Chapter 58
  After staying at Shuidai's house for two days, when Wang Xiaofeng memorized the Blood Knife Sutra, Yan Bugui said goodbye and left.

Although the two heroes of bells and swords are from famous families, there is no arrogance in them.

From the moment they met, he was respectful to Yan Bugui, his savior. He was not rude at all because of his youth. The title of young hero was well-deserved.

If Shui Sheng were replaced by Guo Fu, the result might be the same.

So Yan Bugui was also happy to lend flowers to the Buddha and help them improve their martial arts so as not to be captured by someone again in the future.

It is impossible for people to have good luck all the time. The most reliable thing is to rely on yourself.

As for Hua Tiegan, since the Blood Knife Ancestor is dead, this person will have no chance to enter the Snow Valley again.

Today he is still the famous, generous and benevolent hero of the world. If there are no earth-shattering changes, I believe it will remain the same in the future.

Shuidai's family is not far away from Yuanling County where Di Yun's family is located.

Relying on Heifeng's leg strength, Yan Bugui quickly arrived at Maxipu.

"Senior Yan, you are finally here." Di Yun ran out of the house when he heard the sound of horse hooves, without even bothering to put on shoes.

This was not the first time that Yan Bugui had come back. He went to the cowshed and tied up Hei Feng, and said angrily: "We agreed that we should be brothers, and there is no one else here. Why are you being so polite?"

"Aren't you used to it?" Di Yunhan smiled and scratched his head.

"Brother Yan, long time no see." Qi Fang walked out of the house with the baby in her arms and a smile on her face.

"That's right, my sister Qi Fang is still very generous." Yan Bugui took out a longevity lock made of pure gold from his arms: "Come on, eldest nephew, this is a gift from Uncle Yan. I wish you the best." Longevity."

"This..." Qi Fang quickly shook her head and said, "Brother Yan, I appreciate your kindness for the child, but this is too valuable and we cannot accept it."

"This is for my eldest nephew, it has nothing to do with you." Yan Bugui stuffed the longevity lock into the baby's swaddling clothes, then took the child into his hands and said with a smile: "Son follows mother, this child will definitely look bad in the future. No.

If he wants to learn martial arts when he grows up, you can send him to Huashan and I will teach him personally. "

Di Yun said happily: "That couldn't be better."

Qi Fang looked at Yan Bugui's skillful appearance and couldn't help but said in surprise: "I didn't expect that the eldest brother could coax the child."

"It's just taking care of the kids, it's a piece of cake." Yan Bugui said proudly, "I used to coax my apprentice a lot when he was a kid."

Di Yun said: "I have something to ask you for help. You also know that junior sister and I have not read any books. I invite you here this time because I want you to give the child a name."

"Well..." Yan Bugui muttered: "Let's call him Renjie. I hope he can become a hero among people when he grows up."

"Di Renjie, this is a good name." The couple looked at each other and liked it very much.

The three of them hadn't seen each other for a long time, so they exchanged pleasantries and reminisced about old times.

Yan Bugui stayed here for seven consecutive days. While studying the Blood Sword Sutra, he also found time to teach Di Yun and Qi Fang the swordsmanship.

Although he slept in a thatched hut and ate simple meals, he felt much more comfortable here than at Shuidai's house.

this evening.

Yan Bugui practiced his energy and energy in the room where Di Yun used to live.

The Blood Knife Meridian has been integrated into the Little Immortality Technique in the interior space. There are some more meridians that were not there before, and the way of practicing has become a bit strange.

At this moment, he was standing upside down on the bed, with his feet in the sky, his head on the ground, and his hands spread wide.

All the true energy in his body was condensed by him into a spiral true energy that rushed into the Du Vein and went straight to the 'Changqiang Point'.

During the five years since he returned to Huashan, he had tried to attack the two acupoints "Changqiang" and "Huiyin" every day, but the barrier in between was like an iron wall, and he failed every time.

But today, he was uncharacteristically using the unique method in the Blood Knife Sutra. The spiral energy was as strong as a broken bamboo. After traveling back and forth between the Ren and Du meridians several times in a row, Yan Bugui suddenly felt a trace of cool air entering the Ren meridians from the Du meridians.

Followed by the Spiral Qi, it was like a river bursting its banks, destroying the barrier between the Changqiang point and the Huiyin point in one fell swoop.

Yan Bugui's whole body was shaken violently. He stretched out his arms and turned his body in the air, turning into a posture with five hearts in the sky and falling back on the bed.

The meridians all over the body are open, the true energy is flowing freely through the limbs, and the crown of the head suddenly breaks open, and the long hair moves automatically without wind. This is a sign that the Hunyuan Gong is completed and the Hunyuan Qi travels throughout the body.

Yan Bugui only felt that his body was full of energy, and the place where his true power reached could reach his hair. It was as if it was another magical effect that could only be achieved by the Shen Zhao Gong.

After cultivating his internal strength to this point, he will be able to increase his internal strength by one point every day. How deep his internal strength will ultimately be depends on his personal physique.

The stronger the physique, the higher the limit will be. Having accomplished the feat, Yan Bugui now has a strong desire to find someone to fight with, and is wondering if he should take a trip to Heimu Cliff?
  After that, Yan Bugui stayed at Di Yun's house for another two days, and handed the Blood Sword Sutra to the couple.

He has always been very generous with free things, and he can be considered as casting a net everywhere.

The Blood Sword Sutra is different from the authentic Xuanmen internal skills. It is extremely easy to practice. Di Yun and Qi Fang are not very qualified, so practicing this skill is much easier than practicing the Shen Zhao Sutra.

The character of these two couples is absolutely beyond words, and they will be die-hard allies of the Huashan Sect from now on.

The morning light is rising.

Di Yun and Qi Fang held their sons in their arms and watched Yan Bugui ride away.

After half a day.

Black Wind took him into the town where Shuidai's family was located.

Yan Bugui originally planned to go say hello, but unexpectedly found that the door of the Shui family's house was locked behind closed doors.

This is obviously not the style that a martial arts family should have.

dong dong dong~
  Yan Bugui stepped forward and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" The door of the house was ajar, and behind him was a thin old man with gray hair: "It turns out to be Master Yan, please come in."

After saying that, he ordered his servants to resettle Black Wind.

"Uncle Fu, why are you keeping the door closed in broad daylight?" The Uncle Fu that Yan Bugui mentioned was Shui Fu, the housekeeper of the Shui family, whom he was familiar with when he stayed here last time.

"Don't mention it." Shui Fu gritted his teeth and said, "I don't know which Thousand Swordsman is spreading rumors about our young lady outside, saying that she was abducted by the evil thieves from the Blood Sword Clan, and already...

Anyway, it was all dirty talk. The young lady was so angry that she became seriously ill and has not gotten out of bed for four or five days. "

Yan Bugui frowned: "Who is so vicious? That's so mean!"

"I don't know." Shui Fu said: "The master speculated that someone wanted to use this to ruin Nan Siqi's reputation. For this reason, he became furious and teamed up with the three heroes Lu, Hua and Liu to investigate for several days, but they still couldn't find it. Nothing."

"Take me to see Miss Shui first. I know a little bit about medical skills." Yan Bugui sighed, realizing that he still underestimated how dirty some people were.

Making pornographic rumors about a yellow-flowered girl is not much worse than a flower-picking thief like Tian Boguang, who can eventually drive someone to death.

Modern people can't stand this, let alone Shui Sheng, an ancient person.

Yan Bugui immediately thought of the person whose teeth he had knocked out, but after thinking about it, he felt that it shouldn't be that person.

Even if this person ate bear's heart, leopard's guts and drank tiger bone soup, he still would not dare to provoke him, Yan.

That day, the Five Blood Sword Monks and the Bell and Sword Heroes swaggered through the city. There were really too many people who knew about this, including people in the martial arts world and ordinary people.

I'm afraid that this is not a conspiracy at all, but simply someone who is watching the fun and not taking it too seriously, and wants to add insult to injury.

‘You have such a great reputation as the Two Heroes of Bells and Swords. Aren’t you pretentious? Aren’t you the queen of a famous family? Now I don’t see how you can still show off your power in the world. ’

Since ancient times, there has been no shortage of people like this. Once they are passed down to ten people, they will be passed down to hundreds of people. Everyone in the world is talking about this, and no one can stop them.

If it weren't for Yan Bugui, and the two heroes of Ling Jian and even Nan Si Qi were in the hands of the Blood Sword Ancestor, there might be people who would secretly applaud him.

Yan Bugui estimated that there might be someone criticizing him behind his back. If something happened one day, it would definitely be worse than Shui Sheng now.

This girl was also unlucky. In the original work, her reputation was ruined by Hua Tiegan, and she had no choice but to take refuge in the Snow Valley.

Still can't escape this disaster.

When they arrived at Shui Sheng's room, Wang Xiaofeng was guarding the door.

"Master Yan?!" Wang Xiaofeng said in surprise: "It's great that you are here. Please save my cousin."

"Let's take a look first and then talk." Yan Bugui followed him into the bedroom.

There is a maid in the house looking after Shui Sheng.

A beautiful young girl who was in good condition is now lying in bed sickly.

After not seeing him for just a few days, he seemed to be a different person. His face was haggard, and the blood on his pale face was almost gone.

(End of this chapter)

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