and night these years. I thought I would never see you again in this life, but I didn't expect..." At this point, Ling Shuanghua was so happy that she burst into tears. He just kept holding Ding Dian's neck hard.

"Me too." Ding Dian stroked her hair and said softly: "I miss you all the time in prison. Fortunately, I can survive until today because of the flowers you place in the window every day."

"Ahem~ I said you two, it's almost done." Yan Bugui looked unhappy. He tried hard to help Bala, but he didn't receive much in return. He actually ate two solid meals of dog food.

Only then did the two of them remember that there was another person in the room, and quickly let go of each other.

Ling Shuanghua was in embarrassment, her pretty and shy face was bright red, her head was lowered and she didn't dare to look at anyone.

Ding Dian also blushed slightly: "Shuanghua and I reunited after a long separation, and I couldn't help myself. Please forgive me, dear brother."

"A breakup is better than a wedding, I understand." Yan Bugui said angrily: "But you should wait to talk about those disgusting words in the future.

After all, this is the magistrate's office, not a place to stay for a long time. Sister Ling, have you packed your luggage? "

Ling Shuanghua nodded: "Everything is ready."

"Then say goodbye to this place." Yan Bugui glanced out the window, confirmed that it was safe, and left the attic first.

Ding Dian followed closely behind, carrying Ling Shuanghua on his back.

Both of them are top-notch masters in martial arts, and they left the government office easily.

Half an hour later, the three of them had successfully left the city.

There was a carriage prepared by Yan Bugui in advance. He hitched his horse and left Jiangling City.

Ding Dian had already put on the clothes Yan Bugui had used to change and was cleaning the messy beard on his face with a dagger.

Yan Bugui sat at the door of the carriage and performed the art of uniting man and horse, using his own energy to accelerate the horse.

"What are your plans for the future?"

Ding Dian said: "When I teach you Shenzhao Kung, the two important treasures that Senior Mei entrusted to me will have successors."

He took the hand of his lover beside him and said tenderly: "I will take Shuanghua to find a place to live in seclusion, and I will never be interested in the world again."

"I'm afraid my father won't let us go easily." Ling Shuanghua said worriedly: "Not only is he the prefect, he is also the leader of the Longsha Gang in Lianghu, and many people work for him.

Maybe the hunt for our people is already on the road now. "

"Then just stay away." Yan Bugui said confidently: "I happen to have something to go to the border, so I can give you a ride. As for catching up with us, I'm afraid it won't be that easy."

The art of uniting man and horse aims at familiarizing and controlling the meridians in the horse's body. The farther he travels, the more proficient he becomes in this art.

This good horse, which was already of the highest quality, could almost be used as a half-blooded horse thanks to the blessing of his true energy.

Ding Dian comforted him: "Don't worry, Shuanghua, our good brother's martial arts is far beyond your imagination. Not to mention the Longsha Gang, even the Beggar Gang can't do anything to us."

Ling Shuanghua had always believed in Ding Dian unconditionally. She immediately relaxed her frown and said no more.

Ding Dian asked curiously: "Since my dear brother has obtained the treasure of Liancheng Jue, why not stay in Jiangling to get the treasure and go to the border pass?"

Yan Bugui said: "The treasure is covered with poison. I'm going to find a miracle doctor to study a prescription to detoxify it." Ding Dian said doubtfully: "If it's poisonous, just wash it off with water. Why go to all this trouble?"

"This batch of treasures is huge in quantity. I will keep at least part of it to develop the Huashan Gate. I plan to donate the rest to those in need. If the poison is too deep and cannot be washed away with water, wouldn't it be harmful to others and myself?

Besides, Sister Ling was abducted by you. There must be spies from the prefect's Yamen and the Longsha Gang everywhere in Jiangling City. Let's wait until the limelight passes for a while to get the treasure. "

"Well, it's good that you have an idea. There's another thing you have to be careful about. In addition to Shuanghua's father, the people who have the idea for these treasures are also Senior Mei Niansheng's three apprentices.

These three people are cunning and insidious. Senior Mei died at their hands. You must be on guard against these scoundrels who deceive your master and destroy your ancestors. It is best to kill them directly.

With the temperament of these three people, if they find out that the treasure is taken away by you, then your Huashan sect will never have peace. "

"Hehe, actually before I came to you, I had already sent them to Senior Mei to apologize."

"Good kill!" Ding Dian couldn't help but applaud: "The fewer people who know the secret of the treasure, the safer you will be."

Ling Shuanghua exclaimed, "Then, then my father..."

Ding Dian sighed: "Shuanghua, please don't embarrass me."

"I know." There was a look of pleading in Ling Shuanghua's eyes: "Master Yan, if my father doesn't find out about you taking the treasure, I hope you can be merciful and let him live."

"Okay." Yan Bugui nodded, which meant that if Ling Tuisi found out, he could kill him.

"Thank you, sir." Ling Shuanghua breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that the atmosphere had changed, Ding Dian decisively changed the subject: "Brother, I have nothing to do at the moment. I will recite the Shen Zhao Gong to you right now.

This skill may be difficult to say or easy to say. The most important thing is to have no distracting thoughts and proceed step by step. Remember this..."

Ding Dian recited various mental techniques and mantras in detail. After repeating them three times in a row, the morning light began to shine outside the car unknowingly.

Ling Shuanghua didn't know martial arts, was weak, and had already fallen asleep.

When Ding Dian was about to recite it for the fourth time, Yan Bugui interrupted him with a wave of his hand.

"Okay, I've memorized everything."

"So fast?" Ding Dian didn't know that he used the interior space to take notes. After being surprised, he started to take the exam and started to worry about Yan Bugui.

He messed up the order of the verses and randomly checked them from beginning to end. He finally felt relieved when he saw that Yan Bugui always answered fluently.

Ding Dian praised: "My dear brother is gifted with talents. If the Shenzhao Sutra has a successor like you, senior Mei Quanxia Youzhi should be able to rest in peace."

The sun rises.

In the prefect's yamen, the sound of rapid footsteps suddenly occurred outside Ling Tuisi's room.

"Sir, no, it's not good, Ding Dian has escaped from prison."

"What?!" Ling Tuisi, who had just gotten up, had no time to change his clothes and rushed out of the room as if he was impatient.

In death row.

"Damn it!" Ling Tuisi looked at the empty cell, his face livid.

Two crossbowmen knelt in front of him and trembled.

From the day they were transferred, they knew that this prisoner was extremely important to the magistrate. Now that they had lost him, they were afraid that their lives would be at risk.

"Look, sir." The master, who had two wisps of rat whiskers around his mouth, brought the chain that had been rolled into an iron ball in front of Ling Tuisi: "What a strong hand. Could it be that Ding Dian has secretly practiced some powerful martial arts?"

"It's Shen Zhao Gong." Ling Tuisi frowned, and suddenly saw the shackles on the ground, picked them up and examined them carefully: "No, the cuts on these shackles are so smooth, they were obviously made with sharp weapons.

Where did Ding Dian get the sharp weapon in prison? Someone must have kidnapped him... No, Shuanghua! "

Ling Tuisi suddenly changed his expression and hurried to the attic where Ling Shuanghua lived.

After seeing that there was no one inside, Ling Tuisi became furious and smashed the roses on the window sill opposite the death cell to pieces.

"Disobedient girl, how dare you? How dare you?"

(End of this chapter)

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