Chapter 5 Murder in the Night

"Huh?!" Yan Bugui was surprised and happy when he noticed the change.

Unexpectedly, with these distracting thoughts, the vortex of true energy immediately stopped rotating and returned to its original state under the excitement.

He hurriedly collected his thoughts, but in the end it was too late.

The disappointment disappeared in a flash, and Yan Bugui began to secretly think about the key.

What on earth did he do just now?

Facts have proved that his idea is right. If he can succeed once, he can succeed a second time.

After a while.

When Yan Bugui was puzzled, he suddenly found the answer from the mental formula of "Nine Mysteries".

'Quiet and subtle, you cannot meet it when it comes, cannot chase it when it goes, welcome it and follow it, and reconcile it with unintentional intention. ’

When practicing internal strength, the most important thing to avoid is distracting thoughts. The signs of qi move in things and I forget them, intentionally or unintentionally.

During the day, he was obsessed with craving for the spiral energy, was greedy for success, and had attachments, so he naturally fell into the inferior state.

But just now, he temporarily abandoned this idea and just concentrated on practicing. However, he still had the awareness of the spiral energy in his mind, which was exactly in line with the essence of the "unintentional meaning" in the formula.

So the spiral true energy was formed.

After clearly understanding the cause and effect, Yan Bugui felt great. From then on, he had another trump card to protect himself.

After calming down, he entered concentration again.

After several days of this, his spiral energy could be gathered and dispersed as he pleased, and could be freely expanded and released.

The only pity is that his Spiral Qi cannot operate on its own like Kou and Xu, and he needs to actively activate it before it can be used.

That is the wonderful effect that only the innate Qi can have.

After all, "Little Secret of Immortality" has the character "small", so it inevitably lags behind and cannot reach the mysterious realm of the original "Secret of Immortality".

Since then, Yan Bugui has been practicing more and more diligently.

With the help of the spiral energy, the speed at which he opened his meridians increased day by day.

When he was ten years old, he successfully opened the Stomach Meridian of Foot Yangming, the Spleen Meridian of Foot Taiyin, and the Heart Meridian of Hand Shaoyin.

When he was eleven years old, his power gradually deepened and he opened up the Small Intestine Meridian of Hand Taiyang, Bladder Meridian of Foot Taiyang, Kidney Meridian of Foot Taiyin and Pericardium Meridian of Hand Queyin.

By the time he was twelve years old, with the opening of the Triple Burner Meridian of Hand Shaoyang, the Gallbladder Meridian of Foot Shaoyang, and the Liver Meridian of Foot Queyin, he had successfully penetrated the twelve main meridians throughout his body.

During this period, Yue Buqun and Ning Zhong, who were successful in martial arts, began to travel around the world to fight for justice.

Slowly, the two of them gained the names of "Jun Zijian" and "Ning Nvxia" and became a famous couple in the world.

Lin Qingping, on the other hand, is not as energetic as before due to her old age and old injuries. On weekdays, apart from giving instructions on Yan Bugui's martial arts, she spends most of her time in her room to rest.

It's spring again.

At dusk, Yan Bugui came back from practicing swordplay in the pool, and saw Yue Buqun and Ning Zhongze who were tired of travel on their way to dinner.

More than half a month ago, a murderous criminal thief came to the border of Shaanxi. As the Huashan Sect is the righteous way of martial arts, it is naturally their duty to punish rape and eradicate evil.

After receiving the news, the two immediately went down the mountain to hunt.

"Senior Brother, Senior Sister." Yan Bugui said hello and asked, "How is it? Did the trip go well?"

"There is no need to ask." Ning Zhongze said with high spirits: "Your senior sister personally takes action, there is no reason why it can't be done."

Now that she is gradually becoming famous in the world, it is time for her to be in high spirits.

Yan Bugui bowed his hands and said solemnly: "Nvxia Ning is so powerful in the martial arts world. As soon as the long sword comes out, all the demons will be defeated. I admire you, I admire you."

"Stop being such a talker and let me see if you have been lazy recently." Ning Zhong saw that he dared to make fun of himself, and suddenly pulled out his long sword and stabbed him quickly.

"Senior sister, please be merciful." Yan Bugui said softly, but he decisively drew his sword in his hand and advanced instead of retreating.

  The two swords clashed, and the two immediately fought together.

Ning Zhong used Jade Girl Nineteen Swords.

This set of swordsmanship has complex moves and wonderful changes. It is a swordsmanship that uses skill to defeat force. It is very different from the sword sect's purpose of using Qi to control the sword. It is usually practiced by female disciples with weak strength.

Yan Bugui still used Huashan's introductory swordsmanship.

Lin Qingping said that his skills were still shallow and not enough to practice further martial arts such as "Xiyi Sword Technique" and "Yangwu Sword Technique".

Yan Bugui had devoted himself to practicing the "Little Immortality Secret" in the past few years and had no time to distract him. Lin Qingping was happy not to teach him.

In an instant, the two of them had passed more than forty moves, and the sword blades collided rapidly, making a constant clanging sound.

Ning Zhong was gradually surprised.

She had the intention of taking the exam, so she didn't use her full strength when she attacked. She only used the Jade Girl Sword Technique over and over twice, but Yan Bugui was able to respond to every move just right, with a certain amount of advance and retreat between offense and defense. Jingchun seems to have entered the room.

This was far beyond her expectations.

"Not bad, look at my eyebrow drawing technique with bare hands."

Ning Zhong became curious and wanted to find out what Yan Bugui was doing. His sword posture suddenly changed and he used his best "Lady Sword Technique". The long sword swept out a sharp sword light and hit him directly. Face door.

This is pure Qi Zong swordsmanship, using Qi to control the sword, turning complexity into simplicity, and it is impressive. Suddenly, a cold light approached, Yan Bugui retreated, turned around and swung his sword across, with a "dang" sound, and the tiger's mouth on his right hand was violently shaken.

Ning Zhong paused with his long sword, caught his sword spine and turned the sword outward, intending to seize his weapon.

Unexpectedly, although Yan Bugui's long sword was swung away by this sword move, leaving the door in his chest wide open, it failed to successfully disarm him.

As he became more and more surprised, Ning Zhong followed up with his left palm and attacked his chest.

Yan Bugui's long sword couldn't defend himself in time, so he had to use his left hand to meet him.

  A strong internal force came from Ning Zhongze's palm, immediately knocking him to the ground.

"Oh~ Senior sister, are you serious? It hurts me so much." Yan Bugui rubbed his butt and stood up with a grin on his face.

Ning Zhong, with a face full of surprise, came over to help him pat the dust off his clothes and asked, "You can actually block my lady swordsmanship! Junior brother, your internal strength has improved a lot."

Yan Bugui put his sword back into its sheath: "Where's the progress?

If it wasn't for being knocked over by your casual palm, my butt almost broke in half. "

Ning Zhongze knocked on his forehead angrily: "Don't be so careless with me. Can't I see how much weight you have? Tell me, how did you do it?"

Yan Bugui started practicing internal martial arts at the age of eight, and it has only been four years now.

She knew very well that with her junior disciple's qualifications, she should never have such power.

"I don't know." Yan Bugui shrugged: "Maybe it's because I practiced under the waterfall. I've never done anything else except this."

"Is this so..." Ning Zhongze was stunned, and then smiled: "You are lucky, and you discovered such a strange practice method by accident. It seems that senior sister will not have to worry about you anymore."

Ning Zhong was sincerely happy for Yan Bugui.

Not far away, Yue Buqun frowned, but when the two of them looked over, his expression returned to normal.

At dinner time, Ning Zhong told Lin Qingping about Yan Bugui's improvement in internal strength.

"Master, I didn't expect you to have such an opportunity. It's interesting to plant willows without any intention." Lin Qingping stroked his beard and chuckled. Regarding Yan Bugui going to the waterfall to practice swordsmanship, he just thought it was a child's fooling around, and he had never let it go before. Have it in mind.

He nodded: "In that case, then come to the master's room later tomorrow."

Yan Bugui nodded: "What's the matter, Master?"

Lin Qingping laughed and said, "You will know when the time comes."

into the night.

Yan Bugui opened his eyes and finished the meditation.

"Small Immortality Secret" has begun to enter a deeper level of practice, expanding from the twelve main meridians to the twelve separate meridians.

The foundation of internal strength lies in the movement of the heavens, and the meridians are the channels through which the true energy circulates, just like... a greedy snake.

The more advanced the internal strength, the more complex the channel distribution.

After stretching, Yan Bugui turned over and fell on the bed to prepare for sleep.

Although practicing Qigong is important, if you have to stay up late all the time now, you will easily lose height in the future.

After half an hour.

His door was suddenly pushed open slowly, making a slight noise.

Yan Bugui was awakened instantly.

This is one of the wonderful uses of "Little Immortality Technique". The improvement of his internal strength has made his perception much sharper.

The weather is nice tonight, with a bright moon and few stars outside.

Yan Bugui remained calm and quietly looked at the person coming by the moonlight, only to see the person walking towards the bed silently with a very familiar figure and steps.

The person who came was surprisingly Yue Buqun!

He couldn't help but feel tense, and at the same time he turned over on the quilt as if nothing had happened, covering all the vital parts of his chest and abdomen.

‘I want to see why you came to see me in the middle of the night? It's best not to have any bad intentions, otherwise you will definitely not be able to eat and walk around. ’

Yan Bugui secretly gathered his internal strength, and the spiral zhenqi was ready to go.

With his current skill, if he suddenly made a sneak attack, Yue Buqun would be seriously injured even if he didn't die.

Yue Buqun came to the bedside and stood silently. He didn't notice Yan Bugui's disguise.

Yan Bugui closed his eyes, but he could clearly feel the eyes staring at him.

After a while.

Yue Buqun sighed softly and suddenly turned around and left.

The door closed slowly.

The room was quiet, as if nothing happened just now.

Yan Bugui opened his eyes and couldn't help but wonder.

Am I misunderstanding him?
  (End of this chapter)

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