Chapter 51 Return to Huashan
  As the morning light began to rise, the cargo ship of the Ping An Escort stopped at the dock closest to Huashan.

"Oops~" Niu Kaishan stretched out: "I finally have my feet on the ground. I'm almost falling apart after rocking on the water every day."

"You'll be satisfied." Ma Chaofan said, "It's time to take the overland route next. Don't complain about being tired then."

"Thank you for your hard work, everyone, finally this journey went smoothly. It seems that Yue was too worried before." After Yue Buqun practiced the mental method of healing, the remaining poison in the body has been completely resolved, and his skills have returned to the original state.

"That's not necessarily the case." Cheng Jingjing had a piece of paper two fingers wide in her hand at some point: "The tricks of those heretic people in the world are hard to guard against.

We carry so much red goods, they can find out the clues just by looking at the depth of the ship's draft.

This is the news I just received. On our way from Xiangxiang to Shaanxi, there were at least seven or eight gangs, large and small, eyeing our cargo ship. "

"What?" Niu Kaishan was shocked and asked doubtfully: "Then why didn't you see them take action?"

Cheng Jingjing smiled and said: "This is all thanks to Master Yue and Daxia Yan. They are intimidated by their reputation in the world. Those people have a thief's heart but not their courage."

"It would be great if our escort agency also had this kind of prestige." Niu Kaishan said with a longing face, and said in a loud voice: "In this case, we will be more worry-free when escorting."

Gu Ping'an rolled his eyes at him angrily: "Stop daydreaming and help move the goods quickly. Wang Zhaoxing, go hire a car."

"Okay." When Wang Zhaoxing passed by Cheng Jingjing, he took the note in her hand and found that the content written on it was somewhat different from what she had said before.

The reason why the gangs along the way didn't take action was probably because they admired Yan Bugui's great achievements on the battlefield, and actually had nothing to do with Yue Buqun.

Wang Zhaoxing's eyes widened in surprise, and Cheng Jingjing quickly winked at him to signal him to keep quiet.

If this matter is told truthfully, it would mean that he is superior to the master. Although the leader Yue is a humble gentleman, he is still the leader of a sect. There is no guarantee that he will not feel resentful towards Yan Bugui because of this.

Wang Zhaoxing nodded slightly, then put the note into his arms and crushed it into pieces with his inner strength.

After being busy for most of the day, everyone transferred all the red goods on the ship to the carriage.

According to the plan, after buying the big boats from the Tiewang Gang and the Longsha Gang, everyone set off for Huashan.

a few days later.

The escort team arrived at the foot of Huashan Mountain, and Ning Zhong had been waiting with Linghu Chong and a group of outer disciples for a long time.

"Senior sister, I'm back." Yan Bugui waved his hand and dismounted.

"Not bad, no arms or legs missing." Ning Zhong looked him up and down, and couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but his face didn't look very good: "I'll settle the score with you when I get back."

"Sister Ping'an, Mr. Wang, thank you for your hard work." Ning Zhong suddenly returned to his usual smile, holding Gu Ping'an's hand and talking about the past affectionately.

Both of them are heroic women who are as good as men and have similar personalities.

Ever since the last time Gu Ping'an sent escorts to Huashan, Ning Zhongze had hit it off with her, and it was too late to get to know her.

With the help of Niu Kaishan and others, the part of the treasures belonging to Huashan was moved down, and the disciples of Huashan transported it to Jade Girl Peak on their own.

The mountain road to Jade Girl Peak is steep and difficult for an escort vehicle to go up.

"Uncle Junior, you are finally back." Linghu Chong walked up to Yan Bugui.

"Hey, you've grown a lot, little bug, it's good." Yan Bugui gestured on top of his head and asked with a smile: "I'm not on the mountain, have you practiced well?"

Linghu Chong patted his chest and said, "I promise you're not lazy. You can ask my wife."

Yan Bugui nodded and said, "Okay, I'll take the test on you when I come back."

Linghu Chong said "Ah" in surprise, "Aren't you going back with us today?"

After hearing his words, Ning Zhongze also looked over.

Yan Bugui hurriedly explained: "I have to help Shopkeeper Gu and the others send the escort to the border pass. It's a long way to go to Youyuguan and the safety is unpredictable. This way I feel more at ease."

"If that's the case, then let's go." Ning Zhongze knew that what he said was reasonable, so he said no more.

"Master Yan, it's like this." Gu Ping'an suddenly said: "We discussed it, and our escort agency can go on our own the rest of the way."

"What if there is danger?"

"With the reputation of the Huashan Sect, I believe no one will be so open-minded. And I also received news yesterday that General Yang has sent Vice General Sima to lead troops along the way to respond.

You have been away for a long time. Since you have arrived in Huashan today, there is no reason why you should not come in. Go back, lest Ning Nuxia miss you. "

Yue Buqun muttered: "It's better than this. Shopkeeper Gu just hangs the banner of the Huashan Sect when escorting, so that you can be more safe on the road."

Gu Ping'an cupped his fists and said, "Master Yue gave me some kind words, but the little girl turned down the disrespect."

"It's the same sentence." Yan Bugui warned: "If something happens, don't force it. Although the treasure is valuable, it is not more valuable than your lives."

"Master Yan, this carrier pigeon was trained by me." Cheng Jingjing untied the pigeon cage from her waist and handed it to him: "If you need my help in the future, just feel free to pass the letter to me." He took the pigeon cage and said, "You'd better call me by my name. Hero or something like that sounds too awkward. If Yan Bugui doesn't like it, you can call me Ming Kong."

"Mingkong?" Cheng Jingjing smiled and nodded: "Okay, then you can just call me Jingjing."

"Jingjing, courtesy reciprocates." Yan Bugui took out two porcelain bottles from the Zangfeng box and said: "This is the holy healing medicine of the Beiyue Hengshan Sect. You have taken Baiyun Bear Bile Pills, which are used to treat internal injuries.

There is also Tianxiang Intermittent Glue, which is specially designed to treat trauma. You should take it with you for self-defense when you go out. "

"Then what should you do?" Cheng Jingjing didn't answer.

Yan Bugui raised his eyebrows: "Are you sure I need these?"

"That's right. You are the martial arts master Yan Daxia. That little girl won't be polite to you." Cheng Jingjing accepted the two medicine bottles with a smile. Her eyes curved into crescents when she smiled. It looked like Extraordinarily pretty and charming.

Ning Zhong looked at the two of them with great interest, as if he saw something interesting, and couldn't help but raise his lips slightly.

It's too early.

After everyone from the Ping An Escort said goodbye to the Huashan Sect, they continued their journey to Youyuguan.

Yan Bugui was in trouble at the foot of the mountain because his BMW Heifeng couldn't go up to Jade Girl Peak.

In the end, I had no choice but to spend money to keep Hei Feng in a home near the foot of the mountain.

"Little insect, I have a task for you." Yan Bugui put his arms around Linghu Chong's shoulders: "From now on, you come down and feed Heifeng every day. If you starve him to death, I will spank you."

"Every day?" Linghu Chong looked at the steep mountain road of Jade Girl Peak, his little face suddenly wrinkled.

Yan Bugui rubbed his face: "What's there to complain about? It's just a good opportunity to practice your Qing Gong. When has Uncle Master ever hurt you?"

Linghu Chong sighed helplessly and said with a grimace, "Yes, disciple, I will obey."

Return to Jade Girl Peak.

Yan Bugui found that there were several large houses in the open space, and the courtyard where he used to live, including Zhengqi Hall, Ancestral Temple, Youbuweixuan and other places, had all been renovated.

Instead of the dull atmosphere of the past, there is now a bit of bright and lively atmosphere, which seems to indicate that the Huashan Sect is flourishing in a good place.

Everyone was surprised when they came.

"Uncle Master." Yue Lingshan, who was almost six years old, ran towards Yan Bugui in surprise on her short legs.

Yan Bugui picked her up and said, "Dear Shan'er, she's getting cuter and cuter. Do you miss your uncle?"

Yue Lingshan nodded seriously and said, "I think so."

"Then can you help my uncle?" Yan Bugui looked at Ning Zhongze: "Uncle has made your mother angry. Go and help me persuade her."

"Okay." Yue Lingshan was put down from his arms and walked to Ning Zhongze. She said in a sweet voice: "Mom, my uncle is not good. Shan'er has already told him for you. Stop being angry."

"Hmph!" Ning Zhong glared at Yan Bugui: "Sooner or later, you will be pissed to death because of your carelessness."

"Impossible." Yan Bugui took out the black silkworm clothes that he had prepared for a long time and placed it in front of her: "This protective armor is a gift specially prepared by my younger brother for my senior sister.

It is invulnerable to weapons, water and fire. It can be said to be a must-have product for traveling in the world and doing chivalry. Coupled with the lady sword of the senior sister, it is absolutely both offensive and defensive, and invincible. "

"Alas -" Ning Zhongze sighed longly.

Seeing Yan Bugui returning safely, any anger in his heart was long gone.

Ning Zhong laughed and scolded: "You are a smooth talker. You have been out for so long and you haven't made any progress at all."

Yan Bugui chuckled: "I haven't been back for a long time, so I'm very happy."

"You can keep this treasure armor." Ning Zhongze said: "I stay on Jade Girl Peak all day long, there is no use for this thing.

On the contrary, it's your restless temper. With it, I can worry less when you go out again. "

"It's okay." Yan Bugui waved his hand: "To tell you the truth, I got the secret book of the Golden Bell Shield when I was in Crouching Tiger Village, and I have already reached the third level.

In fact, it was because of this magical body protection that I dared to risk going to the battlefield.

So this black silkworm coat is superfluous for me. Senior sister, just accept it with peace of mind. If you don’t want to wear it, you can give it to Shan’er later. "

"Okay, I'll keep it for Shan'er." Ning Zhongze sighed again: "It is said that the golden bell can make you indestructible.

You are already so bold now. I really can’t imagine that after you have mastered it, will it be time to challenge Blackwood Cliff alone? "

(End of this chapter)

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