Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 63 The spy is here, the spy is dead

Chapter 63 The spy is here, the spy is dead

"Uncle Master, what kind of treasure is this stone?" Linghu Chong looked at the cold jade bed with curiosity on his face.

"Bed." Yan Bugui walked straight to a small courtyard where no one lived.

Several children were stunned when they heard this.

Liang Fa couldn't help but touch it, and immediately retracted his hand as if being pricked by a needle. He took a breath of cold air and said, "Hiss—it's so cold!"

Seeing this, the other people also stretched out their hands to touch it, only to feel the bone-chilling cold, which was several times colder than the ice and snow in winter.

Yan Bugui put the cold jade bed into the bedroom.

Linghu Chong rubbed his cold index finger and grinned, "Uncle, are you kidding me? How can you sleep on such a cold bed?"

Yan Bugui raised his eyebrows: "You don't like that no one forces you to sleep, but don't regret it."

"Disciple didn't say he didn't like it, he just asked, nothing else." Linghu Chong knew Yan Bugui's character very well. If he said that, there must be something mysterious in this bed, and he would definitely suffer a loss if he refused rashly.

"You brat, you are so smart." Yan Bugui smiled, looked at Yue Lingshan and asked, "Shan'er, where are your parents?"

"My father is in the Zhengqi Hall, and my mother is not proud of her." Yue Lingshan said softly: "Master, what kind of treasure is this big stone? You must have worked so hard to get it up the mountain. It must be something extraordinary."

Yan Bugui gently stroked the top of her head and explained: "This is not a stone, it is cold jade, which was dug back from the far north by a senior a long time ago.

This object is extremely yin and cold. Practicing internal energy on it can clear the heart fire and eliminate distracting thoughts. Practicing on it will get twice the result with half the effort. "

Yue Lingshan, the youngest person present, has already started practicing internal martial arts. There is no need for Linghu Chong and others to say more, so they all know what the cold jade bed means.

The five people were shocked and marveled that there could be such a divine creature in the world.

Linghu Chong looked at the cold jade bed, his eyes sparkling, and he asked with hope: "Uncle, can you give it a try?"

"Whatever, I'm going to find your master." Yan Bugui shrugged, turned and left the bedroom.


Yue Buqun sat at the table and frowned.

"Senior brother, why are you looking like this? What happened?" Yan Bugui walked in calmly.

Yue Buqun's frown eased slightly and he smiled, "How have you been since you've been gone for a few months? What earth-shattering undertakings have you done?"

"Nothing." Yan Buguifeng waved his hand calmly, and when he was about to continue talking, footsteps suddenly came from outside the house.

An old man with gray hair walked in, holding a tray and delivering a cup of hot tea to Yan Bugui.

"I've never seen it before." Yan Bugui said in surprise: "Is this old man... the newly hired long-term worker?"

"I haven't had time to tell you yet." Yue Buqun said, "His name is Lao Denuo, and he is my brother's new disciple. Denuo, I haven't met your uncle yet."

"Disciple Lao Denuo pays homage to Master." Lao Denuo knelt on his knees and kowtowed respectfully.

"Get up." Yan Buguixin said. After so many years, I have forgotten you.

Now we are in big trouble. There is a spy in the family. These treasures we just got back will be leaked.

Yue Buqun said: "Junior brother, since you are back, why not hurry up and see your senior sister."

Yan Bugui's eyes moved, he nodded and said, "Let's go together."

The two came to Xuebuweixuan.

"Junior brother, there is a problem with Lauderno." Yue Buqun closed the door tightly and said with a solemn expression: "He may be an undercover agent sent by Zuo Lengchan."

"What!" Ning Zhongze exclaimed.

"I said you suddenly asked me to find senior sister." Yan Bugui asked curiously: "But how did you tell?"

Yue Buqun snorted coldly: "He is a martial arts master, and he thinks he is clever at hiding it, but some things cannot be hidden. When I checked his martial arts, I saw a little bit of the Songshan sect's family in him.

Speaking of which, it's all thanks to you, junior brother. If you hadn't discovered the secret cave back then and let us know the swordsmanship of the Five Mountains sects very well, I might have had to hide it from him this time. "

Yan Bugui secretly thought that if I didn't exist, how would you have noticed it?

Do you see people's hearts after a long time?

Ning Zhong asked in confusion: "Then why do you want to admit him?"

Yue Buqun sighed and said helplessly: "Zuo Lengchan is too ambitious. If he refuses this, there will be another one. We may not be able to find out by then. You must know that it is easy to hide from an open gun and hard to defend against a hidden arrow."

Yan Bugui raised his hand and snapped his fingers: "It doesn't matter, leave this to me, I have a way."

Yue Buqun said in astonishment: "Seriously? Tell me."

Yan Bugui rubbed his chin and said leisurely: "It starts with when I met Dongfang Sheng when I went out this time."

"What!" The couple suddenly stood up from their seats at the same time.

Ning Zhong was shocked and said: "Did you meet the leader of the Demon Cult? Are you injured?"

Yan Bugui patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, I'm fine, he's the one who was injured." Yue Buqun breathed a sigh of relief: "What's going on?"

Yan Bugui said: "That guy claimed to have mastered the Sunflower Book and came to me to avenge his shame."

"Sunflower Collection!" Yue Buqun stood up again, and this time he overturned the chair: "You mean the Sunflower Collection?"

Yan Bugui nodded and said, "That's what he said. What's wrong? Why are you so excited?"

Ning Zhong looked at Yue Buqun, who rarely lost his temper, in surprise, and asked, "Is this Sunflower Book important?"

"You don't know something, come with me." Yue Buqun led the two of them to the ancestral hall and took out the wooden box with the Sunflower Book written on it from behind the plaque.

Ning Zhong's eyes widened: "What's going on?"

"It's a long story..." Yue Buqun told the two of them what Lin Qingping told him back then.

He said with emotion: "It turns out that what the ancestors of Huashan have been pursuing so hard has fallen into the hands of the Demon Cult. Master's wishes are finally fulfilled."

Yan Bugui shook his head: "Senior brother, with all due respect, this Sunflower Book is probably not a good thing."

Yue Buqun was stunned: "What do you mean by this?"

Yan Bugui curled his lips with disgust and said, "You don't know that Dongfang Sheng has completely changed.

His beard was gone, his face was smeared with makeup, and he spoke like a male duck. He was wearing clothes so bright that even the senior sister couldn't control them, and he was so fragrant that it was almost impossible to look at him. "

"Are you sure you met Dongfang Sheng?" Ning Zhong found that this man was completely different from the Dongfang Sheng in her impression.

"I'm sure." Yan Bugui said: "You still remember that time Jingjing asked me to go to the capital to help, right?"

The couple nodded.

Yan Bugui said meaningfully: "I happened to meet the eunuchs in the palace, tsk~ Dongfang Sheng's yin and yang energy, do you understand?"

"Are you saying that if you want to practice the Sunflower Book, you need, need..." Ning Zhong found it difficult to say the word Zi Gong, but both of them understood what she meant.

"I guess we should be inseparable, otherwise we can't explain why Dongfang Sheng, a big man, suddenly behaved like that." Yan Bugui glanced at Yue Buqun and found that his face was pale and he was already transfixed.

Hehe~ I can be considered vaccinated in advance.

Ning Zhong consoled him, "Senior brother, don't think about it. Just throw away such a harmful thing. It's no pity."

Yue Buqun hesitated and said: "But after all, this is the wish of the ancestors of Huashan Mountain..."

"Hey~" Yan Bugui said: "The reason why they say that is just that they think the Sunflower Book is the best magical skill in the world.

But it turns out that even if Dongfang Sheng practiced the Sunflower Book, he still couldn't beat your junior brother and me.

Besides, we have no shortage of martial arts secrets now, so there is no need to dwell on the Sunflower Book.

Master and the ancestors of all generations are knowledgeable and can definitely understand us. "

He raised his eyebrows and said mysteriously: "And to tell you the truth, I gained something from going down the mountain this time."

"Oh?" Yue Buqun, who was originally looking downcast, suddenly perked up.

Yan Bugui said: "When I came back, I passed by Zhongnan Mountain. Thinking that it is known as the most blessed place in the world, I walked around. I accidentally discovered an ancient tomb, and then this, this, and this..."

He spread his hands and said, "That's it. There is a soul-moving technique in these martial arts, which can charm the mind.

In the future, if someone who is unsure of his identity comes to be his disciple, he can just give it a try using the Soul Transferring Technique, and I guarantee that even his eight generations of ancestors will be asked. "

The couple looked at each other in silence for a long time.

Yue Buqun sighed with relief and said with emotion: "Junior brother, your luck is so, so... ugh~ it's really beyond words!"

Ning Zhong then asked: "What should I do with Lauderno? The treasures that my junior brother brought back after all the hard work must not be leaked to this spy."

Yan Bugui raised three fingers: "At most three days, I guarantee that he will never have the chance to see Zuo Lengchan again."

Leave the ancestral hall.

Yan Bugui found Laudenuo.

"Deno, uncle, I have raised a horse at the old man's house and the young man's house at the foot of the mountain. From now on, you can go down there every day to feed the horse.

This job was originally your senior brother's, but recently his martial arts has reached a critical moment and he cannot be distracted. The third and fourth brothers are still young and are not good at light kung fu, so they can only work hard for you. "

Lauderno bowed and said: "It's not hard, it's not hard. Don't worry, uncle. I'll take care of it as a disciple."

Three days later.

Lao Denuo, the newly promoted second disciple of Huashan Mountain, unfortunately lost his footing and fell off a cliff on his way down the mountain to feed his horse. Everyone in the He sect was deeply saddened.

As the owner of the horse, Yan Bugui blamed himself even more, and built a tomb with his own hands for the dead body of Lauderno as a mark of mourning.

(End of this chapter)

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