Chapter 57
  "Master Yan, you are a master of the righteous way. What do you want from this evil sect's martial arts secrets?" Wang Xiaofeng couldn't help but feel curious as he looked at Yan Bugui as if he had found a treasure.

Yan Bugui closed the Blood Sword Sutra and put the Houde Sword back into the Hidden Edge Box: "Stones from other mountains can attack jade, but this old bandit Bald is not a good guy, and it has nothing to do with his martial arts.

In fact, where does martial arts come from? Good or bad, whether it is good or bad depends on how people use it. "

At least that's the case during low-level combat.

"Thanks to the guidance of the hero, I have learned a lesson." The two of them suddenly understood and saluted with clasped fists.

"I'm sorry, you two." Yan Bugui said with an apologetic smile: "I'm used to teaching my disciples on the mountain. I didn't mean to lecture you two. I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"My hero's words are serious." Wang Xiaofeng said: "Listening to your words is worth ten years of reading. What my hero said is really good advice, and I have benefited a lot."

Yan Bugui casually handed the Blood Sword Sutra to him: "You can study it if you are interested, but I haven't finished reading it yet. Remember to return it to me."

"Thank you, hero." After what happened today, Wang Xiaofeng felt that his martial arts skills were insufficient, so he decisively took the Blood Sword Sutra and began to study it.

"Cousin, I want to see it too." Shui Sheng came closer and saw an image of a naked man with red and green lines on his body in the book. He turned around hastily, his pretty face flushed with embarrassment.

Yan Bugui laughed dumbly, then went to pick up the blood knife, put it into the Hidden Edge Box and put it together with the Boqing Sword.

Able to withstand the fierce slashes of the Houde Sword, this sword can be regarded as a rare magical weapon in the martial arts world.

Wang Xiaofeng concentrated on studying the Blood Knife Sutra and had no time to pay attention to Shui Sheng. She had nothing to do so she chatted with Yan Bugui.

"Master Yan, why did you pretend to be your nephew?"

"Although to be honest, I feel like I'm boasting, I'm really afraid that he will cling to you after hearing my name, and it will be troublesome if he tries to save you by then."

"I see, but you are too humble, Master Yan. My father often said that Taiyue Rongxiu has unparalleled martial arts skills and hates evil as much as he hates evil. It is natural for a heinous traitor like the Blood Sword Patriarch to be afraid of you."

"Girl, you're rewarded." Yan Bugui suddenly twitched his ears and looked in the direction he came from.

Shui Sheng said in surprise: "What's wrong?"

Yan Bugui said: "Thirty-two people are coming on horseback. They are probably here to rescue you."

Shui Sheng listened carefully but heard nothing: "Where is it?"

"Don't try." Yan Bugui said, "They are still six miles away. You are not strong enough to hear them."

The Blood Knife Ancestor can hear the sound of horse hooves within five miles, especially with his internal strength.

Shui Sheng nodded and secretly compared him with the four elders of "Luohualiushui".

‘I wonder if my father and three uncles have such ability? I'm afraid there isn't, otherwise how could they have such admiration for Master Yan. ’

Thinking of this, Shui Sheng couldn't help but respect Yan Bugui more and more.

After a while.

Just as the two horses, Huang Long and White Dragon, were bowing to the black wind, the sound of horse hooves as dense as drums rumbled in the distance.

A large group of people came galloping towards them. When they got closer, Shui Sheng counted them and found that there were exactly thirty-two people.

Among them were four gray-haired old men leading the way.

"Sheng'er, Sheng'er..." The urgent shouting was mixed with strong internal energy and had a hint of intimidation. It spread over the sound of horses' hooves. It was none other than Shui Sheng's father, Leng Yue Jian Shui Dai.

Although Shui Sheng had been rescued, he was still overjoyed to see his father. He waved vigorously and said, "Dad, I'm here."

There were still more than twenty feet apart, Shui Dai suddenly jumped into the air from his horse, displayed his superb lightness skill of "crossing the water by stepping on the ground", and came to Shui Sheng first.

"Good boy, daddy is late, are you injured anywhere?" Shui Dai saw that his beloved daughter was neatly dressed and couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Dad, I'm fine." Shui Sheng was frightened all the way, crying "Wow" and threw herself into Shui Dai's arms, venting her grievances.

"Nephew Wang, how did you get out of trouble?" A burly old man holding a ghost-headed sword came to Wang Xiaofeng.

"Uncle Lu, you are here." Wang Xiaofeng came back to his senses from the Blood Knife Sutra and quickly saluted and said hello to the old man in front of him.

This person is none other than Lu Tianshu, the boss of Nan Siqi, the "Benevolent and Righteous Sword".

"Brother, look quickly." The old man holding a pair of short steel guns pointed at the body of the Blood Knife Ancestor with shock on his face: "This old evil thief is actually dead. Whose master's handiwork is this?" "Uncle Hua, It was Master Yan who saved my cousin and I." Wang Xiaofeng looked at Yan Bugui and said, "He was also the one who got rid of these evil monks from the Blood Sword Sect."

Another old man wearing an apricot-yellow Taoist robe and holding a long sword was inspecting the body of the Blood Knife Ancestor. Hearing this, he suddenly stood up and said, "But the Huashan Sect Yan does not belong to the Hero Yan?"

"It's Mr. Yan." Yan Bugui cupped his hands and said, "I have admired the names of the Four Wonders of the South for a long time. It's a pleasure to meet you. It's a pleasure to meet you."

He looked emphatically at the old man wielding two guns. This was undoubtedly Luohualiushui's second son, the "invincible" flower iron.

The head of the Eagle Claw Iron Gun Sect and a legendary barbecue master.

"It's no wonder. This sword among the old thieves is extremely sharp, and the Huashan swordsmanship is truly well-deserved." The old Taoist is Liu Chengfeng, the third son of the Nansi Qi, the 'Rouyun Sword'.

This man was born in the Wudang sect and was good at using the Tai Chi Sword. He had extremely high attainments in swordsmanship. Therefore, one could tell at a glance from the wounds of the Blood Sword Ancestor that the person who killed him had extraordinary swordsmanship.

The more than [-] martial arts heroes who accompanied him were in an uproar when they learned that the strange young man was actually the legendary Golden Blade Swordsman.

"Master Yan, I will never thank you for your kindness." Shui Dai comforted his daughter, came to Yan Bugui and solemnly clasped his fists and said, "I have admired the hero for a long time.

I have a chance to meet you today. My house is not far from here. I would like to ask you to come down to my humble house so that my four brothers can enjoy the friendship of landlords. "

He was grateful for Yan Bugui's great kindness in saving his beloved daughter and nephew, and his words were very sincere and caring.

Seeing that he was so polite, Yan Bugui couldn't resist, so he agreed.

Fortunately, the date mentioned in Di Yun's letter was still a few days away, so there was no need to worry about missing the appointment.

It is said that in addition to fighting and killing, there are also people in the world, and going to have a meal can be regarded as a good relationship.

After Nan Siqi and Yan Bugui greeted each other, the martial arts warriors who were assisting him rushed to greet him.

Being able to talk to a well-known big shot like Yan Bugui will give you bragging rights with others after dinner.

After the greetings, everyone happily embarked on the return journey.

Just when everyone was applauding the death of the Blood Knife Ancestor, Yan Bugui used his amazing ears to hear a slightly different voice at the end of the team.

"These two heroes of the Bell and Sword are really lucky. They met Master Yan by chance. Otherwise, the day lilies would have been cold by the time we arrived."

"Hey~ You can't say that for sure. The evil thieves of the Blood Knife Sect are all lustful and crazy. The Water Girl was kidnapped for more than half an hour. She said she was fine. Who knows what happened in the meantime."

"Isn't it?"

"We are all men, and we have enough time to do whatever we want."

"We are chasing so closely, how can they be free? Don't make nonsense without any evidence."

"Even if you don't have a real ecstasy, isn't it easy to take advantage? In my opinion, even if the Water Girl is not a ruined beauty, she is still a beautiful woman.

Hehe, our young master Wang may need some color on his head. "

These people are not all heroes in the martial arts world.

The Two Heroes of Bell and Sword have become more and more popular in the world in recent years. Some people like it, but some people don't like it.

This person is one of them, and he only regrets that the two of them were so lucky that nothing happened.

"Ouch~" The person who spread the rumor suddenly covered his mouth and screamed.

"What's wrong?" The person next to him was startled when he saw a few yellow teeth and a broad bean in the hand he put down, and his mouth was dripping with blood.

"Someone..." He was about to shout when a misty voice suddenly came from his ears.

"If you dare to talk nonsense again, it will be your head next time."


The person who spoke was as silent as a cicada, already hearing that it was Yan Bugui's voice, he suddenly broke into a cold sweat and fell off the horse with a plop.

(End of this chapter)

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