Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 59 Hua Tiegan, are you awake?

Chapter 59 Hua Tiegan, are you awake?

Yan Bugui came to the bedside and said to the maid: "Take her hand out and I will take her pulse."

The maid also knew Yan Bugui and knew that he was a person whom her master respected very much, so she immediately followed the instructions.

Yan Bugui put his arm around Shui Sheng's wrist. In the past five years on Huashan Mountain, in addition to practicing martial arts and teaching apprentices, he also studied all the medical books he had written down from Tianhua Pharmacist in his spare time.

There is little certainty about serious and terminal illnesses, but some symptoms with headaches and fever can be cured with medicine.

Wang Xiaofeng asked: "How?"

Yan Bugui sighed: "Urgent fire attacks the heart and stagnation of liver qi. This is a heart disease that is difficult to cure."

Wang Xiaofeng said anxiously: "Those doctors said the same thing before, do you have any way to cure it?"

Yan Bugui pondered for a moment, shook his head and said, "I guess other doctors have prescribed the prescriptions, and I can't come up with anything new."

He ordered the maid: "Hold your young lady up, and I will help her do some exercises and regulate her breathing, so as not to cause damage to her body due to anger and cause disease."

Shui Sheng, who was in a coma, was lifted up by the maid and put into a posture with five hearts in the sky according to Yan Bugui's request.

Slowly pressing Shui Sheng's back mind point, Yan Bugui urged the true energy to be sent into her body, regrouping the true energy that had been scattered due to her loss of mind and sending it back to her Dantian.

After a cup of tea.

Shui Sheng's face gradually turned a little red, and he opened his eyes with a squeak.

In a daze, she felt a strong flow of heat pouring into her body, as if she had soaked in a hot spring, her whole body was warm, and she felt unprecedentedly comfortable.

"Dad, is it you?"

"No, I'm your senior Yan." When Yan Bugui saw her waking up, he immediately stopped delivering Qi.

Wang Xiaofeng was overjoyed: "Cousin, you finally woke up!"

"Cousin, Senior Yan." Shui Sheng couldn't help but blush when she thought that she had mistakenly recognized her father, and immediately said gratefully: "Thank you, Senior, for saving my life again."

"Thank you for your time." Yan Bugui waved his hand: "This is only treating the symptoms but not the root cause. A heart disease needs to be treated carefully. Otherwise, if this matter doesn't get over in one day, you will still make the same mistake again."

He wanted to tell Shui Sheng to be open-minded and not care too much about other people's opinions, but since he was not the person involved, his words were really unconvincing.

Shui Sheng said nothing sadly, honor and integrity were more important than heaven, and few girls could not care less.

"Brother Yan, I'm sorry to see you as an honored guest..." Shui Dai hurried in and was extremely surprised to see Shui Sheng sitting by the bed: "Sheng'er, you're awake!"

Shui Sheng smiled weakly: "Dad, I'm fine."

Wang Xiaofeng said: "Uncle, it was Daxia Yan who saved my cousin."

"Brother, you saved my little girl's life twice in a row. I really can't repay you. Please accept my bow." Shui Dai clasped his fists and cupped his hands, then bowed down and bowed.

"No way." Yan Bugui hurriedly stopped him: "Since we are brothers, then your daughter is my junior, so there is no reason to refuse to save her."

Shui Dai only felt that the hand holding his arm was as steady as a mountain, and he had no strength to resist at all.

What a deep inner strength!

He believes that although his martial arts skills are not as good as those of the Shaolin abbot and Wudang master, he is confident that he can compete with the masters of the Five Mountains Sword Sect.

But after this test, Shui Dai found that he seemed a little arrogant.

Yan Bugui asked: "Have you found the person who spread the rumors?"

"No." Shui Dai shook his head and said with a ruthless face: "If I find that person, I will cut him into pieces with my own hands to vent the hatred in my heart."

"Count me in when the time comes." Yan Buguixin said that it was indeed the case, and it was difficult for everyone to agree. In the future, this would be a full-blown cyber violence. It would be difficult to find out the root cause.

"Brother Lu and the others are here too, let's go to the front to talk." Shui Dai gently stroked Shui Sheng's hair: "Don't worry, Sheng'er, dad will definitely find a way to restore your innocence.

Xiaofeng, since Sheng'er is awake, you should stay here with her for a while. "

Wang Xiaofeng nodded: "Uncle, don't worry."

Yan Bugui followed Shui Dai to the front hall.

"Brother Lu, Brother Hua, Brother Liu, Yan is so polite."

"It turns out Brother Yan is here." After Lu Tianshu finished speaking, he turned to Shui Dai and asked, "Fourth brother, how is niece Shui?"

Shui Dai breathed a sigh of relief: "Thanks to Brother Yan, Sheng'er has woken up."

Seeing that Hua Tiegan and Liu Chengfeng were about to speak, Yan Bugui knew that most of them were words of thanks, so he waved his hands and said, "I won't mention this matter anymore. The top priority is how to solve this matter." Liu Chengfeng thought about it: "At that time, besides Of the seventeen martial arts comrades who were killed, only Brother Yan was present, and Brother Yan was also the one who killed the Blood Knife Ancestor.

With my brother's reputation in the world, if he could come out and say something for his niece, then the rumors would be self-defeating. "

"That's inappropriate." Hua Tiegan shook his head and said, "If we do this, others will probably think that we don't have three hundred taels of silver here, and it might even damage Brother Yan's reputation."

Lu Tianshu said: "Now that the matter has come to this, why don't we let Nie Shui leave here and live somewhere else?"

"Isn't this a thief with a guilty conscience?" Yan Bugui shook his head repeatedly: "In this case, those who originally didn't believe the rumors will probably believe it."

"Hey~" Hua Tiegan suddenly rolled his eyes and asked, "I wonder if Brother Yan has someone in mind? Have you ever gotten married?"

Yan Bugui was stunned: "No, Brother Hua, what do you mean?"

Hua Tie dried his hands and stroked his long beard, and said with a pearl of wisdom: "Hua does have a trick, I think brother Yan and niece Shui are about the same age, one is a talented man, and the other is a girl, they are a good match.

Considering the family background and appearance of my niece Shui, I think it is not an insult to you, my young hero. If the Shui family and the Huashan sect get married, others will naturally stop believing those gossips. "

"Not bad." Lu Tianshu clapped his hands and applauded: "Brother Yan is well-known in the martial arts world. The one who can marry into the family is naturally a virtuous woman with dignified character. This is a good idea for my second brother."

"Stop it." Yan Buguixin said that you are indeed the second most beautiful person. Even if you don't go dark, you still have a good idea!

He said solemnly: "Young Master Wang and Miss Shui are childhood sweethearts and they are in love with each other. It would be unbecoming of a gentleman to seize someone's love from me.

Yan doesn't want to be poked in the back in the future, saying that I am a bully, a bully, a man, a woman, and a wife.

I can't bear this crime. I'm afraid I'll blow up my master's coffin. "

Shui Dai couldn't help feeling relieved when he heard this. He was really afraid that Yan Bugui would agree.

"Second Brother Hua, to tell you the truth, I have already agreed to betroth Sheng'er to Xiao Feng. The two children have always been very close to each other. How can we, as elders, fight against each other?"

"Fourth brother, you are confused." Hua Tiegan said earnestly: "It's better to beat a mandarin duck with a stick than to have his reputation damaged and not be able to lift it up for the rest of his life.

After all, we are also thinking about niece Shui. I believe that nephew Wang will understand our painstaking efforts. "

Lu Tianshu waved his hand and said, "In my opinion, since we are friends with Brother Yan as equals, we might as well let him accept my niece as my adopted daughter."

Shui Dai's eyes lit up: "Brother's words make sense. If I don't dislike it..."

Yan Bugui immediately twitched the corner of his mouth, "Good guy, this is even more outrageous."

He is three or four years older than Shui Sheng, so why should he be a father to someone else?

These four people had weird nicknames, but they didn't expect their ideas to be even weirder.

Yan Bugui said with a smile: "Forget about being a foster daughter or something, spreading the word about it will only make people laugh.

Let's make a choice. I can have a sworn marriage with Miss Shui and treat her as my adopted sister, my eldest brother like my father, and the effect will be the same. "

Shui Dai hesitated and said, "But wouldn't this mess up the seniority?"

Yan Buguihun said nonchalantly: "Children in the world don't stick to trivial matters. We all have our own things to do. From now on, your daughter will be my sister, and you will still be my brother."

He raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Actually, compared to you bunch of bad old men, I prefer to play with young people."

The four couldn't help laughing.

Shui Dai nodded and said, "Just follow my brother's words."

Later, he went to tell Shui Sheng about the matter, and Shui Sheng agreed without hesitation.

After two days of rest, Shui Sheng recovered and the two of them had a sworn ceremony. Since then, Yan Bugui has had a girl.

Once the news came out, the rumors disappeared within a few days, as if they had never appeared.

Yan Bugui now plays an important role in the martial arts world and is unparalleled in the limelight.

People with higher prestige will cherish their feathers more and will never allow themselves to be stained.

In the eyes of those in the world, if Shui Sheng is really as willful as the rumors say, Yan Bugui's move is tantamount to destroying the Great Wall.

But now that he has done this, it means that this girl Shui Sheng is innocent. After all, no one likes to make fun of their own reputation.

So the people who slandered Shui Sheng were gone, at least on the surface, and they were replaced by the envy and jealousy of countless people in the martial arts world.

If I picked up such a big backer for nothing, wouldn't I be even more prosperous in the future?

(End of this chapter)

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