Chapter 4
  Huashan Ancestral Hall.

Lin Qingping called Yue Buqun alone.

The dim candlelight reflected the spiritual tablets of many airbender ancestors enshrined on the wall.

A huge plaque with the word "Qi" written on it hangs in the middle of the memorial tablet.

Yue Buqun asked: "Master, what are your instructions for calling this disciple?"

Lin Qingping moved the plaque sideways, took out a wooden box from the hidden compartment at the back and handed it to him.

Yue Buqun only saw the words "Sunflower Collection" written on the lid of the box. He then opened the box and found that it was empty. He couldn't help but look at Lin Qingping in surprise.

"Master, why is this box empty? What is the Sunflower Book?"

"The Sunflower Book is an amazing martial arts secret book. It was once in our hands, but was snatched away by the Demon Cult more than eighty years ago. You can see clearly." Lin Qingping suddenly pulled out her long sword and came to the center of the ancestral hall to demonstrate. Picked up the swordsmanship.

The sword light flickered, and he only made a few moves before stopping.

"Ahem..." Lin Qingping's breath suddenly became short.

Yue Buqun hurriedly stepped forward: "Master, are you okay?"

"It's just an old problem. It doesn't matter. Have you memorized all the sword skills?" Lin Qingping waved her hand.

At the beginning, when the sword energy was fierce, he used the Zixia magic skill to defeat more than ten sword sect masters, and his internal energy was exhausted and his vitality was damaged.

He is old, his energy has declined and he cannot fully recover, and his health has been deteriorating in the past three years.

"Remember." Yue Buqun nodded and asked doubtfully: "Master, is this the martial arts in the Sunflower Book? Forgive me, my disciple, these sword skills seem..."

"It seems unremarkable, right? This is what I told your master back then." Lin Qingping said solemnly: "But this is the order of the master.

No matter what, the sword skills must be passed down from generation to generation until the descendants of the Huashan Sect can understand the secrets. "

"Not a group." Lin Qingping patted him on the shoulder and said earnestly: "Whether the Huashan Sect can flourish or not depends on you."

"Yes, Master." Yue Buqun knelt down on one knee and said firmly: "My disciple will definitely retrieve the Sunflower Book and revive Huashan."

Another year in a hurry.

It's midsummer and the sun is just beginning.

There is a waterfall on the side of Jade Girl Peak. The turbulent water pours down from the mountain wall like a white dragon and crashes into the pool below with a roar.

In the water pool near the shore, Yan Bugui, who was one year older, was practicing his sword in the water up to his chest.

During this year, Lin Qingping had gradually taught him the basic swordsmanship of the Huashan School.

"Junior brother, why did you come here again? It's time to eat." Ning Zhong came to the pool and looked at Yan Bugui inside with a helpless face.

I don't know what happened to this junior brother in recent days. He spent the whole day soaking under the waterfall and couldn't bear to come out.

"I got it." Yan Bugui immediately sheathed his sword, grabbed the safety rope tied around his waist and crawled out of the pool.

Ning Zhong took out a handkerchief to help him remove the water drops on his face, and asked puzzledly: "Why do you have to go to the water to practice swordsmanship?"

"The weather is so hot and the water is cool. It can relieve the heat and practice swordsmanship. It's the best of both worlds." Yan Bugui untied the rope and walked back with Ning Zhongze with a smile.

However, this is not the case.

If a person is unlucky, there will always be more difficulties than solutions!
  Over the past year, with the help of that magical space, his swordsmanship has improved rapidly.

After all, the moves have fixed postures and routines, so you just need to practice them accordingly.

But moves are easy to learn, but internal skills are difficult to master. As for the concepts of the two sects of sword and qi, Yan Bugui actually agrees more with the qi sect in his heart.

In the way of martial arts, internal strength is the foundation.

"Little Immortality Technique" is the foundation for his establishment here. For this reason, he practices hard day and night, but the effect is somewhat indescribable.

Internal strength really tests one's physical condition.

"Little Immortality Secret" starts from the twelve main meridians of the human body.

Even though it was still functioning when walking, sitting or lying down, it took him a full year to open up the two meridians of 'Hand Taiyin Lung Meridian' and 'Hand Yangming Large Intestine Meridian'.

Yan Bugui finally realized that his qualifications seemed to be slightly inferior.

Some people can master the same martial arts in just a few years. Such people are called geniuses.

Some people need ten or even decades. Obviously, he is probably the latter.

Guo Jing only practiced internal martial arts with Ma Yu for two years, and his second master, the masterful scholar Zhu Cong, could no longer tap his acupuncture points.

Look at Yan Mou's true that his crotch is stretched.

That magical space can transform Huashan's internal strength, but it cannot change Yan Bugui's qualifications.

To put it bluntly, his grades were mediocre when he was in school, so there was no reason why he would become a martial arts prodigy after traveling through time.

Even if he has magical powers, he can only do nothing.

In order to solve this problem, Yan Bugui thought hard.

A few days ago, there was a heavy rain in Huashan Mountain, which caused the water in the waterfall to surge. The loud sound attracted him.

The majestic water rushing down immediately brought him inspiration.

Yang Guo was guided by the divine eagle to practice martial arts in waterfalls and ocean tides, and before he was forty years old, he developed a strong internal strength comparable to the Five Ultimate Skills.

Kou Zhong, Xu Ziling and Ba Fenghan also practiced under the waterfall and made great progress in a short period of time.

After thinking of a way that day, Yan Bugui drew his sword and entered the water without saying a word.

His skills were shallow and not strong enough to withstand the powerful impact of the waterfall, so he only practiced in calm pools of water. In addition, his current body is not yet an adult. If he rashly resists the flow of the waterfall, it may affect his future physical development and cause endless troubles.

It's just that Yan Bugui overlooked a small detail in his happiness.

Yang Guo's skill greatly increased after his arm was broken, mainly relying on the gallbladder of the Bodhisattva Snake. There is no such rare beast in Huashan.

Kou and Xu had the "Secret of Immortality" that was a part of creation, and Ba Fenghan also had a powerful innate Qi as the foundation.

Yan Bugui does not possess any of these conditions.

After persisting for a few days, Yan Bugui discovered to his dismay that his internal strength had indeed improved, but it was just better than nothing.

However, his swordsmanship became more and more proficient under the resistance of the water, which made him feel a little relieved.

after lunch.

Yan Bugui came to the waterfall pool again.

Lin Qingping saw that his swordsmanship had indeed improved, so she allowed him to do so without stopping him.

As for the fact that he changed to practice "Little Immortality Jue", maybe it was because they were both Taoist martial arts students, but Lin Qingping didn't find any clues.

Do not exercise after meals.

Yan Bugui sat by the pool to rest, stirring the water with his long sword, and secretly thinking about other ways to quickly improve his skills.

After thinking hard for a while to no avail, he sighed dejectedly.

The main reason is that he is too weak now, and even if he has methods, he is still unable to do anything.

  Lost in thought, Yan Bugui suddenly loosened his grip and dropped the long sword into the pool.

When he leaned over to fish it out, his eyes were suddenly attracted to the small vortex he had just created unconsciously.

The vortex turned slower and slower, slowly disappearing, but his eyes became brighter.

"I am indeed an idiot!" Yan Bugui slapped his head suddenly and burst out laughing.

He thought about the Secret of Immortality and Kou and Xu, but he forgot about their special skill - Spiral Qi!
  If the normal form of Qi is compared to a chisel, then the spiral Qi is like an electric drill.

If you want to break through a wall, the efficiency of a chisel cannot match that of an electric drill, and those shackles in the meridians are just walls that block the movement of true energy.

After calming down his joyful mood, Yan Bugui sat cross-legged and concentrated, using his mind to guide his Qi, hoping to make the Qi rotate like a whirlpool.

After a moment, he opened his eyes and frowned.

  The true energy that he had painstakingly cultivated just now seemed not to be his own, motionless in his dantian.

"It seems that I took it for granted." Yan Bugui smiled bitterly: "Shuanglong of the Tang Dynasty is such a talented person, how can I compare to it.

How can I say that only they can master the kung fu from ancient times to the present? "

Time flickered to the evening.

From noon to dusk and sunset, Yan Bugui could not get his true energy to rotate.

Dinner time.

Yan Bugui's gloomy look attracted the attention of the three people.

Lin Qingping frowned slightly: "If you don't return, you have to concentrate on eating. What are you thinking absentmindedly?"

Yan Bugui came back to his senses: "It's nothing, Master, I was thinking about practicing."

Lin Qingping put down her chopsticks and said earnestly: "Internal strength is not something that can be accomplished in a day. As long as you work hard, you may not be unable to achieve something in the future."

"Master is right." Ning Zhong patted Yan Bugui on the shoulder and comforted: "Little junior brother, you are only nine years old. There are still many days ahead, so there is no need to rush."

Yue Buqun said calmly: "Junior brother, it doesn't matter if your talent is not good. Diligence can make up for your weakness. No matter how mediocre your qualifications are, you still have the possibility of success."

I don't know since when, Yan Bugui's dull qualifications have become a recognized thing in the Huashan Sect.

Yan Bugui's mouth twitched slightly.

Thank you. I know my qualifications are poor and I don’t need you to remind me.

"Disciple understands, thank you master, senior sister and senior brother." While slandering, Yan Bugui nodded obediently.

Although Lao Yue's words are heartbreaking, they are not unreasonable.

Yan Bugui said in his heart: "Since I have made up my mind, how can I cower when I encounter difficulties.

If it doesn't work in one day, it will take two days. If it doesn't work in one year, it will take two years. I have to practice the Spiral Qi. "

Well, good, that's right, that's it, I love the first step of failure.

He regained his spirits.

Nothing can inspire people's fighting spirit more than 'I want to live'!

That night.

Yan Bugui continued to practice the "Little Immortality Technique" in his room.

There is no problem with his zhenqi operating normally. He needs to practice spiral zhenqi, and the progress of his internal strength cannot be delayed.

However, the moment he fell into concentration, something magical happened.

The zhenqi in his dantian moved spontaneously, and without any external interference, it naturally condensed into a vortex of zhenqi that he could not complete despite all his efforts during the day.

Spiral Qi, done!
  (End of this chapter)

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