Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 52 Trivia in the Mountains

Chapter 52 Trivia in the Mountains
  In order to celebrate Yan Bugui's return to the mountain, Ning Zhong complained but personally cooked a table of delicious dishes.

Since we got money, the Huashan School's food has made a qualitative leap compared to the past. In the past, we had to choose meat from vegetables, but now we have to choose vegetables from meat.

At the dinner table, Yan Bugui spotted two unfamiliar faces.

"Disciple Liang Fa, pay your respects to your uncle."

"Disciple Shi Daizi, pay homage to my uncle."

They are both young, around ten years old.

"Get up." Yan Bugui looked at the two of them carefully. They both looked ordinary.

Liang Fa looked stronger than Shi Daizi, but not as tall as him.

Shi Daizi didn't appear much, and Yan Bugui didn't have much of an impression.

Liang Fa is the famous Third Brother Liang. He had his head chopped off with a knife because he contradicted the man in black with his words in Yaowang Temple.

He was supposed to be ranked second, but a bad old man named Laudno came behind him, and he was unfortunately pushed out.

Yue Buqun said: "They are the new disciples you have taken into your brother's family after you came down from the mountain. They are all children from families around Huashan. You will have to worry more about me in the future."

"One sheep is being driven, and two sheep are being herded. It's a trivial matter." Yan Bugui said, pinching the two people's shoulders and arms a few times, and nodded: "They are all just embryonic martial arts practitioners. Senior brother's vision good."

The Huashan sect is full of waste and waiting to be reborn. Naturally, those who are idle cannot enter Yue Buqun's horizons. Although the two of them are not as good as Linghu Chong, they are still on the qualified line.

While the two were talking, Ning Zhong prepared the last dish.

"dinner's ready."

The Huashan sect has the advantage of having a small number of people. At least the atmosphere is very harmonious.

"Well - Senior Sister's cooking skills have improved again!" Yan Bugui had the intoxicated expression of the cheongsam lady in his mind, and complimented: "I always feel like something is missing when I can't eat the food cooked by Senior Sister when I go out."

"That's nice to say." Ning Zhong snorted and suddenly changed the topic: "Let me ask you, what happened to that girl Jingjing?"

"What's going on?" Yan Bugui said in astonishment: "She is Lao Wang's junior sister, a friend she met during the attack on Crouching Tiger Village."

"only friends?"

"That's not it?"

"It's that simple?"

"That's right, I'm still her savior even if she dies."

"Then why did you give someone the holy medicine for healing? There are so many people in the escort team, but I don't see you giving it to anyone else."

"As I said, courtesy reciprocates, and they even gave me pigeons as a gift."

"I think this girl is very good-looking, don't you have any other ideas?"

Yan Bugui couldn't help rolling his eyes: "Senior sister, have you forgotten that your junior brother will only be nineteen in two months? Isn't it too early to say this now?"

"I'm nineteen, it's not too early. It's time to think about life-long matters."

"Don't make trouble, senior sister. Senior brother was already in his thirties when he married you, and I am nowhere near where I am now."

"Ahem~" Yue Buqun's hand holding the chopsticks couldn't help but stiffen: "You're so good, why do you want me to be my brother?"

Yan Bugui spread his hands: "Let's present the facts and be reasonable."

"Alas~ What a shame for such a good girl." Ning Zhongze complained in an angry tone: "You are handsome and a member of the martial arts world. Junior brother, why don't you seize the opportunity?"

Yan Bugui said disapprovingly: "Forget it, people are not sure about me yet, and women will only affect the speed at which I draw my sword."

"Bah~" Ning Zhongze patted him: "Don't talk nonsense. I saw that you had a great time chatting at the foot of the mountain. Miss Jingjing obviously doesn't hate you. You should be fine if you work hard.

We haven’t had a happy event on the mountain for a long time, so it would be more lively to have a newcomer. "

"Stop it, senior sister." Yan Bugui said angrily, "If you keep talking about this, I won't eat it."

"Okay, okay, I won't say anything anymore." Ning Zhongze shook his head helplessly.

Yan Bugui curled his lips. He had never been urged to get married before time travel. He didn't expect that he would fall into Ning Zhongze's hands today.

The atmosphere of Huashan School is really good, but it’s too good!
  The next day.

Yan Bugui came to Youbu Weixuan's study.

Yue Buqun put down the Zixia secret book in his hand: "Is something wrong, junior brother?"

Yan Bugui sat down opposite him: "No big deal, I just saw that you have accepted two more apprentices, and I am thinking about talking to you about future arrangements."

"Do you have any ideas?"

"We are definitely not short of money now. We don't have to worry about reputation for the time being. All that's left is how to teach our disciples."

"Just follow the old method. Isn't that how you and I came here?"

"We didn't have anything in hand before, but it's different now. We won't mention the Zixia Kung Fu unless it's passed on by the master. The rest include Hunyuan Kung, Changchun Kung, and the golden bell I got by chance. I think we You can try to work around it." "The golden bell shield is Shaolin's secret skill after all. You can learn it by yourself. If you teach it to your disciples in a big way, I'm afraid it will be difficult to explain it to Master Fang Zheng in the future."

"That's okay. Not only is this thing difficult to practice, but the training method is also very abnormal. I guess those monkey boys may not have the perseverance.

Yesterday I checked Liang Fa and Shi Daizi. They have strong muscles and bones, and they are both good candidates for practicing Hunyuan Gong. It is better to let them start practicing external skills, maybe the effect will be better than purely practicing quiet skills.

In addition, Chong'er, too, should not neglect his boxing and kicking skills in addition to practicing swords, so as not to let others slaughter him because he has no sword in his hands when he travels around the world in the future. "

"It makes sense." Yue Buqun sighed, took a deep look at Yan Bugui, and said with emotion: "Junior brother, fortunately you are here, otherwise our Huashan sect would definitely not have the ability to rely on brother and your senior sister alone. The situation today.”

He became more and more convinced that Yan Bugui was a noble person given to the Qi Sect by God, and he just happened to be cut off by someone from the Sword Sect back then.

"Then you'd better thank Senior Sister." Yan Bugui leaned back on the chair and said lazily: "If Senior Sister hadn't begged for mercy, I would have been sent down the mountain by Master."

"So I say I'm lucky. Now that I think about the situation back then, I can still remember it clearly. You were as old as Shan'er at that time.

Speaking of which, Shan'er has reached the age where she should practice martial arts. I wonder, junior brother, would you like to have a disciple? "

"Ha~ Hey, you suddenly recalled the past with me. Are you leaving it here waiting for me?"

"This is also a bit of selfishness for my brother. When it comes to martial arts and swordsmanship, no one in Huashan can be better than you. Your senior sister and I only have a daughter, so naturally we want her to learn the best.

Besides, my brother is busy practicing the Zixia magic skill and really can't spare the time to teach Shan'er. Your senior sister has always loved her daughter as much as she lives. If things go on like this, I'm worried that Shan'er will be spoiled by her arrogance. "

"Then you are not afraid that I will spoil your precious daughter?"

"Don't you know your temperament as a brother? In terms of practicing martial arts, you have never slacked off since you were a child, and it is obvious to everyone up and down Mount Huashan.

Shan'er has been close to you since she was a child, could you still harm her? "

"Come on, you've already said this. What else can I say? Leave it to me."

"Thank you, junior brother, let's go find Shan'er and ask her to kowtow to you and salute you."

"It's not necessary. Are you still worried that I can hide something secret?"

"This is a rule. The ancestral ritual cannot be abolished."

Yue Buqun immediately put away Zixia's secret book and left the study with Yan Bugui to find Ning Zhongze and Yue Lingshan.

After all these matters are taken care of, he can devote himself to practicing the Zixia Magic Kung Fu. Otherwise, he will be burdened with worldly affairs, and he is worried that he will never be able to catch up with Yan Bugui's martial arts advancement.

Then he, the senior brother and leader, is too incompetent.

Anyone else, Yue Buqun, would definitely not be so gullible, but this person was Yan Bugui, and he was willing to risk his life on the battlefield for the people of Youyuguan whom he had never met.

Yue Buqun really couldn't think of any reason why such a benevolent and righteous person would be unfavorable to his closest relatives.

A moment later, the ancestor's ancestral hall.

Yue Lingshan kowtowed to Yan Bugui in front of the ancestors of the Huashan Sect and became his first disciple.

Ning Zhong naturally has no objection to this.

She also knew that no one in Huashan could compare to Yan Bugui in terms of attainments in her own martial arts.

"Senior sister, Shan'er will move to live with me from today on. I will help her lay the foundation for practicing internal strength."

"Okay, as long as you don't think this girl is troublesome, I'll be happy and worry-free."

From that day on, Yan Bugui's life became busier than at the foot of the mountain.

In the morning, he practiced his sword under the waterfall as usual. Now that he is an adult, he can face the impact of the water.

In the afternoon, he taught Linghu Chong swordsmanship and Hunyuan Palm to Liang Fa and Shi Daizi.

In the evening, he instructed Yue Lingshan to practice Shi Duan Jin's boxing techniques in preparation for practicing internal strength, just like he did back then.

More than a month has passed like this, and Liang Fa and Shi Daizi have already mastered the Hunyuan Palm.

Yan Bugui had some free time, so he ordered his disciples to buy many blunt swords without sharp edges from the mountain.

On the bank of Yunvfeng Waterfall.

Linghu Chong asked in confusion: "Uncle Master, what do you want with this unused weapon?"

Since it was sent here, it was obviously not for other disciples to use for sparring.

Yan Bugui casually picked up a sword and threw it to him: "From now on, change the way you practice swordsmanship, and just use these weapons to attack me casually."

"Hey~" Linghu Chong said in shock: "Uncle Master, isn't this too dangerous?"

"Stop talking nonsense." Yan Bugui took off his shirt and said, "Just do whatever I ask you to do. You can't hurt me."

He is about to start practicing the fourth level of the Hunyuan Vajra Body.

By hitting with blunt objects, the body becomes tough and takes the first step towards indestructibility. At the same time, special methods are used to transform the power of the attack to shock the organs and meridians, making them stronger and stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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