Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 41 Hard training in the mountains

Chapter 41 Hard training in the mountains
  After a long journey, Yan Bugui and the others have arrived at Buzzing Mountain.

The Tianhua pharmacist lives in seclusion in this mountain.

Ding Dian looked at the vast mountains in front of him and said with a smile: "This place is remote and inaccessible, so it is a good hiding place.

Shuanghua, your father must have never imagined that we could travel over a thousand miles here in just a few days. "

Ling Shuanghua sighed: "I just hope that the old man can think a little more and don't get angry."

"I'm disgusted by what I saw." Yan Bugui said, "If he could see clearly, you two wouldn't be in such a miserable situation."

Ding Dian asked: "Does my dear brother know the specific location of the miracle doctor? If not, looking at the rolling mountains, it may not be easy to find someone inside."

"Everyone who walks by will leave traces." Yan Bugui put up a pavilion with his hands and looked around the fields. "Although he lives in the mountains, he always goes out to buy food and clothing. There must be traces to follow."

This is true.

Following the faint footprints on the mountain road, they soon found a cave with a faint medicinal fragrance.

"Huashan sent Yan Buji, please see Senior Tianhua Pharmacist."

Not long after Yan Bugui finished speaking, an old man in white robes with gray beard and hair and a slightly stooped figure appeared at the entrance of the cave with an eight or nine-year-old child.

Tianhua Pharmacist spoke in an old voice and asked slowly: "Huashan Sect? It turns out that you are from the martial arts world. I wonder why the young hero is here?"

Yan Bugui took out the treasure box containing the big pearl: "I have something highly poisonous in my hand, and I would like to ask my senior to help me develop an antidote."

"Young hero has found the wrong person." Tianhua Pharmacist said: "I have retired for a long time and have never been involved in the affairs of the world. Young hero should ask Ping Yizhi to help you."

"No." Yan Bugui shook his head and said, "Although I am a member of the Jianghu community, I am here for the common people of the world."

Tianhua Pharmacist couldn't help but be surprised: "Oh, I would like to hear the details."

Yan Bugui said in a deep voice: "Nowadays, in the border areas of the Ming Dynasty, there are Tatars from various countries who are watching with eager eyes, and there are also Japanese pirates who are harming the people along the coast.

The contents of this box are extremely valuable. If the poison in it can be eliminated, the soldiers at the border and along the coast will be able to get enough food to fight against foreign enemies, and the people will naturally live and work in peace and contentment.

As the saying goes, saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. What we need to save now are countless soldiers and civilians of the Ming Dynasty. If our predecessors can facilitate this, they will definitely have great merits and be famous throughout the ages. "

Tianhua Pharmacist remained silent and stared at Yan Bugui seriously. Seeing the righteousness in his brows and his pure and firm eyes, he finally nodded: "You three, please come in."

The cave has been transformed.

In the middle is a pharmacy, with medicine cabinets and various tools for preparing medicines, as well as a charcoal stove where medicine is boiling.

There are several doorways on the surrounding stone walls, most of which are entrances to bedrooms.

"Please take a seat." Tianhua Master pointed to the stone table next to him: "The mountain residence is simple, I hope you can forgive me, Tong'er, serve tea."

Another kid of about the same age came over with hot tea.

"It doesn't matter." Yan Bugui opened the treasure box and placed it on the stone table: "Thank you, senior.

This poison is colorless and odorless. If you touch it, it will be poisonous in a short time. The poisoned person will lose consciousness like a wild beast until he finally goes crazy and dies. "

"I'll take a look first before talking." Tianhua Pharmacist came to the medicine table with the treasure box: "Tong'er, get the poison-avoiding pill."

The medicine boy took out a pill from the porcelain bottle in the medicine cabinet and handed it to him.

"You guys all stay away."

Tianhua Pharmacist dismissed the two medicine boys, put the pills under his tongue, covered his mouth and nose with a white cloth, put on special gloves, took out the pearls from the box and put them into a copper bowl that was being heated by candlelight.

There is water in the bowl.

After a cup of tea, steam emerged from the bowl, and the water inside turned a shocking blue color.

"What a violent poison!" Tianhua Pharmacist shook his body, immediately extinguished the candle and covered the copper bowl.

"Senior, are you okay?" Yan Bugui saw the water vapor scattered, and hurriedly rolled up a gust of wind to send the poisonous water vapor out of the cave.

"It doesn't matter." Pharmacist Tianhua went to the medicine cabinet and took a poison-avoiding pill to put in his mouth.

When the water in the copper bowl cooled, he began to add various medicinal powders to it, making the color of the water change again and again.

After working for half an hour, Tianhua Pharmacist took off the white cloth on his face.

"Young hero, this poison is unusual. I am old and have limited energy. It may take some time to develop an antidote. If you three are not in a hurry, you can stay in our mountain for the time being."

Yan Bugui looked at Ding Dian and Ling Shuanghua. Seeing them nodding, he cupped his hands and said, "Then I won't bother senior."

Making medicine is completely beyond Yan Bugui's ability. But it just gave him time to study Shen Zhao Jing.

On the way, he had been sending Qi to the horse, and he had not bothered to carefully study this famous and superb internal skill.

All in all, this was the first complete and truly superior internal strength he had obtained.

Compared with Shenzhao Gong, Hunyuan Gong is ultimately inferior.

Di Yun hanged himself. He had been dead for less than half an hour, which was about an hour in converted terms. He was already cold.

It's amazing how he can be saved in this way!

While others had their limbs cut off and their pipa bones pierced, they were already useless. Ding Dian is still a top-notch martial arts master with his Shen Zhao Gong. When he completes his martial arts, he will definitely be among the top masters.

It's just that the poison resistance of Shen Zhao Gong doesn't seem to be very good.

After Ding Dian was poisoned by Jinbo Xunhua, his energy was destroyed and his bones were destroyed in almost a moment, causing the Shenzhao Gong that he had cultivated for twelve years to be in vain.

Fortunately, the golden bell makes up for this shortcoming.

As long as the Hunyuan Diamond Body is trained to the fifth level and above, it will gradually develop the magical effect of restraining poisons.

In the interior space, the Shenzhao Gong has already been integrated with the Little Immortality Technique, the mental formula has become more profound and mysterious, and the route of the Luck Exercise has become more complex and changeable.

The requirement to be calm and get rid of distracting thoughts is now easy for Yan Bugui.

As the night passed, he clearly felt that his internal strength had increased slightly.

After breakfast.

Yan Bugui went to the woods outside and cut down a tree, then cut it into a long stick as thick as a bowl and gave it to Ding Dian.

"Old Ding, come and do me a favor and hit me with all your strength."

Ding Dian was surprised and said: "Could this be the skill of the Golden Bell Cover?"

"That's right, don't be merciful. The harder you hit me, the faster I will practice."

"Then I'm welcome."

bang bang bang...

The muffled sound of the long stick colliding with the body echoed in the woods one after another.

In order to repay Yan Bugui's kindness, Ding Dian spared no effort when taking action, and even used the unique skill of the Shadowless Divine Fist on a long stick.

With the roar of tigers and tigers, Yan Bugui was directly submerged in the shadows of sticks in the sky.

When it was time to eat at noon, Ling Shuanghua looked at Yan Bugui in disbelief, with a bruised nose and swollen face, and his body had grown a lot. He didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

"Brother Dian, you are too cruel!" Ling Shuanghua couldn't help but complain about Ding Dian.

Ding Dian explained innocently and helplessly: "It's none of my business. He asked me to hit him himself."

"Sister Shuanghua, I really don't blame Old Ding for this." Yan Bugui grinned and moved his bruised and swollen body.

Fortunately, he has the foundation of the second level of the Hunyuan Vajra Body, which can reduce the pain in his body by half, otherwise he would not be able to speak now.

"I don't know anything about martial arts. Will it always be like this in the future? It looks scary. Do you need to go to the pharmacist to prescribe some gold-creating medicine?" Ling Shuanghua frowned, with a hint of worry.

She was grateful for Yan Bugui's great kindness to her and Ding Dian. Although they had not been together for a long time, she had already regarded Yan Bugui as her younger brother in her heart.

"No need." Yan Bugui waved his hand nonchalantly: "I only need to be beaten to practice this skill. I'll get better after a while."

After dinner, Yan Bugui meditated in the stone room and did his exercises.

After the first trial, he found that Shenzhao Gong was indeed very effective in healing, and almost half of his physical injuries recovered in just half a day.

On the second day, after one night, he was restored to his original state, which made him couldn't help but feel ecstatic.

In this way, the Hunyuan Vajra Body can be practiced without any scruples.

More than a month passed like this.

After Ding Dian had broken countless sticks, Yan Bugui could hardly feel any pain when he was attacked.

The third level of the Hunyuan Vajra Body is just one step away from completion.

(End of this chapter)

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