Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 7 When life comes to an end

Chapter 7 When life comes to an end
  This morning.

Ning Zhong took Yan Bugui down to Jade Girl Peak, preparing to buy things for the wedding.

Huashan is now in ruins, and she, the bride, can only handle these things herself.

"Junior brother, it's time for you to practice Qinggong. Otherwise, if you even come down from Jade Girl Peak, it won't be a joke." Ning Zhong held Yan Bugui's hand and walked like flying on the rugged mountain road.

Yan Bugui floated behind her like a kite, and said casually: "Hey~ I've been too busy practicing Hunyuan Gong to pay attention to it. You also know that my qualifications are not good, so I have to concentrate."

"If you don't have good qualifications, then there will be many idiots in the world." Ning Zhong felt that the junior brother in his hand was light and weightless. He would never be able to do this without igniting his internal strength.

Yan Bugui chuckled and didn't answer any more. Then the conversation suddenly changed: "Senior sister, are you really going to marry senior brother?"

By chance, they came to a gentle mountain road. Ning Zhong slowed down his movements and said in surprise: "How can it be false? Why do you ask so suddenly?"

"It's nothing." Yan Bugui curled his lips. Senior sister is good at everything, but she's not very good at picking out men.

"What? Do you think it's not good for me to marry my senior brother?"

"He is already thirty-five this year. He is only thirty-six years old. In a blink of an eye, he is thirty-seven. He is estimated to be thirty-eight. If you round up, he is already over forty. You are only in your twenties. Why are you marrying him? Is he old? Or is it because he doesn’t take a shower?”

"Go, don't talk nonsense." Ning Zhong said at a loss of whether to laugh or cry: "Elder brother, this is called stability. Besides, how can you be so calculating?"

"Tch!" Yan Bugui said disdainfully: "To put it nicely, he is not just an old man."

Ning Zhong paused, turned around, looked at him carefully, frowned and said, "You seem to be particularly resentful of Senior Brother today."

Yan Bugui shrugged: "I feel sorry for my flowery senior sister, and I will soon put a flower on the cow dung."

Hearing him praise her good looks, Ning Zhong smiled like a flower: "Then I can't stay married for the rest of my life, right?

You are too young to understand that senior sister is a woman, and women in this world will eventually get married. "

"Then you should choose a better one. There are millions of men in the world. Why should they hang themselves on a tree like Senior Brother?"

"Senior sister, I have been traveling around the world in the past few years, and I have never seen any young talents from various sects who can compare with senior brother."

"Okay, as long as you're happy."

Yan Bugui was helpless, and at the same time his desire to stay in Huashan became more determined.

Alas, what an injustice! I can't persuade you at all.

  From now on, he could only try his best to protect this senior sister, and also keep an eye on Yue Buqun.

The four Huashan sisters and so on will just stay in memory.

"Okay, we have a lot to buy today, so we have to hurry up."

The mountain road became steeper again, and Ning Zhong took Yan Bugui and started to use Qinggong again.

She came to Huashan at the age of thirteen, and her relationship with Yue Buqun for more than ten years could not be resolved by a few words from others.

a few days later.

Ever since the sword qi battle, Huashan has rarely become lively.

On the day when Yue Buqun and Ning Zhongze got married, many well-known masters in the world came, and the leaders of the other four sects of the Five Mountains even came to congratulate them in person.

For the first time, Yan Bugui saw the old-fashioned and serious Zuo Lengchan, the middle-aged Mr. Mo Da, the burly Taoist Priest Tianmen, and the kind-faced Master Dingyi.

From that day on, Ning Zhongze wore her hair in a bun, but it did not diminish Ning Nuxia's dashing and heroic appearance.

I don't know if it was due to the happiness of the couple, but Lin Qingping's spirit was much better than before.

Yan Bugui also benefited.

After the two got married, he no longer had to worry about Yue Buqun coming to his room in the middle of the night to scare people.

The days have returned to calm.

The woods on Huashan Mountain turned yellow and green, and then turned yellow again. Unknowingly, Yan Bugui turned fifteen years old.

In the past three years or so, he has gradually learned the Qing Kung Fu of the Huashan School, as well as fist and kick skills such as Iron Finger Technique and Leopard Tail Kung Fu.

With the help of the Hunyuan Palm, "Little Immortality Technique" has also been practiced to the level of the eight extraordinary meridians. Once all are opened, the Hunyuan Qi can travel throughout the body.

This is the state of Hunyuan Gong that Yuan Chengzhi has practiced for twelve years since he was eight years old, and now Yan Bugui has achieved more than half of it.

The waterfall on the side of Jade Girl Peak still sounds loud. A boy of seven or eight years old rushed to the edge of the water pool, put his hands to his mouth as a loudspeaker and shouted: "Uncle Master, stop practicing, Master asked you to go back quickly."

As soon as he finished speaking, water suddenly splashed in the calm water, and Yan Bugui emerged from the bottom of the water with his upper body naked.

I don't know if it's due to internal strength or external strength, but his body has grown extremely rapidly in the past few years.

It seems that it is because he is always soaked in water. His skin is as fair as Ning Zhongze, which even Ning Zhongze admires. His slightly thin body is as straight as a sharp sword, and his muscles have clearly defined their size.

Coupled with his sharp eyebrows and handsome face, no one would think of him as a child now.

"Take it." Yan Bugui threw the sword to the boy and picked up the towel on the bank to wipe the water: "Little insect, what did your master call me for?"

This child was none other than Linghu Chong, the future great disciple of Huashan, head of Beiyue Hengshan Sect, and son-in-law of Sun Moon God Sect. He had just been brought to Huashan by Yue Buqun not long ago.

Linghu Chong shook his head: "Master didn't say anything, but master and his wife also went."

"It seems like something big happened." Yan Bugui raised his eyebrows, then grabbed the clothes with his left hand, grabbed Linghu Chong with his right hand, and ran back with Qinggong.

Lin Qingping's door was open.

He sat in front of the desk, Yue Buqun stood quietly beside him, and Ning Zhong was coaxing the two-year-old Yue Lingshan in her arms.

"Master, I'm back." As soon as Yan Bugui walked in, Yue Lingshan smiled and stretched out her two little hands to him.

Yan Bugui took it over smoothly and coaxed with a smile: "My dear Shan'er, come here, my uncle will hold me and let your mother rest for a while."

This child seems to be born with him, and has been very close to him since he was born.

Yan Bugui just felt that God was playing a trick on him. With Yue Lingshan, he would not be able to leave Huashan even more.

"Ahem." Lin Qingping glanced at the three of them and said in a deep voice: "You have all improved your martial arts in the past few years, which is very good.

Now that the time is almost here, Weishi decided to hold a ceremony to pass the title of master to Buqun. "

Yue Buqun was startled and said hesitantly: "Master, my disciple's martial arts qualifications are still relatively low. I'm afraid..."

Lin Qingping waved her hand and interrupted: "No need to say more, I have made up my mind to be my master and prepare to send out invitations."

Yan Bugui looked at him carefully, with an ominous premonition in his heart: "Master, why is it so sudden?"

"Alas~" Lin Qingping's straight back suddenly slumped: "Master, I have been feeling weak recently. I think my time is running out."

"Master, no, I'll go ask the doctor right away." After Ning Zhongze said that, he immediately turned around and walked out.

"No need." Lin Qingping said: "You are not aware of my old problem. Life and death are fateful. Sooner or later, I will have to return to the west. Buqun, the future of Huashan depends on the three of you."

"Disciple... follow your orders."

Soon, Huashan became lively again.

Yue Junzi has reached the pinnacle of his life and can be described as high-spirited.

Ning Zhongze was also sincerely happy for her husband.

Yan Bugui sighed secretly in his heart, Yue Buqun was finally worthy of the name of Sect Master Yue.

I hope I won’t have the opportunity to call you Senior Sister Yue in the future.

The ceremony to pass on the throne was more lively than when Yue Buqun and Ning Zhongze got married three years ago, but this time it didn't bring any joy.

Lin Qingping, who resigned from the position of head, weakened at a speed visible to the naked eye, and became bedridden in just one month.

Ning Zhong invited three doctors to the mountain in succession, but he came to only one conclusion.

"Nvxia Ning, your master's body has been exhausted. Please forgive me for my incompetence. You'd better hire someone wiser." The doctor shook his head with an apologetic face, and after speaking, he handed over Ning Zhongze's stay without caring about him. go.

Yan Bugui was in a gloomy mood.

If he had practiced the real "Secret of Immortality", he might be able to use his innate true energy to help his master extend his life, but unfortunately there is no such thing.

Lin Qingping called the three apprentices to the bed again.

"Buqun, take good care of your junior sister and junior brother, ahem ~ you must Guang Dahua..."

Before the word "mountain" could be uttered, he suddenly passed away. Up and down Mount Huashan, everyone in the clan was sad.

(End of this chapter)

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