Chapter 76
  "Say! Do you know Qu Yang?" Ding Mian suddenly spoke, his voice was like thunder, making everyone's ears buzz, which showed the depth of his inner strength.

Liu Zhengfeng still didn't answer, and thousands of pairs of eyes focused on his face.

All the heroes felt that the matter had come to an end, and it was the same whether Liu Zhengfeng answered or not. Since he did not speak, it was equivalent to acquiescing.

After a long time, Liu Zhengfeng nodded and said: "Yes! Not only do I recognize Brother Qu Yangqu, but he is also my only confidant and best friend in my life."

In an instant, the hall was full of noise, and all the heroes were discussing one after another.

Liu Zhengfeng's words were beyond everyone's expectation. Everyone thought that if he was not denying it, he would only admit that he had a relationship with Qu Yang. They never expected that he would say that the demon sect elder was his close friend.

"Very good!" Lu Bai said: "Senior Brother Liu is a man who dares to act boldly. Now that you admit it, do you think this is still a private matter? Can the Five Mountains Flag be taken care of?"

Liu Zhengfeng said: "Since Liu has withdrawn from the martial arts world, he is no longer a member of the martial arts world. It has nothing to do with who he associates with. Why should the leader of the Left Alliance be so aggressive?"

"Joke!" Ding Mian shouted: "If everyone is as indifferent to good and evil as you are, then how can there be any righteousness in this martial arts world?"

Fei Bin said righteously and sternly: "Leader Zuo is lenient. Although Senior Brother Liu made the mistake of becoming acquainted with bandits and went astray, he still remembers the friendship of fellow disciples of the Five Mountains and is willing to give you a chance to change your ways.

As long as you kill the devil Qu Yang within a month, he will forget about it and you will still be Liu Zhengfeng of Hengshan. Otherwise, hum…”

"Otherwise, what?" Liu Zhengfeng's face was solemn, and he already had a suspicion in his mind. He was only afraid of Wei's death now.

At this moment, a woman's voice suddenly came from the back hall.

"Hey, what do you do? Do you care who I like to hang out with?"

"Miss Qu?" Lin Pingzhi recognized Qu Feiyan's voice.

Someone seemed to be embarrassing her from behind. Dang Ji stood up and was about to help her, but then she thought that the other person was a member of the Demon Cult. He helped her for no reason yesterday. Was there any fraud?

Are these two grandsons, like Yu Canghai and Mu Gaofeng, trying to develop my family's evil-fighting swordsmanship?
  Thinking of this, Lin Pingzhi sat back again.

At this time, another man's voice came from the back hall.

"Sit quietly for me and don't move or talk. I will let you go after a while."

Qu Feiyan said dissatisfied: "This is not your home. I want to go to the back garden with my two sisters to catch butterflies. Why do you stop us?"

"You can leave if you want, but she can't! Under the orders of the leader of the Left Alliance, we must keep an eye on the Liu family's family members and not allow any of them to escape."

These few words were spoken with such arrogance that all the heroes in the hall changed their expressions after hearing it.

Liu Zhengfeng was furious: "Ding Laoer, what do you mean?"

"This is the other way around." Ding Mian said: "If you don't kill Qu Yang, then the Wuyue Sword Sect will have to clean up the door and eradicate the roots to avoid future troubles."

Lin Pingzhi was also indignant when he heard this.

Every injustice has its owner, every debt has its owner! If Liu Zhengfeng is at fault, just punish him. The Songshan sect actually wants to involve his family. What is the difference between this sect and those thieves like Yu Canghai?

Lin Pingzhi couldn't sit still anymore, got up and went to the back hall, where he saw a young man also wearing a yellow shirt, blocking the door and blocking the way of the three girls.

In addition to Qu Feiyan, there is Yue Lingshan, the daughter of the head of Huashan whom she met in the flower hall yesterday. The other one she has never met before must be the sister Liu mentioned by Qu Feiyan.

"Hey! You're a grown man bullying girls here. How can you be considered a decent person?"

The man turned around and cursed angrily: "Whose pants are not worn properly and you are exposed. If you are sensible, get out of here or you will be scratched on your pretty face."

"You... are simply unreasonable!" Lin Pingzhi's chest heaved with anger and his handsome face turned red. He was an extremely well-educated man. He wanted to scold him back when faced with such filthy words, but he didn't know how to retaliate.

"Lin Pingzhi, thank you very much. Let's go, sisters." Qu Feiyan looked at Lin Pingzhi who suddenly appeared in surprise, smiled at him, and then took Liu Jing and Yue Lingshan's hands and walked out of the door.

"Go back here." The man shouted angrily and stopped Liu Jing with his sword.

  There was a crisp sound, and the man was hit at the Shenmen point on his wrist. He was caught off guard, and he immediately let go of his long sword, shrinking back as if being pricked by a needle.

When he raised his eyes, he saw Lin Pingzhi standing in front of the three women. The man became angry and said, "You bastard, if you dare to interfere in the Songshan Sect's affairs, you are seeking death."

While speaking, he suddenly slapped Lin Pingzhi's chest with the 'Great Songyang Divine Palm'.

Lin Pingzhi's palms met, and there was a bang. The man's face changed in shock, and Teng Teng Teng took four or five steps back, then stumbled back two more times before he came to a halt.

The three women were all surprised when they saw this.

This was especially true for Yue Lingshan. Liu Jing and Qu Feiyan didn't know anyone from the Songshan sect, and they didn't know that the man in yellow shirt in front of them was Shi Dengda, the direct disciple of Zuo Lengchan, the leader of Songshan sect. Anyone who can earn a nickname in the martial arts world is good at martial arts, and Stenda is no exception, but he couldn't catch the slap on the head of Mr. Lin.

Yue Lingshan pressed the golden bell and red cord in her sleeve, and suddenly thought: 'No wonder the senior brother came back yesterday and praised him so much. He does have some real skills, but he is still far behind compared to the senior brother. ’

Stenda stood up in embarrassment and glared at Lin Pingzhi fiercely.

At this moment, Liu Zhengfeng shouted loudly in the front hall: "How many people have been sent by Songshan? Let's just come out together."


Around the patio at the entrance to the back hall, more than a dozen big men in yellow shirts appeared: "Disciples of the Songshan Sect, see Master Uncle Liu!"

After saying that, they all turned around and jumped off the patio, surrounding Lin Pingzhi and the three women.

Stenda ordered: "Except for Junior Sister Huashan Yue, capture them all for me."

Lin Pingzhi was undaunted and stepped forward, holding the hilt of the sword with his right hand and about to draw the sword, when Yue Lingshan suddenly took action first.

I saw her waving her hands left and right, and golden light suddenly flashed in the air.

The next moment, more than ten Songshan disciples, including Stenda, were all lying on the ground rolling back and forth, wailing.

"Wow!" Qu Feiyan clapped his hands and applauded: "Sister Yue is so powerful in hidden weapon kung fu, what's her name?"

Yue Lingshan smiled proudly and said, "This is called Yufeng Needle."

The Tomb of the Living Dead contains the skills and production methods of Yufeng Needle and Bingso Silver Needle.

The Bingso Silver Needle was too vicious and inconsistent with the upright style of Huashan's prestigious family, so Yan Bugui passed it on to her, the Yufeng Needle.

This needle is as thin as a hair, made of [-]% gold mixed with [-]% fine steel. Yan Bugui specially asked the master of the Sword Forging Valley to make it.

Stenda felt a sharp pain from the place where the needle was injected and quickly spread throughout his body. The pain was so painful that he almost wanted to die. He hurriedly begged Yue Lingshan: "Junior sister Yue, please give me the antidote for the sake of my fellow disciples in Wuyue."

"Don't worry, the needle my senior sister used is just ordinary wild bee venom, it won't kill anyone."

The sound came from the direction of the backyard. Stenda endured the severe pain and turned his head to look, and saw the seven major disciples of Huashan headed by Linghu Chong walking over with the family members of the Liu family.

He knew the speaker, Lu Dayou, the fifth disciple of Yue Buqun, the leader of Huashan Mountain.

Stenda's heart sank. The Liu family members were all under surveillance by Songshan disciples. Now that they appeared here, something might happen to those fellow disciples.

Stenda asked: "Junior Brother Linghu, can you tell me how the Songshan disciples in the backyard are doing?"

Linghu Chong said: "They are fine, they just had their acupoints tapped and they will relieve themselves when the time comes."

at the same time.

Ding Mian cast a cold look at Yue Buqun: "Senior Brother Yue, what do you mean? Do you want to protect Liu Zhengfeng?"

Yue Buqun raised his hand and said, "Senior Brother Ding is serious, Brother Liu Xian was at fault first, and Leader Zuo has absolutely no objection to how to deal with Yue.

It's just that the Liu family members are innocent. Yue asked the leader of the Zuo Alliance on their behalf to spare them. "

"Master Yue's words are right." "Since ancient times, the grievances and grievances in the world have never harmed our wives and children."

As soon as Yue Buqun's words came out, Luohua Liushui and others among the heroes all echoed his words.

Ding Mian sneered: "That's not difficult, it just depends on how Senior Brother Liu chooses."

"Brother Yue." Liu Zhengfeng faced Yue Buqun and knelt down on one knee: "This is a great kindness and kindness that Liu Zhengfeng will never forget."

Yue Buqun glanced at Yan Bugui beside him and said earnestly: "In that case, don't make the same mistake again and again."

Liu Zhengfeng realized instantly that the person who really wanted to help him was Yan Bugui, and he was even more moved.

He gritted his teeth, stood up and said to Ding Mian: "The most important thing in making friends is to show sincerity, Liu must not be that treacherous person.

After today, Liu is willing to fly far away with his whole family and live in seclusion overseas. From now on, he will never see his elder brother Qu Yang again, and will never step foot in China again. If you violate this oath, I, Liu Zhengfeng, will be struck by lightning and die badly. "

(End of this chapter)

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