Chapter 85 Kill

While the two were talking, they took the opportunity to sneak attack Lin Pingzhi from behind.

With a clang, Lin Pingzhi's sword was unsheathed, and he 'swept away the demons' with a flash of lightning-like blue light that slashed across the throats of the two of them.

The two of them were stunned. They didn't expect that the opponent's movement skills were faster and his sword skills were even faster. The sharp sword light made the two of them dare not fight hard with bare hands. In shock, they suddenly squatted down with their heads in their hands and rolled over from both sides of Lin Pingzhi.

The six people gathered together and saw that he had the sword in his hand, and they all pulled out a two-foot-long iron rod from their waists.

Lin Pingzhi did not retreat but advanced, and took action with "Meteor Chasing the Moon", turning into an afterimage and approaching Tao Genxian, and stabbed him in the throat with his sword.


Tao Genxian couldn't dodge, so he swung his iron rod horizontally to block, and grabbed the vital point of the opponent's chest "Tanzhong Point" with his left hand.

But not even halfway through his move, Lin Pingzhi used the power of his iron rod to duck in front of Tao Shixian. This person seems to be the youngest, and of course has the least skill.


Lin Pingzhi's sword shook his hands and used the "Flying Snow to the Sky" move. The trembling sword tip formed heavy sword shadows and enveloped many important points on his chest.

He came quickly and fiercely, and his sword was powerful. Tao Shixian was timid by nature, and was immediately frightened into chaos. The iron rod blocked him left and right, and he was overwhelmed by the iron rod. With only three sword strikes, the iron rod flew away, exposing the middle door of his chest.

Lin Pingzhi followed closely with his left hand. He had just started to use the soft net posture, and before he could complete his palm technique, he turned his palm into his fingers and used his full strength to hit the 'Yutang point' on the opponent's chest.

Tao Shixian said "Ah" and froze on the spot like a statue, with only his eyes rolling around.

Yan Bugui nodded with satisfaction at the side. Lin Pingzhi's movement skills had improved again, and his speed was already 60% of Dongfang Sheng's.

"Sixth brother!"

The other five were shocked and immediately surrounded Lin Pingzhi with iron bars.

The Six Immortals of Peach Valley spoke confusingly, but their actions were unambiguous and extremely crisp.

The five people's lightness skills were also extraordinary. They surrounded Lin Pingzhi in the center of the battle circle, and the iron rods flew towards his vital points, blocking all his escape routes.

Although Lin Pingzhi was able to withstand them all with his body skills and quick sword, he was still unable to break through. Moreover, the opponent had deep internal strength, especially the two oldest ones. Every time they fought, their long swords were deflected.

"Junior brother Lin, let me help you." Linghu Chong saw that he was more defensive than offensive, and immediately drew his sword and was about to draw out.

Just when he had already stepped out with one foot, someone took action first.

In the blink of an eye, Yan Bugui dodged into the battle circle, strolled through the attack of six people with superb body skills, and snatched Tao Genxian's iron rod through the gap between the sword and stick like a butterfly through flowers.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Following five muffled sounds, everyone in the Huashan Sect saw that the Five Immortals of Peach Valley had their acupoints sealed like Tao Shixian, and surrounded the master and disciple motionlessly in strange postures.

Since he obtained the Nine Yin Manual and the Jade Girl Heart Sutra, Yan Bugui's Qinggong and body skills are no longer inferior to Dongfang Sheng's back then.

Yan Bugui threw the iron rod in his hand and glanced at the six people: "Tell me, who asked you to come to me?"

"Are you Yan Bugui?" Tao Genxian rolled his eyes up and down, trying his best to see him clearly: "You're just like this, far behind us, the Six Immortals of Tao Valley."

If it were anyone else, Yan Bugui would have to have a few words with the other party, but these six people should just forget it. What if they got off track.

Taozhixian was unconvinced and said: "My sneak attack does not count this time. If you have the ability, you can unlock our acupuncture points. If we win, we will tell you."

"You won't tell me, right?" Yan Bugui raised his hand and poked their "Tiantu Point" and "Wuxu Point" respectively.

This is the unique acupuncture technique of the Ancient Tomb Sect. The patient will feel itchy and itchy all over the body, as if there are thousands of small insects crawling on the body, but it is not fatal.

"Ouch~" "It itches me to death!" "It's killing me~"

"I said, I said." Lao Liutao Shixian was weak in skills and couldn't bear it at first: "You are a guy with bright eyes. He said you are the most handsome man in the world. Let us come and see if we don't believe it. "

Yan Bugui immediately unblocked the two acupuncture points where they were tortured: "How many are there in total?"

"More than thirty." "No, it's obviously more than twenty." "Are you blind? I've counted, it's clearly more than forty."

The Six Immortals of Peach Valley argued with each other. Yan Bugui felt dizzy when he heard this, and immediately sealed their dumb points.

"Chong'er, carry them to the corner and invite them to watch the show later." Yan Bugui has also seen large battles, and there is not much difference between thirty and fifty people in his eyes.

After half an hour.

Yan Bugui and Yue Buqun were drinking tea in the Zhengqi Hall.

The disciples of the mountain sect hurriedly came to report: "Master and uncle, as expected, more than fifty people came up the mountain."

Yue Buqun nodded and ordered: "Inform all disciples to withdraw to the Zhengqi Hall to avoid casualties."

"We're here." Yan Bugui stood up, picked up the Hidden Blade Box, and walked out of the Zhengqi Hall side by side with Yue Buqun and his wife.

Linghu Chong and other nine major disciples were behind, and everyone's faces were filled with excitement and eagerness to try.

It took ten years to sharpen a sword, and I will show it to you today.

It was finally time for them to test their academic achievements.

After a while.

Dozens of underworld masters, headed by the gray-bearded old man, entered the martial arts arena aggressively.

Seeing the Six Immortals of Peach Valley piled in the corner, they couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Why couldn't Yan Bugui be torn apart, even if it were another Huashan disciple? Now that the ground is clean, it is obvious that these six monsters have missed.

Seeing that the Huashan faction was waiting in full formation, the gray-bearded old man looked up to the sky and shouted, "Master Yue, Master Yan, I heard that the Lin family..."


Yue Buqun shouted loudly, unsheathed the Junzi Sword and rushed towards the gray-bearded old man.

Immediately, a series of harsh clanking sounds arose, and Ning Zhong and his disciples drew their swords and followed closely behind.

The gray-bearded old man was extremely shocked. Everyone behind him was also shocked by Yue Buqun's determination.

Are the Huashan people crazy? ?

Before he could think too much, Yue Buqun and others were already coming to kill him.

The Gentleman's Sword fell on his head, and the old man parried with a steel whip in his hand. With a "crack" sound, the steel whip was cut off by the sword. In shock, Yue Buqun hit his chest with a heavy palm and hit him with a bang.

"Pfft..." The old man spurted blood from his mouth and died on the spot.

Yan Bugui opened the hidden box, slowly pulled out the Houde Sword, and searched for the person Tao Shixian said among the incoming enemies - "Nothing can be done." Ji Wushi.

Although it has been more than twenty years since he time traveled, he still clearly remembers this unique name.

"It's you." Yan Bugui's eyes were fixed on a strong man, and Yan Bugui walked over slowly.

When the enemies saw this, they were frightened, and Yan Bugui's every step seemed to be stepping on their hearts.

The mental construction I made before going up the mountain collapsed at this moment!

They came here for the evil sword manual. Everyone was a master who had been in the world for decades. They felt that even if they couldn't defeat Yan Bugui with the combined strength of everyone, they would at least be able to fight.

But now, they feel that they seem to have thought of things too simply.

Ji Wushi suddenly felt a chill rising from the bottom of his heart, and he met Yan Bugui's eyes in confusion.

In an instant, Ji Wushi's whole body was shaken violently, as if he had been struck by lightning.

‘It’s over! The Six Immortals of Peach Valley must have exposed their secrets. ’

As soon as this thought arose, a golden sword light quickly magnified in front of his eyes.


Ji Wushi's eyes suddenly turned upside down, and then he saw a headless corpse slowly falling down.

‘Hey~ Why do the clothes of this corpse look so familiar? It seems to be mine. ’

With a "boom", Ji Wushi's head fell to the ground.

Yan Bugui didn't look at it, and the Houde Sword came out casually. Every time the sword fell, someone fell to the ground.

Linghu Chong and others were like tigers among sheep.

Not far from Yan Bugui, Liang Fa was fighting an enemy who wielded a ghost head sword.

Liang Fa's Hunyuan Gong was nearly complete. Inspired by the Houde Sword, his sword was different from the regular swords of the Huashan Sect, being wider and heavier.

The force on the sword was thick and concentrated, forcing the opponent to retreat steadily.

After ten moves, there was a "click" and the opponent was cut into two pieces with his knife and his body at the same time.

"Well done, Ah Fa." Yan Bugui said to himself as he passed by. What a coincidence. In the original work, Liang Fa was beheaded by a ghost-headed sword.

The time for making tea is over.

The martial arts arena was littered with corpses and rivers of blood.

With Yan Bugui standing by to support them, the people of the Huashan faction were unharmed.

Yue Buqun and his wife looked calm.

The breathing of the disciples was a little heavy, and Liang Fa and others each had something in their bodies that was not there before - murderous aura.

After this battle, they were like swords, sharpened to the sky.

"Chong'er, take the junior brothers to clean up the body." Yue Buqun breathed a long sigh of relief, feeling extremely happy in his heart.

"Don't worry." Yan Bugui said: "The letter said that there are black and white masters coming. These are just the black ones, the white ones haven't come yet."

Linghu Chong paused: "What about these corpses?"

Yan Bugui raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Do you still remember how I dealt with the bandits and Japanese pirates, uncle?"

"Got it!" Linghu Chong snapped his fingers and understood instantly.


With the cooperation of him and a group of junior brothers, the corpses of dozens of people were moved to the gate and piled up into a hill, preparing to give a warning to those who came later.

(End of this chapter)

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