Chapter 62 The devil rises
  There is a very secret place on the Blackwood Cliff, hiding a small garden like a paradise.

Inside, there are red plums, green bamboos, green pines and cypresses, all decorated with great ingenuity.

There are several pairs of mandarin ducks swimming leisurely in the pond, and there are four white cranes beside the pond.

Another flowerbed in front of the rockery near the pond is filled with crimson and pink roses, which compete with each other in beauty and beauty.

  The door of the elegant house in the garden suddenly opened slowly, and Dongfang Sheng, dressed in pink robe, walked out.

"It's finally good."

Dongfang Sheng looked at the beautiful scenery in the garden and let out a long sigh of relief.

He was seriously injured in the battle with Yan Bugui that day. After returning to Heimu Cliff, he immediately retreated to heal his injuries. It took him more than a month to fully recover today.

This still relies on the profound internal skills of the "Sunflower Book", otherwise he would lose half his life even if he doesn't die now.

"This boy's fingering and palm skills are vicious and sinister. Where did he learn them from?"

Dongfang Sheng was puzzled. Yan Bugui's moves that injured him twice were obviously not the martial arts masters of the Huashan School.

"Could it be that he is really a genius and can create such powerful martial arts on his own?"

Dongfang Sheng suddenly remembered what Yan Bugui said that day, that the Sunflower Book may not be the best in the world. Now it seems that what he said is true.

"No, he already possesses such power at such a young age. Who else in the world can be his opponent in a few years?"

Thinking of this, a strong sense of crisis arose in Dongfang Sheng's heart.

Old grudges have not gone away, but new grudges have arisen. If this continues, there may be fatal consequences in the future.

He originally had full confidence in the "Sunflower Collection", but now he couldn't help but waver.

This martial arts secret that he once regarded as a guide did not seem to be as powerful as he thought.

"You need to make another calculation."

Dongfang Sheng's mind was spinning. There were as many martial arts in the world as stars, but there were very few that could truly compare to the Sunflower Book. The only one that could be named was the Shaolin Yijin Jing.

"Old Monk Fangzheng hides his secrets, I'm afraid he is not an easy person." After being continuously frustrated by Yan Bugui's men, Dongfang Sheng felt that he had underestimated the world's masters in the past, and he unconsciously became a lot more cautious.

While he was thinking hard, a person came into the garden.

"Looking at your gloomy face, have you encountered something troublesome?" The visitor was wearing a maroon satin leather robe. He was twenty-three or four years old and had a beard on his face. He was tall and majestic, and his appearance was extremely powerful.

If Yan Bugui were here, he would be surprised to find that this man looks very much like Dongfang Sheng from before, both in body shape and appearance.

"Brother Lian, you're here." Dongfang Sheng smiled, and then openly expressed his worries.

"A mere swallow that fails to return is not enough to cause trouble." Yang Lianting sneered, his words full of disdain, but his heart was full of jealousy.

At the same age, the other party was a top martial arts master. Although he held the power of the Sun and Moon God Sect, he only gained it by sacrificing his looks and fawning over an old monster who was neither male nor female.

Yang Lianting had never seen Yan Bugui, but he already hated him deeply because of this.

Seeing his confident and confident look, Dongfang Sheng couldn't help but be surprised and said, "Brother Lian, what's your clever plan? Can you tell me quickly?"

Yang Lianting said: "Not long ago, some masters of the Wudang Sect sneaked into Heimu Cliff, saying that they wanted to get back their sect's treasure, but I have already executed them.

Wudang has always been as famous as Shaolin, you might as well go to the treasure house to have a look. "

Dongfang Sheng didn't care about the invasion, nodded and said: "Brother Lian is right.

The ancestors of this sect have attacked various martial arts sects many times and snatched many treasures from their hands.

The Sunflower Book was snatched back from the Huashan Sect by the ten elders of the sect more than [-] years ago. "

The two immediately left the secret garden and came to the treasure house of the Sun and Moon God Sect.

The library is filled with various books and classics, various gleaming weapons, and a dazzling array of rare treasures.

In the past, Dongfang Sheng was proud of having the Sunflower Book in his hand, and he was the only one in the world of martial arts, and he never took these things seriously.

Each treasure in the treasure house has a label with a detailed description of its origin to highlight the great achievements of the person who captured the treasure.

Dongfang Sheng quickly found the location of the Wudang Clan, where there were two wooden boxes, one long and one square.

Dongfang Sheng and Yang Lianting opened the boxes respectively. There is a long sword with a simple shape in the long box. The bronze scabbard has two seal characters "Zhenwu" embedded in it with copper wire.

"It turns out to be the sword of Zhang Sanfeng, the founder of Wudang."

"Look at this." Yang Lianting took out a blue booklet from the square box and handed it to him. On the cover of the book were written four powerful characters - "Tai Chi Sutra".

"Brother Lian, you are indeed my lucky star!" Dongfang Sheng flipped through a few pages of the secret book and found that every word in the book was accurate, and he was overjoyed.

Yang Lianting looked at the content on the label and learned that these two treasures were from a night attack on Wudang Mountain by several masters and elders of the divine sect more than [-] years ago. After losing four elders, they successfully obtained the Zhenwu Sword and the Tai Chi Sutra. And killed three top masters of Wudang Sect.

Dongfang Shengwu was overjoyed: "That little thief Yan Bugui has practiced the magical skill of body protection. If I want to break his magical skill, I need deeper internal strength than I have now.

Master Zhang is an unparalleled great master who can rival Shaolin Bodhidharma. With this book, my cultivation will definitely reach a higher level. "

at the same time.

Zhongnan Mountain, the tomb of the living dead.

Yan Bugui has already recorded all the martial arts of the Quanzhen and Ancient Tomb sects, as well as the remaining chapters of the Jiuyin Manual.

Yan Bugui has now opened up the Ren and Du channels, and has perfected his internal skills. Even if he gets the Yi Jin Bone Forging Medal, he can no longer make rapid progress in a short period of time, so he shifts the focus of his training to martial arts moves.

Wang Chongyang came to practice Qigong in the stone chamber.

Looking at the stone carvings on the top, Yan Bugui tried to practice with the Houde Sword in hand.

He has practiced authentic Xuanmen internal skills, which are also mixed with the inner skills of the Quanzhen Dao Song. It can be said that it is almost the same as the internal skills of the Quanzhen sect. At this moment, he feels that it is very easy to master the martial arts of the Quanzhen sect.

The Seven Seven and Forty-nine Quanzhen Sword Techniques, Frost-breaking Ice Palm, One Qi Transformation into Three Purities, and Tonggui Sword Technique are all very handy. In addition, his sword skills are basically deep, and he has mastered all the martial arts skills on the roof in just half a month. Extremely skilled.

The Quanzhen Sect's unique Qinggong Jin Yan Gongze, the Ancient Tomb Sect's Yao Jiao Kong Bi Shen Technique, and the Nine Yin Sutra's sideways movement, snake walking, and raccoon turning were integrated into his original Qinggong Shenqing.

These light skills are all exquisite, but they can be controlled with the mental attainments jointly created by the God of Wind and the Heavenly Sword Wuming.

The ancient tomb sect's martial arts were originally difficult to practice due to the different internal strength methods.

However, Yan Bugui has reached the purest and most wonderful state of the Divine Light Skill. Except for the extreme existence of the Sunflower Book, all martial arts in the world are available.

Soft net posture, one hundred and eight movements of heaven and earth net posture palm technique, beauty boxing technique, jade girl sword technique are of course not to mention, and even the hidden weapon kung fu of golden bell soft rope and jade peak needle has been touched by him.

Only the Jade Girl Heart Sutra lacked the necessary formulas for performing the exercises. This skill was unique. Yan Bugui could not complete it even though he had many unique skills. In the end, he relied on the inner scenes to learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses, and was inclusive, and he managed to get [-]% to [-]% of the essence.

It’s January again in a hurry.

With the help of the Han Jade Bed and the Yijin Bone Forging Medal, Yan Bugui's internal and physical strength have improved. The heavy sword of Houde is now no different from an ordinary sword in his hand.

As Yu's inner strength improved, his Hunyuan Vajra Body also successfully entered the threshold of the seventh level, which allowed him to turn softness into strength.

Looking at the pile of "zheng" characters used to mark time on the stone wall, Yan Bugui knew it was time to go back to the mountain.

The next day.

In accordance with his previous promise, Yan Bugui went to the paper shop at the foot of the mountain to buy a large cart of paper money and burned it to the seniors of the Ancient Tomb Sect, and then used the cart to transport the paper money to take away the cold jade bed.

To put it bluntly, this thing is just a big rock. If you can move it in, you can certainly move it out.

  Yan Bugui moved several large stones to replace the dragon-breaking stone to block the entrance to the ancient tomb, and used explosives to blow up the remaining half of the tomb passage.

"Seniors of the Ancient Tomb Sect, rest assured, unless there are another time travellers, no one will come to disturb your peace again. I am deeply impressed by the legacy of my predecessors, and I will remember your great kindness and kindness. I will say goodbye."

After bowing, Yan Bugui packed up the tents, pots, pans and other daily necessities that he had prepared earlier, and let Heifeng pull the cold jade bed away.

Return to Huashan.

Yan Bugui relied on his amazing strength to carry Han Jade Bed up to Jade Girl Peak.

"Master." "Uncle."

At noon, Yue Lingshan and Linghu Chong, as well as Liang Fa, Shi Daizi, and Gao Genming, who had finished practicing their martial arts, came forward excitedly.

Just because Yan Bugui would collect many treasures every time he went down the mountain, such as the Houde, the Boqing Divine Sword, the Divine Horse Black Wind, and countless gold and silver jewelry.

(End of this chapter)

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