Chapter 54
  Descend from Mount Huashan.

Yan Bugui rode on Heifeng and arrived at the dock where the Liancheng Jue treasure was transported.

Heifeng didn't know whether it was because he had been blessed by his true energy many times, but he had grown a little taller, and he looked more and more powerful, as if he was no longer a mortal being.

The Huashan sect was now rich and powerful, so Yan Bugui decisively chartered a passenger ship and took the black wind down the Han River.

After sailing all the way past Jiangling, Black Wind suddenly lost his temper and kept neighing at the river bank.

"I think you've had enough of staying on the boat like this, so I'll let you run the rest of the way."

Black Wind is a rare divine horse, and Yan Bugui loves it so much that he immediately asks the boatman to park the boat at the nearest shore.


After arriving on the shore, Black Wind seemed to be having fun and drove Yan Bugui on the road. After running for a long time, he finally had enough fun and slowed down.

"Have you had enough fun?" Yan Bugui patted the horse's neck, then hung the Tibetan Box on the side of the saddle, took out the snacks he bought on the road from his bag, and turned around to lie on the horse's back.

"My brain is almost turned into a tofu brain because you are so upset."

As if he understood Yan Bugui's words, Heifeng snorted and changed from running to walking, carrying him slowly through the mountains and fields.

After walking for a few miles, a sound of "ding-dong-ding-ding, ding-ding-ding-ding-ringing" came from behind suddenly from far to near.

Yan Bugui looked sideways and saw two fast horses, one yellow and one white, galloping towards them.

The yellow horse is all yellow, and the white horse is all white. They are of the same size, with not a single hair on their body, but they are smaller than Black Wind.

The two horses have bells hung around their necks.

The yellow horse is made of pure gold and has a deep sound, while the white horse is made of silver and has a crisp sound.

Immediately they carried a handsome young man in his mid-twenties with a tall and tall figure, and a handsome young man in his early twenties, with fluttering white clothes, beautiful appearance, and skin as smooth as gel.

Accompanied by the rapid sound of horse hooves and the jingling of bells, the two of them were like a gust of wind blowing past Yan Bugui.

"Tsk~ You're so naughty."

Yan Bugui secretly thought what a coincidence. The two people's outfits were so easy to recognize. If they weren't the bell sword duo, Yan Bugui would be willing to write their names backwards in the future.

  Black Wind suddenly raised its head and neighed, its hooves trembling restlessly.

Yan Bugui hurriedly stood up and sat down. Based on his understanding of Heifeng, this guy was going to be restless again.

Black Wind was obviously stimulated by the two horses just now.

He is the best among horses, with natural arrogance. He cannot tolerate other horses showing off their power in front of him. He has a temper and wants to catch up with him.

Yan Bugui gently stroked the horse's mane and said comfortingly: "Okay, you are the king of horses, why do you need to be like two juniors?"

He is the younger brother of Yue Buqun, and he is the same generation as the heads of the Five Sacred Mountains. He is also on equal terms with Abbot Lin and the head of Wudang.

With his status in the martial arts world, the two heroes of bell and sword were not his juniors. It would be easy for Hei Feng to catch up with him, but competing with two juniors would be a loss of seniority.

Heifeng was arrogant and spiritual. He shook his head and regained his composure.

One person and one horse continued to move forward.

More than ten miles ahead, the two knights with bells and swords rode their horses side by side and walked slowly.

The town market could be seen not far away, and the number of pedestrians coming and going was gradually increasing. Therefore, they slowed down their horses for fear of accidentally setting up their horses and hurting people.

Shui Sheng asked: "Cousin, have you seen the black horse just now? There are actually horses that are more powerful than our white dragon and yellow dragon."

Wang Xiaofengxin waved his riding whip and said with a smile: "It is difficult to find a good horse, but as long as you are willing to put in effort and money, you may not be able to find even a bloody horse.

The young man who was riding the horse just now was well-dressed. He looked lazy but revealed an unruly and extraordinary demeanor. He was born in a rich or noble family, so it was reasonable for him to own that dark horse. "

Shui Sheng smiled sweetly and said, "My cousin only talks about other people's clothes but not their appearance. Are you jealous that they are more handsome than you?"

"..." Wang Xiaofeng couldn't help but be speechless, secretly thinking that the man was indeed handsome and far better than himself, but he refused to admit defeat: "At a quick glance, there is no chance to see so much.

Besides, I have a peerless beauty like you, my cousin, by my side, but he is alone with the horses. I'm not sure who is jealous of whom. "

Women always love beauty, especially the more beautiful women.

When Shui Sheng heard him compliment her appearance, her face suddenly glowed, and her heart felt shy and sweet at the same time.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at her shy and pretty face, and couldn't help but feel a little crazy in his heart.

"Two bitchy men and women are flirting in broad daylight, so shameless." A rough and sarcastic voice suddenly came from the other side. The two of them were furious. They followed the sound and saw five monks in black robes riding horses side by side blocking the way ahead.

Shui Sheng exclaimed, "It's the evil monk from the Blood Knife Sect!"

"Cousin, be careful." Wang Xiaofeng's face was solemn and his heart was tense. There were many people on the other side and the situation was very unfavorable for them.

"Not bad, not bad, the girl is good, and the horse is good." A tall and thin monk in the middle looked back and forth between Shui Sheng and the white horse under her: "Brothers, our luck is really not bad this time. Such a beautiful girl is afraid There are not many in the entire Central Plains."

Next to him, a fat monk on the left said: "Bao Xiang is right, the master will be here soon. Let's capture this girl quickly so that we can present it to the master to receive the wind and wash away the dust."

There was a dark-skinned monk on Baoxiang's right hand who stared at Wang Xiaofeng and said with a sly smile: "Hey, this beautiful girl belongs to the master, and the horse is yours. I, Shengdi, won't be polite to that boy."

The fat monk's name was Shan Yong. He laughed and cursed: "Damn it, you don't like red makeup and prefer armed weapons. You are the proudest every time."

The other two people didn't speak, they just laughed along with them, their eyes and expressions were full of joking.

Wang Xiaofeng felt a chill in his heart when he heard this, and was frightened and angry.

Shui Sheng even shuddered: "The old blood knife thief is also nearby??"

As the two of them were talking, a cold light suddenly flashed before their eyes, and they saw the five people on the opposite side each pulling out a silver blade with a gold handle and a three-foot scimitar with a wolf's head from under the monk's robe. Shengyi and Baoxiang rushed towards them on horseback.

With two loud sounds, Wang Xiaofeng and Shui Sheng drew their swords one after another, and at the same time rode their horses to face the two evil monks.

  The two swords, Shengdi and Baoxiang's scimitars cut each other, and the four people passed each other.

Wang Xiaofeng's jaw trembled, and his arms trembled slightly under Shengdi's powerful sword.

The female Shui Sheng was weak, and her arms were sore from the shock of Baoxiang's scimitar, and she almost lost her sword.

However, the two monks were just distracting them. The two silent evil monks followed and rushed towards them, each using their sharp knives to sweep towards them.

ding ding dong...

Following a close clash of swords, Wang Xiaofeng and Shui Sheng simultaneously used the defensive stunt in their family's swordsmanship - the nine-style chain sword move "Peacock Spreading Its Tail".

The long sword fluttered, bringing with it a dazzling silver light across the sky, turning into two sword light barriers. The sharp swords of the two blood-sword evil monks were unable to attack for a moment.

Unfortunately, there were more than two people on the other side. Shengdi and Baoxiang took the opportunity to jump on the yellow and white horses.

Wang Xiaofeng and Shui Sheng suddenly felt the wind blowing behind their backs. Before they could react, they both felt pain in their backs. The Lingtai point on their backs had been sealed, and they were unable to move. Their swords fell from their hands and crashed to the ground.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Shengdi and Baoxiang laughed loudly, grabbed the reins of the two horses, and rushed towards the town in front of them, regardless of the pedestrians on the road.

Shan Yong and the other two followed closely behind, but the clinker was quickly thrown away by the two BMWs of Wang Xiaofeng and Shui Sheng, and the sound of the ringing bell also quickly disappeared.

After a cup of tea, Black Wind carried Yan Bugui slowly from a distance.


The sunlight reflected the long swords left behind by Wang Xiaofeng and Shui Sheng, sparkling from time to time on the ground.

"Eh~" Yan Bugui was still lying on the horse. When he passed by, he happened to be dazzled by the cold light. He couldn't help but feel surprised and immediately turned over and dismounted.

He picked up the two long swords and inspected them, and recognized them as the weapons of the two swordsmen and bells that he had just encountered.

"Did you meet the Blood Knife Ancestor? You can't be so unlucky, right?"

Yan Bugui looked around, found a pedestrian who had weak legs and had no time to escape, and got the news from him.

"It's really unlucky."

Yan Bugui sighed. Since he encountered the situation, there was no reason to ignore it. He immediately carried the hidden front box and flew on his horse.

In fact, the capture of the two of them had something to do with him.

If Yan Bugui hadn't rescued Ding Dian from death row in advance, all five monks from the Blood Knife Sect, except Baoxiang, would have died at the hands of Ding Dian, who had mastered the Divine Light Skill.

If there is only one treasure elephant, it may not be the opponent of the two heroes of bell and sword.

"Heifeng, Heifeng, don't you like to run? Today I will let you run as far as you can. If you can't catch up with them, I will stew you and eat you as donkey meat."

After Yan Bugui finished speaking, Heifeng raised his head and hissed, kicked off his hind legs, and immediately rushed towards the market ahead like a strong wind.

(End of this chapter)

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