Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 55 The fierce power of the bloody knife

Chapter 55 The fierce power of the bloody knife
  The five blood-sword monks hijacked the bell-and-sword duo and galloped wildly in the market with great satisfaction, knocking over pedestrians and vendors on the street and making them jump.

Many innocent pedestrians were injured under the horses' hooves, and curses and wailings came one after another.

The five of them were even more proud, laughing wildly along the way.

However, their outrageous behavior also attracted the attention of people in the nearby arena. Some people recognized the two swordsmen who were about to be captured, and immediately called for friends to prepare to rescue them.

Nan Si Qi "Luo Hua Liu Shui" is a big shot in Jiangnan martial arts.

If the junior who saved them would not only have a bright face, but also earn a huge favor from the four of them, and if he killed the evil monk with the blood knife and eliminated harm to the people, his reputation would definitely increase, and there would be many benefits.

Although the Blood Knife Sect has a reputation of being evil, they were not afraid of it due to the large number of people. They quickly formed a rescue team of [-] or [-] people and launched a pursuit of the five Blood Knife Sects.

The two groups rushed out for more than [-] miles.

However, Baoxiang and Shengdi were riding the horses of the Ring and Sword Heroes. The ordinary horses of the martial arts warriors were not strong enough, so it was always difficult to catch up.

Fortunately, there were local martial arts people who were familiar with the terrain and led half of the men to take a shortcut to catch up. Finally, they were able to intercept the Five Blood Sword Monks at the foot of a hillside by the river.

"The evil thief of the Blood Knife Sect, if you know what you are doing, let him go immediately, otherwise you will be left to die without a burial place today."

"If you are going to die, please dismount and surrender quickly, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless."

Amidst the shouts, the martial arts heroes surrounded the five people.

Seeing that the way forward was blocked, Baoxiang cursed with a ferocious expression: "Damn, these bastards came here really fast!"

"A group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals are afraid of his eggs." Shengdi grabbed Wang Xiaofeng's clothes at the back, lifted him up and laid him down on the saddle, and then took out his scimitar.

The other four people also drew their swords and stood ready.

"Everyone, please be careful when you do it, don't accidentally hurt Mr. Wang and Miss Shui." The leader was an old man with a golden whip, who took the lead in rushing towards Baoxiang who was holding Shui Sheng hostage.

"Friends, please keep the battle ring in check and watch us kill these five evil thieves." A man wielding two swords rushed towards Shengdi.

Then three more people rushed out of the battle circle and faced Shan Yong and other three monks.


The golden whip was like a tiger in the old man's hand, and it hit the treasure elephant's head.

  Baoxiang parried with a horizontal sword and received the powerful and heavy blow, but his right arm did not move at all.

The old man was secretly frightened, this evil monk has such strong internal power!

No wonder the Blood Knife Sect has done many evil things, but they have always been able to get away with it. There is indeed some real ability behind this hand.

His mind was trembling, he mustered up his energy, and he did not dare to hold back in his attacks. The golden whip continuously brought out rapid and violent wind-breaking sounds, and continuously attacked the vital points of Baoxiang's upper body.

Baoxiang saw the trick, his martial arts were on par with the old man's, and Shui Sheng was the hostage, which made the old man wary, and he actually gained the upper hand for a while.

the other side.

The man wielding the two swords forced him close to Sheng Di. The two swords in his hands danced rapidly, and the sword light rolled towards Sheng Di's head like thousands of snowflakes.

The Supreme Truth does not dodge or evade, and the scimitar in his right hand is facing the two swords to strike quickly.

ding ding dong...

The excited sound of gold and iron suddenly erupted, and in an instant the two of them had exchanged more than thirty moves. Shengdi smiled contemptuously, and actually suppressed the man's double sword with a single sword.

The other three evil monks also relied on the mysterious and unpredictable sword skills of the Blood Knife Sect to gain the upper hand over their respective opponents.

The martial arts of the five monks are all the best among the disciples of the Blood Knife Sect, otherwise they would not blatantly come to the Central Plains to cause trouble.

"It's important to save people. Let's go shoulder to shoulder. We don't need to deal with the evil thieves of the Blood Knife Sect."

Seeing that they could not take them down, the martial arts warriors holding the battle knew that it would be disadvantageous to fight for a long time, so they decisively surrounded the five monks.

"Hahaha~ A bunch of shameless bastards, taking advantage of the crowd to bully my ancestor, they are so shameless."

Suddenly, an old, dry mocking voice came from the hillside. The hoarse and sharp voice shook the surrounding area, showing the powerful internal strength of the person who came here.

The martial arts heroes were startled, and they all looked up and saw a black figure flying down the hillside with unparalleled speed.

The visitor was also wearing the black monk robe of the Blood Knife Sect. He was an old monk with a pointed head and cut ears, and a face full of wrinkles.

"It's the Blood Sword Ancestor!" Someone among the heroes exclaimed in shock.

"Master!" Baoxiang and the other five people were ecstatic, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

They are not afraid of anyone on the field when fighting alone, but after all, it is difficult for two fists to defeat four people. If the opponent really attacks in groups, they will be hacked to death sooner or later.

"Haha! If the ancestor comes out of the mountain, the world will be in trouble."

In the blink of an eye, the Blood Knife Ancestor had already broken into Gai Xin, swooped in front of the old man, and at the same time pulled out a scimitar with the same gold handle and silver blade from his waist. It's just that the blade of this sword is gleaming with dark red blood, and it is the most precious treasure of the Blood Knife Sect - the Blood-Transforming Divine Sword.

The blade was as soft as a living snake, trembling back and forth as it struck the old man.

The old man suddenly felt a flash of red light in front of his eyes. Before he could raise the golden whip to resist, half of his head was cut off with a knife.

The Blood Sword Ancestor held the Blood Sword in his mouth, turned around and rushed towards the man with two swords in front of Sheng Di.

The big man was horrified by the miserable state of the Golden Whip old man. He was so frightened that he could no longer dodge, so he had to use his two swords to keep the Blood Knife Ancestor out of the door.

In the crisis of life and death, his sword skills were three points faster than before.

Shengdi was secretly surprised. If she were to face these unparalleled double swords at this moment, it would be difficult to withstand them.

The ancestor of the Blood Knife turned a blind eye to the dense sword light. His hands quickly passed through the gap between the two swords like butterflies flying through flowers. He clicked, pressed or pressed. In just three moves, he broke the defense of the two swords.

The Blood Knife Ancestor immediately let go, caught the Blood-Transforming Divine Sword in his right hand and swept it out. With a flash of blood, he cut the big man with two swords in half. His internal organs, intestines and stomach were mixed with blood and scattered on the ground.

The blood dripped down the blade, making the heroes horrified, and the screams of the man with two swords made their hearts feel chilly.

But they secretly thought that their side was outnumbered, and when they saw that the Blood Knife Ancestor was about to leave, they were unwilling to give up and immediately charged forward with their horses.

"Courage is commendable, but it's a pity that it's useless to have courage." The Blood Knife Ancestor raised his hand and scraped the bald head with the back of the Blood Knife, with a bloodthirsty smile on his sinister face.

The Blood Knife Sect's martial arts methods are completely different from the martial arts of various sects in the Central Plains. The sword techniques are extremely weird. Each sword is struck from an impossible angle, making it difficult to guard against.

Others are clearly standing in front of you, but you are stabbed in the back.

In just a short moment, the remaining heroes from the Central Plains had been killed by him, and the entire army was wiped out.

"Master's divine power is invincible in the world." The five Baoxiang people all knelt down and kowtowed, saying in unison.

"Hmph~ A bunch of incompetent things. They can't even deal with these few people. My face, ancestor, has been completely embarrassed by you." The ancestor of Blood Knife said and looked at Shui Sheng, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"It's very beautiful, very good. Old monk, I am very blessed." The ancestor of the Blood Knife praised him, and looked at Baoxiang and others with a little more praise: "Finally, you are filial, and you have done a good job this time."

Shui Sheng's heart pounded wildly at the sight of him, and he was filled with fear. He wanted to open his mouth to call for help, but Baoxiang had already touched his mute point.

They could only pray to the gods and Buddhas all over the sky in their hearts, praying that someone would come to save them.

Shan Yong chuckled: "Master, I don't know. Not only is this girl beautiful, but her origin is also not simple. Her father is the daughter of Leng Yue Jian Shui Dai, one of the Four Wonders of the South, 'Luo Hua Liu Shui'."

"Get the hell out of here." The Blood Knife Ancestor laughed loudly and cursed: "What kind of good thing can a person nicknamed Luo Hua Liu Shui be? People in the Central Plains love to make these messy and stinky regulations. It's true that his grandma is not afraid of making others laugh."

Wang Xiaofeng and Shui Sheng were filled with indignation and could not help but glare at them.

  Shengdi pinched Wang Xiaofeng's butt hard: "What, you are not convinced? Okay, now I will show you how powerful your monk is."

Wang Xiaofeng's eyes were splitting, and he was terrified. He never thought that he, a manly man, would be insulted by a man.

Now he wished he could just find a stone and hit him to death so that he could remain innocent in the world.

"Damn it, little brat, please be more honest." The Blood Knife Ancestor turned over and mounted the white horse, scolding: "If you want to play, I'll wait until you're in a safe place. It's not a good place to stay here for a long time, so hurry up and leave."

Shengyi said in confusion: "It's just a bunch of rabble, but as long as you are here, Master, even if that bullshit 'Luohualiushui' comes, they can still be wiped out with just a few clicks."

"You know nothing!" The Blood Knife Ancestor slapped him on the bald head: "This is the territory of the Five Mountains Sword Sect, and those guys are really capable.

If you mess with them, my ancestor won't be able to save you little bastards. "

The most powerful sects in today's martial arts world are Shaolin, Wudang, Sun Moon Sect, and the Five Mountains Sword Sect, which has formed an alliance.

Although figures like Luohua Liushui are not far behind in martial arts reputation, they don't have as many people as these major sects.

If we really offend those behemoths, the Blood Knife Sect may be expelled from the martial arts world.

Shengdi didn't dare to say any more, so she put Wang Xiaofeng on the horse again, rode the yellow horse, and galloped westward with the other four people and the Blood Knife Ancestor.

Wang Xiaofeng and Shui Sheng couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief. It took a while, but maybe someone would come to rescue them later.

The four elders of Luohualiushui are nearby and should have received the news by now.

After walking five miles away, the Blood Knife Ancestor suddenly twitched his ears: "Someone is chasing me again."

Wang Xiaofeng and Shui Sheng were overjoyed.

"Don't be too happy too early." The Blood Knife Ancestor joked: "Do you think the people who came are Luo Hua Liu Shui? There is only one person behind."

He suddenly exclaimed: "Interesting, this man is quite fast!"

Out of curiosity, the Blood Knife Ancestor rode the BMW without accelerating, wanting to wait for the person behind him to catch up and find out.

(End of this chapter)

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