Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 48 Lead the snake out of the hole

Chapter 48 Lead the snake out of the hole
  The Ping An Escort Bureau took over Yan Bugui's escort last time and made a fortune.

After arriving in Xiangyang, Gu Ping'an directly rented several cargo ships and took Lianchengjue's treasure up Shuoliu.

"Senior brother, I'm back." Yan Bugui went straight to Yue Buqun after boarding the ship.

"How's it going? Is everything going well?"

"You were right. The mantis is hunting the cicada and the oriole is behind. It's a pity that the old oriole Ling Tuisi didn't expect that there is a hunter like you behind."

"You are young after all, and you still have a lot to learn."

"Senior brother is senior brother. How about master choose you to be the leader? As expected, he is the old man - very calculating and resourceful."

"Haha, what you want to say is actually a cunning person, right?"

"I am not, I am not, don't talk nonsense."

"You~ Why do you become more out-tempered as you get older? On the contrary, you were more calm when you were a child."

"Don't think that because you are the leader, you can be unreasonable. You just said that I am young."

"Brother, I am afraid that you will lead Chong'er and Shan'er into trouble when you return to the mountain, so I would like to remind you, lest your senior sister come to settle a score with you later."

"Well... considering that I have brought so much property to my family, senior sister should give me some face, right?"

"Maybe. Speaking of which, I really admire you for having such courage. You know when I saw the golden Buddha removing the clay sculpture, it took me a long time to come back to my senses."

"Maybe it came too easily. To be honest, senior brother, I donated it to the border guards. Do you blame me?"

"This money is the people's treasure collected by Emperor Liang Yuan. The border officers and soldiers protect the land and the people. Donating it to them can be regarded as taking it from the people and using it for the people. You are right.

Besides, you are doing this on behalf of Huashan, which will be of great benefit to the reputation of our sect.

With your trip down the mountain, Huashan has gained fame and money. It's too late for me to be happy, so how can I blame you? "

"I can rest assured that."

"By the way, this is your sword. It is indeed a rare magic weapon." Yue Buqun took out the Boqing sword from his side and handed it to Yan Bugui.

The big golden Buddha in Tianning Temple could be transported away in a short time because of this sword, which can cut gold and jade, and cut iron like mud.

"I still have to thank the elders of the Demon Sect for the gift." Yan Bugui put it back into the Hidden Blade Box and asked, "Are you able to use the two swords I gave you and your senior sister?"

"Of course, especially your senior sister, I praise you a lot because of this."

"Then it seems I won't be talked about too badly when I go back."

The two hadn't seen each other for a long time, and then they talked about Yan Bugui's experience after coming down the mountain.

Taking the waterway is much more comfortable than taking the land route.

This evening.

The cargo ship suddenly stopped for a moment while passing the dock of a town along the way.

"What's going on?" Yan Bugui walked out of the cabin and was about to ask Wang Zhaoxing about the situation when he saw him coming towards him with Cheng Jingjing.

Cheng Jingjing clasped her fists and said, "Master Yan, are you okay? The little girl is polite."

Yan Bugui raised his hands in astonishment: "Miss Cheng, why are you here?"

"I have something important to inform you."

"Go, go in and talk."

Yan Bugui took her into the cabin.

Seeing her serious expression, Wang Zhaoxing went to find Gu Pingan again.

"Junior brother, who is this girl?" Yue Buqun couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw that Yan Bugui suddenly brought a beautiful woman in.

"I have met Mr. Yue. My little girl Cheng Jingjing was once saved by your noble sect, Master Yan, and I came here specifically to report the news today.

I received news that people from the Longsha Gang seem to have set their sights on the cargo on your ship. "

"So you came here in person to warn me today to repay your kindness?" Yan Bugui touched his chin with a strange expression, feeling as if he had suffered a loss.

"No." Cheng Jingjing smiled sweetly: "Your kindness in saving me will be counted after you personally ask for it from me."

"You guys can talk about this in private, let's get down to business now." Wang Zhaoxing asked, "Junior sister, is the news accurate?"

This treasure was to be sent to the border, and it was of great importance. For the sake of caution, he specifically asked Cheng Jingjing to escort it secretly.

"Almost the same." Cheng Jingjing nodded seriously.

If she couldn't even get this right, how could she have the dignity to stay in Jinyiwei Feiyu Camp. "But how could it be?" Gu Ping'an frowned in confusion: "To ensure safety, we didn't even fly the escort flag this time and directly disguised ourselves as ordinary merchants. How did they find out?"

Cheng Jingjing said: "According to the information I found, someone seems to have recognized Shopkeeper Gu in Xiangyang. It is against common sense for the escort agency to escort escorts without raising escort flags. Moreover, your cargo volume is huge, so it is really difficult not to attract others' attention."

"Me?" Gu Ping'an pointed at himself in surprise.

"It seems that Shopkeeper Gu has underestimated his own weight in the industry." Yan Bugui crossed his arms and said with a smile: "Ping An Escort Bureau is one of the eight major escort bureaus in the Central Plains, and you are one of the few female escort chiefs who can be recognized by others. It’s not unusual to come out.”

Cheng Jingjing said: "Can you still laugh at this time?"

Yan Bugui raised his eyebrows: "Smile in the face of danger, and your dreams will come true. Besides, a mere Longsha Gang can't scare me."

The leader of the Longsha Gang is Ling Tuisi. A ragtag group of people who don't even have the gang leader are not worth mentioning.

Cheng Jingjing asked: "Then do you have a countermeasure?"

Yan Bugui turned his gaze to Yue Buqun: "Senior brother, what do you think?"

Yue Buqun thought: "Now that you know it, you should change from passive to active. Since ancient times, you can only be a thief for a thousand days, and there is no one who can guard against thieves for a thousand days. Instead of being careful, I think it is better to lure the snake out of its hole."

"Mr. Yue's words make sense." Wang Zhaoxing held his chin and muttered: "We will find a suitable place to dock the ship later, and then pretend that the cargo ship is broken. As long as they have ideas about our red goods, we are not afraid that they will not take the bait. "

Niu Kaishan hesitated and said: "This method is too simple, won't they see it?"

Yue Buqun said: "Brother Daniel, in fact, the simpler the method, the easier it is to succeed, because simplicity means fewer flaws."

"And don't underestimate people's greed." Yan Bugui said: "As long as there is a [-]% chance of something happening, it is already worth taking the risk for most people.

The probability of our ship being good or bad is [-]/[-]. This is a [-]% chance, which is enough for people to ignore many of the dangers involved. "

"That's it." Niu Kaishan nodded with understanding.

into the night.

The cargo ship suddenly stopped slowly near the shore. The ship's boss and the boatman gathered under the mast, making knocking sounds from time to time.

Everyone in the escort agency stood guard around the box containing the red goods, ready to go.

Yan Bugui and Yue Buqun hid in the cabin.

In order not to attract attention, they never showed up from the day they set off.

The news that the Huashan Sect obtained the treasure can be known to others, but it is best to donate the treasure after it is donated. This will save trouble and gain fame.

If you want to promote the Huashan Sect, reputation is more important than money.

One day, when the Five Sacred Mountains Alliance re-elects its leader or the Five Mountains sects are merged, if someone directly shouts something like "the Huashan sect will be the leader and Mr. Yue will be the leader", I believe Zuo Lengchan's expression will be very exciting and very interesting. nice.

Half an hour later, everything on the river was calm.

Niu Kaishan couldn't help but yawned: "They won't come, right? Or has Wang Zhaoxing, your junior sister, got the wrong news?"

"Impossible." Wang Zhaoxing shook his head firmly.

"What's the rush?" Gu Ping'an said: "This is on the water. Even if they move, they can't move as fast as on land."

"Coming." Cheng Jingjing stared upstream and saw two large ships sailing down the river in the moonlight, heading straight towards them.

As the two ships approached, Wang Zhaoxing issued a hidden signal to the boatmen to prevent them from suffering disaster.

There were two sounds of "Plop, Plop", and the two ships clamped the cargo ship one to the left and the other to the right, and dropped anchor one after another.

I saw nearly a hundred people on the two large ships holding torches high, and the sides of the ship were suddenly filled with archers, their bows full of strings ready to go.

"Shopkeeper Gu of the Ping An Escort Bureau, stop hiding. I'm the leader of the Yangtze River Iron Network Gang. Please show up and see me." From the big ship on the left, a burly man emerged from the crowd.


As he spoke, his gang set up a platform between the two boats.

Gu Ping'an showed up proudly and snorted coldly: "The one on the right is from Longsha's gang, right? Where's the one in charge? Why don't you come out together? Don't you cowardly people have no face to see others?"

"You bitch, you dare to be so arrogant when you are about to die, I'll make it easier for you later." A middle-aged man with a slender head and a penis-like shape walked out of the boat on the right, with a lewd and lewd smile on his face.

The leader of the Iron Network Gang said: "Friends of the Longsha Gang, since we are here with a request, we should be more polite so as not to damage the friendship."

"I don't have the patience you have. I'm just here to rob the escort. Damn it, how dare this little bitch refuse to give it to me." The new leader of the Longsha Gang said in a bad tone.

The red beast of Ping An Escort was supposed to be left alone by the Longsha Gang, but he didn't expect that the Iron Network Gang would also find out about Gu Ping An, and he lost half of his profits for nothing. He was furious.

But it’s not enough to disagree, otherwise the Iron Network Gang would spread the news, and the Longsha Gang wouldn’t even get half of it.

(End of this chapter)

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