Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 74 Join forces to defeat the enemy

Chapter 74 Join forces to defeat the enemy

Lin Pingzhi was shocked. The person's movement was so fast that he didn't notice it. He looked closely and found that the person next to him was actually Linghu Chong, the great disciple of the Huashan Sect.

I introduced him to Xiang Danian in the flower hall in the afternoon.

Lin Pingzhi asked in confusion: "Brother Linghu, why did you stop me?"

Linghu Chong said solemnly: "Young escort leader doesn't know something. There is poison hidden in this hunchback's back. You must not touch it."

Lin Pingzhi was shocked, and he immediately figured out the connection. The old hunchback was deliberately trying to trick him, and he shuddered immediately.

"Thank you, Brother Linghu." Lin Pingzhi was overjoyed. If Linghu Chong hadn't taken action in time, the consequences would have been disastrous.

"You're welcome." Linghu Dao said in a deep voice: "Young guard leader, let's work together to catch this traitor. My uncle said that this person has done many evil things and he is just doing justice for heaven."

Lin Pingzhi nodded, pointing his sword at Mu Gaofeng: "That's exactly what I meant."

"I won't play with you anymore." Mu Gaofeng cursed Linghu Chong in his heart. Although Lin Pingzhi was difficult to deal with, he was confident that he had a way to win, but he didn't expect that Cheng Yaojin would show up halfway.

He had also heard of the name Little Gentleman Sword. The Huashan Sword Technique and the Evil-Repelling Sword Technique really made him lose the courage to take the risk and stay.

Before he finished speaking, Mu Gaofeng had already swept several feet away, and his lightness skills were really good.

Unexpectedly, just when he thought he could escape, a sword light dazzled him. He had no time to be surprised. He hurriedly swept his camel sword to block it, and then he saw clearly that the person coming was Linghu Chong.

So fast!

Compared to Lin Pingzhi, this boy's lightness kung fu was even worse.

Mu Gaofeng's already ugly face became even more ugly in anger, and he cursed in his heart: 'What the hell, haven't you heard that the Huashan sect is also good at Qinggong? ’

"Where to run!" Lin Pingzhi came from behind and stabbed him directly in the back of the head with "Looking at the Moon on the Cliff Top".

Mu Gaofeng kicked off his right foot and suddenly flew out towards the wall, intending to escape over the wall.

Unexpectedly, although the two people opposite were young, their movements were faster than the other, and they didn't even give him a chance to jump.

The two of them fought side by side.

Linghu Chong used the newly learned technique of "One Qi Transforms Three Purities". His sword moves were divided into three parts where his wrist trembled. In an instant, he stabbed more than ten swords in a row, like a gust of wind and rain.

Not to be outdone, Lin Pingzhi pointed out the stars all over the sky with cold light flying out.

"Two little beasts, they bullied people too much!" Mu Gaofeng was blocked by the wall by the two men, unable to retreat. Feeling ashamed, angry and aggrieved, Mu Gaofeng once again moved the camel sword like flying.

But faced with the dazzling sword power of the two men, he had no power to fight back.

He barely managed to block more than ten moves, and then he was forced to scramble. He was overwhelmed with all the moves, and with two "chichi" sounds, the pipa bones on his left and right shoulders were already hit by swords.


Mu Gaofeng screamed fiercely, the pipa bone was broken, he was unable to use his strength, his martial arts was useless, and the camel sword was released immediately.

Linghu Chong and Lin Pingzhi continued their offensive, drawing out their swords one after another, and each used their 'Frost-breaking Ice Palm' and 'Heaven-shaking Palm' to strike Mu Gaofeng's chest with a bang.


Two tyrannical palm forces penetrated Mu Gaofeng's body. Mu Gaofeng's whole body was shaken immediately. His eyes widened, his internal organs were shattered, and blood surged from his mouth. After the two men withdrew their palms, his body slowly slid down against the wall.

Linghu Chong sincerely praised: "Young escort leader is good at swordsmanship!"

Lin Pingzhi breathed a sigh of relief: "The Little Gentleman's Sword is well-deserved!"

After the two of them finished speaking, they looked at each other and smiled. It could be said that they cherished each other and couldn't help themselves.

"Young escort, would you be interested in having a drink together?" Linghu Chong carried Mu Gaofeng's body to prevent others from knowing that there was a poison hidden in his hump and innocent people would be injured when handling it.

"Yes." Lin Pingzhi's eyes lit up and he said enthusiastically, "But I have never drank wine before, so I'm afraid it's too light and I won't be able to enjoy it to the fullest."

Linghu Chong said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, the ability to drink will come naturally after drinking a few more meals.

How can a man not drink? "

He has followed Yan Bugui since he was a child, and his martial arts and personality have changed. Only drinking seems to be something in my bones, and it is really hard to change my nature. Lin Pingzhi asked in confusion: "Speaking of which, how come Brother Linghu is here?"

"It's a coincidence." Linghu Chong said: "We live not far away. I went out to use the toilet and saw you climbing over the wall. I followed you out of curiosity."

"It turns out that Brother Linghu has been here all along." Lin Pingzhi was secretly surprised that he didn't notice it at all. Miss Qu is right, I still have too little experience in the world of martial arts.

Linghu Chong said: "The young escort's swordsmanship is extraordinary, and he is more than capable of taking care of this old hunchback. If it hadn't been for his sudden trick, there would actually be no need for me to do anything."

"Brother Linghu praised me," Lin Pingzhi said with a wry smile: "To be honest, I had already planned to escape, but I changed my mind after falling into his scheme."

Linghu Chong nodded: "The world is dangerous and difficult to guard against."

Lin Pingzhi cupped his hands and said, "Brother Linghu, please give me some advice."

Linghu Chong laughed and said, "Don't take it seriously. We can have a drink and chat when we get back later."

While chatting, the two of them had returned to Liu Mansion.

Saibei Mingtuomu Peak is also famous in the world of martial arts. Now he suddenly died under the sword of two young people, which immediately caused an uproar.

Then there was an endless stream of compliments to the two of them, both inside and outside the words were inseparable from the four words "young and promising".

The elders of the Wuyue Sword Sect came after hearing the news. After learning the whole story, they also praised the two of them.

Linghu Chong didn't want fame and fortune, so he put all the credit on Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi was very self-aware and did not dare to take credit. He was very humble in his words and had the air of a gentleman.

But no matter what, the two of them stole the show today in front of hundreds of fellow martial arts practitioners.

As night passed, Liu Mansion finally regained some peace.

Yan Bugui came to Yue Buqun's room.

"It's so late, what's the matter?"

"Yes, and it's a big deal."

Yue Buqun looked solemn: "Elaborate."

Yan Bugui said: "I went to see Jingjing in the afternoon, and she told me that a large number of masters from the Songshan sect secretly entered Hengshan City.

Ding Mian, Lu Bai, Fei Bin, Zhong Zhen, Teng Bagong, Gao Kexin, and a group of young disciples are now hiding in the city. "

Yue Buqun said in surprise: "Junior Brother Liu washes his hands in the golden basin. It is natural for Songshan to send people. However, six of Songshan's Thirteen Taibao came, and Zuo Lengchan really gave him face."

Yan Bugui sneered: "It's a pity that they are not here to cheer, but to ruin the show."

"How could it be?" Yue Buqun said in astonishment: "There are rumors in the world that Senior Brother Mo and Junior Brother Liu are not on good terms. Could it be that Senior Brother Mo wants to take the opportunity to make trouble.

It shouldn't be, Senior Brother Mo doesn't look like this kind of person. "

"Senior Brother Mo has nothing to do with it." Yan Bugui said, "The matter is far more serious than this. Jin Yiwei found out that Demon Sect Elder Qu Yang had been in and out of the Liu Mansion many times."

"What!" Yue Buqun's expression suddenly changed: "Is this serious? How dare Liu Zhengfeng collude with the Demon Cult?"

Yan Bugui said: "It may not be possible to collude with the Demon Cult, but he definitely knows Qu Yang.

It is said that Qu Yang is proficient in music and has superb piano skills, and Senior Brother Liu is also a person in this field. It is probably because of this that they got acquainted. "

Yue Buqun frowned: "You believe this, I believe it, but other Jianghu comrades will not believe it, let alone the Songshan sect.

Looking at the Songshan sect’s battle, tomorrow’s Golden Basin Washing Ceremony will probably be difficult. Brother Wei knows that you and Liu Zhengfeng have a close friendship, but what are your plans? "

"I'm worried that in order to stop Senior Brother Liu, the Songshan Sect will be detrimental to the Liu family.

But if they want to protect them, it involves the position of the Huashan faction. The matter is very important, so I came to discuss it with you. "

"If I don't agree, won't you just ignore it?"

(End of this chapter)

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