Chapter 68 Counterattack
  into the night.

The lights in Fuwei Escort Agency were brightly lit, like daylight.

From the head escort Lin Zhennan's family to the chief cooks of the escort bureau, they were all crowded in the hall, feeling distracted and uneasy.

Lin Pingzhi sat cross-legged next to the door, concentrating on working on his internal energy.

Starting about three years ago, he found that his eyesight and ears became much sharper than usual when he was doing exercises.

On the ground to his right was a strong bow and eighteen silver-feathered arrows, and to his left was the sword that Lin Zhennan spent a lot of money to get for him from Longquan Sword Forging Valley.

A few years ago, Lin Zhennan accidentally heard that the owner of the Sword Casting Valley had obtained an extremely precious casting material that could be used to create magical weapons.

Seeing that Lin Pingzhi was obsessed with practicing swordsmanship, he personally went to the Sword Forging Valley.

After paying a price of [-] taels of silver, Lin Zhennan reluctantly purchased [-] taels of 'underground steel mother' from the owner of the valley, mixed it with high-quality materials and finally cast it into this sword, which he gave to Lin Pingzhi as a sixteenth birthday gift. .

Mrs. Lin was sitting on the main seat in the hall, looking at her son at the door, and asked doubtfully: "Brother, have you noticed that our son seems to be a little different today than usual?"

"Indeed." Lin Zhennan whispered: "Such a big thing happened suddenly. I thought he would be scared, but I didn't expect that our son would be calmer than me."

He chuckled: "With this calmness, I can finally leave the responsibility of the escort agency to him with confidence."

Mrs. Lin couldn't help but be happy, but her smile flashed away: "Let's wait until we pass this level first."

The night is getting darker.

  Two strange noises suddenly came from outside, which immediately startled everyone in the hall.

Captain Zheng was shocked: "Did it thunder?"

Lin Zhennan came to the door, looked at the bright moon in the sky and said, "Why is there thunder on a sunny day? The sound seems to be coming from the door. I'll go out and take a look."

"Don't go." Lin Pingzhi opened his eyes, stood up and said, "Someone cut down the flagpole outside. The enemy wants to lure us out to attack."

  The sound of breaking wind suddenly sounded, and a flash of silver light flashed in the darkness, shooting towards Zheng Zheng, who was heading straight for the door.

"Be careful." Lin Pingzhi pushed away Zheng's head at the critical moment. The concealed weapon continued to gain momentum and shot into the floor of the hall with a "ding" sound.

"Hey~" Two sly laughs came from the rooftop opposite.

Everyone was shocked again when they heard this, and they all moved to the corners of the hall and shivered.

Lin Pingzhi hooked his toes, raised the strong bow on the ground, and at the same time pulled out a silver-feathered arrow from the arrow pot.

Lin Zhennan said in surprise: "Ping'er, what are you going to do?"

"Counterattack! The other party is obviously trying to drive us all out. Now that the matter has come to this, we can only fight." Lin Pingzhiyin concentrated on his martial arts behind the door and listened in the direction of the laughter.

Then he bent his bow and nocked an arrow, and ducked back to the door.

  The string moved, the arrow came out, and then a scream was heard from the darkness.


A figure suddenly fell from the roof. Using the lights in the courtyard, I saw that the figure was a young man wearing a green robe, a white cloth on his head, bare legs and bare feet, and earless hemp shoes.

The silver-feathered arrow was inserted straight into his heart. After it fell, it rolled twice and made no sound.

"Junior brother!" "Brother Yu!"

Exclamations and angry shouts came from the roof one after another, and more than ten figures jumped into the courtyard to check the injury of the person who had been hit by the arrow.

Their clothes were the same as those on the ground.

"This is the legacy of Marquis Wu. Only Sichuan people can dress up like this." Lin Zhennan's eyes widened, still in disbelief: "They are really from the Qingcheng sect!"

"Renyan!" A blurry black shadow suddenly flashed into the courtyard, looking at the body of the man who had been hit by the arrow, his eyes were splitting.

"Master, junior brother is dead." There was an older disciple in the Qingcheng sect with a look of panic on his face.

"Is this Master Yu Guanzhu?" Looking at the old Taoist who was only five feet tall, Lin Zhennan felt a chill from the soles of his feet to the sky.

The dead man's surname was Yu, Yu Renyan. Could he be Yu Canghai's son?

Now I'm in big trouble!
  Yu Canghai suddenly turned around and gritted his teeth and said: "Lin Zhennan, you have raised a good son, you are really good!"

Yu Canghai never imagined that he just went out to chop down two flagpoles, and when he came back, his son would be gone.

Lin Zhennan calmed down and said in a deep voice: "The Fuwei Escort Agency and the Qingcheng Sect have always kept their peace, so Temple Master Yu led a group to attack tonight. What exactly is going on?"

"What else do you have to ask? Let's fight this thief." Mrs. Lin rushed out of the hall carrying the golden knife.

Yu Canghai said with a ferocious expression: "I will tell you when I kill your son."

"You will be punished for your own misfortune." Lin Pingzhi replaced his long bow with a sword and walked out of the hall proudly: "It's only his fault for his incompetence and your fault for teaching your son well. This is retribution!"

Yu Renyan's death was not because he was unlucky. Among the people on the roof, he had the weakest internal strength and the loudest breathing, yet he still tried to laugh, and in the end he failed to scare people and ended up killing himself.

Those eighteen silver-feathered arrows were one of Lin Yuantu's three unique skills that shocked the world. Lin Pingzhi has been practicing since he was a child, and now that he has achieved internal strength and improved his archery skills, there is no reason why he would not die if he was shot with an arrow.

"Little beast, I'll kill you." Yu Canghai became angry and suddenly rushed towards Lin Pingzhi.

"Don't hurt my son." With a flash of green light, Lin Zhennan drew his sword in his hand and came out hand in hand with Mrs. Lin's golden sword.

The two swords came out at the same time, attacking from the left and right, sharp and fast, and the momentum was very powerful.

But in the eyes of the martial arts master Yu Canghai, it was no different than a joke.

With a sonorous sound, the sword that was as tall as him was unsheathed, blocking and blocking with the left side. The "Crane Nine Heavens Divine Art" that had been practiced for many years was fully activated, and the swords were easily knocked out of the hands of the two men, followed by two consecutive strikes without any shadow. Leg kicks out.

  Lin Zhennan and Mrs. Lin were kicked to the ground almost at the same time, and immediately their acupuncture points were sealed by Yu Canghai, making them unable to move.

However, between these three moves and two moves, another great change occurred in the courtyard.

While Yu Canghai was dealing with Lin Zhennan and his wife, his heroes, the Four Shows of Qingcheng, led Fang Renzhi, Jia Renda and other juniors to surround Lin Pingzhi.

  Lin Pingzhi was worried about his parents' safety, so he drew his sword and struck preemptively.

In order to achieve a quick victory, he pushed his internal strength to its peak and no longer retained his body skills.

  The sword flashed, and 'Zhong Kui Jumu' stabbed Jia Renda's right eye into his head with lightning speed.

The speed of this sword was beyond Lin Pingzhi's own imagination.

There was no need to use light kung fu during normal practice, and he did not dare to use his inner energy to the fullest when sparring with his father. Only now did he understand how important things he had ignored in the past.

‘I understand, it turns out that the secret of my family’s swordsmanship lies in speed, that’s it! I see!
  Teacher, have you seen through it a long time ago? ’

With his mind spinning, Lin Ping's body skills were displayed again, as rustling as the wind, and he suddenly broke into the circle surrounded by more than ten people including Qingcheng Sixiu with a "Flying Swallow Through the Willow" style.


The cold light flashed, and more than a dozen people had their throats cut before they could react.

"Seeking death!" As soon as Yu Canghai restrained Lin Zhennan and his wife, he saw that all his proud disciples fell under Lin Ping's sword, and he was furious.

It took him most of his life to train these few promising disciples, but they were all gone in one fell swoop.

Yu Canghai was filled with hatred, and the long sword came out with anger, stabbing the opponent's throat with force.

Lin Pingzhi ducked around behind Yu Canghai and stabbed Yu Canghai in the back.

Yu Canghai staggered and turned around, leaning against his back to let the sword edge pass, then straightened the sword and stabbed his chest.

Lin Pingzhi swayed from his eyes to the right, raised the sword in his backhand, and intended to chop off his right arm, his speed was astonishingly fast.

  Yu Canghai turned around and swung his sword across. After successfully blocking, he immediately struck his lower abdomen.

The Qingcheng School's famous skill, Songfeng Sword Technique, is as fast as the wind and as strong as a pine tree. Its speed is also not weak, and its power is deep and fierce. It should not be underestimated.

Lin Pingzhi did not dare to force the attack, and immediately continued to change his position, using the seventy-two evil sword techniques to ward off Yu Canghai, flashing around Yu Canghai.

Not to be outdone, Yu Canghai also used Qinggong to chase and beat him.

Seeing how tyrannical Lin Pingzhi was at first sight, Yu Canghai was angry but couldn't help but secretly rejoiced in his heart. Instead, he secretly restrained his strength when he made a move, hoping to get a glimpse of the full scope of evil-fighting sword skills.

In an instant, swords flashed in the yard.

The two extremely fast figures kept colliding and intersecting, and the clanking of weapons became louder and faster. Neither of them could do anything to the other.

The first escort in the hall, Zheng Zheng, had low martial arts skills and could not see the clues. They thought that the two were really evenly matched, and they were all amazed.

The usually spoiled young escort leader actually has such amazing martial arts skills.

They took the opportunity to rescue Lin Zhennan and his wife in the yard, but their martial arts skills were low and they could not help them relieve their acupoints.

Lin Zhennan and Mrs. Lin leaned against the door of the hall, their eyes widening in disbelief.

Through the previous fight, they had discovered that Yu Canghai's martial arts skills were beyond their imagination.

But now his son can actually compete with Yu Canghai, a famous martial arts star who has been famous for many years.

"Madam, am I not dreaming? This, is this our son?"

"If this is really a dream, then I hope I never wake up."

 By the way, I almost forgot to mention it. It will be on the shelves tomorrow. Thank you all for your support.

  (End of this chapter)

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