Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 40 The Wan family is wiped out

Chapter 40 The Wan family is wiped out
  Ling Tuisi's chest heaved with anger, and he wished he could tear down the attic with his own hands: "Xia Sandao!"

The master quickly walked into the door: "I'm here for my humble duty."

"Let me ask you, have there been any powerful martial arts masters in Jiangling recently?"

"Sir, Wuyunshou Wan Zhenshan celebrated his fiftieth birthday the day before yesterday. Many people from the world came to congratulate him on his birthday. If we say the most powerful martial artist, it should be Rong Xiuyan Bugui, the Taiyue of the Huashan Sect.

Sir, do you think he robbed Ding Dian? "

"Whether it is or not, give me the order to put the whole city under martial law. Once Yan Bugui shows up, tell me immediately." Ling Tuisi can be sure that the treasure is in Jiangling, so every time the term of the prefect is up, he will spend money to keep himself in office. Jiangling.

"And." Ling Tuisi said harshly: "Immediately issue a wanted order, offer a reward of five thousand taels of silver, and go all out to capture Ding Dian. Then let the entire Longsha Gang be dispatched to find them for me."

"Impossible to take orders."

a few days later.

Di Yun and Qi Fang have returned to their hometown in Maxipu, western Hunan, and they are standing in front of their home together in a daze.

The house is still the same house.

A few days ago, in order to go to the city with dignity, Qi Changfa sold the old scalpers that his family used for farming to make new clothes.

Now when I came back from the city, not only were the cattle gone, but the people who sold them were also gone.

"Woof! Woof!" A big black dog ran out of the yard wagging its tail.

The sound of a dog barking brought the two back to their senses.

Qi Fang caressed Dahei's head lovingly, and her eye circles turned red unconsciously: "Brother, do you think Master Wan was really killed by my father?"

In his heart, Di Yun didn't want to believe that Qi Changfa was the murderer, but the facts were right in front of him. He mused: "I think even if it is really the master, he was forced to do so by his uncle. We all heard them when they quarreled."

"Hmph~ It's all that sword manual's fault."

"I hope Master and the old man are safe and sound. Maybe he will come back to us in a few days."

"Yeah." Qi Fang nodded.

The pace of life will not stop because of changes in anyone or anything.

A month and a half passed in a flash.

The two of them gradually got used to the days without Qi Changfa, and just waited for him to come back at home.

Toto! Tototo!

Di Yun and Qi Fang held wooden swords and practiced as usual.

But what was different from before was that Qi Fang found that she was no match for Di Yun.

In the past, when they were practicing swordsmanship, they would always have to exchange forty or fifty moves to determine the winner, but recently Di Yun's swordsmanship has become more and more fierce and sophisticated.

Often, before Qi Fang could finish her three or two moves, Di Yun would find the flaw and stop the wooden sword in front of her vital part.

"Brother, your swordsmanship is wrong. Dad is not at home, and your swordsmanship has gone out of shape."

"Senior Yan taught me this swordsmanship. Isn't it very powerful?"

"I see." Qi Fang suddenly put down the wooden sword: "I won't practice anymore."

"Why?" Di Yun asked doubtfully, "If you are so lazy, Master will definitely scold you if you are at home."

"You have learned such a powerful swordsmanship. No matter how hard I practice, I can't beat you, so why should I waste my efforts?"

"So you want to learn a new sword technique, so I'll teach you."

"Senior Yan taught this to you, are you willing to teach me?"

Di Yun said matter-of-factly: "Then why are you reluctant to part with it? Aren't my things yours?"

"It's not like your trip to the city was in vain. Water spinach has learned to make people happy." Qi Fang had a bright smile on his face.

Evening sunset.

After dinner, Qi Fang went to deliver washed clothes to Di Yun and saw him wiping his sword on the bed.

"What, are you planning to sleep with your sword in your arms?"

"Senior Yan said that Lu Kun and those people who were defeated by me last time will definitely feel jealous, and they might come to take revenge on us at some point, so I have to be very careful.

Junior sister, you must also be careful. "

"Senior's words make sense." Qi Fang thought deeply: "Bu Yuan had dinner at our house last time when he sent the invitation, and he knows the location of our room.

Just in case, let's sleep in different rooms starting tonight. You go to my place, and I'll go to dad's room. "

"Good idea." Di Yun nodded and said, "Let's build a trap in my room by the way, so that we will know immediately as soon as they come in."

Qi Fang looked at him back and forth in surprise and asked, "My silly senior brother, are you enlightened?"

"What's the secret?" Di Yun said, "Have you forgotten, isn't that what we did when we went to the mountains to catch wild boars with Master?"

"Do you think all the disciples of the Ten Thousand Sects are wild boars?" Qi Fang giggled happily.

Two more days passed in the blink of an eye.

The two of them changed rooms to rest every night as planned.

That night, the two of them were sleeping soundly when they were suddenly awakened by a clanking sound, followed by Dahei's barking.

The crisp ringing sound seemed to come from Di Yun's room. This is the bell that the big scalper wore around his neck to prevent him from getting lost before he was sold. The bell was connected by two people to the door and window with a rope. Whenever someone enters the house, the bell will trigger.

at the same time.

Di Yun suddenly stood up and saw that the door to his room had also been opened with a sword.

This was originally Qi Fang's room, so the purpose of the visitor's visit was self-evident.

There was a man in black with his head and face covered at the door. He was stopped by the sound of a bell as he was about to enter the house.

"Bold thief shall die."

There was a sudden flash of cold light in the room, and Di Yun had already arrived at the door. The long sword he drew out in anger was as fast as wind and thunder.

The visitor didn't expect that he was already on guard, and was caught off guard by his "chi" sword slashing across his throat.

Di Yun rushed straight to the courtyard and saw no fewer than six men in black jumping out of his original room.

"Sixth Junior Brother!" One of them couldn't help but exclaimed in horror after seeing the corpse at the door, making a familiar voice.

"Lu Kun, it is indeed you." Qi Fang walked out of Qi Changfa's bedroom with a sword in hand and a face as cold as frost.

"Kill them and avenge Third Junior Brother!" Lu Kun said, taking the lead in rushing towards Di Yun.

"Sword Lifting Style!" Di Yun shouted like thunder, and suddenly threw his long sword and flew towards Lu Kun.

Lu Kun didn't expect it, and his long sword subconsciously faced Di Yun's flying long sword, and pushed it back with a "clang", but then he saw that Di Yun had taken the opportunity to bully him.

Di Yun caught the flying sword smoothly, and the flat-chested sword tip suddenly sank, and stabbed into Lu Kun's abdomen with a "plop" sound.

"Elder brother!" With two roars, Zhou Qi and Sun Jun came from behind Lu Kun with their swords drawn.

at the same time.

Bu Yuan, Feng Tan and Shen Cheng also circled behind Di Yun to attack.

"Brother, be careful." Qi Fang hurriedly stepped forward and stopped Bu Yuan with his sword.

  Di Yun suddenly kicked Lu Kun's body towards Zhou and Sun, blocking their footsteps, and then jumped up to avoid Feng and Shen's attacks.

"Falling sword pose."

Di Yun hung upside down in the air and rushed towards Shen Cheng with his head and feet. The long sword shook out silver stars in the sky and shrouded his head with lightning speed.

Shen Cheng was overwhelmed and hurriedly raised his sword to parry. After two sword strikes, Di Yun's sword pierced the Tianling Gai.

"Sword swing."

Di Yun stabbed the ground with his long sword, and with the force of the rebound of the curved sword body, he swept towards Feng Tan like a tornado.

"This is not Tang Shi's swordsmanship!" Seeing him kill three people in an instant, Feng Tan was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder split. He backed away repeatedly, and suddenly his body shook and hit the wall of the house.


There was no way to hide, and following Feng Tan's shrill screams, Di Yun thrust his sword through his chest and pinned him to the wall.

"Go to sword style!"

Qi Fang used her sword according to the method taught by Di Yun. The long sword caught Bu Yuan's long sword and twisted it quickly, and then thrust it out diagonally.

"Ah!" Bu Yuan suddenly let go of his sword and flew up to the roof with a flash of silver light.

Qi Fang took advantage of the situation to pursue him, and while his middle door was wide open, he sealed his throat with a sharp sword blow.


Zhou Qi and Sun Jun were also scared out of their wits by the cruel moves of the two men. They lost all intention to fight and decisively turned around and ran out of the hospital.


Qi Fang looked at Zhou Qi and threw the long sword in her hand, with a strong wind-breaking sound, and shot it into the opponent's back.

"Pfft——" Blood spurted out from Zhou Qi's mouth, and he fell to the ground.

Di Yun quickly caught up with Sun Jun, slashing with his long sword like a violent storm, forcing Sun Jun to retreat.

Suddenly, Di Yun's sword force paused, and Sun Jun subconsciously thrust out his sword. Unexpectedly, Di Yun suddenly flipped his wrist, and the sword edge crossed with his long sword, and stabbed straight into his heart.

"Ahem!" Sun Jun vomited blood, and the sword in his hand clanged to the ground: "What is this move?"

Di Yun drew his sword and said, "Flat sword style."

That night, after Yan Bugui saw the thirty-six Tang poetry sword techniques, he found out the flaws in them, and finally summarized these sword moves.

It may not be so powerful against others, but if it is against someone who uses Tang Shi's swordsmanship, it is like fishing in a water tank - a sure shot.

After the two rested for a while, they moved the bodies of the six people to a place, took off their masks and checked them, confirming that they were undoubtedly the seventh disciples of the Wanmen Sect.

Taking advantage of the darkness, Di Yun and Qi Fang buried the bodies of the six people deep in the mountains.

"Hey~ Senior Brother." Qi Fang suddenly said: "I thought I heard Lu Kun say that Wan Gui is dead just now?"

"Well, I heard it too. He said he wanted to avenge the third junior brother. It's really strange! Why did this person who was so good die?" Di Yun was puzzled and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Now that everyone in the Wan family is dead, they no longer have to worry about anyone bullying them.

(End of this chapter)

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