Chapter 75 Washing Your Hands
  "When I was a guest in the Liu Mansion, everyone in the Liu family treated me very well. They had a hard time asking me to just sit back and ignore them. I really couldn't do it.

However, if senior brother really disagrees, I will never force him.

It is destiny that the Liu family should suffer this calamity. At worst, I will kill all the people from the Songshan Sect and avenge them. "

"Junior brother, junior brother, you are the only one who dares to say this, but the matter has not reached that point yet, so there is no need to go into such a big fight."

"So, you agree?"

"The rules of the rivers and lakes are that no harm will come to the family. As long as we stick to this saying, it is reasonable to just barely, and it should not be a problem to save the Liu family.

But Liu Zhengfeng is in trouble. Although it is difficult to find a close friend, Qu Yang is a member of the demon sect after all. Since ancient times, there has been no coexistence between good and evil. No matter how they met, there is no room for change. "

"It's up to him to decide whether he lives or dies. If I can save his family, I will be worthy of our friendship."

"So good."

"Thank you, brother, for completeness."

"Why are you so polite to me, brother? You have never asked me for help since you were a child. It's rare for you to ask me for help today. How can you not agree to it, brother?"

Besides, you have done so much for Huashan, and now it is my turn as the leader to do something for you. "

The next day.

On the official day when the golden basin was about to wash its hands, the Liu Mansion was still full of guests.

At noon, there were more than a thousand guests in the mansion. Liu's disciples ordered the kitchen and servants to arrange about [-] tables inside and outside, all of which were packed.

Liu Zhengfeng's wealth is so rich that the entire Wuyue Sword Sect can only be compared to the Huashan Sect who has obtained the treasure of Liancheng Jue.

Some of the visiting guests were famous martial arts masters, and some were unscrupulous people. Taoist Tianmen, Master Dingyi and Yue Buqun were all deeply unhappy and stayed in the inner hall to hide in silence.

Yan Bugui looked at his senior brother with some surprise. He remembered that Yue Buqun used to have a lot of fun chatting with the messy people outside, but now he lived up to his name and seemed extremely unsociable.

  Suddenly the sound of a gun salute came from outside, followed by drum music.

Liu Zhengfeng, who was in the inner hall, hurried out immediately. Under the incomprehensible eyes of the martial arts heroes, he respectfully welcomed an official named Zhang and an imperial edict.

In front of everyone, Liu Zhengfeng knelt down happily to accept the order, was made a general, and kowtowed to express his gratitude.

After the imperial edict was read out, he gave Master Zhang a large sum of money in an almost flattering manner, which was a blatant bribery. After the greetings, he once again played music and fired firecrackers to send Master Zhang out of the Liu Mansion.

Everyone looked at each other, embarrassed.

There were more than a thousand people present, and for a while it was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Liu Zhengfeng seemed to be unaware. He respectfully invited everyone to sit down and ordered the servants in the mansion to serve the dishes and pour the wine.

It's noon.

There were loud gongs and drums outside the door, and firecrackers were blasting.

Mi Weiyi brought out a coffee table covered with brocade.

Xiang Danian held a golden basin with brilliant golden light and a diameter of one and a half feet in both hands. He placed it on the coffee table. The basin was already filled with clear water.

Liu Zhengfeng bowed to everyone, said something about retiring from the world, and then pulled out a long sword from Xiang Danian's hand.

"From now on, Mr. Liu washes his hands in the golden basin and concentrates on officialdom, but he is also determined not to pass on martial arts from his master in order to be promoted to a noble rank. As for the grievances and sect disputes in the world, Liu Zhengfeng will no longer interfere. If he violates his oath, there will be such a thing sword."

Liu Zhengfeng pulled the sword with both hands and broke the sword into two pieces with a "pop" sound.

He broke the long sword and swung the two pieces of the sword down smoothly. With two soft hisses, the broken swords were inserted into the green bricks.

Everyone saw that he was so casual that he broke the blade. It was obvious that he had profound internal skills, but such a master wanted to join the government to become the despised court eagle dog. The compliments that were already on his lips could not be uttered.

Liu Zhengfeng didn't care. He always smiled and rolled up his sleeves and reached for the golden basin.

"Stay!" Suddenly there was a loud shout outside the door. Liu Zhengfeng made a movement and was about to raise his hand, but Yan Bugui's voice rang in his ears.

"Don't stop, wash it quickly."

Liu Zhengfeng had no doubts about Yan Bugui, so he put his hand into the basin without much thought.

Washing hands in a golden basin is just a ritual, and the intention is not to wash hands, so touching the water is considered a success.

Four big men in yellow shirts approached the gate. After entering, they lined up on both sides and were greeted by six middle-aged men also wearing yellow shirts. They seemed to be six of the Thirteen Taibao of Songshan.

‘Tota Hand’ Ding Mian, ‘Crane Hand’ Lu Bai, ‘Da Songyang Hand’ Fei Bin, ‘Nine-curved Sword’ Zhong Zhen, ‘Magic Whip’ Teng Bagong, and ‘Golden-haired Lion’ Gao Kexin.

Yue Buqun's eyes narrowed slightly when he saw this, and he thought to himself: "The six great eunuchs of Songshan have all arrived. What my junior brother said last night is indeed true."

Ding Mian held a five-color flag inlaid with pearls and gems in his arms, which shone brightly and shimmered as he walked.

Almost everyone present recognized that this flag was the command flag of Zuo Lengchan, the leader of the Five Mountains Alliance. As soon as this thing came out, everyone in the Five Mountains Sword Sect obeyed his orders.

Liu Zhengfeng couldn't help but feel frightened when he saw the menace of their approach. He clasped his fists with the smile still on his face and said, "Friends from the Songshan Sect are here to welcome you. Liu Zhengfeng has missed us from afar, so I hope you will forgive me."

Looking at the water droplets on Liu Zhengfeng's hand, Ding Mian's fat face was gloomy and he said coldly: "Senior Brother Liu, didn't you hear me telling you to stop?"

"Liu has withdrawn from the world. I cannot bear the word "senior brother". Liu Zhengfeng took a towel from Mi Weiyi and wiped his hands: "Brother Ding came a step too late. I'm really sorry."

Ding Mian snorted coldly, raised the Five Mountains Order Flag high and said loudly: "By order of the leader of the Left Alliance of the Five Mountains Sword Sect, I ask Senior Brother Liu to postpone the matter of washing hands in the golden basin for the time being."

Liu Zhengfeng secretly thanked Yan Bugui for the reminder, and said with regret: "Liu has washed his hands, so he can only live up to the kindness of the leader of the Zuo Alliance."

Ding Mian said in a deep voice: "It's a very important matter, what happened just now doesn't count."

"Brother Ding, please be careful what you say." Liu Zhengfeng said solemnly: "A man's integrity is the most important thing. How can I be that villain who goes back on his word and breaks his word?"

"No!" Fei Bin stood up and said, "Senior Brother Liu is a righteous and iron-clad hero, and everyone in the world knows it.

There is a reason why we have given up on washing our hands in the golden basin today. If anyone in the Jianghu dares to criticize us, he is an enemy of the Songshan Sect and an enemy of our Five Mountains Sword Sect. "

"Brother Liu Xian, what Senior Brother Fei said is true." Yue Buqun stepped out from the crowd and advised: "You might as well think about it again. Everyone here is a hero who understands righteousness, and no one will laugh at you."

If Liu Zhengfeng can change his mind, then the Huashan Sect can save themselves a lot of trouble.

Liu Zhengfeng shook his head: "Liu accepted Brother-in-law's kindness, but Liu has made up his mind. Please forgive me for not obeying."

He turned to look at the people of the Songshan Sect: "Fourteen years ago, when the Five Mountains Sword Sect agreed to form an alliance, Hero Yan of the Huashan Sect once asked where the authority of the leader of the Five Mountains Sect lies.

The leader of the Zuo alliance said personally that the position of the alliance leader is to fight against the demonic sect, and he has no right to interfere in the affairs of other factions.

Washing hands in the golden basin today is Liu's private matter and has nothing to do with the Five Mountains Sword Sect.

Brother Ding and all friends from the Songshan sect, please tell the leader of the Left Alliance that Liu is no longer a member of the Jianghu and will not follow the flag order from now on. Please forgive me. "

Lu Bai stepped out and said with a smile: "Leader Zuo did say this, but Lu has a question here. Senior Brother Liu, do you dare to answer it truthfully?"

Liu Zhengfeng nodded and said, "Why don't you dare?"

Lu Bai asked: "There is a guardian elder named Qu Yang in the Demon Cult. Do you know him?"

Liu Zhengfeng was originally very calm, but when he heard him mention the word "Qu Yang", his expression suddenly changed and he remained silent.

The corner of the hall.

Lin Pingzhi was stunned when he heard the name Qu Yang.

‘It’s such a coincidence that the surname is Qu. Could it be that the grandfather Miss Qu mentioned was Qu Yang, and she was a member of the Demon Cult?
  But I have always heard that the people in the Demon Sect are vicious and do all kinds of evil. If they were the yesterdays of the Demon Sect, how could they save my life? ’

(End of this chapter)

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