Chapter 6 It’s hard to leave
  Yue Buqun quietly returned to his yard.

Prejudice is a big mountain, and Yan Bugui, a remnant of the Sword Sect, has always been a thorn in his heart.

In the past, it was okay to have poor qualifications, but after seeing Yan Bugui block Ning Zhongze's sword, the thoughts that Lin Qingping had suppressed emerged again.

Yue Buqun originally dismissed the ridiculous method of practicing swordsmanship in water, but he didn't expect that Yan Bugui actually became famous in his practice.

If Yan Bugui continues to practice like this, sooner or later it will come to his head.

At that time, will the Huashan Sect belong to the Air Sect or the Sword Sect?
  Raising tigers brings trouble!

Anyone who can threaten the orthodox status of Qizong Huashan should not live in this world. The idea of ​​​​strike first and gain power is difficult to contain as soon as it appears.

So driven by the murderous intention in his heart, he came to Yan Bugui's room, but when the matter came to an end, he couldn't do it anymore.

Yue Buqun knew that if he took action, Ning Zhongze would definitely fall out with him due to his temper, and his master would definitely become furious.

One of these two people is his beloved junior sister, and the other is his beloved master. He really doesn't want to make the situation so ugly because of himself.

"That's all! You must not let down their expectations, otherwise..."

at the same time.

Yan Bugui lay on the bed with his legs crossed, his sleepiness completely gone.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to stay in Huashan any longer..."

He was sure that Yue Buqun had not held in his fart just now, otherwise why would he have come suddenly in the middle of the night?
  Did he come here specifically to remind him to get up and pee?

Yan Bugui thought about it for a while, and he guessed that when he was fighting with his senior sister during the day, he revealed his internal skills that were not in line with his qualifications, which made Yue Buqun feel jealous.

"Thirty-six strategies are best: escape. My life is at stake, so I'd better run away."

Yan Bugui decided to take the opportunity to leave when Yue Buqun and Ning Zhongze came down the mountain again.

With his current martial arts skills, as long as he keeps a low profile outside, he should be able to protect himself.

He is extremely familiar with this world, and he knows very well who he can and cannot offend.

"It's just that Master and Senior Sister may be sad, alas..."

Yan Bugui sighed helplessly. These two people were sincerely good to him, and they were really reluctant to leave him.

The next day.

After lunch, Yan Bugui came to Lin Qingping's room.

"Master, do you have any orders for your disciple?"

"This is for you." Lin Qingping took a book from the bookshelf and handed it to him. The blue cover was slightly damaged and wrinkled.

Yan Bugui looked at the title on the cover in surprise: "Hunyuan Gong?!"

Lin Qingping explained: “This martial arts was acquired accidentally by a Huashan ancestor decades ago.

This skill is completely opposite to the way of practicing other internal skills in the world. It is practiced from the outside in.

After mastering it, every move will be filled with internal energy, and it can defeat the enemy inadvertently. Its power is not much inferior to the Zixia magical skill of our sect. "

Yan Buguixin said: "You don't need to tell me about this. I am also familiar with Hunyuan Gong."

Lin Qingping asked: "Bugui, do you still remember the purpose of our Huashan sect's martial arts?"

Yan Bugui said: "Qi is the basis, and the sword is the use. Qi is the main one, and the sword is the supplement."

"Not bad." Lin Qingping stroked her long beard and nodded with satisfaction: "My teacher can see that although you have a weak foundation, your swordsmanship talent is not bad.

But if things continue like this, my master is worried that you will go down the wrong path of heavy swords and light Qi. "

Yan Bugui hurriedly expressed his position: "Disciple must remember master's teachings."

Lin Qingping nodded: "My teacher knows that you have always been diligent. With your qualifications, you can practice your internal skills to the current level, which shows how hard you work.

Zixia Gong is difficult and obscure, and it is extremely dangerous to practice. If you are not careful, there is a risk of going crazy. If you practice it, it will be very harmful.

Moreover, Zixia Gong is a magical skill of the Huashan Town Sect, and should not be taught lightly unless it is the leader.

Hunyuan Gong needs to be practiced from the external palm technique, so there is no need to worry about going crazy. It is the most suitable for you. The only disadvantage is that the results are very slow.

However, since you have already achieved a small degree of success in your own internal skill, you can also operate it while sleeping, which can just make up for this shortcoming. "

"Thank you, Master." Yan Bugui couldn't help but feel a little moved.

"Go back and memorize the secret book." Lin Qingping instructed: "From now on, you practice swordplay in the morning and come here in the afternoon to teach you the skills of Hunyuan Palm.

Work hard, the future of Huashan depends on you. "

"The disciple obeys."

Yan Bugui took the secret book of Hunyuan Gong and said goodbye, with a wry smile on his face after going out.

He was ready to leave, but the master suddenly dealt him such a hand.

The master's words just now, except for a few hints of personal information, could be said to be for his sake wholeheartedly.

Judging from the slightly damaged appearance of the Hunyuan Gong secret book, the old man probably dug it out from the bottom of some old box.

Otherwise, it was given yesterday, so why wait until today. ‘If I just leave like this, Master might be angry to death, but if I don’t leave, I might be killed one day…”

Damn it, Lao Yue, it’s all your fault!

Why do you care about a child like me when you have nothing to do?
  Why can't you learn from Master? If only you were more open-minded, why would I be so entangled.

With resentment towards Yue Buqun, Yan Bugui returned to his yard.

He sat on the bed and thought for a long time, but still hesitated.

"Forget it, don't think about it anymore, let's do business first."

Yan Bugui shook his head vigorously, forced away his distracting thoughts, picked up the secret book of Hunyuan Gong and studied it carefully.

Time flies to night.

Yan Bugui's consciousness entered the magical space he named "Inner Scene".

"The Hunyuan is the beginning of Yin and Yang..."

Golden light surged in the air, manifesting the contents of "Hunyuan Gong".

Suddenly, the mental techniques of "Easing the Muscles and Forging the Bones", "Dongfeng Xuan Gong", "Seven Injury Fist", and "Star Change", one of the imperial scriptures, turned into light groups and blended with each other in the "Hunyuan Gong" .

After a while, the brand new "Hunyuan Gong" was released, and then merged with the "Little Immortality Secret".

Apart from this, there are only a few lines of "Star Absorbing Technique", "One Thought of Gods and Demons", "Wuqi Yi Jue" and "Wind God's Wrath" left in the interior that are still unmoved.

After carefully studying the annotations of the formula, Yan Bugui couldn't wait to leave the interior and began to meditate.

The brand-new internal strength combines the strengths of both families, and the movement and stillness complement each other, which is in line with the true meaning of the sixteen words in the chapter of Yi Jin Tonggu: "Yuantong Dinghui, body and use dual cultivation, both movement and stillness, although the body is still and peaceful".

A few days passed in a hurry, and with Lin Qingping's guidance and the help of the interior space, he had already mastered the Hunyuan Palm.

Yan Bugui clearly felt that his internal strength was improving faster than before. It seemed that the mental method in the Yi Jin Forging Bone chapter was beginning to work.

But it also brought about a minor sequelae.

During lunch that day, when Ning Zhongze saw Yan Bugui going to get steamed buns for the fifth time, he finally couldn't help but ask: "Junior brother, why have you suddenly eaten so much in the past few days?"

"Maybe he's growing." After Yan Bugui finished speaking, he ate half of the steamed bun in one gulp.

Lin Qingping said: "Hunyuan Kung works from the outside to the inside. Practicing external Kung Fu naturally consumes physical strength. If you don't like the group, please tell the kitchen to prepare more meat in the future."

"Yes, Master." Yue Buqun made a rare joke: "If this continues, our Huashan sect may be destitute by our junior brother."

"This is a good thing." Ning Zhong smiled and said, "The more you eat, the greater your progress will be."

Yan Bugui smiled awkwardly.

I guess in Huashan, in addition to my dull qualifications, I will be labeled as a loser.

He didn't want to do this either, but he couldn't help it.

It is said that 'the essence returns to the origin and enters the Dantian, and the torrential rivers absorb all the rivers'.

Where does human essence come from? It is the essence of the five grains that is absorbed from the daily diet. Otherwise, how can true energy be generated?

Infuriating energy cannot be generated out of thin air. This does not comply with the law of conservation of energy. If you want to develop an internal force as strong as the Yangtze River, you must absorb more energy.

  If you put it this way, is the reason why Guo Jing's internal strength has improved so fast actually because there are enough beef and mutton tubes on the grassland and the nutrition is relatively sufficient?
  Yan Bugui suddenly realized something.

And the sudden increase in appetite made him even more entangled about whether to stay or go.

After leaving, he would have to spend his own money to eat. According to the current way of eating, he felt that if he left Huashan, he might starve to death within two months.

How else can we say that the poor in culture and the rich in martial arts are poor.

Is it possible to go to Zhongtiao Mountain to find Feng Buping and the others?

Yan Bugui felt that after so many years, the result of his rash visit would be that they would most likely regard him as a spy sent by the Qi Sect, and they would quickly get rid of him.

After a few days of this, Yan Bugui's appetite became larger, and he ate more in one meal than he had in the past day.

After much deliberation, he finally made up his mind and decided to stay.

As for Mr. Yue...

As the heir to the head of the family and the pillar of Huashan, even if he really kills Yan Bugui, there will be no serious consequences, and there is no need to worry about Lin Qingping and Ning Zhongze.

Since he didn't do anything that night, he probably won't do it again in the future.

Relying on the confidence brought by "Little Immortality Secret", Yan Bugui decided to take a gamble.

The right should be for the master and senior sister.

Especially since the old man is not in good health right now, if he really gets angry, he will have a bad conscience for the rest of his life.

Not long after Yan Bugui made up his mind, another big event happened in Huashan.

Yue Buqun and Ning Zhong are getting married.

(End of this chapter)

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