Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 50 Black Silkworm Treasure Clothes

Chapter 50 Black Silkworm Treasure Clothes
  "Senior brother!" Yan Bugui was shocked and inexplicably supported Yue Buqun, but what shocked him was not that there was a sneak attack, but that Yue Buqun actually sacrificed his life to block the arrow for him.

He had actually heard the sound of Xiu Jian.

He has mastered the Broken Arrow Style, his ability to listen to wind instruments has reached its peak, and his ear power is extraordinary.

But before he could take action, Yue Buqun blocked him first.

"I'm fine." Yue Buqun was also shocked. He didn't even know why he did this. When he reacted, the arrow was already on him.

"Old Wang, quickly go to my sword box." Yan Bugui first tapped Yue Buqun's acupoints to stop the bleeding, and then pulled out the sleeve arrow from his chest.

Under the firelight, a layer of faint blue light appeared on the arrow.

Gu Ping'an's eyes narrowed: "The arrow is poisonous!"

"Bastard!" Niu Kaishan carried the Taoist in black from the cabin door and threw him in front of everyone.

"Where's the antidote?" Yan Bugui was furious. After handing Yue Buqun to Ma Chaofan, he grabbed the collar of the Taoist in black, the anger in his eyes almost bursting out of his eyes.

"Ahem~" The black-clothed Taoist's mouth was bleeding, and he said with a proud smile: "Idiot, this is something used to kill people, why should I prepare an antidote?

If he is hit by my Juemai Powder, he will lose all his martial arts skills after drinking a cup of tea at most, and in half an hour his muscles and bones will be broken and he will die, hehe, hehehehe~"

The laughter stopped suddenly, and the black-clothed Taoist vomited out a large mouthful of blood, and soon became silent.

Wang Zhaoxing grabbed his pulse and checked it, and said solemnly: "He broke his own heart pulse."

"Damn it!" Yan Bugui was worried: "Brother, how do you feel?"

"I can't feel the wound anymore. I'm going to try my luck to force the poison out." Yue Buqun sat cross-legged, with purple energy on his face that alternated between bright and dark. He had already used the Zixia magic skill.

But the true energy that used to flow freely now turned out to be extremely stagnant.

"No." Yue Buqun shook his head: "My internal strength is no longer in control."

Gu Ping'an looked solemn and said: "This poison may be mixed with drugs like Hua Gong Powder."

"I'm here to help you." Yan Bugui immediately sat behind Yue Buqun, pressing his back with both hands to deliver his internal energy.

Yue Buqun's whole body was shaken, and he felt a pure and powerful internal force penetrate into his body. As this internal force traveled inside the body, the poison gradually stopped spreading and was slowly forced to one place.

'More than half a year after I came down the mountain, my junior brother's skills have improved again! Master, Master, it seems that you really made a mistake at the beginning. ’

Midday on the moon.

The two of them had been practicing martial arts for less than half an hour, and there were fine beads of sweat on their foreheads.

This is really a delicate job. If you are not careful, all your efforts will be wasted and the poison will spread again. It is not only laborious but also troublesome.

The people from the Ping An Escort Bureau and Cheng Jingjing carefully guarded the surroundings.

Yan Bugui suddenly said: "Shopkeeper Gu, do me a favor. I want to concentrate the poison into the Shaoyang Triple Burner Meridian of my senior brother's hand and force it out."

"I understand." Gu Ping'an hurriedly took out the needle bag and pricked Yue Buqun's ring finger with a silver needle.

"Brother, I'm going to use Spiral Qi, please bear with it." With a thought, Yan Bugui activated the Spiral Qi, sweeping up the toxicity in Yue Bu's group and rushing straight into the Shaoyang Triple Burner Meridian of his hand.

"Uh~" Yue Buqun groaned, and suddenly felt that the meridians in his arms were burning.


A jet-black blood arrow suddenly shot out from Yue Buqun's fingertips, and after landing on the ground, it emitted a pungent stench.

"Huh..." Yue Buqun let out a long breath. His face, which had been gloomy due to poisoning, had returned to normal, but was still slightly pale.

Gu Ping'an asked: "How's it going? Are you okay?"

"It's not even close." Yan Bugui frowned and said, "I don't know where this bastard got the poison. It's very toxic.

The last bit is entrenched in the meridians like a gangrene attached to the bone, and even my Spiral Qi cannot pull it out. "

Seeing how sweaty he was, Cheng Jingjing took out a handkerchief and handed it to him: "Wipe the sweat first."

"Thank you." Yan Bugui took the handkerchief and wiped it on his face twice. The faint fragrance penetrated his nose and made him pause for a moment before returning it to Cheng Jingjing.

Yue Buqun stood up slowly: "Junior brother, thank you for your hard work."

Yan Bugui also stood up and said, "Let's try again later. If it doesn't work once, just try it twice. We can always force it out."

"No." Yue Buqun looked at the river in the distance and said in a deep voice: "You have already depleted a lot of your energy. The way forward is unclear. There may be others waiting for us. To be safe, you must save strength."

"Then what about your body?"

"My internal energy is much smoother than before, and I can exercise my energy and regulate my breathing on my own."

Gu Ping'an frowned slightly: "I'm afraid that the longer this poison stays in the body, the greater the damage will be. I'm worried that if it continues to be delayed, Master Yue's vitality may be severely damaged, and even his internal strength will be degraded."    "This... ..." Yue Buqun's face changed color, and he couldn't help but feel a little shaken in his heart.

My junior brother is very talented and his martial arts has advanced rapidly. If my skills deteriorate, will I never be able to catch up with him?
  How can this be good?

"Senior brother, come with me. I have an idea. Everyone, I'm sorry, but I'll excuse you." Yan Bugui looked at everyone apologetically, and then led Yue Buqun to the cabin of the Iron Net Gang.

Yue Buqun asked curiously: "What are you going to do?"

"I have a special healing internal skill here that should be useful to you. Just follow the method I told you to have luck." After Yan Bugui finished speaking, he began to recite the mental formula for healing.

Yue Buqun listened attentively, and moved his Qi according to the law. After a moment, he said happily: "It really works! How did you get such powerful internal power?"

Yan Bugui said: "After the battle at Youyuguan, Ding Dian saw that I was covered in arrow wounds and passed on this mental technique to me. I guess it may have something to do with Shenzhao Gong."

"I see." Yue Buqun suddenly nodded: "This is best. Now that I can heal myself, there is no need for you, junior brother, to waste your energy on me."

"You can rest peacefully."

"There's no rush, there's something I need to figure out. That Taoist took one of my Zixia magic palms and survived. Logically speaking, that shouldn't be the case."

"Go and see."

The two returned to the Longsha Gang's boat and examined the body of the Taoist in black.

Yan Bugui thoughtfully tore open his Taoist robe, and saw that he was wearing a dark and shiny inner garment that covered his upper body.

"What is this?" Yue Buqun touched it in surprise, only to feel that the touch was soft and tough, and there was a faint rebound force coming back: "It seems that this piece of clothing has taken away part of my palm power."

"Black silkworm clothes." Yan Bugui made up nonsense: "I heard Lao Ding mention this thing when I was chatting with him.

It is said to be woven from black silk unique to the Snowy Mountains. It is hard to damage with swords and guns, and can also protect against internal energy. It is an extremely powerful piece of body armor. "

"I thought there was something wrong with my Zixia Gong." Yue Buqun breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Wu Canyi and said, "Since this thing is so powerful, then you can keep it.

This time when I went down the mountain, I finally figured out that you are restless at heart.

With this black silkworm clothing, your senior sister and I can feel more at ease when you travel around the world again in the future. "

Yan Bugui unbuttoned the armpits of Wu Can Yi, took it off from the Taoist priest in black, then touched his chin and asked: "Senior Brother, do you think if I give this thing to Senior Sister, can I avoid it?" A bit of nagging?”

"It stands to reason that as long as it is something you give me, let alone a protective armor, even if it is just an ordinary piece of clothing, your senior sister will be very happy.

However, what you did in Youyuguan last time really scared her, so Brother Wei thinks you'd better not take any chances, lest the greater your hopes, the greater your disappointment. "

"Let's give it a try." Yan Bugui folded the black silkworm clothes neatly and put them away.

It was he and Yue Buqun who killed the person, and the rest of the people had no objection to it.

When the night is over.

The boss of the ship loaded the ship with corpses and pulled it off the nearby shore.

They found an open place and piled the bodies together. They used the wine and firewood found in the two gangs' boats and lit a fire to burn them to ashes.

This fire goes out from the time the bright moon hangs high until the rising sun rises in the east.

Gu Ping'an asked the boat boss to allocate manpower and took the two gangs of large boats to go upstream.

Soon after they sailed away from the shore, a group of people slowly walked towards the shore.

"Gang leader? What should I do? Do you want to chase me?"

"Fuck you." A fat man with a Chinese character in the crowd yelled, "Both the Tienwang Gang and the Longsha Gang have collapsed, why are we looking for death?

Unexpectedly, there were people from the Huashan Sect on board, and damn, they were the two most powerful ones. "

"Fortunately, the gang leader had the foresight and didn't join in the fun." Someone said with lingering fear, "Otherwise, our Dongting Gang would have been burnt to ashes."

They all make a living on the water. The Iron Network Gang and the Longsha Gang join forces to join forces. Naturally, such a big movement cannot be hidden from the people nearby.

"Even if there are no people from the Huashan faction, we can't move that ship." The gang leader said sternly: "Last night, Master Yue said that the red goods on the ship were for the border officers.

Thieves also have their ways. If you touch these things, you will be a traitor who is worse than a pig or a dog. What shame do we have to hang out in the world? "

"Gang Leader, do you really believe it?"

"Nonsense." The gang leader slapped him: "Master Yan is on the boat. Others cannot believe it. I will never doubt this great hero who guards Youyuguan."

"Then what shall we do?"

"Keep it a secret!" the gang leader said viciously, "Keep this in your belly. If anyone dares to leak it, don't blame me for twisting his head off."

(End of this chapter)

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