Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 47 The Treasure Is In Hand

Chapter 47 The Treasure Is In Hand
  Yan Bugui was startled when he heard this: "Is there a problem?"

Yue Buqun said: "Yes, out here in Dingdian, the death row of the prefect's Yamen is heavily guarded. Anyone who can rescue him without knowing it must be a master.

It happened that you were there at that time. With your current martial arts reputation and the fact that you attended Wan Zhenshan's birthday party, Ling Tuisi could target You with just a little investigation.

As Brother Wei expected, there must be informants everywhere in Jiangling City waiting for you to show up.

At that time, as long as he keeps an eye on you secretly, he will be able to follow the clues and find Tianning Temple, with a mantis catching the cicada and the oriole behind. "

Yan Bugui suddenly slapped his forehead: "I was careless."

Yue Buqun smiled and said: "If you are just a nobody, you don't have to worry, but you are Taiyue Rongxiu, who is famous in the martial arts world. You can't help others not paying attention to you."

He said seriously: "So when you walk around the world, you must always pay attention to your words and deeds."

"Senior brother, you are really caught off guard with your twists and turns, but don't worry, I will definitely not lose our Huashan's face and prestige."

"Brother, I don't have to worry about this. Everything you have done since you came down from the mountain has been well versed in chivalry, which has made Huashan more and more famous. You have lived up to your master's teachings.

Your senior sister and I are also proud and happy for you. "

"Haha, I just hope that when I go back to the mountain, senior sister can just say a few words to me and be satisfied."

"Ha~ I can't do anything about this as a brother. You know your senior sister's temper. You'd better wish for yourself."

The next day, dusk.

Prefect Yamen.

Xia Sandao came to Ling Tuisi's study in a hurry.

"Sir, the spies have come to report that Yan Bugui has entered the city."

"Okay!" Ling Tuisi slammed the desk and said, "Send someone to keep an eye on him, but don't act rashly. This man has excellent martial arts, so we must not be discovered by him."

"I understand my humble position." Xia Sandao hurried away immediately.

In the next few days, the spies of the Longsha Gang followed Yan Bugui back and forth in Jiangling City, scratching their heads every day as they watched him use a drawing to look at the various houses in the city.

It seemed that they were confirming the location, but no matter how they looked for it, they couldn't find it right. They were so anxious that they wanted to go over there and grab the blueprint and look for it themselves.

That night, Xia Sandao found Ling Tuisi again with news.

"My lord, everything is settled. This evening, Yan Bugui entered the Tianning Temple in the south of the city. He stayed there for more than an hour, and then left the city overnight."

"Gather the men immediately and set off." Ling Tuisi stood up suddenly, with uncontrollable excitement in his eyes. He took his sword and rushed to Tianning Temple with a team of yamen composed of Longsha gang members.

Flowing clouds cover the moon, and the night is quiet.

The main hall of Tianning Temple became brightly lit with the arrival of Ling Tuisi.

He saw that the Buddha statue on the throne on the lotus platform had disappeared, and was replaced by a broken bell that was [-] feet tall and turned upside down.

Xia Sandao swallowed: "Sir, is it possible that something is hidden under this big clock?"

"Come here, move the clock away." Ling Tuisi's face darkened, and he had a bad feeling in his heart.

This broken bell is too inconsistent here.

The subordinates he brought took out a rope, tied the ring on the top of the big bell, and pulled the lotus throne down with a "bang" sound.

While the dust was flying, Ling Tuisi saw a large wooden box appearing under the clock, which made him feel nervous.

After the dust settled, Ling Tuisi walked carefully to the lotus platform, pulled out his sword and cut off the lock on the wooden box, and then opened the lid from the side.

For a moment, there was no movement in the box, so he boldly stepped onto the lotus platform. He saw that the bottom of the box was covered with gold and silver jewelry, and there was a huge middle finger lying in the middle. Judging from the cut marks at the root, it looked like it came from the hand of a Buddha statue. Cut off.

There was a piece of letter paper covered on the Buddha's finger. Ling Tuisi picked it up and looked at it and immediately became furious.

"How unreasonable! How unreasonable! You surnamed Yan, I will fight you to death, poof -" Ling Tuisi suddenly spat out blood, and his body fell from the lotus platform in a flash.

"Sir!" Xia Sandao hurriedly went up to catch him. When he was about to ask, he found that Ling Tuisi's eyes were wide open and his body was motionless. He was already dead.

"Sir? Gang leader?" Xia Sandao was shocked.

"Master, sir, what's going on?" "Is there a ghost?"

The surrounding subordinates looked at the fallen Ling Tui, confused and terrified.

"Fart, where did the ghost come from in this world! There must be something weird in the box." Xia Sandao put down Ling Tuisi's body and picked up the letter in his hand.

‘I have come across a valuable treasure, but I dare not keep it for myself. I will leave a piece of gold to share with you. ’

After reading the contents of the letter, Xia Sandao jumped onto the lotus platform. When he saw the golden Buddha finger in the box, he remembered the message on the paper, and a flash of lightning suddenly flashed in his mind.

If the Buddha's finger is gold, it means that the entire Buddha statue may be gold.

Judging from the size of this lotus platform, the Buddha statues originally here must have weighed at least tens of thousands of kilograms. Now that much gold is gone, only one finger is left.

"Master Ling... was so angry!" Xia Sandao suddenly realized and immediately became furious. The person who left the message was so shady.

Ling Tuisi had been pursuing something his whole life, and finally found hope, but he didn't expect it to be a conspiracy of the enemy.

Xia Sandao knew that he must have figured out the mystery of the Buddha statue based on the content of the message. He couldn't accept it for a while, so he became so angry that he died of anger.

"They must not have gone far yet, give me..." Before he could finish his words, Xia Sandao suddenly spit out blood and fell from the lotus platform.


The rest of the people were horrified and boldly stepped forward to check, only to find that Xia Sandao was no longer alive.

"Another one dies? Is there really a ghost?"

"My Lord and Master are both dead. What are we doing here? Let's go quickly."

Some people were so scared that their hands and feet were weak, while others were so bold.

"Don't scare yourself. In my opinion, there must be something wrong with that box. Which one of you will go take a look?"

"You said that, of course you went."

"Just go, you bunch of eggless things." As he said that, he climbed onto the lotus platform, pulled out his saber to protect himself, slowly approached the wooden box, and then froze on the spot with his mouth open.

"Hey, what did you see?" Another person braved the lotus platform. After seeing the seven or eight feet long and thigh-thick golden Buddha fingers in the box, he trembled: "Baby! So many treasures! "

His voice woke the man from before.

The people below were shocked when they saw the man suddenly showed a fierce look on his face and stabbed the speaker into the belly with a knife.

"I discovered the thing first, and it belongs to me." The man's face was ferocious, and he glanced at the audience with fierce eyes.

But wealth and silk moved people's hearts. When they heard that there was a treasure, everyone put their previous fears behind and rushed to the lotus platform.

"Everyone who sees it has a share, don't try to keep it all to yourself."

"That's right, otherwise be careful if you have the eyes to see it, and you will take it with your life."

"I'm afraid you won't succeed."

During the quarrel, everyone became fierce, and a fight broke out without distinguishing between ourselves and the enemy.

Soon the hall was filled with blood, and after the time of drinking tea, there was no movement at all.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk~ That's so cruel." Yan Bugui walked in from outside the palace and was speechless as he looked at the corpses on the ground.

He only wanted to kill Ling Tuisi, so he only stained the letter paper with the poison from the treasure.

If these gangsters were willing to take the treasure in the box and leave equally, they wouldn't have to worry about it for the rest of their lives. But I didn't expect them to be so greedy and want to keep it all to themselves.

Yan Bugui walked to Xia Sandao, burned the letter with a fire fold, and then left quietly.

He left the box of jewelry here as evidence that these people were motivated by wealth and murdered Shangguan, but he didn't know which official would get the advantage in the end.

After leaving Tianning Temple, Yan Bugui took advantage of the night and left Jiangling, riding a black wind horse and riding straight to Xiangyang.

Yue Buqun and the people from the Ping An Escort Bureau have taken the treasure a few days ago and are preparing to send part of the treasure back to Huashan via the waterway, and then send the remaining part to the border.

(End of this chapter)

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