Chapter 84

The sun is near zenith.

The sound of horse hooves as dense as raindrops echoed in the mountains, and dozens of underworld masters galloped towards Huashan on horseback.

When passing through a peach forest, the mountain road narrowed and everyone slowed down their horses.

"You don't have to argue. The most handsome person must be me."


"Because I'm the boss."

Suddenly, a shout came from a distance. Everyone looked along the sound and saw six people arguing about something around a peach tree.

"You are the boss, which only means you are old. Mother said I am the most handsome."

"You fart, my mother can't even remember whether you are the third child or the fourth child, how do you know she is talking about you."

"Eldest brother, second brother, third brother, fourth brother and sixth brother, please stop arguing. The most handsome person must be me."


"Because my name is Peach Blossom Fairy. The flowers are so beautiful. My parents must have given me this name because they thought I was the prettiest."

"Then I'm still called Tao Shixian. Don't the peaches look good when they are ripe?"

"When peaches are ripe, they are delicious but not necessarily beautiful. Have you ever seen someone praising the beauty of flowers? Have you ever seen anyone praising the beauty of tree roots, trunks, branches, and leaves?"

The sound of horse hooves gradually approached, and the six people blocked part of the road but refused to get out of the way. They were quarreling among themselves and did not even look back at the others.

"The one who fucked his grandma, I thought it was some earth-shattering big shot, but it turned out to be six old men! It's true that a horse doesn't know how handsome he is, and a monkey doesn't know how red his butt is."

Everyone saw six ugly old men on the roadside, with bumpy and wrinkled faces.

"Bah! Bad luck!" A man with a single sword in Ma'anshan was blocked from his way, and he yelled impatiently: "You six ugly monsters, get out of here, or else I'll scrape you for fat."

"Brother, he said we are ugly."

"Then he must be very good-looking."

"Catch it and take a look and you will know."

"Let's go."

As they spoke, the four men suddenly rushed out of the place and rushed towards the man wielding a single sword with unparalleled speed. Before he could react, he had been captured from the horseback by the four men.

Tao Genxian and Tao Qianxian grasped their arms respectively, while Tao Zhixian and Tao Yexian each grabbed one of his feet and lifted him face down in the air.

The man wanted to break free, but his limbs felt like they were trapped by four iron hoops, and he couldn't even struggle.

"Wow~" Tao Ganxian grinned with disgust and shouted, "This man is so ugly!"

"It's so shameless to have the nerve to talk about us when you look like this." Tao Genxian finished speaking and used force at the same time as the other three.

"Ah——" The single-sword man felt his body being pulled by four huge forces, and the bones all over his body creaked, and he couldn't help but scream miserably.

"Stop!" The gray-bearded old man was about to come to the rescue when he suddenly heard four people shouting loudly. He pulled the man around and tore the man into four pieces alive.


The internal organs mixed with blood were scattered on the floor, and the red and green colors pierced the eyes. Even though these people have long been used to the days of licking blood with the blade of a knife and killing people like numbness, they still couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, and suddenly felt that their hair stood on end, and they shuddered.

Tao Genxian threw away the broken arm in his hand, looked at the gray-bearded old man and asked: "Hey, old guy, do you also want to compete with us?"

A good man doesn't want to suffer the loss in front of him, so the old man raised his hand and said: "Are you the Six Immortals of Peach Valley? I have admired your name for a long time, but you have never seen Jingjing. I'm glad to meet you! I'm glad to meet you!"

"You have some sharp eyesight," Taozhixian said proudly. Then he looked at everyone and asked, "Let me ask you, what are you people doing together?"

"This..." The old man hesitated. These six gangsters were notorious for their brain problems. If they knew the purpose of this trip, something might happen if they got involved.

"We are looking for the most handsome man in the world." A strong man in the cavalry team, with gleaming eyes and bright eyes, rode out on horseback. The corner of his mouth was slightly raised, and he looked at the Six Immortals of Peach Valley sincerely.

"You're talking nonsense." Tao Shixian patted his chest and said, "The most handsome man in the world is clearly our Six Immortals of Tao Valley. You have found the wrong person."

"That's right, you can't be wrong." The strong man said: "The man's name is Yan Bugui. Although the six of them have extraordinary looks and are the best in the world, they are still worse than him.

He is on the Jade Girl Peak of Huashan Mountain, but I advise the six of you not to go there, lest you feel ashamed after seeing him. "

"I really don't believe it. Brothers, let's go up to Jade Girl Peak and have a look." Tao Genxian waved his hand, and the other five people responded one after another. They used Qinggong to fly out with shouts, and in the blink of an eye they flew out. No trace.

Everyone looked at each other and felt that although these six people had bad minds, their martial arts and lightness skills were truly rare in the world.

The old man laughed loudly: "Brother Ji, this hand is so wonderful!" The opponent's name is Ji Wushi. He claims to have no plan but is actually full of tricks. He is a very powerful figure in the underworld. "It's just a small skill, not worth mentioning." Ji Wushi said: "With these six bastards' ability to tear a living person apart, no matter how high Yan Bugui's martial arts is, he will definitely suffer a loss."

The old man said: "Then we might as well slow down and let the six monsters go and help us take the lead. There will be a snipe and clam fight for the fishermen's profit."


There is nothing to be ashamed of.

Yan Bugui told Yue Buqun the news sent by Cheng Jingjing.

"Zhongtiao Mountain is not far from here. I have told Chong'er and the others to be on strict guard."

Yue Buqun frowned and said, "I have traveled around the world for many years as my brother, but I have never heard of any powerful person living in seclusion in Zhongtiao Mountain. It seems to be Zuo Lengchan's conspiracy again.

Although Liu Zhengfeng did not die, Jinpen washed his hands and withdrew from the arena, which ultimately greatly reduced the strength of Nanyue Hengshan. Now it is our turn for Huashan. "

"It's just the right time." Yan Bugui was not worried but happy: "It's time for the world to see how powerful our Huashan is.

That day in the Liu Mansion, due to the reputation of the Five Mountains Alliance, they could not be cruel to the people of the Songshan Sect. This time, I will use the heads of those monsters and monsters to tell everyone who is the best among the five mountains. "

"Let's go and inform your senior sister to prepare to meet the enemy!" Yue Buqun stood up, took the Junzi Sword from the wall and pulled out half of the sword.

Under the cold light, his eyes suddenly became a little sharper, and then he sheathed his sword and walked out of the study with his head held high.

"It should have been like this a long time ago!" After Ning Zhongze learned the news, he also took out the Lady Sword that had not been used for a long time.

Since the two got married, Yue Buqun could often travel around the world to punish rape and eliminate evil, but she had almost never been to Jade Girl Peak.

"Father, mother, master, the enemy is coming." Yue Lingshan rushed over.

Yue Buqun looked serious: "How much?"

Yue Lingshan said with a strange expression: "There are only six of them. They say they are looking for the most handsome man in the world."

The three of them were taken aback.

Yue Buqun asked in astonishment: "Do we have such a person in Huashan?"

"Yes." Yue Lingshan couldn't help laughing: "They called Master's name."

Yue Buqun and Ning Zhong looked at each other and felt that this seemed quite reasonable.

"I have always been a powerful person, why did I suddenly become an idol?" Yan Bugui touched his face in confusion, and then came outside the Zhengqi Hall with curiosity.

He saw six grotesque old men surrounding Lin Pingzhi, looking at him carefully from head to toe.

Tao Genxian crossed his arms, shook his head and curled his lips: "You don't look very good, you pretty boy. Your master must be ugly too."

Lin Pingzhi was furious: "You are the ugly one! With your old faces torn off, you are not even worthy of shining my master's shoes."

Yan Bugui twitched the corner of his mouth and thought: "It turns out it's these six living treasures, so that makes sense."

"Oh~ You are such an arrogant boy. You still want to tear us apart, so let's tear you apart first." Tao Genxian puffed his beard and glared. Suddenly, Tao Ganxian and Tao Ganxian flew out and grabbed Lin Pingzhi's arms.

Taozhixian and Taoyexian rolled out on the spot at the same time, attacking Lin Pingzhi's legs and ankles separately.

Brothers are of the same mind, and there is no need to say much about their tacit understanding. Their skills have been tempered for many times, and there is no unnecessary movement at all.

They are not young, and they have torn apart many people so far, but this set of moves that they are extremely skilled at failed to happen at this moment.


Just when the four of them were about to grab Lin Pingzhi's limbs, he suddenly disappeared from the spot, causing the four of them to catch him off guard.

Lin Pingzhi ducked behind them, quickly moved his legs, and kicked each of their butts.

Four bangs sounded in succession, and the four people fell into a ball like a stack of Arhats.

"Good kick!" Linghu Chong praised loudly: "I didn't expect that Junior Brother Lin's leopard tail kick would help him get started so quickly."

The other Huashan disciples also nodded and cheered.

Tao Shixian said in surprise: "Fifth brother, this kid is so fast! Faster than us."

"Impossible." Peach Blossom Fairy patted his head and said, "We are much faster than him."

(End of this chapter)

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