Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 67 About to destroy the family

Chapter 67 About to destroy the family
  The gentle breeze smokes the willows, and the fragrance of the flowers is intoxicating. It is the spring season in the southern country.

Fuzhou City, Fuwei Escort Agency.

Lin Pingzhi, who was over [-] years old, finished his practice. He put on a suit of brocade clothes and walked from the back garden to the front hall. He saw his father Lin Zhennan sitting on the Taishi chair with his eyes closed and meditating.


"Here we go, let's watch!" Lin Zhennan suddenly rushed out from the Grand Master's chair and casually tapped Lin Pingzhi's shoulder with his pipe pole.

"Come again." Lin Pingzhi knew that his father was going to test him, so he immediately struck back.

Lin Zhennan used the [-]th move of the [-]-way evil-repelling sword technique, ‘Meteor Flying Fall’.

Lin Pingzhi casually picked up the feather duster on the coffee table and used the [-]th move of "Blooming Flowers to See the Buddha" to press down the pipe stem halfway, and then slashed upwards along Lin Zhennan's arm.

"Well done!" Seeing that he was calm, Lin Zhennan struck out cleanly. While cheering, he flipped his hand away with the feather duster and stabbed the breast point on his chest with the 'Jiang Shang Flute' move.

Lin Pingzhi turned slightly and used the move 'Purple Qi from the East' to block his chest.

The pipe rod and the feather duster collided continuously.

After the father and son had fought seventy or eighty moves, Lin Pingzhi deliberately used a flaw and let Lin Zhennan hit the acupuncture point on his chest, finally ending this competition that had been repeated countless times.

"Very good! Very good!" Lin Zhennan sat back on the master's chair, and Lao Huai comforted him: "I received five more moves than last month.
  My son is indeed very qualified. The little gentleman Jian Linghu Chong who has been widely rumored in the world recently should be nothing more than this. "

"Dad, I am a high disciple of the Huashan Sect, how can my child be compared to me?" Lin Pingzhi felt helpless as he looked at his smug father.

‘Oh, Dad, Dad, what the teacher said back then was really right. We, the Lin family, are like frogs in the well now, and we can’t see how high the sky is. ’

After he and Yan Bugui parted ways, in order not to disappoint his teacher when they reunited one day, Lin Pingzhi practiced diligently every night and never dared to slack off for more than ten years.

As his internal skills became more and more profound, Lin Zhennan was no longer his opponent three years ago.

This was no longer a level that the Lin family's martial arts could reach. It was inevitable that his father would ask him why, so Lin Pingzhi simply remained silent.

Lin Zhennan laughed loudly and said: "Ping'er, although we must not be arrogant as human beings, we must not belittle ourselves either. The Huashan sect is indeed great, but our Lin family may not be lacking in anything."

Lin Pingzhi sighed secretly. He really didn't know how to answer the question, so he changed the subject: "Dad seems to be in a good mood today?"

"Smart, I do have good news to tell you." Lin Zhennan filled the pipe with shredded tobacco and said with a happy face: "Just now Zhang Biaotou sent a letter from Hunan, saying that the master of Songfeng Guanyu of the Qingcheng sect in western Sichuan has passed away. Received the gift from us."

Lin Pingzhi helped him light his tobacco with a fire stick, and asked curiously: "What gift?"

Lin Zhennan said: "I never tell you much about the escort agency, and you don't understand either.

But as you get older, the burden carried by your father will eventually be transferred to your shoulders, and you will have to pay more attention to things in the escort agency in the future. "

Lin Pingzhi said nothing, and he didn't agree with this in his heart.

Recalling his childhood adventures, he longed to become a martial arts hero like his teacher, instead of being stuck in the trivial matters of the escort business all day long.

He was also a young man who didn't know what it was like to be worried. He just felt that his family's assets were already rich enough and there was no need to work hard for money.

Lin Zhennan continued: "Son, we are three generations of escort agents. Firstly, relying on the prestige that your great-grandfather achieved back then, and secondly, relying on our family's passed down things, we are now in the leading position south of the river. Big Escort Agency.

When the word "Fuwei Escort Agency" is mentioned in the world, everyone will raise their thumbs and say "good luck!" So majestic!

In matters in the arena, reputation accounts for [-]%, kung fu accounts for [-]%, and the remaining [-]% depends on friends in black and white. "

"You should talk about the gifts." Lin Pingzhi thought that it would be better to reverse the situation.

Kung Fu accounts for [-]% and fame accounts for [-]%. With these, others will naturally appreciate you.

Today's Fuwei Escort Agency actually relies on Yuan Tugong's martial arts and prestige to keep going smoothly.

Lin Pingzhi thought to himself that the man with the highest martial arts skills in the bodyguard agency was his father, and the other bodyguards all had their own shortcomings.

With such strength, let alone others, even if he takes action, he can easily steal the escorts from Fuwei Escort Agency.

Dad, times have changed. When will you understand this truth?

"Young people are still too impatient. Okay, I won't go on about where the word "Fuwei" comes from.

The ancients said that after winning Long, we will look back to Shu. Your father and I, having won Jia, will look back to Shu.

Our business covers all provinces. If we can go through Sichuan, our business will be reduced by [-]%.

But in this way, we will inevitably have to deal with the Qingcheng and Emei factions.

Since three years ago, I have sent people to send generous gifts to Emei Jinding Temple and Qingcheng Mountain Songfeng Temple every spring and autumn.

But the leaders of the two factions never accept him, and Emei Jinding is a good person. He always meets with our bodyguard leader, and he is always polite. But I don’t even know where to open the door of Songfeng Temple. Every time we get to the middle of the mountain, our people block it. "

Lin Pingzhi suddenly said: "So this time the head of the Qingcheng Sect agreed?"

"Exactly." Lin Zhennan beamed with joy and laughed: "Master Yu not only accepted the gift, but also sent four disciples to Fujian, which is really an unexpected surprise.

Pingzhi, Qingcheng is also a major martial arts sect, and these four will most likely be the Qingcheng Sixiu, Guanzhu Yu's favorite disciples.

"Heroes and heroes, the four beauties of Qingcheng", their martial arts are also famous in the world, and they are not inferior to Linghu Chong of the Huashan School. When they come, you should get close to them, they will definitely be of great use in the future. "

"My child understands." Lin Pingzhi nodded, secretly looking forward to it.

He wanted to see how far his current abilities compared with those famous disciples.

at dusk.

The three members of the Lin family are discussing what gifts they should pack for Uncle Lin Pingzhi's birthday.

Suddenly, there was a noise outside, followed by someone running into the hall in a hurry.

Lin Zhennan frowned and said: "There are no rules, why are you panicking?"

The visitor's face was filled with fear, and he said in a trembling voice: "Chief escort chief, escort chief Shi, he, he is dead!"

"What!" Lin Zhennan's face changed in shock, he stood up suddenly and drank: "Who did it?"

"I don't know, but during dinner, Mr. Shi drank a few more drinks and said he was going to relieve himself, but he never came back. I went to look for Mr. Shi at the door of the toilet, and he was already dead when he found him."

"Let's go and have a look." Lin Zhennan, his face as heavy as water, took his wife, children and the man to the place where Shi Biaotou's body was buried.

After some inspection, he found no injuries on Shi Biaotou's body.

Lin Zhennan wondered: "It's strange, did he die of an emergency, Chief Zheng?"

Bouncer Zheng shook his head and said, "I never heard that Bouncer Shi has any health problems."

"Mo, could it be haunted?"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Lin Pingzhi pressed the various parts of Shi Biaotou's body and thought: "Dad, why don't you cut open Shi Biaotou's body and take a look, maybe there are internal injuries."

He once heard his teacher say that if you practice your inner strength to a certain level, you can kill people invisible.

Lin Zhennan's eyes lit up: "That makes sense. Chief Zheng brings the knife."

After a while.

When Shi Biaotou was disemboweled, Lin Zhennan was shocked and saw that Shi Biaotou's heart was split into seven or eight petals.

"This, this is the Qingcheng Sect's unique skill, the Heart-Destroying Palm!"

"Qingcheng Sect?" Lin Pingzhi said in shock: "Didn't Dad say this afternoon that Master Yu just accepted our gift? Why did he suddenly come to our escort agency to kill someone again?"

"This... even a father can't figure it out." Lin Zhennan frowned, his mind was racing but he couldn't figure it out.

"Chief escort, it's not good, Bai Er is dead too!" A security guard ran over, rolling and crawling.

Lin Zhennan swayed: "How did he die?"

The waiter looked pale and said, "I don't know, but just like Mr. Shi, there are no wounds on his body."

Later, other workers brought Bai Er's body, and after an autopsy, they found that the heart had also split into eight valves.

Lin Pingzhi asked: "Dad, are you sure you are the Qingcheng sect?"

Lin Zhennan said with a solemn expression: "It's hard to say, but the cause of their death is undoubtedly the Heart-Destroying Palm of the Qingcheng Sect."

"That's unreasonable!" Mrs. Lin was furious and cursed: "Slutty dog ​​robbers can only sneakily attack people with hidden arrows.

If he is truly a hero, he should come to Fuwei Escort Agency openly and let us fight to the death with open swords and guns.

Who in the martial arts world thinks highly of you if you do such a sneaky thing like this? "

"Mom, the enemy is hidden and we are clear, don't be impulsive." Lin Pingzhi knew that he could break people's hearts with his inner strength, so martial arts must be no small feat. With his parents' martial arts skills, he was definitely no match for her.

"Headguard Zheng." Lin Pingzhi said solemnly: "Immediately notify everyone in the escort agency to bring their weapons and gather in the hall. Remember everyone, in case the enemy defeats them one by one."

"I'll go right away." Captain Zheng looked at the young escort in surprise and found that he seemed different from usual.

(End of this chapter)

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